{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-- |Utilities to operate on the absolute type model
module ZM.Transform (
    -- * Saturated ADTs
    -- * Dependencies
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Trans.State
import           Data.Foldable             (toList)
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map                  as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Model.Util           (transitiveClosure)
import           ZM.Pretty                 ()
import           ZM.Types
import           ZM.Util

-- |A map of fully applied types to the corresponding saturated constructor tree
type MapTypeTree = M.Map (Type AbsRef) (ConTree Identifier AbsRef)

-- |Return the map of types to saturated constructor trees corresponding to the type model
typeTree :: AbsTypeModel -> MapTypeTree
typeTree tm = execEnv (addType (typeEnv tm) (typeName tm))
   -- |Insert in the env the saturated constructor trees corresponding to the passed type
   -- and any type nested in its definition
   addType absEnv t = do
     mct <- M.lookup t <$> get
     case mct of
       Nothing ->
         case declCons $ solvedADT absEnv t of
           Just ct -> do
             modify (M.insert t ct)
             -- Recursively on all saturated types inside the contructor tree
             mapM_ (addType absEnv) (conTreeTypeList ct)
           Nothing -> return ()
       Just _ -> return ()

-- | Return all the ADTs referred, directly or indirectly, by the provided type, and defined in the provided environment
typeDefinition :: AbsEnv -> AbsType -> Either String [AbsADT]
typeDefinition env t = mapSolve env . nub . concat <$> (mapM (absRecDeps env) . references $ t)

-- | Return all the ADTs referred, directly or indirectly, by the ADT identified by the provided reference, and defined in the provided environment
adtDefinition :: AbsEnv -> AbsRef -> Either String [AbsADT]
adtDefinition env t = mapSolve env <$> absRecDeps env t

-- |Return the list of references found in the ADT definition
innerReferences :: AbsADT -> [AbsRef]
innerReferences = nub . mapMaybe getADTRef . nub . toList

-- |Return the list of references found in the absolute type
references :: AbsType  -> [AbsRef]
references = nub . toList

absRecDeps :: AbsEnv -> AbsRef -> Either String [AbsRef]
absRecDeps env ref = either (Left . unlines) Right $ transitiveClosure getADTRef env ref

-- |Return an external reference, if present
getADTRef :: ADTRef a -> Maybe a
getADTRef (Ext r) = Just r
getADTRef _       = Nothing

mapSolve :: (Ord k, Show k) => M.Map k b -> [k] -> [b]
mapSolve env = map (`solve` env)

-- stringADT :: AbsEnv -> AbsADT -> ADT LocalName Identifier (TypeRef LocalName)
-- stringADT env adt =
--   let name = declName adt
--   in ADT (LocalName name) (declNumParameters adt) ((solveS name <$>) <$> declCons adt)
--    where solveS _ (Var n) = TypVar n
--          solveS _ (Ext k) = TypRef . LocalName . declName . solve k $ env
--          solveS name Rec  = TypRef $ LocalName name

-- |Convert a type to an equivalent concrete ADT whose variables have been substituted by the type parameters (e.g. Maybe Bool -> Maybe = Nothing | Just Bool)
solvedADT :: (Ord ref, Show ref) => M.Map ref (ADT name consName (ADTRef ref)) -> Type ref -> ADT name consName ref
solvedADT env at =
     TypeN t ts = typeN at
     as = map typeA ts
     adt = solve t env
     name = declName adt
   in ADT name 0 (conTreeTypeMap (saturate t as) <$> declCons adt)

-- |Substitute variables in a type with the provided types
saturate :: ref -> [Type ref] -> Type (ADTRef ref) -> Type ref
saturate ref vs (TypeApp a b) = TypeApp (saturate ref vs a) (saturate ref vs b)
saturate _   vs (TypeCon (Var n)) = vs !! fromIntegral n -- Different!
saturate _    _  (TypeCon (Ext r)) = TypeCon r
saturate selfRef _  (TypeCon Rec) = TypeCon selfRef

-- saturate2 :: ref -> [ref] -> Type (ADTRef ref) -> Type ref
-- saturate2 ref vs t = subs ref vs <$> t
--   where
--     subs _       vars (Var n) = vars !! fromIntegral n
--     subs selfRef _    Rec     = selfRef
--     subs _       _    (Ext r) = r