[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tittoassini/zm.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tittoassini/zm) [![Hackage version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/zm.svg)](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/zm) Haskell implementation of 正名 (read as: [Zhèng Míng](https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/%E6%AD%A3%E5%90%8D)) a minimalistic, expressive and language independent data modelling language ([specs](http://quid2.org/docs/ZhengMing.pdf)). ### How To Use It For Fun and Profit With `zm` you can derive and manipulate canonical and language-independent definitions and unique identifiers of (a subset) of Haskell data types. This can be used, for example: * in combination with a serialisation library to provide type-safe deserialisation * for data exchange across different programming languages and software systems * for long term data preservation #### Canonical Models of Haskell Data Types For a data type to have a canonical representation, it has to implement the `Model` type class. Instances for a few common data types (Bool, Maybe, Tuples, Lists, Ints, Words, String, Text ..) are already defined and there is `Generics` based support to automatically derive additional instances. Let's see some code, we need a couple of GHC extensions: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} ``` Import the library: ```haskell import ZM ``` We use `absTypeModel` to get the canonical type of `Maybe Bool` and `pPrint` to print it nicely: ```haskell pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy (Maybe Bool)) -> Type: -> -> Kda6836778fd4 K306f1981b41c: -> Maybe Bool -> -> Environment: -> -> K306f1981b41c: -> Bool ≡ False -> | True -> -> Kda6836778fd4: -> Maybe a ≡ Nothing -> | Just a ``` We can see how the data types `Maybe` and `Bool` have been assigned unique canonical identifiers and how the type `Maybe Bool` is accordingly represented. Contrary to Haskell, `ZhengMing` has no 'magic' built-in types so even something as basic as a `Char` or a `Word` have to be defined explicitly. For example, a `Word7` (an unsigned integer of 7 bits length) is defined as an explicit enumeration of all the 128 different values that can fit in 7 bits: ```haskell pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy Word7) -> Type: -> -> Kf4c946334a7e: -> Word7 -> -> Environment: -> -> Kf4c946334a7e: -> Word7 ≡ V0 -> | V1 -> | V2 -> | V3 -> | V4 -> ... -> | V123 -> | V124 -> | V125 -> | V126 -> | V127 ``` A `Word32` can be defined as a `NonEmptyList` list of `Word7`s (a definition equivalent to the [Base 128 Varints encoding](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#varints)). ```haskell pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy Word32) -> Type: -> -> K2412799c99f1: -> Word32 -> -> Environment: -> -> K20ffacc8f8c9: -> LeastSignificantFirst a ≡ LeastSignificantFirst a -> -> K74e2b3b89941: -> MostSignificantFirst a ≡ MostSignificantFirst a -> -> Kbf2d1c86eb20: -> NonEmptyList a ≡ Elem a -> | Cons a (NonEmptyList a) -> -> Kf92e8339908a: -> Word ≡ Word (LeastSignificantFirst (NonEmptyList (MostSignificantFirst Word7))) -> -> K2412799c99f1: -> Word32 ≡ Word32 Word -> -> Kf4c946334a7e: -> Word7 ≡ V0 -> | V1 -> | V2 -> | V3 -> | V4 -> ... -> | V123 -> | V124 -> | V125 -> | V126 -> | V127 ``` And finally a `Char` can be defined as a tagged `Word32`: ```haskell pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy Char) -> Type: -> -> K066db52af145: -> Char -> -> Environment: -> -> K066db52af145: -> Char ≡ Char Word32 -> -> K20ffacc8f8c9: -> LeastSignificantFirst a ≡ LeastSignificantFirst a -> -> K74e2b3b89941: -> MostSignificantFirst a ≡ MostSignificantFirst a -> -> Kbf2d1c86eb20: -> NonEmptyList a ≡ Elem a -> | Cons a (NonEmptyList a) -> -> Kf92e8339908a: -> Word ≡ Word (LeastSignificantFirst (NonEmptyList (MostSignificantFirst Word7))) -> -> K2412799c99f1: -> Word32 ≡ Word32 Word -> -> Kf4c946334a7e: -> Word7 ≡ V0 -> | V1 -> | V2 -> | V3 -> | V4 -> ... -> | V123 -> | V124 -> | V125 -> | V126 -> | V127 ``` Most common haskell data types can be automatically mapped to the equivalent canonical data type. There are however a couple of restrictions: data types definitions cannot be mutually recursive and type variables must be of kind *. So for example, these won't work: ```haskell -- BAD: f has higher kind data Free f a = Impure (f (Free f a)) | Pure a -- BAD: mutually recursive data Forest a = Nil | Cons (Tree a) (Forest a) data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Forest a) ``` So now that we have canonical types, what about some practical applications? #### Safe Deserialisation To illustrate the problem, consider the two following data types: The [Cinque Terre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinque_Terre) villages: ```haskell data CinqueTerre = Monterosso | Vernazza | Corniglia | Manarola | RioMaggiore deriving (Show,Generic,Flat,Model) ``` The traditional Chinese directions: ```haskell data Direction = North | South | Center | East | West deriving (Show,Generic,Flat,Model) ``` Though their meaning is obviously different they share the same syntactical structure (simple enumerations of 5 values) and most binary serialisation libraries won't be able to distinguish between the two. To demonstrate this, let's serialise `Center` and `Corniglia`, the third value of each enumeration using the `flat` library. ```haskell pPrint $ flat Center -> [ 129 ] ``` ```haskell pPrint $ flat Corniglia -> [ 129 ] ``` As you can see they have the same binary representation. We have used the `flat` binary serialisation as it is already a dependency of `zm` (and automatically imported by `ZM`) but the same principle apply to other serialisation libraries (`binary`, `cereal` ..). Let's go full circle, using `unflat` to decode the value : ```haskell decoded = unflat . flat ``` ```haskell decoded Center :: Decoded Direction -> Right Center ``` One more time: ```haskell decoded Center :: Decoded CinqueTerre -> Right Corniglia ``` Oops, that's not quite right. We got our types crossed, `Center` was read back as `Corniglia`, a `Direction` was interpreted as one of the `CinqueTerre`. To fix this, we convert the value to a `TypedValue`, a value combined with its canonical type: ```haskell pPrint $ typedValue Center -> Center :: K170d0e47bef6 ``` TypedValues can be serialised as any other value: ```haskell pPrint <$> (decoded $ typedValue Center :: Decoded (TypedValue Direction)) -> Right Center :: K170d0e47bef6 ``` And just as before, we can get things wrong: ```haskell pPrint <$> (decoded $ typedValue Center :: Decoded (TypedValue CinqueTerre)) -> Right Corniglia :: K170d0e47bef6 ``` However this time is obvious that the value is inconsistent with its type, as the `CinqueTerre` data type has a different unique code: ```haskell pPrint $ absTypeModel (Proxy :: Proxy CinqueTerre) -> Type: -> -> K747ebaa65778: -> CinqueTerre -> -> Environment: -> -> K747ebaa65778: -> CinqueTerre ≡ Monterosso -> | Vernazza -> | Corniglia -> | Manarola -> | RioMaggiore ``` We can automate this check, with `untypedValue`: This is ok: ```haskell untypedValue . decoded . typedValue $ Center :: TypedDecoded Direction -> Right Center ``` And this is wrong: ```haskell untypedValue . decoded . typedValue $ Center :: TypedDecoded CinqueTerre -> Left -> WrongType -> { expectedType = -> TypeCon (AbsRef (SHAKE128_48 116 126 186 166 87 120)) -> , actualType = TypeCon (AbsRef (SHAKE128_48 23 13 14 71 190 246)) -> } ``` ### Data Exchange For an example of using canonical data types as a data exchange mechanism see [top](https://github.com/tittoassini/top), the Type Oriented Protocol. ### Haskell Compatibility Tested with: * [ghc](https://www.haskell.org/ghc/) 7.10.3, 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 (x64) * [ghcjs](https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs) ### Installation Get the latest stable version from [hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/zm). ### Acknowledgements Contains the following JavaScript library: js-sha3 v0.5.1 https://github.com/emn178/js-sha3 Copyright 2015, emn178@gmail.com Licensed under the MIT license:http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT ### Known Bugs and Infelicities * The unique codes generated for the data types are not yet final and might change in the final version. * Instances for parametric data types have to be declared separately (won't work in `deriving`)