module Text.CxML.Tags where import Text.CxML.Types -- | combinator to create tags tag :: String->CxML a tag nm = CxML (\_-> [HTag nm [] []], [] , [] , []) -- used to be with no children but don't distinguish now itag :: String-> CxML a itag = tag --------------------------------------------------------- -----Modified from module Text.XHtml.Strict.Elements----- --------------------------------------------------------- abbr = tag "abbr" acronym = tag "acronym" address = tag "address" a = tag "a" area = itag "area" bdo = tag "bdo" big = tag "big" blockquote = tag "blockquote" body = tag "body" bold = tag "b" button = tag "button" br = itag "br" caption = tag "caption" cite = tag "cite" col = tag "col" colgroup = tag "colgroup" dd = tag "dd" dfn = tag "dfn" del = tag "del" dl = tag "dl" dt = tag "dt" em = tag "em" fieldset = tag "fieldset" form = tag "form" h1 = tag "h1" h2 = tag "h2" h3 = tag "h3" h4 = tag "h4" h5 = tag "h5" h6 = tag "h6" header = tag "head" hr = itag "hr" image = itag "img" input = itag "input" ins = tag "ins" italics = tag "i" keyboard = tag "kbd" label = tag "label" legend = tag "legend" li = tag "li" meta = itag "meta" noscript = tag "noscript" object = tag "object" ol = tag "ol" optgroup = tag "optgroup" option = tag "option" p = tag "p" param = itag "param" pre = tag "pre" quote = tag "q" sample = tag "samp" script = tag "script" dropdown = tag "select" small = tag "small" strong = tag "strong" style = tag "style" sub = tag "sub" sup = tag "sup" table = tag "table" tbody = tag "tbody" td = tag "td" textarea = tag "textarea" tfoot = tag "tfoot" th = tag "th" thead = tag "thead" base = itag "base" code = tag "code" div = tag "div" html = tag "html" link = tag "link" themap = tag "map" span = tag "span" title = tag "title" tr = tag "tr" tt = tag "tt" ul = tag "ul" var = tag "var" font = tag "font"