module Yi.Mode.Interactive where

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Lens
import Yi.Modes
import Yi.Core
import Yi.History
import Yi.Lexer.Alex (Tok)
import Yi.Lexer.Compilation (Token)
import qualified Yi.Mode.Compilation as Compilation
import qualified Yi.Syntax.OnlineTree as OnlineTree
import Yi.Monad
import Yi.Utils

mode :: Mode (OnlineTree.Tree (Tok Token))
mode = Compilation.mode
  { modeApplies = modeNeverApplies,
    modeName = "interactive",
    modeKeymap = topKeymapA %~ (<||)
      [spec KHome ?>>! moveToSol,
       spec KEnter ?>>! do
          eof <- withBuffer atLastLine
          if eof
            then feedCommand
            else withSyntax modeFollow,
       meta (char 'p') ?>>! interactHistoryMove 1,
       meta (char 'n') ?>>! interactHistoryMove (-1)

interactId :: String
interactId = "Interact"

interactHistoryMove :: Int -> EditorM ()
interactHistoryMove delta = historyMoveGen interactId delta (withBuffer0 getInput) >>= (withBuffer0 . setInput)

interactHistoryFinish :: EditorM ()
interactHistoryFinish = historyFinishGen interactId (withBuffer0 getInput)

interactHistoryStart :: EditorM ()
interactHistoryStart = historyStartGen interactId

getInputRegion :: BufferM Region
getInputRegion = do mo <- getMarkB (Just "StdOUT")
                    p <- pointAt botB
                    q <- getMarkPointB mo
                    return $ mkRegion p q

getInput :: BufferM String
getInput = readRegionB =<< getInputRegion

setInput :: String -> BufferM ()
setInput val = flip replaceRegionB val =<< getInputRegion

-- | Open a new buffer for interaction with a process.
spawnProcess :: String -> [String] -> YiM BufferRef
spawnProcess = spawnProcessMode mode

-- | open a new buffer for interaction with a process, using any interactive-derived mode
spawnProcessMode :: Mode syntax -> FilePath -> [String] -> YiM BufferRef
spawnProcessMode interMode cmd args = do
    b <- startSubprocess cmd args (const $ return ())
    withEditor interactHistoryStart
    mode' <- lookupMode $ AnyMode interMode
    withBuffer $ do m1 <- getMarkB (Just "StdERR")
                    m2 <- getMarkB (Just "StdOUT")
                    modifyMarkB m1 (\v -> v {markGravity = Backward})
                    modifyMarkB m2 (\v -> v {markGravity = Backward})
                    setAnyMode mode'
    return b

-- | Send the type command to the process
feedCommand :: YiM ()
feedCommand = do
    b <- gets currentBuffer
    withEditor interactHistoryFinish
    cmd <- withBuffer $ do
        insertN "\n"
        me <- getMarkB (Just "StdERR")
        mo <- getMarkB (Just "StdOUT")
        p <- pointB
        q <- getMarkPointB mo
        cmd <- readRegionB $ mkRegion p q
        setMarkPointB me p
        setMarkPointB mo p
        return cmd
    withEditor interactHistoryStart
    sendToProcess b cmd

-- | Send command, recieve reply
queryReply :: BufferRef -> String -> YiM String
queryReply buf cmd = do
    start <- withGivenBuffer buf (botB >> pointB)
    sendToProcess buf (cmd ++ "\n")
    io $ threadDelay 50000  -- Hack to let ghci finish writing its output.
    withGivenBuffer buf $ do
        leftB -- There is probably a much better way to do this moving around, but it works
        end <- pointB
        result <- readRegionB (mkRegion start end)
        return result