name: yi version: 0.3 category: Editor synopsis: The Haskell-Scriptable Editor description: Yi is a text editor written and extensible in Haskell. The goal of Yi is to provide a flexible, powerful, and correct editor core which is dynamically scriptable in Haskell. license: GPL license-file: LICENSE author: AUTHORS maintainer: homepage: cabal-Version: >= 1.2 tested-with: GHC==6.8.2 build-type: Custom data-files: examples/YiConfig.hs art/yi+lambda-fat.pdf -- FIXME: Install Cocoa icon only when Cocoa configured flag dynamic Description: enable Yi dynamic features Default: True -- disabling this is experimental and for testing purposes only -- DO NOT write code that depends on this flag vty Description: Provide Vty UI flag gtk Description: Provide GTK UI -- Cocoa UI is experimental (and at the moment probably even broken) -- It seems that it suffers from bugs in HOC flag cocoa Description: Provide experimental Cocoa UI Default: False -- library -- exposed-modules: -- Yi.Accessor, Yi.Buffer, Yi.Buffer.HighLevel, Yi.Buffer.Implementation, -- Yi.Buffer.Normal, Yi.Buffer.Region, Yi.Char, Yi.Completion, Yi.Core, -- Yi.Debug, Yi.Dired, Yi.Dynamic, Yi.Editor, Yi.Eval, Yi.Event, Yi.FingerString, Yi.History, -- Yi.Indent, Yi.Interact, Yi.Kernel, Yi.Keymap, Yi.Keymap.Completion, Yi.Keymap.Emacs, -- Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Keys, Yi.Keymap.Emacs.KillRing, Yi.Keymap.Emacs.UnivArgument, -- Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Utils, Yi.Keymap.Normal, Yi.Keymap.Vim, Yi.Main, Yi.MkTemp, Yi.Monad, Yi.Process, -- Yi.Search, Yi.String, Yi.Style, Yi.Syntax, Yi.Syntax.Table, Yi.Templates, Yi.TextCompletion, -- Yi.UI.Common, Yi.UI.Gtk, Yi.UI.Vty, Yi.Undo, Yi.Vty, Yi.Window, Yi.WindowSet, Yi.Yi, Yi.Syntax.Cplusplus, -- Yi.Syntax.Haskell, Yi.Syntax.Latex, Yi.Syntax.Srmc, Yi.Syntax.Cabal -- -- Broken: -- -- Yi.Keymap.Ee, -- -- Yi.Keymap.Gwern, -- -- Yi.Keymap.Joe, -- -- Yi.Keymap.Mg, -- -- Yi.Keymap.Nano, -- -- Yi.Keymap.Vi, -- -- Broken? -- -- Yi.UI.Cocoa -- -- We can specify the two UIs (VTY and GTK) - which forces them to be built - -- -- because they are set to build by default (True) anyway. -- -- include-dirs: Yi/Syntax -- -- for alex.hsinc -- -- -- extensions: CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, -- ForeignFunctionInterface, FunctionalDependencies, GADTs, -- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MagicHash, MultiParamTypeClasses, -- ParallelListComp, PatternGuards, PatternSignatures, Rank2Types, -- ScopedTypeVariables TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances executable yi build-depends: array, base, containers, directory, filepath>=1.0, mtl, process, old-locale, old-time, unix, random -- unix dependency should be eventually removed build-tools: alex >= 2.0.1 && < 3 -- haddock >= 2.0, -- it seems harsh to require haddock 2.0 to even configure Yi; -- and there is a message about haddock 2 in Setup.hs build-depends: bytestring == -- >= 0.9 && < build-depends: fingertree build-depends: regex-base == build-depends: regex-compat == build-depends: regex-posix == ghc-options: -Wall -optl-Wl,-s -- ghc-options later on get appended to the original if flag (dynamic) build-depends: ghc>=6.8.2 ghc-options: -DDYNAMIC if flag (vty) build-depends: vty>=3.0.0 ghc-options: -DFRONTEND_VTY if flag (gtk) build-depends: gtk>=0.9.12 ghc-options: -DFRONTEND_GTK if flag (cocoa) build-depends: HOC, HOC-AppKit, HOC-Foundation ghc-options: -DFRONTEND_COCOA if !(flag(vty) || flag (gtk) || flag(cocoa)) buildable: False main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Yi.Syntax.Cplusplus, Yi.Syntax.Haskell, Yi.Syntax.LiterateHaskell, Yi.Syntax.Latex, Yi.Syntax.Srmc, Yi.Syntax.Cabal include-dirs: Yi/Syntax extensions: CPP