{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, EmptyDataDecls, MultiParamTypeClasses, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} -- -- Copyright (c) 2008 Gustav Munkby -- -- | This module defines Cocoa event handling -- For a Cocoa application to work we need to have the Cocoa -- event-loop running. Since we don't want to re-implement the -- event-loop in Haskell, we simply dispatch to the Objective-C -- version and hook into events. -- -- This however, is not completely trivial, since calling the -- long-running Objective-C loop causes Haskell code not to be -- executed at all. Upon receiving an event we must also make -- sure to dispatch to other Haskell threads in order to make -- progress. module Yi.UI.Cocoa.Application ( YiApplication , _YiApplication , YiController , _YiController , initializeClass_Application , _eventChannel , _runAction , setAppleMenu , ImpType_setAppleMenu , pushClipboard ) where import Prelude () import Yi.Prelude import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import Yi.Editor import Yi.Event import Yi.UI.Cocoa.Utils import Foreign.C -- Specify Cocoa imports explicitly, to avoid name-clashes. -- Since the number of functions recognized by HOC varies -- between revisions, this seems like the safest choice. import HOC import Foundation ( NSObject,NSObjectClass,NSNotification,synchronize,_NSUserDefaults, standardUserDefaults,_NSArray,arrayWithObject,haskellString, _NSTimer,scheduledTimerWithTimeIntervalTargetSelectorUserInfoRepeats, toNSString) import AppKit ( NSEvent,NSMenu,NSApplication,NSApplicationClass,run,sendEvent, applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed,_NSPasteboard, applicationWillTerminate,generalPasteboard,availableTypeFromArray, charactersIgnoringModifiers,declareTypesOwner,modifierFlags, nsKeyDown,nsStringPboardType,setStringForType,changeCount, stringForType,nsFlagsChanged) foreign import ccall "RtsAPI.h shutdownHaskellAndExit" shutdownHaskellAndExit :: CInt -> IO () -- The selector is used since NSEvent#type treats the c enum -- in a type-safe way, but Cocoa receives values which are not -- defined in the c enum, which results in a pattern mismatch... $(declareRenamedSelector "type" "rawType" [t| IO CInt |]) instance Has_rawType (NSEvent a) -- This declares an application delegate which ensures the application -- terminates when the last (and only) cocoa window is closed $(declareClass "YiController" "NSObject") $(exportClass "YiController" "yc_" [ InstanceMethod 'applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed -- ' , InstanceMethod 'applicationWillTerminate -- ' ]) yc_applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed :: forall t. NSApplication t -> YiController () -> IO Bool yc_applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed _app _self = return True -- Since cocoa application termination is "optimized" by directly -- calling exit, instead of falling out of the run-loop and returning -- to haskell, we need to capture the termination and make sure that -- we can run the haskell termination procedures. -- Without this, profiling cannot be used with the cocoa frontend. -- Unfortunately, graceful termination would require that haskell -- and cocoa was first disconnected so that haskell code can be -- properly terminated using hs_exit/shutdownHaskell. Once this is -- done control can be left to cocoa to perform the final cocoa -- cleanup. This solution can almost certainly not be implemented -- from within haskell. -- For the time being we try to gracefully terminate the haskell -- portions and terminate the cocoa parts more forcefully. Any -- "necessary" cocoa termination activities have to be replicated -- below... yc_applicationWillTerminate :: forall t. NSNotification t -> YiController () -> IO () yc_applicationWillTerminate _note _self = do -- Partially replicate cocoa termination procedure _NSUserDefaults # standardUserDefaults >>= synchronize -- Interrupt cocoa and run haskell termination shutdownHaskellAndExit 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This declares an application subclass which enables us to insert -- ourselves into the application event loop and trap key-events application wide $(declareClass "YiApplication" "NSApplication") $(declareSelector "doTick" [t| IO () |]) $(declareSelector "setAppleMenu:" [t| forall t. NSMenu t -> IO () |] ) instance Has_setAppleMenu (NSApplication a) $(exportClass "YiApplication" "ya_" [ InstanceVariable "eventChannel" [t| Maybe (Yi.Event.Event -> IO ()) |] [| Nothing |] , InstanceVariable "runAction" [t| Maybe (EditorM () -> IO ()) |] [| Nothing |] , InstanceVariable "lastPaste" [t| String |] [| "" |] , InstanceVariable "lastChangeCount" [t| CInt |] [| 0 |] , InstanceMethod 'run -- ' , InstanceMethod 'doTick -- ' , InstanceMethod 'sendEvent -- ' ]) ya_doTick :: YiApplication () -> IO () ya_doTick slf = do pb <- _NSPasteboard # generalPasteboard cc <- pb # changeCount oc <- slf #. _lastChangeCount when (cc /= oc) $ do slf # setIVar _lastChangeCount cc ar <- _NSArray # arrayWithObject nsStringPboardType ty <- pb # availableTypeFromArray (castObject ar) when (ty /= nil) $ do news <- pb # stringForType ty >>= haskellString olds <- slf #. _lastPaste when (news /= olds) $ do slf # setIVar _lastPaste news Just runAct <- slf #. _runAction runAct (setRegE news) replicateM_ 4 yield pushClipboard :: String -> YiApplication () -> IO () pushClipboard news slf = do olds <- slf #. _lastPaste when (news /= olds) $ do slf # setIVar _lastPaste news ar <- _NSArray # arrayWithObject nsStringPboardType pb <- _NSPasteboard # generalPasteboard cc <- pb # declareTypesOwner (castObject ar) nil pb # setStringForType (toNSString news) nsStringPboardType slf # setIVar _lastChangeCount cc return () ya_run :: YiApplication () -> IO () ya_run self = do -- Schedule a timer that repeatedly invokes ya_doTick in order to have -- some Haskell code running all the time. This will prevent other -- Haskell threads to stall while waiting for the Cocoa run loop to finish. _NSTimer # scheduledTimerWithTimeIntervalTargetSelectorUserInfoRepeats 0.05 self (getSelectorForName "doTick") nil True super self # run ya_sendEvent :: forall t. NSEvent t -> YiApplication () -> IO () ya_sendEvent event self = logNSException "sendEvent" $ do t <- event # (rawType :: ImpType_rawType (NSEvent t) inst) if t == fromCEnum nsKeyDown then self #. _eventChannel >>= handleKeyEvent event else if t == fromCEnum nsFlagsChanged then do logPutStrLn $ "Flags changed" else super self # sendEvent event handleKeyEvent :: forall t. NSEvent t -> Maybe (Yi.Event.Event -> IO ()) -> IO () handleKeyEvent event mch = do mask <- event # modifierFlags str <- event # charactersIgnoringModifiers >>= haskellString logPutStrLn $ "Key " ++ str let (mk,shift') = case str of "\r" -> (Just KEnter, True) "\t" -> (Just KTab, True) "\DEL" -> (Just KBS, True) "\ESC" -> (Just KEsc, True) "\63232" -> (Just KUp, True) "\63233" -> (Just KDown, True) "\63234" -> (Just KLeft, True) "\63235" -> (Just KRight, True) "\63272" -> (Just KDel, True) "\63273" -> (Just KHome, True) "\63275" -> (Just KEnd, True) "\63276" -> (Just KPageUp, True) "\63277" -> (Just KPageDown, True) [c] -> (Just $ KASCII c, False) _ -> (Nothing, True) case (mk,mch) of (Just k, Just ch) -> ch (Event k (modifiers shift' mask)) _ -> return () modifierTable :: Bool -> [(CUInt, Modifier)] modifierTable False = [(bit 18,MCtrl), (bit 19,MMeta), (bit 20,MSuper)] modifierTable True = (bit 17,MShift) : modifierTable False modifiers :: Bool -> CUInt -> [Modifier] modifiers shift' mask = [yi | (cocoa, yi) <- modifierTable shift', (cocoa .&. mask) /= 0] initializeClass_Application :: IO () initializeClass_Application = do initializeClass_YiApplication initializeClass_YiController