{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor  #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} -- uniplate patterns
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Syntax.Latex
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Parser used by the LaTeX modes.

module Yi.Syntax.Latex where

import           Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>), empty, many))
import           Data.Monoid         (Endo (..), (<>))
import           Yi.IncrementalParse (P, eof, recoverWith, symbol)
import           Yi.Lexer.Alex       hiding (tokenToStyle)
import           Yi.Lexer.Latex      (Token (..), tokenToText)
import           Yi.Style
import           Yi.Syntax           (Point, Span)
import           Yi.Syntax.Tree      (IsTree (emptyNode, uniplate))

isNoise :: Token -> Bool
isNoise Text = True
isNoise Comment = True
isNoise (Command _) = True
isNoise NewCommand = True
isNoise (Special ' ') = True
isNoise (Special _) = False
isNoise (Begin _) = False
isNoise (End _) = False

type TT = Tok Token

type Expr t = [Tree t]

data Tree t
    = Paren t (Tree t) t -- A parenthesized expression (maybe with [ ] ...)
    | Atom t
    | Error t
    | Expr (Expr t)
      deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable)

instance IsTree Tree where
    uniplate (Paren l g r) = ([g], \[g'] -> Paren l g' r)
    uniplate (Expr g) = (g, Expr)
    uniplate t = ([],const t)
    emptyNode = Expr []

parse :: P TT (Tree TT)
parse = pExpr True <* eof
      -- Create a special character symbol
      newT c = tokFromT (Special c)
      -- errT = (\next -> case next of
      --     Nothing -> newT '!'
      --     Just (Tok {tokPosn = posn}) -> Tok { tokT = Special '!', tokPosn = posn-1, tokSize = 1 -- FIXME: size should be 1 char, not one byte!
      --                      }) <$> lookNext
      errT = pure (newT '!')
      -- parse a special symbol
      sym' p = symbol (p . tokT)
      sym t = sym' (== t)

      pleaseSym c = recoverWith errT <|> sym c
      -- pleaseSym' c = recoverWith errT <|> sym' c

      -- pExpr :: P TT [Expr TT]
      pExpr outsideMath = Expr <$> many (pTree outsideMath)

      parens = [(Special x, Special y) | (x,y) <- zip "({[" ")}]"]
      openParens = fmap fst parens

      pBlock = sym' isBegin >>= \beg@Tok {tokT = Begin env} -> Paren <$> pure beg <*> pExpr True <*> pleaseSym (End env)

      pTree :: Bool -> P TT (Tree TT)
      pTree outsideMath =
          (if outsideMath then pBlock <|> (Paren <$> sym (Special '$') <*> pExpr False <*> pleaseSym (Special '$'))
                           else empty)
          <|> foldr1 (<|>) [Paren <$> sym l <*> pExpr outsideMath <*> pleaseSym r | (l,r) <- parens]
          <|> (Atom <$> sym' isNoise)
          <|> (Error <$> recoverWith (sym' (not . ((||) <$> isNoise <*> (`elem` openParens)))))

getStrokes :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Tree TT -> [Stroke]
getStrokes point _begin _end t0 = appEndo result []
    where getStrokes' :: Tree TT -> Endo [Stroke]
          getStrokes' (Expr g) = getStrokesL g
          getStrokes' (Atom t) = ts id t
          getStrokes' (Error t) = ts (modStroke errorStyle) t -- paint in red
          getStrokes' (Paren l g r)
              -- we have special treatment for (Begin, End) because these blocks are typically very large.
              -- we don't force the "end" part to prevent parsing the whole file.
              | isBegin (tokT l) = if posnOfs (tokPosn l) /= point
                  then normalPaint
                  else case (tokT l, tokT r) of
                         (Begin b, End e) | b == e -> hintPaint
                         _ -> errPaint
              | isErrorTok (tokT r) = errPaint
              -- left paren wasn't matched: paint it in red.
              -- note that testing this on the "Paren" node actually forces the parsing of the
              -- right paren, undermining online behaviour.
              | posnOfs (tokPosn l) == point || posnOfs (tokPosn r) == point - 1 = hintPaint
              | otherwise = normalPaint
              where normalPaint = ts id l <> getStrokes' g <> tsEnd id l r
                    hintPaint = ts (modStroke hintStyle) l <> getStrokes' g <> tsEnd (modStroke hintStyle) l r
                    errPaint = ts (modStroke errorStyle) l <> getStrokes' g

          tsEnd _ (Tok{tokT = Begin b}) t@(Tok{tokT = End e})
              | b /= e = ts (modStroke errorStyle) t
          tsEnd f _ t = ts f t
          getStrokesL :: Expr TT -> Endo [Stroke]
          getStrokesL = foldMap getStrokes'
          ts f t
              | isErrorTok (tokT t) = mempty
              | otherwise = Endo (f (tokenToStroke t) :)
          result = getStrokes' t0

modStroke :: StyleName -> Stroke -> Stroke
modStroke f = fmap (f `mappend`)

tokenToStroke :: TT -> Stroke
tokenToStroke = fmap tokenToStyle . tokToSpan

tokenToAnnot :: TT -> Maybe (Span String)
tokenToAnnot = sequenceA . tokToSpan . fmap tokenToText

tokenToStyle :: Token -> StyleName
tokenToStyle t =
  case t of
    Comment -> commentStyle
    Text -> defaultStyle
    Special _ -> defaultStyle
    Command _ -> typeStyle
    Begin _ -> keywordStyle
    End _ -> keywordStyle
    NewCommand -> keywordStyle

isSpecial :: String -> Token -> Bool
isSpecial cs (Special c) = c `elem` cs
isSpecial _  _ = False

isBegin, isEnd :: Token -> Bool
isBegin (Begin _) = True
isBegin _ = False
isEnd (End _) = True
isEnd _ = False

isErrorTok :: Token -> Bool
isErrorTok = isSpecial "!"