-- vim:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab:autoindent module Main where -- example of generating three test cases of 6 integer variables -- l1, u1, i, l2, u2, j sush that l1 < i <= u1 and l2 < j <= u2. import Math.SMT.Yices.Syntax import Math.SMT.Yices.Pipe import List import Monad -- import Random yicesPath = "/home/kyagrd/ames/yices-1.0.21/bin/yices" -- your yices path main = do yp@(Just hin, Just hout, Nothing, p) <- createYicesPipe yicesPath [] runCmdsY yp (defs ++ ctrs) -- gr <- getStdGen -- let (rn,gr') = next gr Sat ss <- checkY yp print ss runCmdsY yp [ASSERT_P (NOT $ ss!!0) Nothing] Sat ss <- checkY yp print ss runCmdsY yp [ASSERT_P (NOT $ ss!!0) Nothing] Sat ss <- checkY yp print ss exitY yp defs = map (\x -> DEFINE (x,int) Nothing) ["l1","u1","i","l2","u2","j"] ctrs = map ASSERT [ l1: ASSERT_P e Nothing) [ i: