{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Lexer.Alex
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Utilities to turn a lexer generated by Alex into a 'Scanner' that
-- can be used by Yi. Most lexers will use the types defined here.
-- Some things are exported for use by lexers themselves through the
-- use of @Yi/Lexers/common.hsinc@.

module Yi.Lexer.Alex ( module Yi.Lexer.Alex
                     , (+~), (~-), Size(..), Stroke ) where

import           Lens.Micro.Platform (_1, view, makeLenses)
import qualified Data.Bits
import           Data.Char (ord)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Ix
import           Data.List (foldl')
import           Data.Ord (comparing)
import           Data.Word (Word8)
import           Yi.Style (StyleName)
import           Yi.Syntax hiding (mkHighlighter)
import           Yi.Utils

-- | Encode a Haskell String to a list of Word8 values, in UTF8 format.
utf8Encode :: Char -> [Word8]
utf8Encode = map fromIntegral . go . ord
  go oc
   | oc <= 0x7f       = [oc]

   | oc <= 0x7ff      = [ 0xc0 + (oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 6)
                        , 0x80 + oc Data.Bits..&. 0x3f

   | oc <= 0xffff     = [ 0xe0 + (oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 12)
                        , 0x80 + ((oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 6) Data.Bits..&. 0x3f)
                        , 0x80 + oc Data.Bits..&. 0x3f
   | otherwise        = [ 0xf0 + (oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 18)
                        , 0x80 + ((oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 12) Data.Bits..&. 0x3f)
                        , 0x80 + ((oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 6) Data.Bits..&. 0x3f)
                        , 0x80 + oc Data.Bits..&. 0x3f
type Byte = Word8

type IndexedStr = [(Point, Char)]
type AlexInput = (Char, [Byte], IndexedStr)
type Action hlState token = IndexedStr -> hlState -> (hlState, token)

-- | Lexer state
data AlexState lexerState = AlexState {
      stLexer  :: lexerState,   -- (user defined) lexer state
      lookedOffset :: !Point, -- Last offset looked at
      stPosn :: !Posn
    } deriving Show

data Tok t = Tok { tokT :: t
                 , tokLen  :: Size
                 , tokPosn :: Posn
                 } deriving Functor

instance Eq (Tok a) where
  (==) = (==) `on` tokPosn

tokToSpan :: Tok t -> Span t
tokToSpan (Tok t len posn) = Span (posnOfs posn) t (posnOfs posn +~ len)

tokFromT :: t -> Tok t
tokFromT t = Tok t 0 startPosn

tokBegin :: Tok t -> Point
tokBegin = posnOfs . tokPosn

tokEnd :: Tok t -> Point
tokEnd t = tokBegin t +~ tokLen t

instance Show t => Show (Tok t) where
    show tok = show (tokPosn tok) ++ ": " ++ show (tokT tok)

data Posn = Posn {
      posnOfs :: !Point
    , posnLine :: !Int
    , posnCol :: !Int
  } deriving (Eq, Ix)

-- TODO: Verify that this is right.  /Deniz
instance Ord Posn where
    compare = comparing posnOfs

instance Show Posn where
    show (Posn o l c) = "L" ++ show l ++ " " ++ "C" ++ show c ++ "@" ++ show o

startPosn :: Posn
startPosn = Posn 0 1 0

moveStr :: Posn -> IndexedStr -> Posn
moveStr posn str = foldl' moveCh posn (fmap snd str)

moveCh :: Posn -> Char -> Posn
moveCh (Posn o l c) '\t' = Posn (o+1) l       (((c+8) `div` 8)*8)
moveCh (Posn o l _) '\n' = Posn (o+1) (l+1)   0
moveCh (Posn o l c) _    = Posn (o+1) l       (c+1)

alexGetChar :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Char, AlexInput)
alexGetChar (_,_,[]) = Nothing
alexGetChar (_,b,(_,c):rest) = Just (c, (c,b,rest))

alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8,AlexInput)
alexGetByte (c, b:bs, s) = Just (b,(c,bs,s))
alexGetByte (_, [], [])    = Nothing
alexGetByte (_, [], c:s) = case utf8Encode (snd c) of
                             (b:bs) -> Just (b, ((snd c), bs, s))
                             [] -> Nothing

{-# ANN alexCollectChar "HLint: ignore Use String" #-}
alexCollectChar :: AlexInput -> [Char]
alexCollectChar (_, _, []) = []
alexCollectChar (_, b, (_, c):rest) = c : alexCollectChar (c, b, rest)

alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
alexInputPrevChar = view _1

-- | Return a constant token
actionConst :: token -> Action lexState token
actionConst token = \_str state -> (state, token)

-- | Return a constant token, and modify the lexer state
actionAndModify :: (lexState -> lexState) -> token -> Action lexState token
actionAndModify modifierFct token = \_str state -> (modifierFct state, token)

-- | Convert the parsed string into a token,
--   and also modify the lexer state
actionStringAndModify :: (s -> s) -> (String -> token) -> Action s token
actionStringAndModify modF f = \istr s -> (modF s, f $ fmap snd istr)

-- | Convert the parsed string into a token
actionStringConst :: (String -> token) -> Action lexState token
actionStringConst f = \indexedStr state -> (state, f $ fmap snd indexedStr)

type ASI s = (AlexState s, AlexInput)

-- | Function to (possibly) lex a single token and give us the
-- remaining input.
type TokenLexer l s t i = (l s, i) -> Maybe (t, (l s, i))

-- | Handy alias
type CharScanner = Scanner Point Char

-- | Generalises lexers. This allows us to easily use lexers which
-- don't want to be cornered into the types we have predefined here
-- and use in @common.hsinc@.
data Lexer l s t i = Lexer
  { _step :: TokenLexer l s t i
  , _starting :: s -> Point -> Posn -> l s
  , _withChars :: Char -> [(Point, Char)] -> i
  , _looked :: l s -> Point
  , _statePosn :: l s -> Posn
  , _lexEmpty :: t
  , _startingState :: s

-- | Just like 'Lexer' but also knows how to turn its tokens into
-- 'StyleName's.
data StyleLexer l s t i = StyleLexer
  { _tokenToStyle :: t -> StyleName
  , _styleLexer :: Lexer l s (Tok t) i

-- | 'StyleLexer' over 'ASI'.
type StyleLexerASI s t = StyleLexer AlexState s t AlexInput

-- | Defines a 'Lexer' for 'ASI'. This exists to make using the new
-- 'lexScanner' easier if you're using 'ASI' as all our lexers do
-- today, 23-08-2014.
commonLexer :: (ASI s -> Maybe (Tok t, ASI s))
            -> s
            -> Lexer AlexState s (Tok t) AlexInput
commonLexer l st0 = Lexer
  { _step = l
  , _starting = AlexState
  , _withChars = \c p -> (c, [], p)
  , _looked = lookedOffset
  , _statePosn = stPosn
  , _lexEmpty = error "Yi.Lexer.Alex.commonLexer: lexEmpty"
  , _startingState = st0

-- | Combine a character scanner with a lexer to produce a token
-- scanner. May be used together with 'mkHighlighter' to produce a
-- 'Highlighter', or with 'linearSyntaxMode' to produce a 'Mode'.
lexScanner :: Lexer l s t i -> CharScanner -> Scanner (l s) t
lexScanner Lexer {..} src = Scanner
  { scanLooked = _looked
  , scanInit = _starting _startingState 0 startPosn
  , scanRun = \st -> case posnOfs $ _statePosn st of
      0 -> unfoldLexer _step (st, _withChars '\n' $ scanRun src 0)
      ofs -> case scanRun src (ofs -1) of
        [] -> []
        (_, ch) : rest -> unfoldLexer _step (st, _withChars ch rest)
  , scanEmpty = _lexEmpty

-- | unfold lexer into a function that returns a stream of (state, token)
unfoldLexer :: ((state, input) -> Maybe (token, (state, input)))
            -> (state, input) -> [(state, token)]
unfoldLexer f b = fst b `seq` case f b of
             Nothing -> []
             Just (t, b') -> (fst b, t) : unfoldLexer f b'

-- * Lenses
makeLensesWithSuffix "A" ''Posn
makeLensesWithSuffix "A" ''Tok
makeLenses ''Lexer
makeLenses ''StyleLexer