module Codec.Zlib.Enum (
    -- * Enumeratees
    compress, decompress,
    -- * Re-exported from zlib-bindings 
    WindowBits, defaultWindowBits
) where

import Codec.Zlib
import Data.Enumerator as E
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Control.Monad (join)

joinIO :: MonadIO m => IO (m (Step a m b)) -> Iteratee a m b
joinIO = Iteratee . join . liftIO

enumLoop :: Monad m =>
     ((Stream b -> Iteratee b m c) -> Iteratee b m c)
     -> (a -> (Stream b -> Iteratee b m c) -> Iteratee b m c)
     -> Enumeratee a b m c
enumLoop done more = checkDone loop where
    loop k = do maybe_x <- E.head
                case maybe_x of
                     Nothing -> return $$ done k
                     Just x  -> checkDone loop $$ more x k

-- |
-- Decompress (inflate) a stream of 'ByteString's. For example:
-- >    run $ enumFile "test.z" $$ decompress defaultWindowBits $$ printChunks True

decompress :: MonadIO m
    => WindowBits -- ^ Zlib parameter (see the zlib-bindings package as well as the zlib C library)
    -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a
decompress config step0 = do
    inflate <- liftIO $ initInflate config
    let done k      = do lastChunk <- liftIO $ finishInflate inflate
                         k (Chunks [lastChunk])
        more x k    = joinIO $ withInflateInput inflate x (return . callback k)
    enumLoop done more step0

-- |
-- Compress (deflate) a stream of 'ByteString's. The 'WindowBits' also control
-- the format (zlib vs. gzip).

compress :: MonadIO m
    => Int        -- ^ Compression level
    -> WindowBits -- ^ Zlib parameter (see the zlib-bindings package as well as the zlib C library)
    -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a
compress level config step0 = do
    deflate <- liftIO $ initDeflate level config
    let done k    = joinIO $ finishDeflate deflate (return . callback k)
        more x k  = joinIO $ withDeflateInput deflate x (return . callback k)
    enumLoop done more step0

-- A callback function for withInflateInput / withDeflateInput
callback :: MonadIO m =>
    (Stream a -> Iteratee a m b) -> IO (Maybe a) -> m (Step a m b)

callback k pop = maybe done more =<< liftIO pop
    done   = return (Continue k)
    more y = do step <- runIteratee (k (Chunks [y]))
                case step of
                     Continue k'    -> callback k' pop
                     other          -> return other

-- testInflate = do
--     h <- openBinaryFile "test-out" WriteMode
--     run $ enumFile "test.z"
--            $$ decompress defaultWindowBits
--            $$ iterHandle h
--     hClose h
-- testDeflate = do
--     h <- openBinaryFile "test.z" WriteMode
--     run $ enumFile "test"
--            $$ compress 7 defaultWindowBits
--            $$ iterHandle h
--     hClose h