{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.OldRope
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module defines a Rope representation.
-- While the representation are ByteStrings stored in a finger tree,
-- the indices are actually in number of characters.
-- This is currently based on utf8-string, but a couple of other
-- packages might be better: text, compact-string.
-- At the moment none of them has a lazy implementation, which forces
-- us to always export plain Strings. (Utf8-string does not have a
-- proper newtype)
-- __Important__: The reason this module exists is to allow
-- benchmarking and behaviour checks against a new implementation. As
-- of today (10th September 2014), Yi imports this module. Notably,
-- this module will be going away and Yi will start using "Yi.Rope"
-- instead in the near future.

module Yi.OldRope (

   -- * Conversions to Rope

   -- * Conversions from Rope
   toString, toReverseString,

   -- * List-like functions
   null, empty, take, drop,  length, reverse, countNewLines,

   split, splitAt, splitAtLine,

   append, concat,

   -- * IO
   readFile, writeFile,

   -- * Low level functions
  ) where

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (append, concat)
import qualified Data.ByteString as Byte
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB (toChunks, fromChunks, null,
                                             readFile, split)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as LB
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B
import           Data.Char (ord)
import qualified Data.FingerTree as T
import           Data.FingerTree hiding (null, empty, reverse, split)
import qualified Data.List as L
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import           Prelude hiding (null, head, tail, length, take, drop, splitAt,
                                 head, tail, foldl, reverse, readFile,
                                 writeFile, concat)
import           System.IO.Cautious (writeFileL)

defaultChunkSize :: Int
defaultChunkSize = 128 -- in chars! (chunkSize requires this to be <= 256)

-- The FingerTree does not store measurements for single chunks, which
-- means that the length of chunks often have to be recomputed.
mkChunk :: ByteString -> Chunk
mkChunk s = Chunk (fromIntegral $ B.length s) s
data Chunk = Chunk { chunkSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8
                   , fromChunk :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ByteString
                   } deriving (Eq, Show)

data Size = Indices { charIndex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                    , lineIndex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                      -- ^ lineIndex is lazy because we do not often
                      -- want the line count. However, we need this to
                      -- avoid stack overflows on large files!
                    } deriving Show

instance Monoid Size where
    mempty = Indices 0 0
    mappend (Indices c1 l1) (Indices c2 l2) = Indices (c1+c2) (l1+l2)

newtype Rope = Rope { fromRope :: FingerTree Size Chunk }
   deriving (Eq, Show)

(-|) :: Chunk -> FingerTree Size Chunk -> FingerTree Size Chunk
b -| t | chunkSize b == 0 = t
       | otherwise        = b <| t

(|-) :: FingerTree Size Chunk -> Chunk -> FingerTree Size Chunk
t |- b | chunkSize b == 0 = t
       | otherwise        = t |> b

-- Newlines are preserved by UTF8 encoding and decoding
newline :: Word8
newline = fromIntegral (ord '\n')

instance Measured Size Chunk where
   measure (Chunk l s) =
     Indices (fromIntegral l)  -- note that this is the length in
                               -- characters, not bytes.
             (Byte.count newline s)

-- | The 'Foldable' instance of 'FingerTree' only defines 'foldMap',
-- so the 'foldr' needed for 'toList' is inefficient, and can cause
-- stack overflows. So, we roll our own (somewhat inefficient) version
-- of 'toList' to avoid this.
toList :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a -> [a]
toList t = case viewl t of
              c :< cs -> c : toList cs
              EmptyL -> []

toLazyByteString :: Rope -> LB.ByteString
toLazyByteString = LB.fromChunks . fmap fromChunk . toList . fromRope

reverse :: Rope -> Rope
reverse = Rope . fmap' (mkChunk . B.fromString . L.reverse . B.toString . fromChunk) . T.reverse . fromRope

toReverseString :: Rope -> String
toReverseString = concatMap (L.reverse . B.toString . fromChunk) . toList . T.reverse . fromRope

toString :: Rope -> String
toString = LB.toString . toLazyByteString

fromLazyByteString :: LB.ByteString -> Rope
fromLazyByteString = Rope . toTree T.empty
     toTree acc b | LB.null b = acc
                  | otherwise = let (h,t) = LB.splitAt (fromIntegral defaultChunkSize) b
                                    chunk = mkChunk $ B.concat $ LB.toChunks h
                                in acc `seq` chunk `seq` toTree (acc |> chunk) t

instance IsString Rope where
    fromString = Rope . toTree T.empty
         toTree acc [] = acc
         toTree acc b  = let (h,t) = L.splitAt defaultChunkSize b
                             chunk = mkChunk $ B.fromString h
                         in acc `seq` chunk `seq` toTree (acc |> chunk) t

null :: Rope -> Bool
null (Rope a) = T.null a

empty :: Rope
empty = Rope T.empty

-- | Get the length of the string. (This information cached, so O(1)
-- amortized runtime.)
length :: Rope -> Int
length = charIndex . measure . fromRope

-- | Count the number of newlines in the strings. (This information
-- cached, so O(1) amortized runtime.)
countNewLines :: Rope -> Int
countNewLines = lineIndex . measure . fromRope

-- | Append two strings by merging the two finger trees.
append :: Rope -> Rope -> Rope
append (Rope a) (Rope b) = Rope $
  case T.viewr a of
    EmptyR -> b
    l :> Chunk len x -> case T.viewl b of
      EmptyL  -> a
      Chunk len' x' :< r ->
        if fromIntegral len + fromIntegral len' < defaultChunkSize
        then l >< singleton (Chunk (len + len') (x `B.append` x')) >< r
        else a >< b

concat :: [Rope] -> Rope
concat = L.foldl' append empty

take, drop :: Int -> Rope -> Rope
take n = fst . splitAt n
drop n = snd . splitAt n

-- | Split the string at the specified position.
splitAt :: Int -> Rope -> (Rope, Rope)
splitAt n (Rope t) =
   case T.viewl c of
     Chunk len x :< r | n' /= 0 ->
       let (lx, rx) = B.splitAt n' x
       in (Rope $ l |> Chunk (fromIntegral n') lx,
           Rope $ Chunk (len - fromIntegral n') rx -| r)
     _ -> (Rope l, Rope c)
     (l, c) = T.split ((> n) . charIndex) t
     n' = n - charIndex (measure l)

-- | Split the rope on a chunk, so that the desired
--   position lies within the first chunk of the second rope.
splitAtChunkBefore :: Int -> Rope -> (Rope, Rope)
splitAtChunkBefore n (Rope t) =
  let (l, c) = T.split ((> n) . charIndex) t in (Rope l, Rope c)

-- | Split before the specified line. Lines are indexed from 0.
splitAtLine :: Int -> Rope -> (Rope, Rope)
splitAtLine n | n <= 0     = \r -> (empty, r)
              | otherwise = splitAtLine' (n-1)

-- | Split after the specified line. Lines are indexed from 0.
splitAtLine' :: Int -> Rope -> (Rope, Rope)
splitAtLine' n (Rope t) =
   case T.viewl c of
     ch@(Chunk _ x) :< r ->
       let (lx, rx) = cutExcess excess x
           excess = lineIndex (measure l) + lineIndex (measure ch) - n - 1
       in (Rope $ l |- mkChunk lx, Rope $ mkChunk rx -| r)
     _ -> (Rope l, Rope c)
     (l, c) = T.split ((n <) . lineIndex) t

split :: Word8 -> Rope -> [Rope]
split c = map fromLazyByteString . LB.split c . toLazyByteString

cutExcess :: Int -> ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString)
cutExcess i s =
  let idx = gt i $ L.reverse $ Byte.elemIndices newline s
  in Byte.splitAt (idx+1) s -- take one extra byte to that the newline
                            -- is found on the left.
    where gt _ []     = Byte.length s
          gt 0 (x:_ ) = x
          gt n (_:xs) = gt (n-1) xs

instance Binary Rope where
     put = put . toString
     get = fromString `fmap` get

writeFile :: FilePath -> Rope -> IO ()
writeFile f = writeFileL f . toLazyByteString

readFile :: FilePath -> IO Rope
readFile f = fromLazyByteString `fmap` LB.readFile f