{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-| Copyright: This file is part of the package zxcvbn-hs. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://code.devalot.com/sthenauth/zxcvbn-hs No part of this package, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. License: MIT -} module Zxcvbn.Adjacency ( run ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library Imports: import Control.Lens import Control.Lens.TH (makePrisms) import Control.Monad (forM_, join, when) import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import System.FilePath (takeFileName, dropExtension) import qualified Data.Set as Set import System.IO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Project Imports: import qualified Text.Password.Strength.Internal as Internal import Zxcvbn.Encode (header, encode) import Zxcvbn.Global (Global(..)) import Text.Password.Strength.Internal ( Direction(..) , Move(..) , Adjacency(..) , AdjacencyTable(..) , Pattern ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Layer = Int type Row = Int type Column = Int -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Entry = A -- ^ Alignment space. | K Char -- ^ Character deriving (Show, Eq) makePrisms ''Entry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Keyboard = Keyboard { kbName :: String , kbLayers :: Int , kbTable :: Map (Layer, Row, Column) Entry } deriving (Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Translate a line of text into a keyboard row. parseRow :: Text -> State (Layer, Row) [((Layer, Row, Column), Entry)] parseRow t | t == "\f" = nextLayer >> pure [] | otherwise = do (layer, row) <- get <* nextRow pure $ zipWith (\c n -> ((layer, row, n), classify c)) (Text.unpack t) [1..] where nextLayer :: State (Layer, Row) () nextLayer = do _1 += 1 _2 .= 1 nextRow :: State (Layer, Row) () nextRow = _2 += 1 classify :: Char -> Entry classify c | isSpace c = A | otherwise = K c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse a keyboard definition file. keyboard :: FilePath -> Text -> Keyboard keyboard file t = let (rows, (layers, _)) = runState (mapM parseRow $ Text.lines t) (1,1) in Keyboard { kbName = dropExtension (takeFileName file) , kbLayers = layers , kbTable = Map.fromList (join rows) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- keyboard' :: FilePath -> IO Keyboard keyboard' f = keyboard f <$> Text.readFile f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Move along the keyboard in the given direction. move :: Direction -> (Row, Column) -> (Row, Column) move d (x, y) = case d of N -> (x-1, y ) NE -> (x-1, y+1) E -> (x, y+1) SE -> (x+1, y+1) S -> (x+1, y ) SW -> (x+1, y-1) W -> (x, y-1) NW -> (x-1, y-1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filterKey :: Keyboard -> Layer -> Direction -> (Row, Column) -> Maybe Char filterKey k l d (x, y) = try =<< Map.lookup (l, x, y) (kbTable k) where try :: Entry -> Maybe Char try (K c) = Just c try A = case d of N -> Nothing NE -> retry E E -> retry E SE -> retry E S -> Nothing SW -> retry W W -> retry W NW -> retry W retry :: Direction -> Maybe Char retry d' = filterKey k l d' (move d (x, y)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Calculate all the possible neighbors of a key on a single layer. -- Does not include the key itself. neighbors :: (Row, Column) -> [(Direction, (Row, Column))] neighbors x = map (\d -> (d, move d x)) [minBound .. maxBound] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Generate an adjacency association for the given key. adjacency :: Keyboard -> (Layer, Row, Column) -> [((Char, Char), Adjacency)] adjacency k (l, x, y) = fromMaybe [] $ do charA <- self l pure $ flip concatMap [1 .. kbLayers k] $ \layer -> flip map (onLayer layer) $ \(m, charB) -> ((charA, charB), Adjacency m (toLayer l) (toLayer layer)) where -- | Find the current character on the given layer. self :: Layer -> Maybe Char self layer = Map.lookup (layer, x, y) (kbTable k) >>= preview _K -- | All adjacent characters on the given layer. onLayer :: Layer -> [(Move, Char)] onLayer layer = catMaybes $ ((Stay,) <$> self layer) : map (\(d, rc) -> (Move d,) <$> filterKey k layer d rc) (neighbors (x, y)) toLayer :: Layer -> Internal.Layer toLayer 1 = Internal.Primary toLayer _ = Internal.Secondary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert a keyboard to an adjacency table. adjTable :: Keyboard -> AdjacencyTable adjTable k = AdjacencyTable chars avns table where -- The adjacency table. table :: Map Pattern Adjacency table = Map.foldrWithKey append Map.empty (kbTable k) -- Add entries to the table. append :: (Layer, Row, Column) -> Entry -> Map Pattern Adjacency -> Map Pattern Adjacency append key _ m = foldr (uncurry Map.insert) m (adjacency k key) -- Total number of keys on the keyboard. chars :: Int chars = Set.size $ Set.fromList $ map (^. _1._1) $ Map.assocs table -- Average number of neighbors. In the paper, keys can only be -- neighbors if they are on the same layer and not the same key. -- Also, I truncate the average so we can continue to use integer -- arithmetic everywhere. avns :: Int avns = let ns = filter (\a -> _firstLayer a == _secondLayer a) (Map.elems table) in (length ns - chars) `div` chars -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run :: Global -> IO () run Global{..} = do putStr (header $ fromMaybe "Text.Password.Strength.Generated.Adjacency" mname) putStr "import Text.Password.Strength.Types\n\n" forM_ files $ \file -> do k@Keyboard{..} <- keyboard' file let table = adjTable k when debug $ do hPutStrLn stderr ("==> " <> file) hPutStrLn stderr (" Total keys: " <> show (_totalChars table)) hPutStrLn stderr ("Average Neighbors: " <> show (_averageNeighbors table)) forM_ (Map.assocs (_patterns table)) $ \(key, val) -> hPutStrLn stderr (show key <> "\t" <> show val) putStrLn (encode kbName "AdjacencyTable" table)