This is a demo program using zephyr-copilot. It is an example of using GPIO ports specific to a particular board, in this case the adafruit_feather_m0_basic_proto. To build the C code: stack build zephyr-copilot stack runghc Demo.hs The resulting `generated/` directory can be built and flashed to a board using Zephyr. First, follow Zephyr's getting started guide to install it: Once Zephyr is working, to build the code generated by zephyr-copilot, run west from within the zephyr git repository, pointing at the path of the `generated/` directory. For example: west build -b adafruit_feather_m0_basic_proto -s \ ~/zephyr-copilot/Examples/Feather/generated/ Then to flash it to the board: west flash