-- -*- haskell -*- -- -- Lexical syntax for literate Haskell 98. -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2003, with the caveat that much of this is -- translated directly from the syntax in the Haskell 98 report. -- -- Adapted to literate Haskell 98 by Nicolas Pouillard -- { {-# OPTIONS -w #-} module Yi.Lexer.LiterateHaskell ( initState, alexScanToken, HlState ) where import Yi.Lexer.Alex import Yi.Lexer.Haskell hiding (initState, alexScanToken, HlState) import Yi.Style } $whitechar = [\ \t\n\r\f\v] $special = [\(\)\,\;\[\]\`\{\}] $ascdigit = 0-9 $unidigit = [] -- TODO $digit = [$ascdigit $unidigit] $ascsymbol = [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] $unisymbol = [] -- TODO $symbol = [$ascsymbol $unisymbol] # [$special \_\:\"\'] $large = [A-Z \xc0-\xd6 \xd8-\xde] $small = [a-z \xdf-\xf6 \xf8-\xff \_] $alpha = [$small $large] $graphic = [$small $large $symbol $digit $special \:\"\'] $octit = 0-7 $hexit = [0-9 A-F a-f] $idchar = [$alpha $digit \'] $symchar = [$symbol \:] $nl = [\n\r] @reservedid = as|case|class|data|default|else|hiding|if| import|in|infix|infixl|infixr|instance|newtype| qualified|then|type|family|foreign|export|dynamic| safe|threadsafe|unsafe|stdcall|ccall|dotnet @layoutReservedId = of|let|do|mdo @reservedop = ".." | ":" | "::" | "=" | \\ | "|" | "<-" | "->" | "@" | "~" | "=>" @varid = $small $idchar* @conid = $large $idchar* @qual = (@conid ".")* @varsym = $symbol $symchar* @consym = \: $symchar* @decimal = $digit+ @octal = $octit+ @hexadecimal = $hexit+ @exponent = [eE] [\-\+] @decimal $cntrl = [$large \@\[\\\]\^\_] @ascii = \^ $cntrl | NUL | SOH | STX | ETX | EOT | ENQ | ACK | BEL | BS | HT | LF | VT | FF | CR | SO | SI | DLE | DC1 | DC2 | DC3 | DC4 | NAK | SYN | ETB | CAN | EM | SUB | ESC | FS | GS | RS | US | SP | DEL $charesc = [abfnrtv\\\"\'\&] @escape = \\ ($charesc | @ascii | @decimal | o @octal | x @hexadecimal) @gap = \\ $whitechar+ \\ @string = $graphic # [\"\\] | " " | @escape | @gap haskell :- <0> $white+ ; { "{-" { m CommentBlock (Comment Open) } "-}" { m unComment (Comment Close) } $white+ ; -- whitespace [^\-\{]+ { c $ Comment Text } -- rule to generate comments larger than 1 char . { c $ Comment Text } } <0> { ^ "\begin{code}" { m (const CodeBlock) $ Reserved Other } ^ ">" { ms (const CodeLine) Operator } $white+ ; -- whitespace . { c $ Comment Text {-LaTeX-} } } { "\end{code}" { m (const LaTeXBlock) $ Reserved Other } $white+ ; -- whitespace -- The first rule matches operators that begin with --, eg --++-- is a valid -- operator and *not* a comment. -- Note that we have to dissallow '-' as a symbol char for the first one -- of these because we may have -------- which would stilljust be the -- start of a comment. "--"\-* [$symbol # \-] $symchar* { cs Operator } -- The next rule allows for the start of a comment basically -- it is -- followed by anything which isn't a symbol character -- (OR more '-'s). So for example "-----:" is still the start of a comment. "--"~[$symbol # \-][^$nl]* { c $ Comment Line } -- Finally because the above rule had to add in a non symbol character -- it's also possible that we have just finishing a line, -- people sometimes do this for example when breaking up paragraphs -- in a long comment. "--"$nl { c $ Comment Line } "{-" { m CommentBlock $ Comment Open } ^"#".* { c $ CppDirective } $special { cs $ \(c:_) -> Special c } "deriving" { c (Reserved Deriving) } "forall" { c (Reserved Forall) } @reservedid { c (Reserved Other) } "module" { c (Reserved Module) } "where" { c (Reserved Where) } @layoutReservedId { c (Reserved OtherLayout) } `@qual @varid` { cs $ Operator . init . tail } `@qual @conid` { cs $ ConsOperator . init . tail } @qual @varid { c VarIdent } @qual @conid { c ConsIdent } "|" { c (ReservedOp Pipe) } "=" { c (ReservedOp Equal) } \\ { c (ReservedOp BackSlash) } "<-" { c (ReservedOp LeftArrow) } "->" { c (ReservedOp RightArrow) } "=>" { c (ReservedOp DoubleRightArrow) } @reservedop { cs $ ReservedOp . OtherOp } @qual @varsym { cs Operator } @qual @consym { cs ConsOperator } @decimal | 0[oO] @octal | 0[xX] @hexadecimal { c Number } @decimal \. @decimal @exponent? | @decimal @exponent { c Number } \' ($graphic # [\'\\] | " " | @escape) \' { c CharTok } \" @string* \" { c StringTok } . { c Unrecognized } } { [\t\n\r\f\v]+ { m (const LaTeXBlock) $ Reserved Other } [\ \t]+ ; -- whitespace -- Same three rules for line comments as above (see above for explanation). "--"\-* [$symbol # \-] $symchar* { cs Operator } "--"~[$symbol # \-][^$nl]* { c $ Comment Line } "--"$nl { c $ Comment Line } "{-" { m CommentBlock $ Comment Open } ^"#".* { c $ CppDirective } $special { cs $ \(c:_) -> Special c } "deriving" { c (Reserved Deriving) } "forall" { c (Reserved Forall) } @reservedid { c (Reserved Other) } "module" { c (Reserved Module) } "where" { c (Reserved Where) } @layoutReservedId { c (Reserved OtherLayout) } `@qual @varid` { cs $ Operator . init . tail } `@qual @conid` { cs $ ConsOperator . init . tail } @qual @varid { c VarIdent } @qual @conid { c ConsIdent } "|" { c (ReservedOp Pipe) } "=" { c (ReservedOp Equal) } \\ { c (ReservedOp BackSlash) } "<-" { c (ReservedOp LeftArrow) } "->" { c (ReservedOp RightArrow) } "=>" { c (ReservedOp DoubleRightArrow) } @reservedop { cs $ ReservedOp . OtherOp } @qual @varsym { cs Operator } @qual @consym { cs ConsOperator } @decimal | 0[oO] @octal | 0[xX] @hexadecimal { c Number } @decimal \. @decimal @exponent? | @decimal @exponent { c Number } \' ($graphic # [\'\\] | " " | @escape) \' { c CharTok } \" @string* \" { c StringTok } . { c Unrecognized } } { data HlState = CodeBlock | CodeLine | CommentBlock { unComment :: HlState } | LaTeXBlock deriving (Eq, Show) stateToInit (CommentBlock _) = nestcomm stateToInit CodeBlock = codeBlock stateToInit CodeLine = codeLine stateToInit LaTeXBlock = 0 initState = LaTeXBlock #include "common.hsinc" }