#include "hs_zk.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const stat_t* dup_stat(const stat_t* old_stat); const string_vector_t* dup_string_vector(const string_vector_t* old_strings); const acl_vector_t* dup_acl_vector(const acl_vector_t* old_acls); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback Functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void hs_zookeeper_node_watcher_fn(zhandle_t* zh, int type, int state, const char* path, void* watcherCtx) { if (type != ZOO_SESSION_EVENT) { hs_watcher_ctx_t* watcher_ctx = (hs_watcher_ctx_t*)watcherCtx; watcher_ctx->zh = zh; watcher_ctx->type = type; watcher_ctx->state = state; watcher_ctx->path = strdup(path); hs_try_putmvar(watcher_ctx->cap, watcher_ctx->mvar); } else { fprintf(stderr, "zoovisitor.hs_zookeeper_node_watcher_fn: ignore event type: %d\n", type); } } /** * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a list of strings. * * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as * a result of connection loss or timeout. * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers * the completion with one of the following error codes: * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.) * \param value the value of the string returned. * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function * that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer * is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data * pointer. */ void hs_string_completion_fn(int rc, const char* value, const void* data) { hs_string_completion_t* string_completion = (hs_string_completion_t*)data; string_completion->rc = rc; if (!rc) { string_completion->value = strdup(value); } hs_try_putmvar(string_completion->cap, string_completion->mvar); } /** * \brief signature of a completion function that returns data. * * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as * a result of connection loss or timeout. * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers * the completion with one of the following error codes: * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.) * \param value the value of the information returned by the asynchronous call. * If a non zero error code is returned, the content of value is undefined. * The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing value. * \param value_len the number of bytes in value. * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in * this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of * stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat. * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function * that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer * is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data * pointer. */ void hs_data_completion_fn(int rc, const char* value, int value_len, const struct Stat* stat, const void* data) { hs_data_completion_t* data_completion = (hs_data_completion_t*)data; data_completion->rc = rc; if (!rc) { data_completion->value_len = value_len; if (value_len >= 0) { data_completion->value = strndup(value, value_len); } data_completion->stat = dup_stat(stat); } hs_try_putmvar(data_completion->cap, data_completion->mvar); } /** * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a Stat structure. * * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as * a result of connection loss or timeout. * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers * the completion with one of the following error codes: * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.) * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in * this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of * stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat. * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function * that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer * is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data * pointer. */ void hs_stat_completion_fn(int rc, const struct Stat* stat, const void* data) { hs_stat_completion_t* stat_completion = (hs_stat_completion_t*)data; stat_completion->rc = rc; if (!rc) { stat_completion->stat = dup_stat(stat); } hs_try_putmvar(stat_completion->cap, stat_completion->mvar); } /** * \brief signature of a completion function for a call that returns void. * * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as * a result of connection loss or timeout. * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers * the completion with one of the following error codes: * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.) * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function * that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer * is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data * pointer. */ void hs_void_completion_fn(int rc, const void* data) { hs_void_completion_t* void_completion = (hs_void_completion_t*)data; void_completion->rc = rc; hs_try_putmvar(void_completion->cap, void_completion->mvar); } /** * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a list of strings. * * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as * a result of connection loss or timeout. * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers * the completion with one of the following error codes: * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.) * \param strings a pointer to the structure containng the list of strings of * the names of the children of a node. If a non zero error code is returned, * the content of strings is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible * for freeing strings. * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function * that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer * is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data * pointer. */ void hs_strings_completion_fn(int rc, const string_vector_t* strings, const void* data) { hs_strings_completion_t* strings_completion = (hs_strings_completion_t*)data; strings_completion->rc = rc; if (!rc) { strings_completion->strings = dup_string_vector(strings); } hs_try_putmvar(strings_completion->cap, strings_completion->mvar); } /** * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a list of strings and * stat. * . * * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as * a result of connection loss or timeout. * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers * the completion with one of the following error codes: * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.) * \param strings a pointer to the structure containng the list of strings of * the names of the children of a node. If a non zero error code is returned, * the content of strings is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible * for freeing strings. * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in * this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of * stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat. * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function * that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer * is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data * pointer. */ void hs_strings_stat_completion_fn(int rc, const string_vector_t* strings, const struct Stat* stat, const void* data) { hs_strings_stat_completion_t* strings_stat = (hs_strings_stat_completion_t*)data; strings_stat->rc = rc; if (!rc) { strings_stat->strings = dup_string_vector(strings); strings_stat->stat = dup_stat(stat); } hs_try_putmvar(strings_stat->cap, strings_stat->mvar); } /** * \brief signature of a completion function that returns an ACL. * * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as * a result of connection loss or timeout. * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers * the completion with one of the following error codes: * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.) * \param acl a pointer to the structure containng the ACL of a node. If a non * zero error code is returned, the content of strings is undefined. The * programmer is NOT responsible for freeing acl. * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in * this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of * stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat. * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function * that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer * is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data * pointer. */ void hs_acl_completion_fn(int rc, struct ACL_vector* acl, struct Stat* stat, const void* data) { hs_acl_completion_t* acl_completion = (hs_acl_completion_t*)data; acl_completion->rc = rc; if (!rc) { acl_completion->acl = dup_acl_vector(acl); acl_completion->stat = dup_stat(stat); } hs_try_putmvar(acl_completion->cap, acl_completion->mvar); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int hs_zoo_acreate(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, const char* value, HsInt offset, HsInt valuelen, const struct ACL_vector* acl, int mode, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_string_completion_t* string_completion) { string_completion->mvar = mvar; string_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_acreate(zh, path, value + offset, valuelen, acl, mode, hs_string_completion_fn, string_completion); } int hs_zoo_aget(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, int watch, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_data_completion_t* data_completion) { data_completion->mvar = mvar; data_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_aget(zh, path, watch, hs_data_completion_fn, data_completion); } int hs_zoo_awget(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, HsStablePtr mvar_w, HsStablePtr mvar_f, HsInt cap, hs_watcher_ctx_t* watcher_ctx, hs_data_completion_t* data_completion) { watcher_ctx->mvar = mvar_w; watcher_ctx->cap = cap; data_completion->mvar = mvar_f; data_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_awget(zh, path, hs_zookeeper_node_watcher_fn, watcher_ctx, hs_data_completion_fn, data_completion); } int hs_zoo_aset(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, const char* buffer, HsInt offset, HsInt buflen, int version, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_stat_completion_t* stat_completion) { stat_completion->mvar = mvar; stat_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_aset(zh, path, buffer + offset, buflen, version, hs_stat_completion_fn, stat_completion); } int hs_zoo_adelete(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, int version, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_void_completion_t* void_completion) { void_completion->mvar = mvar; void_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_adelete(zh, path, version, hs_void_completion_fn, void_completion); } int hs_zoo_aexists(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, int watch, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_stat_completion_t* stat_completion) { stat_completion->mvar = mvar; stat_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_aexists(zh, path, watch, hs_stat_completion_fn, stat_completion); } int hs_zoo_awexists(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, HsStablePtr mvar_w, HsStablePtr mvar_f, HsInt cap, hs_watcher_ctx_t* watcher_ctx, hs_stat_completion_t* stat_completion) { watcher_ctx->mvar = mvar_w; watcher_ctx->cap = cap; stat_completion->mvar = mvar_f; stat_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_awexists(zh, path, hs_zookeeper_node_watcher_fn, watcher_ctx, hs_stat_completion_fn, stat_completion); } int hs_zoo_aget_children(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, int watch, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_strings_completion_t* strings_completion) { strings_completion->mvar = mvar; strings_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_aget_children(zh, path, watch, hs_strings_completion_fn, strings_completion); } int hs_zoo_awget_children(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, HsStablePtr mvar_w, HsStablePtr mvar_f, HsInt cap, hs_watcher_ctx_t* watcher_ctx, hs_strings_completion_t* strings_completion) { watcher_ctx->mvar = mvar_w; watcher_ctx->cap = cap; strings_completion->mvar = mvar_f; strings_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_awget_children(zh, path, hs_zookeeper_node_watcher_fn, watcher_ctx, hs_strings_completion_fn, strings_completion); } int hs_zoo_aget_children2(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, int watch, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_strings_stat_completion_t* strings_stat) { strings_stat->mvar = mvar; strings_stat->cap = cap; return zoo_aget_children2(zh, path, watch, hs_strings_stat_completion_fn, strings_stat); } int hs_zoo_awget_children2(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, HsStablePtr mvar_w, HsStablePtr mvar_f, HsInt cap, hs_watcher_ctx_t* watcher_ctx, hs_strings_stat_completion_t* strings_stat) { watcher_ctx->mvar = mvar_w; watcher_ctx->cap = cap; strings_stat->mvar = mvar_f; strings_stat->cap = cap; return zoo_awget_children2(zh, path, hs_zookeeper_node_watcher_fn, watcher_ctx, hs_strings_stat_completion_fn, strings_stat); } int hs_zoo_aget_acl(zhandle_t* zh, const char* path, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_acl_completion_t* completion) { completion->mvar = mvar; completion->cap = cap; return zoo_aget_acl(zh, path, hs_acl_completion_fn, completion); } int hs_zoo_amulti(zhandle_t* zh, int count, const zoo_op_t* ops, zoo_op_result_t* results, HsStablePtr mvar, HsInt cap, hs_void_completion_t* void_completion) { void_completion->mvar = mvar; void_completion->cap = cap; return zoo_amulti(zh, count, ops, results, hs_void_completion_fn, void_completion); } void hs_zoo_create_op_init(zoo_op_t* op, const char* path, const char* value, HsInt valoffset, HsInt valuelen, const struct ACL_vector* acl, int flags, char* path_buffer, int path_buffer_len) { zoo_create_op_init(op, path, value + valoffset, valuelen, acl, flags, path_buffer, path_buffer_len); } void hs_zoo_set_op_init(zoo_op_t* op, const char* path, const char* value, HsInt valoffset, HsInt valuelen, int version, stat_t* stat) { zoo_set_op_init(op, path, value + valoffset, valuelen, version, stat); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers const stat_t* dup_stat(const stat_t* old_stat) { stat_t* new_stat = (stat_t*)malloc(sizeof(stat_t)); new_stat = memcpy(new_stat, old_stat, sizeof(stat_t)); return new_stat; } const string_vector_t* dup_string_vector(const string_vector_t* old_strings) { int count = old_strings->count; if (count < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dup_string_vector error: count %d\n", count); return NULL; } string_vector_t* new_strings = (string_vector_t*)malloc(sizeof(string_vector_t)); char** vals = malloc(count * sizeof(char*)); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { vals[i] = strdup(old_strings->data[i]); } new_strings->count = count; new_strings->data = vals; return new_strings; } const acl_vector_t* dup_acl_vector(const acl_vector_t* old_acls) { int count = old_acls->count; if (count < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dup_acl_vector error: count %d\n", count); return NULL; } acl_t* data = (acl_t*)malloc(count * sizeof(acl_t)); acl_t* old_data = old_acls->data; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { data[i].perms = old_data[i].perms; data[i].id.scheme = strdup(old_data[i].id.scheme); data[i].id.id = strdup(old_data[i].id.id); } acl_vector_t* new_acls = (acl_vector_t*)malloc(sizeof(acl_vector_t)); new_acls->count = count; new_acls->data = data; return new_acls; }