{-# LANGUAGE CApiFFI #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-} module ZooKeeper.Internal.FFI where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Version (Version, makeVersion, parseVersion) import Data.Word import Foreign.C import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.StablePtr import GHC.Conc import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S) import qualified Z.Data.CBytes as CBytes import Z.Foreign import ZooKeeper.Exception import ZooKeeper.Internal.Types #include "hs_zk.h" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- zooVersion :: Version #ifdef ZOO_MAJOR_VERSION zooVersion = makeVersion [ (#const ZOO_MAJOR_VERSION) , (#const ZOO_MINOR_VERSION) , (#const ZOO_PATCH_VERSION) ] #else zooVersion = case readP_to_S parseVersion (#const_str ZOO_VERSION) of [_, _, (r, _)] -> r otherwise -> makeVersion [0, 0, 0] -- unsupported #endif foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h &logLevel" c_log_level :: Ptr ZooLogLevel -- | Sets the debugging level for the zookeeper library foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h zoo_set_debug_level" zooSetDebugLevel :: ZooLogLevel -> IO () foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkCWatcherFnPtr :: CWatcherFn -> IO (FunPtr CWatcherFn) mkWatcherFnPtr :: WatcherFn -> IO (FunPtr CWatcherFn) mkWatcherFnPtr fn = mkCWatcherFnPtr $ \zh ev st cpath _ctx -> do path <- CBytes.fromCString cpath fn zh (ZooEvent ev) (ZooState st) path foreign import ccall safe "zookeeper.h zookeeper_init" zookeeper_init :: Ptr Word8 -> FunPtr CWatcherFn -> CInt -> ClientID -> Ptr a -> CInt -> IO ZHandle foreign import ccall safe "hs_zk.h zookeeper_close" c_zookeeper_close :: ZHandle -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h zoo_client_id" c_zoo_client_id :: ZHandle -> IO ClientID foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h zoo_state" c_zoo_state :: ZHandle -> IO ZooState foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h zoo_recv_timeout" c_zoo_recv_timeout :: ZHandle -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_aget_acl" c_hs_zoo_aget_acl :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr AclCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_acreate" c_hs_zoo_acreate :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int -> AclVector -> CreateMode -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr StringCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_acreate" c_hs_zoo_acreate' :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> Ptr CChar -> Int -> Int -> AclVector -> CreateMode -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr StringCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_aset" c_hs_zoo_aset :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int -> CInt -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr StatCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_aset" c_hs_zoo_aset' :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> CInt -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr StatCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_aget" c_hs_zoo_aget :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> CInt -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr DataCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_awget" c_hs_zoo_awget :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr HsWatcherCtx -> Ptr DataCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_adelete" c_hs_zoo_adelete :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> CInt -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr VoidCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_aexists" c_hs_zoo_aexists :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> CInt -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr StatCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_awexists" c_hs_zoo_awexists :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr HsWatcherCtx -> Ptr StatCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_aget_children" c_hs_zoo_aget_children :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> CInt -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr StringsCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_awget_children" c_hs_zoo_awget_children :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr HsWatcherCtx -> Ptr StringsCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_aget_children2" c_hs_zoo_aget_children2 :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> CInt -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr StringsStatCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_awget_children2" c_hs_zoo_awget_children2 :: ZHandle -> BA## Word8 -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr HsWatcherCtx -> Ptr StringsStatCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_amulti" c_hs_zoo_amulti :: ZHandle -> CInt -> MBA## CZooOp -- Ptr CZooOp -> MBA## CZooOpResult -- Ptr CZooOpResult -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr VoidCompletion -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_create_op_init" c_hs_zoo_create_op_init :: Ptr CZooOp -> BA## Word8 -- ^ path -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int -> AclVector -> CreateMode -> MBA## Word8 -> CInt -- ^ (path_buffer, path_buffer_len) -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_create_op_init" c_hs_zoo_create_op_init' :: Ptr CZooOp -> BA## Word8 -> Ptr CChar -> Int -> Int -> AclVector -> CreateMode -> MBA## Word8 -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h zoo_delete_op_init" c_zoo_delete_op_init :: Ptr CZooOp -> BA## Word8 -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_set_op_init" c_hs_zoo_set_op_init :: Ptr CZooOp -> BA## Word8 -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int -> CInt -> MBA## Word8 -- pointer to Stat -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_zk.h hs_zoo_set_op_init" c_hs_zoo_set_op_init' :: Ptr CZooOp -> BA## Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> CInt -> MBA## Word8 -- pointer to Stat -> IO () foreign import ccall safe "zookeeper.h zoo_set_watcher" zoo_set_watcher :: ZHandle -> FunPtr CWatcherFn -> IO (FunPtr CWatcherFn) foreign import ccall unsafe "zookeeper.h zoo_check_op_init" c_zoo_check_op_init :: Ptr CZooOp -> BA## Word8 -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "zookeeper.h is_unrecoverable" c_is_unrecoverable :: ZHandle -> IO CInt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers withZKAsync :: HasCallStack => Int -> (Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> (Ptr a -> IO a) -> (StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> IO (Either CInt a) withZKAsync = withZKAsync' [] {-# INLINE withZKAsync #-} withZKAsync' :: HasCallStack => TouchListBytes -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> (Ptr a -> IO a) -> (StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> IO (Either CInt a) withZKAsync' bas size peek_result peek_data f = mask_ $ do mvar <- newEmptyMVar sp <- newStablePtrPrimMVar mvar fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes size withForeignPtr fp $ \data' -> do (cap, _) <- threadCapability =<< myThreadId void $ throwZooErrorIfNotOK =<< f sp cap data' takeMVar mvar `onException` forkIO (do takeMVar mvar; touchForeignPtr fp; touch bas) rc <- peek_result data' case rc of CZOK -> Right <$> peek_data data' _ -> return $ Left rc {-# INLINE withZKAsync' #-} withZKAsync2 :: HasCallStack => Int -> (Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> (Ptr a -> IO a) -> (Either CInt a -> IO ()) -> Int -> (Ptr b -> IO CInt) -> (Ptr b -> IO b) -> (Either CInt b -> IO ()) -> (StablePtr PrimMVar -> StablePtr PrimMVar -> Int -> Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO CInt) -> IO () withZKAsync2 size1 peekRet1 peekData1 f1 size2 peekRet2 peekData2 f2 g = mask_ $ do mvar1 <- newEmptyMVar sp1 <- newStablePtrPrimMVar mvar1 fp1 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes size1 mvar2 <- newEmptyMVar sp2 <- newStablePtrPrimMVar mvar2 fp2 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes size2 withForeignPtr fp1 $ \data1' -> withForeignPtr fp2 $ \data2' -> do (cap, _) <- threadCapability =<< myThreadId void $ throwZooErrorIfNotOK =<< g sp1 sp2 cap data1' data2' takeMVar mvar2 `onException` forkIO (do takeMVar mvar2; touchForeignPtr fp2; touchForeignPtr fp1) rc2 <- peekRet2 data2' case rc2 of CZOK -> f2 =<< Right <$> peekData2 data2' _ -> f2 $ Left rc2 takeMVar mvar1 `onException` forkIO (do takeMVar mvar1; touchForeignPtr fp1) rc1 <- peekRet1 data1' case rc1 of CZOK -> f1 =<< Right <$> peekData1 data1' _ -> f1 $ Left rc1 {-# INLINABLE withZKAsync2 #-}