{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Misc
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Various high-level functions to further classify.

module Yi.Misc ( getAppropriateFiles, getFolder, cd, pwd, matchingFileNames
               , rot13Char, placeMark, selectAll, adjIndent
               , promptFile , promptFileChangingHints, matchFile, completeFile
               , printFileInfoE, debugBufferContent
               ) where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Monad           (filterM, (>=>), when, void)
import           Control.Monad.Base      (liftBase)
import           Data.Char               (chr, isAlpha, isLower, isUpper, ord)
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.List               ((\\))
import           Data.Maybe              (isNothing)
import qualified Data.Text               as T (Text, append, concat, isPrefixOf,
                                               pack, stripPrefix, unpack)
import           System.CanonicalizePath (canonicalizePath, replaceShorthands, replaceShorthands)
import           System.Directory        (doesDirectoryExist,
import           System.Environment      (lookupEnv)
import           System.FilePath         (addTrailingPathSeparator,
                                          takeDirectory, takeFileName, (</>))
import           System.FriendlyPath     (expandTilda, isAbsolute')
import           Yi.Buffer
import           Yi.Completion           (completeInList')
import           Yi.Core                 (onYiVar)
import           Yi.Editor               (EditorM, printMsg, withCurrentBuffer, withGivenBuffer, findBuffer)
import           Yi.Keymap               (YiM, makeAction, YiAction)
import           Yi.MiniBuffer           (mkCompleteFn, withMinibufferGen, promptingForBuffer)
import           Yi.Monad                (gets)
import qualified Yi.Rope                 as R (fromText, YiString)
import           Yi.Types                (IsRefreshNeeded(..), Yi(..))
import           Yi.Utils                (io)

-- | Given a possible starting path (which if not given defaults to
-- the current directory) and a fragment of a path we find all files
-- within the given (or current) directory which can complete the
-- given path fragment. We return a pair of both directory plus the
-- filenames on their own that is without their directories. The
-- reason for this is that if we return all of the filenames then we
-- get a 'hint' which is way too long to be particularly useful.
getAppropriateFiles :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text -> YiM (T.Text, [ T.Text ])
getAppropriateFiles start s' = do
  curDir <- case start of
    Nothing -> do bufferPath <- withCurrentBuffer $ gets file
                  liftBase $ getFolder bufferPath
    Just path -> return $ T.unpack path
  let s = T.unpack $ replaceShorthands s'
      sDir = if hasTrailingPathSeparator s then s else takeDirectory s
        | null sDir = curDir
        | isAbsolute' sDir = sDir
        | otherwise = curDir </> sDir
  searchDir' <- liftBase $ expandTilda searchDir
  let fixTrailingPathSeparator f = do
        isDir <- doesDirectoryExist (searchDir' </> f)
        return . T.pack $ if isDir then addTrailingPathSeparator f else f

  files <- liftBase $ getDirectoryContents searchDir'

  -- Remove the two standard current-dir and parent-dir as we do not
  -- need to complete or hint about these as they are known by users.
  let files' = files \\ [ ".", ".." ]
  fs <- liftBase $ mapM fixTrailingPathSeparator files'
  let matching = filter (T.isPrefixOf . T.pack $ takeFileName s) fs
  return (T.pack sDir, matching)

-- | Given a path, trim the file name bit if it exists.  If no path
--   given, return current directory.
getFolder :: Maybe String -> IO String
getFolder Nothing     = getCurrentDirectory
getFolder (Just path) = do
  isDir <- doesDirectoryExist path
  let dir = if isDir then path else takeDirectory path
  if null dir then getCurrentDirectory else return dir

-- | Given a possible path and a prefix, return matching file names.
matchingFileNames :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text -> YiM [T.Text]
matchingFileNames start s = do
  (sDir, files) <- getAppropriateFiles start s

  -- There is one common case when we don't need to prepend @sDir@ to @files@:
  -- Suppose user just wants to edit a file "foobar" in current directory
  -- and inputs ":e foo<Tab>"
  -- @sDir@ in this case equals to "." and "foo" would not be
  -- a prefix of ("." </> "foobar"), resulting in a failed completion
  -- However, if user inputs ":e ./foo<Tab>", we need to prepend @sDir@ to @files@
  let results = if isNothing start && sDir == "." && not ("./" `T.isPrefixOf` s)
                   then files
                   else fmap (T.pack . (T.unpack sDir </>) . T.unpack) files

  return results

-- | Place mark at current point. If there's an existing mark at point
-- already, deactivate mark.
placeMark :: BufferM ()
placeMark = (==) <$> pointB <*> getSelectionMarkPointB >>= \case
  True -> setVisibleSelection False
  False -> setVisibleSelection True >> pointB >>= setSelectionMarkPointB

-- | Select the contents of the whole buffer
selectAll :: BufferM ()
selectAll = botB >> placeMark >> topB >> setVisibleSelection True

-- | A simple wrapper to adjust the current indentation using
-- the mode specific indentation function but according to the
-- given indent behaviour.
adjIndent :: IndentBehaviour -> BufferM ()
adjIndent ib = withSyntaxB' (\m s -> modeIndent m s ib)

-- | Generic emacs style prompt file action. Takes a @prompt@ and a continuation
-- @act@ and prompts the user with file hints.
promptFile :: T.Text -> (T.Text -> YiM ()) -> YiM ()
promptFile prompt act = promptFileChangingHints prompt (const return) act

-- | As 'promptFile' but additionally allows the caller to transform
-- the list of hints arbitrarily, such as only showing directories.
promptFileChangingHints :: T.Text -- ^ Prompt
                        -> (T.Text -> [T.Text] -> YiM [T.Text])
                        -- ^ Hint transformer: current path, generated hints
                        -> (T.Text -> YiM ()) -- ^ Action over choice
                        -> YiM ()
promptFileChangingHints prompt ht act = do
  maybePath <- withCurrentBuffer $ gets file
  startPath <- T.pack . addTrailingPathSeparator
               <$> liftBase (canonicalizePath =<< getFolder maybePath)
  -- TODO: Just call withMinibuffer
  withMinibufferGen startPath (\x -> findFileHint startPath x >>= ht x) prompt
    (completeFile startPath) showCanon (act . replaceShorthands)
    showCanon = withCurrentBuffer . replaceBufferContent . R.fromText . replaceShorthands

matchFile :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
matchFile path proposedCompletion =
  let realPath = replaceShorthands path
  in T.append path <$> T.stripPrefix realPath proposedCompletion

completeFile :: T.Text -> T.Text -> YiM T.Text
completeFile startPath =
  mkCompleteFn completeInList' matchFile $ matchingFileNames (Just startPath)

-- | For use as the hint when opening a file using the minibuffer. We
-- essentially return all the files in the given directory which have
-- the given prefix.
findFileHint :: T.Text -> T.Text -> YiM [T.Text]
findFileHint startPath s = snd <$> getAppropriateFiles (Just startPath) s

onCharLetterCode :: (Int -> Int) -> Char -> Char
onCharLetterCode f c | isAlpha c = chr (f (ord c - a) `mod` 26 + a)
                     | otherwise = c
                     where a | isUpper c = ord 'A'
                             | isLower c = ord 'a'
                             | otherwise = undefined

-- | Like @M-x cd@, it changes the current working directory. Mighty
-- useful when we don't start Yi from the project directory or want to
-- switch projects, as many tools only use the current working
-- directory.
cd :: YiM ()
cd = promptFileChangingHints "switch directory to:" dirs $ \path ->
  io $ getFolder (Just $ T.unpack path) >>= clean . T.pack
       >>= System.Directory.setCurrentDirectory . addTrailingPathSeparator
     replaceHome p@('~':'/':xs) = lookupEnv "HOME" >>= return . \case
       Nothing -> p
       Just h -> h </> xs
     replaceHome p = return p
     clean = replaceHome . T.unpack . replaceShorthands >=> canonicalizePath

     x <//> y = T.pack $ takeDirectory (T.unpack x) </> T.unpack y

     dirs :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> YiM [T.Text]
     dirs x xs = do
       xsc <- io $ mapM (\y -> (,y) <$> clean (x <//> y)) xs
       filterM (io . doesDirectoryExist . fst) xsc >>= return . map snd

-- | Shows current working directory. Also see 'cd'.
pwd :: YiM ()
pwd = io getCurrentDirectory >>= printMsg . T.pack

rot13Char :: Char -> Char
rot13Char = onCharLetterCode (+13)

printFileInfoE :: EditorM ()
printFileInfoE = printMsg . showBufInfo =<< withCurrentBuffer bufInfoB
    where showBufInfo :: BufferFileInfo -> T.Text
          showBufInfo bufInfo = T.concat
            [ T.pack $ bufInfoFileName bufInfo
            , " Line "
            , T.pack . show $ bufInfoLineNo bufInfo
            , " ["
            , bufInfoPercent bufInfo
            , "]"

-- | Runs a 'YiM' action in a separate thread.
-- Notes:
-- * It seems to work but I don't know why
-- * Maybe deadlocks?
-- * If you're outputting into the Yi window, you should really limit
-- the rate at which you do so: for example, the Pango front-end will
-- quite happily segfault/double-free if you output too fast.
-- I am exporting this for those adventurous to play with but I have
-- only discovered how to do this a night before the release so it's
-- rather experimental. A simple function that prints a message once a
-- second, 5 times, could be written like this:
-- @
-- printer :: YiM ThreadId
-- printer = do
--   mv <- io $ newMVar (0 :: Int)
--   forkAction (suicide mv) MustRefresh $ do
--     c <- io $ do
--       modifyMVar_ mv (return . succ)
--       tryReadMVar mv
--     case c of
--       Nothing -> printMsg "messaging unknown time"
--       Just x -> printMsg $ "message #" <> showT x
--   where
--     suicide mv = tryReadMVar mv >>= \case
--       Just i | i >= 5 -> return True
--       _ -> threadDelay 1000000 >> return False
-- @
forkAction :: (YiAction a x, Show x)
           => IO Bool
              -- ^ runs after we insert the action: this may be a
              -- thread delay or a thread suicide or whatever else;
              -- when delay returns False, that's our signal to
              -- terminate the thread.
           -> IsRefreshNeeded
              -- ^ should we refresh after each action
           -> a
              -- ^ The action to actually run
           -> YiM ThreadId
forkAction delay ref ym = onYiVar $ \yi yv -> do
  let loop = do
        yiOutput yi ref [makeAction ym]
        delay >>= \b -> when b loop
  t <- forkIO loop
  return (yv, t)

-- | Prints out the rope of the current buffer as-is to stdout.
-- The only way to stop it is to close the buffer in question which
-- should free up the 'BufferRef'.
debugBufferContent :: YiM ()
debugBufferContent = promptingForBuffer "buffer to trace:"
                     debugBufferContentUsing (\_ x -> x)

debugBufferContentUsing :: BufferRef -> YiM ()
debugBufferContentUsing b = do
  mv <- io $ newIORef mempty
  keepGoing <- io $ newIORef True
  let delay = threadDelay 100000 >> readIORef keepGoing
  void . forkAction delay NoNeedToRefresh $
    findBuffer b >>= \case
      Nothing -> io $ writeIORef keepGoing True
      Just _ -> do
        ns <- withGivenBuffer b elemsB :: YiM R.YiString
        io $ readIORef mv >>= \c ->
          when (c /= ns) (print ns >> void (writeIORef mv ns))