name: zeolite-lang version: synopsis: Zeolite is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language. description: Zeolite is an experimental general-purpose programming language. See for more details. . The installation process is still a bit rough, and therefore must be done in a few stages: . * Ensure that you have a C++ compiler such as @clang++@ or @g++@ installed, and an archiver such as @ar@ installed, all callable from a shell. * Install the binaries using @cabal@. After this step, the compiler itself is installed, but it cannot actually create executables from source code. . @ cabal install zeolite-lang @ . * Execute the setup binary that gets installed by @cabal@. This will give you a series of prompts to verify the binaries above. It will then automatically build the supporting libraries. . @ zeolite-setup @ . * (Optional) Once the setup above is completed, you should run the integration tests to ensure that code can be compiled and run. These can take quite a while to complete. Please create an if you encounter any errors. . @ ZEOLITE_PATH=$(zeolite --get-path) zeolite -p "$ZEOLITE_PATH" -t tests lib\/file lib\/util @ . The are located in @$ZEOLITE_PATH/example@. You should not normally need to use @$ZEOLITE_PATH@ outside of running included tests and examples. homepage: license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE author: Kevin P. Barry maintainer: Kevin P. Barry copyright: (c) Kevin P. Barry 2019-2020 category: Compiler build-type: Simple cabal-version: 2.0 tested-with: GHC == 8.8.3 extra-source-files: extra-source-files: src/Test/testfiles/*.0rt, src/Test/testfiles/*.0rx data-files: base/.zeolite-module, base/*.0rp, base/*.cpp, base/*.hpp, base/.zeolite-module, base/*.0rp, base/*.cpp, capture-thread/include/*.h, capture-thread/src/*.cc, example/hello/, example/hello/*.0rx, example/regex/, example/regex/*.0rp, example/regex/*.0rt, example/regex/*.0rx, example/tree/, example/tree/*.0rp, example/tree/*.0rt, example/tree/*.0rx, lib/file/.zeolite-module, lib/file/*.0rp, lib/file/*.0rt, lib/file/*.cpp, lib/util/.zeolite-module, lib/util/*.0rp, lib/util/*.0rt, lib/util/*.0rx, lib/util/*.cpp, tests/.zeolite-module, tests/*.0rt, tests/multiple-defs/, tests/multiple-defs/.zeolite-module, tests/multiple-defs/*.0rp, tests/multiple-defs/*.0rx, tests/visibility/.zeolite-module, tests/visibility/*.0rp, tests/visibility/*.0rx, tests/visibility/internal/.zeolite-module, tests/visibility/internal/*.0rp, tests/visibility/internal/*.0rx, tests/visibility2/.zeolite-module, tests/visibility2/*.0rp, tests/visibility2/*.0rx, tests/visibility2/internal/.zeolite-module, tests/visibility2/internal/*.0rp, tests/visibility2/internal/*.0rx library zeolite-internal exposed-modules: Base.CompileError, Base.Mergeable, Cli.CompileMetadata, Cli.CompileOptions, Cli.Compiler, Cli.ParseCompileOptions, Cli.TestRunner, Compilation.CompileInfo, Compilation.CompilerState, Compilation.ProcedureContext, Compilation.ScopeContext, CompilerCxx.Category, CompilerCxx.CategoryContext, CompilerCxx.Code, CompilerCxx.Naming, CompilerCxx.Procedure, Config.LoadConfig, Config.Paths, Config.Programs, Parser.Common, Parser.DefinedCategory, Parser.IntegrationTest, Parser.Procedure, Parser.SourceFile, Parser.TypeCategory, Parser.TypeInstance, Test.Common, Test.DefinedCategory, Test.IntegrationTest, Test.Parser, Test.Procedure, Test.TypeCategory, Test.TypeInstance, Types.Builtin, Types.DefinedCategory, Types.Function, Types.GeneralType, Types.IntegrationTest, Types.Positional, Types.Procedure, Types.TypeCategory, Types.TypeInstance, Types.Variance other-modules: Paths_zeolite_lang autogen-modules: Paths_zeolite_lang other-extensions: CPP, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses, Safe, ScopedTypeVariables build-depends: base >= 4.2 && < 4.14, containers >= 0.3 && < 0.7, directory >= 1.1 && < 1.4, filepath >= 1.0 && < 1.5, hashable >= 1.0 && < 1.4, mtl >= 1.0 && < 2.3, parsec >= 3.0 && < 3.2, regex-tdfa >= 1.0 && < 1.4, transformers >= 0.1 && < 0.6, unix >= 2.0 && <= 2.8 hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 executable zeolite main-is: bin/zeolite.hs build-depends: base, containers, directory, filepath, unix, zeolite-internal default-language: Haskell2010 executable zeolite-setup main-is: bin/zeolite-setup.hs build-depends: base, directory, filepath, zeolite-internal default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite zeolite-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: bin/unit-tests.hs build-depends: base, directory, filepath, zeolite-internal default-language: Haskell2010