{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2019-2021 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Parser.Procedure ( MarkType(..), PragmaExpr(..), PragmaStatement(..), pragmaExprLookup, pragmaHidden, pragmaNoTrace, pragmaReadOnly, pragmaSourceContext, pragmaTraceCreation, ) where import Control.Monad (when) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Base.CompilerError import Base.Positional import Parser.Common import Parser.Pragma import Parser.TextParser import Parser.TypeCategory () import Parser.TypeInstance () import Types.Procedure import Types.TypeCategory instance ParseFromSource (ExecutableProcedure SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "executable procedure" $ do c <- getSourceContext n <- try sourceParser as <- sourceParser rs <- sourceParser sepAfter (string_ "{") pragmas <- parsePragmas [pragmaNoTrace,pragmaTraceCreation] pp <- sourceParser c2 <- getSourceContext sepAfter (string_ "}") return $ ExecutableProcedure [c] pragmas [c2] n as rs pp instance ParseFromSource (TestProcedure SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "test procedure" $ do c <- getSourceContext kwUnittest n <- try sourceParser sepAfter (string_ "{") cov <- coveragePragma <|> return False pp <- sourceParser sepAfter (string_ "}") return $ TestProcedure [c] n cov pp where coveragePragma = autoPragma "DisableCoverage" $ Left (const True) instance ParseFromSource (ArgValues SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "procedure arguments" $ do c <- getSourceContext as <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "(") (sepAfter $ string_ ")") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",")) return $ ArgValues [c] (Positional as) instance ParseFromSource (ReturnValues SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "procedure returns" $ namedReturns <|> unnamedReturns where namedReturns = do c <- getSourceContext rs <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "(") (sepAfter $ string_ ")") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",")) return $ NamedReturns [c] (Positional rs) unnamedReturns = do c <- getSourceContext notFollowedBy (string_ "(") return $ UnnamedReturns [c] instance ParseFromSource VariableName where sourceParser = labeled "variable name" $ do noKeywords b <- lowerChar e <- sepAfter $ many alphaNumChar return $ boxVariableName (b:e) boxVariableName :: String -> VariableName boxVariableName n | n == "self" = VariableSelf | otherwise = VariableName n instance ParseFromSource (InputValue SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "input variable" $ variable <|> discard where variable = do c <- getSourceContext v <- sourceParser return $ InputValue [c] v discard = do c <- getSourceContext sepAfter_ kwIgnore return $ DiscardInput [c] instance ParseFromSource (OutputValue SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "output variable" $ do c <- getSourceContext v <- sourceParser return $ OutputValue [c] v instance ParseFromSource (Procedure SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "procedure" $ do c <- getSourceContext rs <- sepBy sourceParser optionalSpace return $ Procedure [c] rs instance ParseFromSource (Statement SourceContext) where sourceParser = parseReturn <|> parseBreak <|> parseContinue <|> parseFailCall <|> parseVoid <|> parseAssign <|> parsePragma <|> parseIgnore where parseAssign = labeled "assignment" $ do c <- getSourceContext as <- sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",") assignOperator assignExpr c as <|> assignDefer c as assignExpr c as = do e <- sourceParser statementEnd return $ Assignment [c] (Positional as) e assignDefer c as = do kwDefer statementEnd return $ DeferredVariables [c] as parseBreak = labeled "break" $ do c <- getSourceContext kwBreak return $ LoopBreak [c] parseContinue = labeled "continue" $ do c <- getSourceContext kwContinue return $ LoopContinue [c] parseFailCall = do c <- getSourceContext kwFail e <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "(") (sepAfter $ string_ ")") sourceParser return $ FailCall [c] e parseIgnore = do c <- getSourceContext statementStart e <- sourceParser statementEnd return $ IgnoreValues [c] e parseReturn = labeled "return" $ do c <- getSourceContext kwReturn emptyReturn c <|> multiReturn c multiReturn :: SourceContext -> TextParser (Statement SourceContext) multiReturn c = do rs <- sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",") statementEnd return $ ExplicitReturn [c] (Positional rs) emptyReturn :: SourceContext -> TextParser (Statement SourceContext) emptyReturn c = do kwIgnore statementEnd return $ EmptyReturn [c] parseVoid = do c <- getSourceContext e <- sourceParser return $ NoValueExpression [c] e parsePragma = ((pragmaReadOnly <|> pragmaHidden) >>= markPragma) <|> pragmaValidateRefs <|> unknownPragma markPragma p = case p of PragmaMarkVars c ReadOnly vs -> return $ MarkReadOnly c vs PragmaMarkVars c Hidden vs -> return $ MarkHidden c vs instance ParseFromSource (Assignable SourceContext) where sourceParser = existing <|> create where create = labeled "variable creation" $ do t <- sourceParser strayFuncCall <|> return () c <- getSourceContext n <- sourceParser return $ CreateVariable [c] t n existing = labeled "variable name" $ do n <- sourceParser strayFuncCall <|> return () return $ ExistingVariable n strayFuncCall = do valueSymbolGet <|> typeSymbolGet <|> categorySymbolGet compilerErrorM "function returns must be explicitly handled" instance ParseFromSource (VoidExpression SourceContext) where sourceParser = conditional <|> loop <|> scoped where conditional = do e <- sourceParser return $ Conditional e loop = do e <- sourceParser return $ Loop e scoped = do e <- sourceParser return $ WithScope e instance ParseFromSource (IfElifElse SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "if-elif-else" $ do c <- getSourceContext kwIf >> parseIf c where parseIf c = do i <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "(") (sepAfter $ string_ ")") sourceParser p <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser next <- parseElif <|> parseElse <|> return TerminateConditional return $ IfStatement [c] i p next parseElif = do c <- getSourceContext kwElif >> parseIf c parseElse = do c <- getSourceContext kwElse p <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser return $ ElseStatement [c] p instance ParseFromSource (IteratedLoop SourceContext) where sourceParser = while <|> trav where while = labeled "while" $ do c <- getSourceContext kwWhile i <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "(") (sepAfter $ string_ ")") sourceParser p <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser u <- fmap Just parseUpdate <|> return Nothing return $ WhileLoop [c] i p u trav = labeled "traverse" $ do c1 <- getSourceContext kwTraverse sepAfter_ $ string "(" e <- sourceParser sepAfter_ $ string "->" c2 <- getSourceContext a <- sourceParser sepAfter_ $ string ")" p <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser u <- fmap Just parseUpdate <|> return Nothing return $ TraverseLoop [c1] e [c2] a p u parseUpdate = do kwUpdate between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser instance ParseFromSource (ScopedBlock SourceContext) where sourceParser = scoped <|> justCleanup where scoped = labeled "scoped" $ do c <- getSourceContext kwScoped p <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser cl <- fmap Just parseCleanup <|> return Nothing kwIn c2 <- getSourceContext -- TODO: If there's a parse error in an otherwise-valid {} then the actual -- error might look like a multi-assignment issue. s <- unconditional <|> sourceParser return $ ScopedBlock [c] p cl [c2] s justCleanup = do c <- getSourceContext cl <- parseCleanup kwIn c2 <- getSourceContext s <- sourceParser <|> unconditional return $ ScopedBlock [c] (Procedure [] []) (Just cl) [c2] s parseCleanup = do kwCleanup between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser unconditional = do c <- getSourceContext p <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "{") (sepAfter $ string_ "}") sourceParser return $ NoValueExpression [c] (Unconditional p) unaryOperator :: TextParser (Operator SourceContext) unaryOperator = do c <- getSourceContext o <- op return $ NamedOperator [c] o where op = labeled "unary operator" $ foldr (<|>) empty $ map (try . operator) ops ops = logicalUnary ++ arithUnary ++ bitwiseUnary logicalUnary :: [String] logicalUnary = ["!"] arithUnary :: [String] arithUnary = ["-"] bitwiseUnary :: [String] bitwiseUnary = ["~"] infixOperator :: TextParser (Operator SourceContext) infixOperator = do c <- getSourceContext o <- op return $ NamedOperator [c] o where op = labeled "binary operator" $ foldr (<|>) empty $ map (try . operator) ops ops = compareInfix ++ logicalInfix ++ addInfix ++ subInfix ++ multInfix ++ divInfix ++ bitwiseInfix ++ bitshiftInfix compareInfix :: [String] compareInfix = ["==","!=","<","<=",">",">="] logicalInfix :: [String] logicalInfix = ["&&","||"] addInfix :: [String] addInfix = ["+"] subInfix :: [String] subInfix = ["-"] multInfix :: [String] multInfix = ["*"] divInfix :: [String] divInfix = ["/","%"] bitwiseInfix :: [String] bitwiseInfix = ["&","|","^"] bitshiftInfix :: [String] bitshiftInfix = [">>","<<"] leftAssocInfix :: [String] leftAssocInfix = addInfix ++ subInfix ++ multInfix ++ divInfix ++ bitwiseInfix ++ bitshiftInfix rightAssocInfix :: [String] rightAssocInfix = logicalInfix nonAssocInfix :: [String] nonAssocInfix = compareInfix functionOperator :: TextParser (Operator SourceContext) functionOperator = do c <- getSourceContext infixFuncStart q <- sourceParser infixFuncEnd return $ FunctionOperator [c] q inOperatorSet :: Operator c -> [String] -> Bool inOperatorSet (NamedOperator _ o) ss = o `Set.member` Set.fromList ss inOperatorSet _ _ = False bothInOperatorSet :: Operator c -> Operator c -> [String] -> Bool bothInOperatorSet o1 o2 ss = o1 `inOperatorSet` ss && o2 `inOperatorSet` ss infixPrecedence :: Operator c -> Int infixPrecedence o -- TODO: Don't hard-code this. | o `inOperatorSet` (multInfix ++ divInfix ++ bitshiftInfix) = 1 | o `inOperatorSet` (addInfix ++ subInfix ++ bitwiseInfix) = 2 | o `inOperatorSet` compareInfix = 4 | o `inOperatorSet` logicalInfix = 5 infixPrecedence _ = 3 infixBefore :: (Show c, ErrorContextM m) => Operator c -> Operator c -> m Bool infixBefore o1 o2 = do let prec1 = infixPrecedence o1 let prec2 = infixPrecedence o2 if prec1 /= prec2 then return $ prec1 < prec2 -- NOTE: Ambiguity is checked separately so that the error occurs where the -- second operator is parsed, rather than at the end of the expression. else if bothInOperatorSet o1 o2 rightAssocInfix then return False -- Logical operators are right-associative. else return True -- Default is left-associative. checkAmbiguous :: (Show c, ErrorContextM m) => Operator c -> Operator c -> m () checkAmbiguous o1 o2 = checked where formatOperator o = show (getOperatorName o) ++ " (" ++ formatFullContext (getOperatorContext o) ++ ")" checked | infixPrecedence o1 /= infixPrecedence o2 = return () | bothInOperatorSet o1 o2 leftAssocInfix = return () | bothInOperatorSet o1 o2 rightAssocInfix = return () | isFunctionOperator o1 && isFunctionOperator o2 = return () | otherwise = compilerErrorM $ "the order of operators " ++ formatOperator o1 ++ " and " ++ formatOperator o2 ++ " is ambiguous" instance ParseFromSource (Expression SourceContext) where sourceParser = do e <- notInfix asInfix [e] [] <|> return e where -- NOTE: InitializeValue is parsed as ExpressionStart. notInfix = literal <|> unary <|> expression asInfix es os = do c <- getSourceContext o <- infixOperator <|> functionOperator when (not $ null os) $ checkAmbiguous (snd $ last os) o e2 <- notInfix let es' = es ++ [e2] let os' = os ++ [([c],o)] asInfix es' os' <|> (infixToTree [] es' os') infixToTree [(e1,c1,o1)] [e2] [] = return $ InfixExpression c1 e1 o1 e2 infixToTree [] (e1:es) ((c1,o1):os) = infixToTree [(e1,c1,o1)] es os infixToTree ((e1,c1,o1):ss) [e2] [] = let e2' = InfixExpression c1 e1 o1 e2 in infixToTree ss [e2'] [] infixToTree ((e1,c1,o1):ss) (e2:es) ((c2,o2):os) = do before <- o1 `infixBefore` o2 if before then let e1' = InfixExpression c1 e1 o1 e2 in infixToTree ss (e1':es) ((c2,o2):os) else infixToTree ((e2,c2,o2):(e1,c1,o1):ss) es os infixToTree _ _ _ = undefined literal = do l <- sourceParser return $ Literal l unary = do c <- getSourceContext o <- unaryOperator <|> functionOperator e <- notInfix return $ UnaryExpression [c] o e expression = labeled "expression" $ do c <- getSourceContext s <- sourceParser vs <- many sourceParser return $ Expression [c] s vs instance ParseFromSource (FunctionQualifier SourceContext) where -- TODO: This is probably better done iteratively. sourceParser = valueFunc <|> categoryFunc <|> typeFunc where valueFunc = do c <- getSourceContext q <- try sourceParser valueSymbolGet return $ ValueFunction [c] q categoryFunc = do c <- getSourceContext q <- try $ do -- Avoids consuming the type name if : isn't present. q2 <- sourceParser categorySymbolGet return q2 return $ CategoryFunction [c] q typeFunc = do c <- getSourceContext q <- try sourceParser typeSymbolGet return $ TypeFunction [c] q instance ParseFromSource (FunctionSpec SourceContext) where sourceParser = try qualified <|> unqualified where qualified = do c <- getSourceContext q <- sourceParser n <- sourceParser ps <- try $ between (sepAfter $ string_ "<") (sepAfter $ string_ ">") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",")) <|> return [] return $ FunctionSpec [c] q n (Positional ps) unqualified = do c <- getSourceContext n <- sourceParser ps <- try $ between (sepAfter $ string_ "<") (sepAfter $ string_ ">") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",")) <|> return [] return $ FunctionSpec [c] UnqualifiedFunction n (Positional ps) instance ParseFromSource (InstanceOrInferred SourceContext) where sourceParser = assigned <|> inferred where assigned = do c <- getSourceContext t <- sourceParser return $ AssignedInstance [c] t inferred = do c <- getSourceContext sepAfter_ inferredParam return $ InferredInstance [c] parseFunctionCall :: SourceContext -> FunctionName -> TextParser (FunctionCall SourceContext) parseFunctionCall c n = do -- NOTE: try is needed here so that < operators work when the left side is -- just a variable name, e.g., x < y. ps <- try $ between (sepAfter $ string_ "<") (sepAfter $ string_ ">") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",")) <|> return [] es <- between (sepAfter $ string_ "(") (sepAfter $ string_ ")") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",")) return $ FunctionCall [c] n (Positional ps) (Positional es) builtinFunction :: TextParser FunctionName builtinFunction = foldr (<|>) empty $ map try [ kwPresent >> return BuiltinPresent, kwReduce >> return BuiltinReduce, kwRequire >> return BuiltinRequire, kwStrong >> return BuiltinStrong, kwTypename >> return BuiltinTypename ] instance ParseFromSource (ExpressionStart SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "expression start" $ parens <|> variableOrUnqualified <|> builtinCall <|> builtinValue <|> sourceContext <|> exprLookup <|> categoryCall <|> -- Keep this before typeCall, since it does a look-ahead for {. initalize <|> typeCall <|> stringLiteral <|> charLiteral <|> boolLiteral where parens = do c <- getSourceContext sepAfter (string_ "(") e <- try (assign c) <|> expr c sepAfter (string_ ")") return e assign :: SourceContext -> TextParser (ExpressionStart SourceContext) assign c = do n <- sourceParser assignOperator e <- sourceParser return $ InlineAssignment [c] n e expr :: SourceContext -> TextParser (ExpressionStart SourceContext) expr c = do e <- sourceParser return $ ParensExpression [c] e builtinCall = do c <- getSourceContext n <- builtinFunction f <- parseFunctionCall c n return $ BuiltinCall [c] f builtinValue = do c <- getSourceContext n <- builtinValues return $ NamedVariable (OutputValue [c] (boxVariableName n)) sourceContext = do pragma <- pragmaSourceContext case pragma of (PragmaSourceContext c) -> return $ UnambiguousLiteral (StringLiteral [c] (show c)) _ -> undefined -- Should be caught above. exprLookup = do pragma <- pragmaExprLookup case pragma of (PragmaExprLookup c name) -> return $ NamedMacro c name _ -> undefined -- Should be caught above. variableOrUnqualified = do c <- getSourceContext n <- sourceParser :: TextParser VariableName asUnqualifiedCall c n <|> asVariable c n asVariable c n = do return $ NamedVariable (OutputValue [c] n) asUnqualifiedCall c n = do f <- parseFunctionCall c (FunctionName (vnName n)) return $ UnqualifiedCall [c] f categoryCall = do c <- getSourceContext t <- try $ do -- Avoids consuming the type name if : isn't present. t2 <- sourceParser categorySymbolGet return t2 n <- sourceParser f <- parseFunctionCall c n return $ CategoryCall [c] t f typeCall = do c <- getSourceContext t <- try sourceParser typeSymbolGet n <- sourceParser f <- parseFunctionCall c n return $ TypeCall [c] t f initalize = do c <- getSourceContext t <- try $ do -- Avoids consuming the type name if { isn't present. t2 <- (paramSelf >> return Nothing) <|> fmap Just sourceParser sepAfter (labeled "@value initializer" $ string_ "{") return t2 as <- sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string_ ",") sepAfter (string_ "}") return $ InitializeValue [c] t (Positional as) stringLiteral = do c <- getSourceContext ss <- quotedString optionalSpace return $ UnambiguousLiteral $ StringLiteral [c] ss charLiteral = do c <- getSourceContext string_ "'" ch <- stringChar <|> char '"' string_ "'" optionalSpace return $ UnambiguousLiteral $ CharLiteral [c] ch boolLiteral = do c <- getSourceContext b <- try $ (kwTrue >> return True) <|> (kwFalse >> return False) return $ UnambiguousLiteral $ BoolLiteral [c] b instance ParseFromSource (ValueLiteral SourceContext) where sourceParser = labeled "literal" $ -- NOTE: StringLiteral, CharLiteral, and BoolLiteral are parsed -- as ExpressionStart. escapedInteger <|> integerOrDecimal <|> emptyLiteral where escapedInteger = do c <- getSourceContext escapeStart b <- oneOf "bBoOdDxX" d <- case b of 'b' -> parseBin 'B' -> parseBin 'o' -> parseOct 'O' -> parseOct 'd' -> parseDec 'D' -> parseDec 'x' -> parseHex 'X' -> parseHex _ -> undefined optionalSpace return $ IntegerLiteral [c] True d integerOrDecimal = do c <- getSourceContext d <- parseDec decimal c d <|> integer c d decimal c d = do char_ '.' (n,d2) <- parseSubOne e <- decExponent <|> return 0 optionalSpace return $ DecimalLiteral [c] (d*10^n + d2) (e - n) decExponent = do string_ "e" <|> string_ "E" s <- (string_ "+" >> return 1) <|> (string_ "-" >> return (-1)) <|> return 1 e <- parseDec return (s*e) integer c d = do optionalSpace return $ IntegerLiteral [c] False d emptyLiteral = do c <- getSourceContext kwEmpty return $ EmptyLiteral [c] instance ParseFromSource (ValueOperation SourceContext) where sourceParser = try valueCall <|> try conversion where valueCall = labeled "function call" $ do c <- getSourceContext valueSymbolGet n <- sourceParser f <- parseFunctionCall c n return $ ValueCall [c] f conversion = labeled "type conversion" $ do c <- getSourceContext valueSymbolGet t <- sourceParser -- NOTE: Should not need try here. typeSymbolGet n <- sourceParser f <- parseFunctionCall c n return $ ConvertedCall [c] t f instance ParseFromSource MacroName where sourceParser = labeled "macro name" $ do h <- upperChar <|> char '_' t <- many (upperChar <|> digitChar <|> char '_') optionalSpace return $ MacroName (h:t) pragmaNoTrace :: TextParser (PragmaProcedure SourceContext) pragmaNoTrace = autoPragma "NoTrace" $ Left parseAt where parseAt c = PragmaTracing [c] NoTrace pragmaTraceCreation :: TextParser (PragmaProcedure SourceContext) pragmaTraceCreation = autoPragma "TraceCreation" $ Left parseAt where parseAt c = PragmaTracing [c] TraceCreation data PragmaExpr c = PragmaExprLookup { pelContext :: [c], pelName :: MacroName } | PragmaSourceContext { pscContext :: c } deriving (Show) pragmaExprLookup :: TextParser (PragmaExpr SourceContext) pragmaExprLookup = autoPragma "ExprLookup" $ Right parseAt where parseAt c = do name <- sourceParser return $ PragmaExprLookup [c] name pragmaSourceContext :: TextParser (PragmaExpr SourceContext) pragmaSourceContext = autoPragma "SourceContext" $ Left parseAt where parseAt c = PragmaSourceContext c data MarkType = ReadOnly | Hidden deriving (Show) data PragmaStatement c = PragmaMarkVars { pmvContext :: [c], pmvType :: MarkType, pmvVars :: [VariableName] } deriving (Show) pragmaReadOnly :: TextParser (PragmaStatement SourceContext) pragmaReadOnly = autoPragma "ReadOnly" $ Right parseAt where parseAt c = do vs <- labeled "variable names" $ sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string ",") return $ PragmaMarkVars [c] ReadOnly vs pragmaHidden :: TextParser (PragmaStatement SourceContext) pragmaHidden = autoPragma "Hidden" $ Right parseAt where parseAt c = do vs <- labeled "variable names" $ sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string ",") return $ PragmaMarkVars [c] Hidden vs pragmaValidateRefs :: TextParser (Statement SourceContext) pragmaValidateRefs = autoPragma "ValidateRefs" $ Right parseAt where parseAt c = do vs <- labeled "variable names" $ sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string ",") return $ ValidateRefs [c] vs