-- Copyright (c) JP Bernardy 2008 module Yi.Syntax.Paren where import Yi.IncrementalParse import Yi.Lexer.Alex import Yi.Lexer.Haskell import Yi.Style (hintStyle, errorStyle, Style) import Yi.Syntax.Layout import Yi.Syntax import Yi.Prelude import Prelude () import Data.Monoid import Data.Maybe import Data.List (filter, takeWhile) indentScanner :: Scanner (AlexState lexState) (Tok Token) -> Scanner (Yi.Syntax.Layout.State Token lexState) (Tok Token) indentScanner = layoutHandler startsLayout [(Special '(', Special ')'), (Special '[', Special ']'), (Special '{', Special '}')] ignoredToken (fmap Special ['<', '>', '.']) -- HACK: We insert the Special '<', '>', '.', that don't occur in normal haskell parsing. ignoredToken :: Tok Token -> Bool ignoredToken (Tok t _ (Posn _ _ col)) = col == 0 && isComment t isSpecial :: [Char] -> Token -> Bool isSpecial cs (Special c) = c `elem` cs isSpecial _ _ = False isErrorTok :: Token -> Bool isErrorTok = isSpecial "!" isNoise :: Token -> Bool isNoise (Special c) = c `elem` ";,`" isNoise _ = True type Expr t = [Tree t] data Tree t = Group t (Expr t) t -- A parenthesized expression (maybe with [ ] ...) | Stmt [Expr t] -- A list of things (as in do; etc.) | Atom t | Error t deriving Show instance Functor Tree where fmap = fmapDefault -- | Return the 1st token of a subtree. getFirstToken :: Tree t -> Maybe t getFirstToken tree = getFirst $ foldMap (\x -> First (Just x)) tree -- | Return the last token of a subtree. getLastToken :: Tree t -> Maybe t getLastToken tree = getLast $ foldMap (\x -> Last (Just x)) tree getLastOffset :: Tree TT -> Point getLastOffset = maybe 0 tokenLastOffset . getLastToken tokenLastOffset :: TT -> Point tokenLastOffset tok = posnOfs (tokPosn tok) +~ tokLen tok -- | Return all subtrees in a tree, in preorder. getAllSubTrees :: Tree t -> [Tree t] getAllSubTrees t = t : concatMap getAllSubTrees (subtrees t) -- | Direct subtrees of a tree subtrees :: Tree t -> [Tree t] subtrees (Group _ g _) = g subtrees (Stmt s) = concat s subtrees _ = [] -- | Return all subtrees in a tree; each element of the return list -- contains paths to nodes. (Root is at the start of each path) getAllPaths :: Tree t -> [[Tree t]] getAllPaths t = fmap (++[t]) ([] : concatMap getAllPaths (subtrees t)) type TT = Tok Token -- | Search the given list, and return the last tree before the given -- point; with path to the root. (Root is at the start of the path) getLastPath :: [Tree (Tok t)] -> Point -> Maybe [Tree (Tok t)] getLastPath roots offset = case takeWhile ((< offset) . posnOfs . snd) allSubPathPosn of [] -> Nothing list -> Just $ fst $ last list where allSubPathPosn = [(p,posn) | root <- roots, p@(t':_) <- getAllPaths root, let Just tok = getFirstToken t', let posn = tokPosn tok] -- | Search the given list, and return the 1st tree after the given -- point on the given line. This is the tree that will be moved if -- something is inserted at the point. Precondition: point is in the -- given line. -- TODO: this should be optimized by just giving the point of the end -- of the line getIndentingSubtree :: [Tree TT] -> Point -> Int -> Maybe (Tree TT) getIndentingSubtree roots offset line = listToMaybe $ [t | (t,posn) <- takeWhile ((<= line) . posnLine . snd) $ allSubTreesPosn, -- it's very important that we do a linear search -- here (takeWhile), so that the tree is evaluated -- lazily and therefore parsing it can be lazy. posnOfs posn > offset, posnLine posn == line] where allSubTreesPosn = [(t',posn) | root <- roots, t'@(Stmt ((t:_):_)) <- getAllSubTrees root, let Just tok = getFirstToken t, let posn = tokPosn tok] -- | given a tree, return (first offset, number of lines). getSubtreeSpan :: Tree TT -> (Point, Int) getSubtreeSpan tree = (posnOfs $ first, lastLine - firstLine) where bounds@[first, _last] = fmap (tokPosn . assertJust) [getFirstToken tree, getLastToken tree] [firstLine, lastLine] = fmap posnLine bounds assertJust (Just x) = x assertJust _ = error "assertJust: Just expected" instance Foldable Tree where foldMap = foldMapDefault instance Traversable Tree where traverse f (Atom t) = Atom <$> f t traverse f (Error t) = Error <$> f t traverse f (Group l g r) = Group <$> f l <*> traverse (traverse f) g <*> f r traverse f (Stmt s) = Stmt <$> traverse (traverse (traverse f)) s -- dropWhile' f = foldMap (\x -> if f x then mempty else Endo (x :)) -- -- isBefore l (Atom t) = isBefore' l t -- isBefore l (Error t) = isBefore l t -- isBefore l (Group l g r) = isBefore l r -- isBefore l (Stmt s) = False -- -- isBefore' l (Tok {tokPosn = Posn {posnLn = l'}}) = parse :: P (Tok Token) (Expr (Tok Token)) parse = parse' tokT tokFromT parse' :: (Tok Token -> Token) -> (Token -> Tok Token) -> P TT (Expr TT) parse' toTok fromT = pExpr <* eof where sym c = symbol (isSpecial [c] . toTok) newT c = fromT (Special c) pleaseSym c = (recoverWith (pure $ newT '!')) <|> sym c pExpr :: P TT (Expr TT) pExpr = many pTree pStmts = filter (not . null) <$> pExpr `sepBy` sym '.' -- see HACK above -- also, we discard the empty statements pTree :: P (Tok Token) (Tree (Tok Token)) pTree = (Group <$> sym '(' <*> pExpr <*> pleaseSym ')') <|> (Group <$> sym '[' <*> pExpr <*> pleaseSym ']') <|> (Group <$> sym '{' <*> pExpr <*> pleaseSym '}') <|> (Stmt <$> (sym '<' *> pStmts <* sym '>')) -- see HACK above <|> (Atom <$> symbol (isNoise . toTok)) <|> (Error <$> recoverWith (symbol (isSpecial "})]" . toTok))) -- note that, by construction, '<' and '>' will always be matched, so -- we don't try to recover errors with them. -- TODO: (optimization) make sure we take in account the begin, so we don't return useless strokes getStrokes :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Expr (Tok Token) -> [Stroke] getStrokes point _begin _end t0 = result where getStrokes' (Atom t) = (ts t :) getStrokes' (Error t) = (modStroke errorStyle (ts t) :) -- paint in red getStrokes' (Stmt s) = list (fmap getStrokesL s) getStrokes' (Group l g r) | isErrorTok $ tokT r = (modStroke errorStyle (ts l) :) . getStrokesL g -- left paren wasn't matched: paint it in red. -- note that testing this on the "Group" node actually forces the parsing of the -- right paren, undermining online behaviour. | (posnOfs $ tokPosn $ l) == point || (posnOfs $ tokPosn $ r) == point - 1 = (modStroke hintStyle (ts l) :) . getStrokesL g . (modStroke hintStyle (ts r) :) | otherwise = (ts l :) . getStrokesL g . (ts r :) getStrokesL g = list (fmap getStrokes' g) ts = tokenToStroke list = foldr (.) id result = getStrokesL t0 [] modStroke :: Style -> Stroke -> Stroke modStroke f (l,s,r) = (l,f ++ s,r) tokenToStroke :: Tok Token -> Stroke tokenToStroke (Tok t len posn) = (posnOfs posn, tokenToStyle t, posnOfs posn +~ len) ---------------------- -- Should be in lib sepBy :: (Alternative f) => f a -> f v -> f [a] sepBy p s = sepBy1 p s <|> pure [] sepBy1 :: (Alternative f) => f a -> f v -> f [a] sepBy1 p s = (:) <$> p <*> many (s *> p)