{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2019-2021 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Compilation.CompilerState ( CleanupBlock(..), CompilerContext(..), CompiledData(..), CompilerState, DeferVariable(..), LoopSetup(..), JumpType(..), MemberValue(..), ReturnVariable(..), UsedVariable(..), addDeferred, autoSelfType, branchDeferred, checkDeferred, concatM, csAddRequired, csAddTrace, csAddUsed, csAddVariable, csAllFilters, csCheckValueInit, csCheckVariableInit, csClearOutput, csCurrentScope, csExprLookup, csGetCategoryFunction, csGetCleanup, csGetLoop, csGetNoTrace, csGetOutput, csGetParamScope, csGetTypeFunction, csGetVariable, csInheritDeferred, csInheritStatic, csInheritUsed, csIsNamedReturns, csIsUnreachable, csPrimNamedReturns, csPushCleanup, csRegisterReturn, csReleaseExprMacro, csReserveExprMacro, csResolver, csSameType, csSelfType, csSetDeferred, csSetHidden, csSetJumpType, csSetNoTrace, csSetReadOnly, csStartCleanup, csStartLoop, csUpdateAssigned, csWrite, emptyCleanupBlock, emptyDeferred, followDeferred, getCleanContext, removeDeferred, runDataCompiler, ) where import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT(..),execStateT,get,put) import Data.Functor import Prelude hiding (foldr) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) #else import Data.Semigroup #endif import Base.CompilerError import Base.GeneralType import Types.DefinedCategory import Types.Procedure import Types.TypeCategory import Types.TypeInstance type CompilerState a m = StateT a m class (Functor m, Monad m) => CompilerContext c m s a | a -> c s where ccCurrentScope :: a -> m SymbolScope ccResolver :: a -> m AnyTypeResolver ccSameType :: a -> TypeInstance -> m Bool ccSelfType :: a -> m TypeInstance ccAllFilters :: a -> m ParamFilters ccGetParamScope :: a -> ParamName -> m SymbolScope ccAddRequired :: a -> Set.Set CategoryName -> m a ccGetRequired :: a -> m (Set.Set CategoryName) ccGetCategoryFunction :: a -> [c] -> Maybe CategoryName -> FunctionName -> m (ScopedFunction c) ccGetTypeFunction :: a -> [c] -> Maybe GeneralInstance -> FunctionName -> m (ScopedFunction c) ccCheckValueInit :: a -> [c] -> TypeInstance -> ExpressionType -> m () ccGetVariable :: a -> UsedVariable c -> m (VariableValue c) ccAddVariable :: a -> UsedVariable c -> VariableValue c -> m a ccSetDeferred :: a -> UsedVariable c -> m a ccSetReadOnly :: a -> UsedVariable c -> m a ccSetHidden :: a -> UsedVariable c -> m a ccCheckVariableInit :: a -> [UsedVariable c] -> m () ccWrite :: a -> s -> m a ccGetOutput :: a -> m s ccClearOutput :: a -> m a ccUpdateAssigned :: a -> VariableName -> m a ccAddUsed :: a -> UsedVariable c -> m a ccInheritUsed :: a -> a -> m a ccInheritStatic :: a -> [a] -> m a ccInheritDeferred :: a -> DeferVariable c -> m a ccRegisterReturn :: a -> [c] -> Maybe ExpressionType -> m a ccPrimNamedReturns :: a -> m [ReturnVariable] ccIsUnreachable :: a -> m Bool ccIsNamedReturns :: a -> m Bool ccSetJumpType :: a -> [c] -> JumpType -> m a ccStartLoop :: a -> LoopSetup s -> m a ccGetLoop :: a -> m (LoopSetup s) ccStartCleanup :: a -> [c] -> m a ccPushCleanup :: a -> a -> m a ccGetCleanup :: a -> JumpType -> m (CleanupBlock c s) ccExprLookup :: a -> [c] -> MacroName -> m (Expression c) ccReserveExprMacro :: a -> [c] -> MacroName -> m a ccReleaseExprMacro :: a -> [c] -> MacroName -> m a ccSetNoTrace :: a -> Bool -> m a ccGetNoTrace :: a -> m Bool ccAddTrace :: a -> String -> m a ccGetTraces :: a -> m [String] data MemberValue c = MemberValue { mvContext :: [c], mvName :: VariableName, mvType :: ValueType } deriving (Show) data ReturnVariable = ReturnVariable { rvIndex :: Int, rvName :: VariableName, rvType :: ValueType } deriving (Show) data LoopSetup s = LoopSetup { lsUpdate :: s } | NotInLoop data UsedVariable c = UsedVariable { uvContext :: [c], uvName :: VariableName } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data CleanupBlock c s = CleanupBlock { csCleanup :: s, csDeferred :: DeferVariable c, csUsesVars :: [UsedVariable c], csJumpType :: JumpType, csRequires :: Set.Set CategoryName } deriving (Show) emptyCleanupBlock :: Monoid s => CleanupBlock c s emptyCleanupBlock = CleanupBlock mempty emptyDeferred [] NextStatement Set.empty data JumpType = NextStatement | JumpContinue | JumpBreak | JumpReturn | JumpFailCall | JumpMax -- Max value for use as initial state in folds. deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) newtype DeferVariable c = DeferVariable { dvDeferred :: Map.Map VariableName (PassedValue c) } deriving (Show) branchDeferred :: [DeferVariable c] -> DeferVariable c branchDeferred = DeferVariable . Map.unions . map dvDeferred followDeferred :: DeferVariable c -> DeferVariable c -> DeferVariable c followDeferred (DeferVariable xa) (DeferVariable ya) = DeferVariable $ Map.intersection xa ya emptyDeferred :: DeferVariable c emptyDeferred = DeferVariable Map.empty checkDeferred :: VariableName -> DeferVariable c -> Bool checkDeferred n (DeferVariable va) = n `Map.member` va removeDeferred :: VariableName -> DeferVariable c -> DeferVariable c removeDeferred n (DeferVariable va) = DeferVariable (n `Map.delete` va) addDeferred :: VariableName -> PassedValue c -> DeferVariable c -> DeferVariable c addDeferred n v (DeferVariable va) = DeferVariable (Map.insert n v va) csCurrentScope :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m SymbolScope csCurrentScope = fmap ccCurrentScope get >>= lift csResolver :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m AnyTypeResolver csResolver = fmap ccResolver get >>= lift csSameType :: CompilerContext c m s a => TypeInstance -> CompilerState a m Bool csSameType t = fmap (\x -> ccSameType x t) get >>= lift csSelfType :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m TypeInstance csSelfType = fmap ccSelfType get >>= lift csAllFilters :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m ParamFilters csAllFilters = fmap ccAllFilters get >>= lift csGetParamScope :: CompilerContext c m s a => ParamName -> CompilerState a m SymbolScope csGetParamScope n = fmap (\x -> ccGetParamScope x n) get >>= lift csAddRequired :: CompilerContext c m s a => Set.Set CategoryName -> CompilerState a m () csAddRequired ns = fmap (\x -> ccAddRequired x ns) get >>= lift >>= put csGetRequired :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m (Set.Set CategoryName) csGetRequired = fmap ccGetRequired get >>= lift csGetCategoryFunction :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> Maybe CategoryName -> FunctionName -> CompilerState a m (ScopedFunction c) csGetCategoryFunction c t n = fmap (\x -> ccGetCategoryFunction x c t n) get >>= lift csGetTypeFunction :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> Maybe GeneralInstance -> FunctionName -> CompilerState a m (ScopedFunction c) csGetTypeFunction c t n = fmap (\x -> ccGetTypeFunction x c t n) get >>= lift csCheckValueInit :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> TypeInstance -> ExpressionType -> CompilerState a m () csCheckValueInit c t as = fmap (\x -> ccCheckValueInit x c t as) get >>= lift csGetVariable :: CompilerContext c m s a => UsedVariable c -> CompilerState a m (VariableValue c) csGetVariable v = fmap (\x -> ccGetVariable x v) get >>= lift csAddVariable :: CompilerContext c m s a => UsedVariable c -> VariableValue c -> CompilerState a m () csAddVariable v t = fmap (\x -> ccAddVariable x v t) get >>= lift >>= put csSetDeferred :: CompilerContext c m s a => UsedVariable c -> CompilerState a m () csSetDeferred v = fmap (\x -> ccSetDeferred x v) get >>= lift >>= put csSetReadOnly :: CompilerContext c m s a => UsedVariable c -> CompilerState a m () csSetReadOnly v = fmap (\x -> ccSetReadOnly x v) get >>= lift >>= put csSetHidden :: CompilerContext c m s a => UsedVariable c -> CompilerState a m () csSetHidden v = fmap (\x -> ccSetHidden x v) get >>= lift >>= put csCheckVariableInit :: CompilerContext c m s a => [UsedVariable c] -> CompilerState a m () csCheckVariableInit vs = fmap (\x -> ccCheckVariableInit x vs) get >>= lift csWrite :: CompilerContext c m s a => s -> CompilerState a m () csWrite o = fmap (\x -> ccWrite x o) get >>= lift >>= put csClearOutput :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m () csClearOutput = fmap (\x -> ccClearOutput x) get >>= lift >>= put csGetOutput :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m s csGetOutput = fmap ccGetOutput get >>= lift csUpdateAssigned :: CompilerContext c m s a => VariableName -> CompilerState a m () csUpdateAssigned n = fmap (\x -> ccUpdateAssigned x n) get >>= lift >>= put csAddUsed :: CompilerContext c m s a => UsedVariable c -> CompilerState a m () csAddUsed n = fmap (\x -> ccAddUsed x n) get >>= lift >>= put csInheritUsed :: CompilerContext c m s a => a -> CompilerState a m () csInheritUsed c = fmap (\x -> ccInheritUsed x c) get >>= lift >>= put csInheritStatic :: CompilerContext c m s a => [a] -> CompilerState a m () csInheritStatic xs = fmap (\x -> ccInheritStatic x xs) get >>= lift >>= put csInheritDeferred :: CompilerContext c m s a => DeferVariable c -> CompilerState a m () csInheritDeferred xs = fmap (\x -> ccInheritDeferred x xs) get >>= lift >>= put csRegisterReturn :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> Maybe ExpressionType -> CompilerState a m () csRegisterReturn c rs = fmap (\x -> ccRegisterReturn x c rs) get >>= lift >>= put csPrimNamedReturns :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m [ReturnVariable] csPrimNamedReturns = fmap ccPrimNamedReturns get >>= lift csIsUnreachable :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m Bool csIsUnreachable = fmap ccIsUnreachable get >>= lift csIsNamedReturns :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m Bool csIsNamedReturns = fmap ccIsNamedReturns get >>= lift csSetJumpType :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> JumpType -> CompilerState a m () csSetJumpType c j = fmap (\x -> ccSetJumpType x c j) get >>= lift >>= put csStartLoop :: CompilerContext c m s a => LoopSetup s -> CompilerState a m () csStartLoop l = fmap (\x -> ccStartLoop x l) get >>= lift >>= put csStartCleanup :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> CompilerState a m () csStartCleanup c = fmap (\x -> ccStartCleanup x c) get >>= lift >>= put csGetLoop :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m (LoopSetup s) csGetLoop = fmap ccGetLoop get >>= lift csPushCleanup :: CompilerContext c m s a => a -> CompilerState a m () csPushCleanup l = fmap (\x -> ccPushCleanup x l) get >>= lift >>= put csGetCleanup :: CompilerContext c m s a => JumpType -> CompilerState a m (CleanupBlock c s) csGetCleanup j = fmap (\x -> ccGetCleanup x j) get >>= lift csExprLookup :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> MacroName -> CompilerState a m (Expression c) csExprLookup c n = fmap (\x -> ccExprLookup x c n) get >>= lift csReserveExprMacro :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> MacroName -> CompilerState a m () csReserveExprMacro c n = fmap (\x -> ccReserveExprMacro x c n) get >>= lift >>= put csReleaseExprMacro :: CompilerContext c m s a => [c] -> MacroName -> CompilerState a m () csReleaseExprMacro c n = fmap (\x -> ccReleaseExprMacro x c n) get >>= lift >>= put csSetNoTrace :: CompilerContext c m s a => Bool -> CompilerState a m () csSetNoTrace t = fmap (\x -> ccSetNoTrace x t) get >>= lift >>= put csGetNoTrace :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m Bool csGetNoTrace = fmap ccGetNoTrace get >>= lift csAddTrace :: CompilerContext c m s a => String -> CompilerState a m () csAddTrace t = fmap (\x -> ccAddTrace x t) get >>= lift >>= put data CompiledData s = CompiledData { cdRequired :: Set.Set CategoryName, cdTraces :: Set.Set String, cdOutput :: s } instance Semigroup s => Semigroup (CompiledData s) where (CompiledData r1 t1 s1) <> (CompiledData r2 t2 s2) = CompiledData (r1 `Set.union` r2) (t1 `Set.union` t2) (s1 <> s2) instance (Semigroup s, Monoid s) => Monoid (CompiledData s) where mempty = CompiledData Set.empty Set.empty mempty mappend = (<>) runDataCompiler :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m b -> a -> m (CompiledData s) runDataCompiler x ctx = do ctx' <- execStateT x ctx required <- ccGetRequired ctx' output <- ccGetOutput ctx' traces <- ccGetTraces ctx' return CompiledData { cdRequired = required, cdTraces = Set.fromList traces, cdOutput = output } concatM :: (Semigroup s, Monoid s, CollectErrorsM m) => [m (CompiledData s)] -> m (CompiledData s) concatM = fmap mconcat . collectAllM getCleanContext :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m a getCleanContext = get >>= lift . ccClearOutput autoSelfType :: CompilerContext c m s a => CompilerState a m GeneralInstance autoSelfType = do scope <- csCurrentScope case scope of CategoryScope -> return selfType _ -> fmap (singleType . JustTypeInstance) csSelfType