 Maintainer: Thomas.DuBuisson@gmail.com
 Stability: beta
 Portability: portable 
 Authors: Thomas DuBuisson, Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (klondike)

 Generic mode implementations useable by any correct BlockCipher instance 
 Be aware there are no tests for CFB mode yet.  See "Test.Crypto".
module Crypto.Modes
	-- * Initialization Vector Type, Modifiers (for all ciphers, all modes that use IVs)
	, getIV, getIVIO, zeroIV
	, incIV, dblIV
	-- * Blockcipher modes. Names with a prime (') means strict, without a prime means lazy bytestrings.
	, ecb, unEcb
	, cbc, unCbc
	, cfb, unCfb
	, ofb, unOfb
	, ecb', unEcb'
	, cbc', unCbc'
	, cfb', unCfb'
	, ofb', unOfb'
	, ctr, unCtr, ctr', unCtr'
	, siv, unSiv, siv', unSiv'
	-- * Authentication modes
	, cbcMac', cbcMac, cMac, cMac'
	-- * Combined modes (nothing here yet)
	-- , gmc
	-- , xts
	-- , ccm
	) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Serialize
import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as SP
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as SG
import Data.Bits (xor, shift, (.&.), (.|.), testBit, setBit, clearBit, Bits, complementBit)
import Data.Tagged
import Crypto.Classes
import Crypto.Random
import Crypto.Util
import Crypto.CPoly
import System.Crypto.Random (getEntropy)
import Control.Monad (liftM, forM_)
import Data.List (genericDrop)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.List (genericDrop,genericReplicate,genericLength)

#if MIN_VERSION_tagged(0,2,0)
import Data.Proxy

-- |Initilization Vectors for BlockCipher implementations (IV k) are used
-- for various modes and guarrenteed to be blockSize bits long.  The common
-- ways to obtain an IV are to generate one ('getIV' or 'getIVIO') or to
-- use one provided with the ciphertext (using the 'Serialize' instance of IV).
-- 'zeroIV' also exists and is of particular use for starting 'ctr' mode with
-- a fresh key.
data IV k = IV { initializationVector :: {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- gather a specified number of bytes from the list of bytestrings
collect :: Int -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString]
collect 0 _ = []
collect _ [] = []
collect i (b:bs)
	| len < i  = b : collect (i - len) bs
        | len >= i = [B.take i b]
  len = B.length b
{-# INLINE collect #-}

chunkFor :: (BlockCipher k) => k -> L.ByteString -> [B.ByteString]
chunkFor k = go
  blkSz = (blockSize `for` k) `div` 8
  blkSzI = fromIntegral blkSz
  go bs | L.length bs < blkSzI = []
        | otherwise            = let (blk,rest) = L.splitAt blkSzI bs in B.concat (L.toChunks blk) : go rest
{-# INLINE chunkFor #-}

chunkFor' :: (BlockCipher k) => k -> B.ByteString -> [B.ByteString]
chunkFor' k = go
  blkSz = (blockSize `for` k) `div` 8
  go bs | B.length bs < blkSz = []
        | otherwise           = let (blk,rest) = B.splitAt blkSz bs in blk : go rest
{-# INLINE chunkFor' #-}

-- |zipWith xor + Pack
-- This is written intentionally to take advantage of the bytestring
-- libraries 'zipWith'' rewrite rule but at the extra cost of the
-- resulting lazy bytestring being more fragmented than either of the
-- two inputs.
zwp :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
zwp  a b = 
	let as = L.toChunks a
	    bs = L.toChunks b
	in L.fromChunks (go as bs)
  go [] _ = []
  go _ [] = []
  go (a:as) (b:bs) =
	let l = min (B.length a) (B.length b)
	    (a',ar) = B.splitAt l a
	    (b',br) = B.splitAt l b
	    as' = if B.length ar == 0 then as else ar : as
	    bs' = if B.length br == 0 then bs else br : bs
	in (zwp' a' b') : go as' bs'
{-# INLINEABLE zwp #-}

-- |zipWith xor + Pack
-- As a result of rewrite rules, this should automatically be optimized (at compile time) 
-- to use the bytestring libraries 'zipWith'' function.
zwp' :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
zwp' a = B.pack . B.zipWith xor a
{-# INLINEABLE zwp' #-}

-- |Cipher block chaining encryption mode on strict bytestrings
cbc' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
cbc' k (IV v) plaintext =
	let blks = chunkFor' k plaintext
	    (cts, iv) = go blks v
	in (B.concat cts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (b:bs) iv =
	let c = encryptBlock k (zwp' iv b)
	    (cs, ivFinal) = go bs c
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)
{-# INLINEABLE cbc' #-}

cbcMac' :: BlockCipher k => k -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
cbcMac' k pt = encode $ snd $ cbc' k zeroIV pt
{-# INLINEABLE cbcMac' #-}

cbcMac :: BlockCipher k => k -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
cbcMac k pt = L.fromChunks [encode $ snd $ cbc k zeroIV pt]
{-# INLINEABLE cbcMac #-}

-- |Cipher block chaining decryption for strict bytestrings
unCbc' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
unCbc' k (IV v) ciphertext =
	let blks = chunkFor' k ciphertext
	    (pts, iv) = go blks v
	in (B.concat pts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (c:cs) iv =
	let p = zwp' (decryptBlock k c) iv
	    (ps, ivFinal) = go cs c
	in (p:ps, ivFinal)
{-# INLINEABLE unCbc' #-}

-- |Cipher block chaining encryption for lazy bytestrings
cbc :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
cbc k (IV v) plaintext =
	let blks = chunkFor k plaintext
	    (cts, iv) = go blks v
	in (L.fromChunks cts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (b:bs) iv =
	let c = encryptBlock k (zwp' iv b)
	    (cs, ivFinal) = go bs c
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)
{-# INLINEABLE cbc #-}

-- |Cipher block chaining decryption for lazy bytestrings
unCbc :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
unCbc k (IV v) ciphertext =
	let blks = chunkFor k ciphertext
	    (pts, iv) = go blks v
	in (L.fromChunks pts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (c:cs) iv =
	let p = zwp' (decryptBlock k c) iv
	    (ps, ivFinal) = go cs c
	in (p:ps, ivFinal)
{-# INLINEABLE unCbc #-}

-- |Counter mode for lazy bytestrings
ctr :: BlockCipher k => (IV k -> IV k) -> k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
ctr = unCtr

-- |Counter  mode for lazy bytestrings
unCtr :: BlockCipher k => (IV k -> IV k) -> k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
unCtr f k (IV iv) msg =
       let ivStr = iterate f $ IV iv
           ivLen = fromIntegral $ B.length iv
           newIV = head $ genericDrop ((ivLen - 1 + L.length msg) `div` ivLen) ivStr
       in (zwp (L.fromChunks $ map (encryptBlock k) $ map initializationVector ivStr) msg, newIV)

-- |Counter mode for strict bytestrings
ctr' :: BlockCipher k => (IV k -> IV k) -> k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
ctr' = unCtr'

-- |Counter mode for strict bytestrings
unCtr' :: BlockCipher k => (IV k -> IV k) -> k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
unCtr' f k (IV iv) msg =
       let ivStr = iterate f $ IV iv
           ivLen = fromIntegral $ B.length iv
           newIV = head $ genericDrop ((ivLen - 1 + B.length msg) `div` ivLen) ivStr
       in (zwp' (B.concat $ collect (B.length msg) (map (encryptBlock k . initializationVector) ivStr)) msg, newIV)

-- |Generate cmac subkeys
-- |The usage of seq tries to force evaluation of both keys avoiding posible timing attacks
cMacSubk :: BlockCipher k => k -> (IV k, IV k)
cMacSubk k = (k1, k2) `seq` (k1, k2)
       bSize = blockSizeBytes `for` k
       k1 = dblIV $ IV $ encryptBlock k $ B.replicate bSize 0
       k2 = dblIV $ k1

-- |Pad the string as required by the cmac algorithm. In theory this should work
-- | at bit level but since the API works at byte level we do the same
cMacPad :: ([Word8], Bool, Int) -> Maybe (Word8,([Word8], Bool, Int))
cMacPad (_, _, 0) = Nothing
cMacPad ([], False, n) = Just (0,([], False, n-1))
cMacPad ([], True, n) = Just (128,([], False, n-1))
cMacPad (x:xs, b, n) =  Just (x,(xs, b, n-1))

-- |Obtain the cmac with the specified subkey for lazy bytestrings
cMacWithSubK :: BlockCipher k => k -> (IV k, IV k) -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
cMacWithSubK k (IV k1, IV k2) l = L.fromChunks $ [go (chunkFor k t) $ B.replicate bSize1 0]
       bSize1 = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k
       bSize2 = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k
       (t,e) = L.splitAt (((L.length l-1)`div` bSize2)*bSize2) l
       pe =  fst $ B.unfoldrN (bSize1) cMacPad (L.unpack e,True,bSize1)
       fe | bSize2 == L.length e = zwp' k1 pe
          | otherwise =  zwp' k2 pe
       go [] c = encryptBlock k (zwp' c fe)
       go (x:xs) c = go xs $ encryptBlock k $ zwp' c x

-- |Obtain the cmac for lazy bytestrings
cMac :: BlockCipher k => k -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
cMac k = cMacWithSubK k (cMacSubk k)

-- |Obtain the cmac with the specified subkey for strict bytestrings
cMacWithSubK' :: BlockCipher k => k -> (IV k, IV k) -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
cMacWithSubK' k (IV k1, IV k2) b = go (chunkFor' k t) $ B.replicate bSize1 0
       bSize1 = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k
       bSize2 = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k
       (t,e) = B.splitAt (((B.length b-1)`div` bSize2)*bSize2) b
       pe =  fst $ B.unfoldrN (bSize1) cMacPad (B.unpack e,True,bSize1)
       fe | bSize2 == B.length e = zwp' k1 pe
          | otherwise =  zwp' k2 pe
       go [] c = encryptBlock k (zwp' c fe)
       go (x:xs) c = go xs $ encryptBlock k $ zwp' c x

-- |Obtain the cmac for strict bytestrings
cMac' :: BlockCipher k => k -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
cMac' k = cMacWithSubK' k (cMacSubk k)

-- |Generate the xor stream for the last step of the CMAC* algorithm
xorend  :: Int -> (Int,[Word8]) -> Maybe (Word8,(Int,[Word8]))
xorend bsize (0, []) = Nothing
xorend bsize (n, x:xs) | n <= bsize = Just (x,((n-1),xs))
                      | otherwise = Just (0,((n-1),(x:xs)))

-- |Obtain the CMAC* on lazy bytestrings
cMacStar :: BlockCipher k => k -> [L.ByteString] -> L.ByteString
cMacStar k l = go (lcmac (L.replicate bSize 0)) l
       bSize = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k
       bSizeb = fromIntegral $ blockSize `for` k
       lcmac = cMacWithSubK k (cMacSubk k)
       go s [] = s

-- |Obtain the CMAC* on strict bytestrings
cMacStar' :: BlockCipher k => k -> [B.ByteString] -> B.ByteString
cMacStar' k s = go (lcmac (B.replicate bSize 0)) s
       bSize = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k
       bSizeb = fromIntegral $ blockSize `for` k
       lcmac = cMacWithSubK' k (cMacSubk k)
       go s [] = s
       go s [x] | (B.length x) >= bSize = lcmac $ zwp' x $ fst $ B.unfoldrN (B.length x) (xorend bSize) (fromIntegral $ B.length x,B.unpack s)
                | otherwise = lcmac $ zwp' (dblB s) (fst $ B.unfoldrN bSize cMacPad (B.unpack x,True,bSize))
       go s (x:xs) = go (zwp' (dblB s) (lcmac x)) xs

-- |Create the mask for SIV based ciphers
sivMask :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
sivMask b = snd $ B.mapAccumR (go) 0 b
       go :: Int -> Word8 -> (Int,Word8)
       go 24 w = (32,clearBit w 7)
       go 56 w = (64,clearBit w 7)
       go n w = (n+8,w)

-- |SIV (Synthetic IV) mode for lazy bytestrings
-- |First argument is the optional list of bytestrings to be authenticated
-- | but not encrypted
-- |As required by the specification this algorithm may return nothing when
-- | certain constraints aren't met.
siv :: BlockCipher k => k -> k -> [L.ByteString] -> L.ByteString -> Maybe L.ByteString
siv k1 k2 xs m | length xs > bSizeb - 1 = Nothing
              | otherwise = Just $ L.append iv $ fst $ ctr incIV k2 (IV $ sivMask $ B.concat $ L.toChunks iv) m
       bSize = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k1
       bSizeb = fromIntegral $ blockSize `for` k1
       iv = cMacStar k1 $ xs ++ [m]

-- |SIV (Synthetic IV) for lazy bytestrings
-- |First argument is the optional list of bytestrings to be authenticated
-- | but not encrypted
-- |As required by the specification this algorithm may return nothing when
-- | authentication fails
unSiv :: BlockCipher k => k -> k -> [L.ByteString] -> L.ByteString -> Maybe L.ByteString
unSiv k1 k2 xs c | length xs > bSizeb - 1 = Nothing
                | L.length c < fromIntegral bSize = Nothing
                | iv /= (cMacStar k1 $ xs ++ [dm]) = Nothing
                | otherwise = Just dm
       bSize = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k1
       bSizeb = fromIntegral $ blockSize `for` k1
       (iv,m) = L.splitAt (fromIntegral bSize) c
       dm = fst $ unCtr incIV k2 (IV $ sivMask $ B.concat $ L.toChunks iv) m

-- |SIV (Synthetic IV) mode for strict bytestrings
-- |First argument is the optional list of bytestrings to be authenticated
-- | but not encrypted
-- |As required by the specification this algorithm may return nothing when
-- | certain constraints aren't met.
siv' :: BlockCipher k => k -> k -> [B.ByteString] -> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
siv' k1 k2 xs m | length xs > bSizeb - 1 = Nothing
               | otherwise = Just $ B.append iv $ fst $ ctr' incIV k2 (IV $ sivMask iv) m
       bSize = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k1
       bSizeb = fromIntegral $ blockSize `for` k1
       iv = cMacStar' k1 $ xs ++ [m]

-- |SIV (Synthetic IV) for strict bytestrings
-- |First argument is the optional list of bytestrings to be authenticated
-- | but not encrypted
-- |As required by the specification this algorithm may return nothing when
-- | authentication fails
unSiv' :: BlockCipher k => k -> k -> [B.ByteString] -> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
unSiv' k1 k2 xs c | length xs > bSizeb - 1 = Nothing
                 | B.length c < bSize = Nothing
                 | iv /= (cMacStar' k1 $ xs ++ [dm]) = Nothing
                 | otherwise = Just dm
       bSize = fromIntegral $ blockSizeBytes `for` k1
       bSizeb = fromIntegral $ blockSize `for` k1
       (iv,m) = B.splitAt bSize c
       dm = fst $ unCtr' incIV k2 (IV $ sivMask iv) m

-- |Increase an `IV` by one
-- |This is way faster than decoding, increasing, encoding 
incIV :: BlockCipher k => IV k -> IV k
incIV (IV b) = IV $ snd $ B.mapAccumR (incw) True b
       incw :: Bool -> Word8 -> (Bool, Word8)
       incw True w = (w == maxBound, w + 1)
       incw False w = (False, w)

-- |Accumulator based double operation
dblw :: Bool -> (Int,[Int],Bool) -> Word8 -> ((Int,[Int],Bool), Word8)
dblw hb (i,xs,b) w = dblw' hb
       slw True w = (setBit (shift w 1) 0)
       slw False w = (clearBit (shift w 1) 0)
       cpolyw i [] w = ((i+8,[]),w)
       cpolyw i (x:xs) w
         | x < i +8 = (\(a,b) -> (a,complementBit b (x-i))) $ cpolyw i xs w
         |otherwise = ((i+8,(x:xs)),w)
       b' = testBit w 7
       w' = slw b w
       ((i',xs'),w'') = cpolyw i xs w'
       dblw' False = i'`seq`xs'`seq`w''`seq`((i,xs,b'),w')
       dblw' True  = ((i',xs',b'),w'')

-- |Perform doubling as defined by the CMAC and SIV papers
dblIV :: BlockCipher k => IV k -> IV k
dblIV (IV b) = IV $ dblB b

-- |Perform doubling as defined by the CMAC and SIV papers
dblB :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dblB b | B.null b = b
       | otherwise = snd $ B.mapAccumR (dblw (testBit (B.head b) 7)) (0,cpoly2revlist (B.length b * 8),False) b

-- |Perform doubling as defined by the CMAC and SIV papers
dblL :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
dblL b | L.null b = b
       | otherwise = snd $ L.mapAccumR (dblw (testBit (L.head b) 7)) (0,cpoly2revlist (L.length b * 8),False) b

-- |Cast a bigEndian ByteString into an Integer
decodeB :: B.ByteString -> Integer
decodeB = B.foldl' (\acc w -> (shift acc 8) + toInteger(w)) 0

-- |Cast an Integer into a bigEndian ByteString of size k
-- |It will drop the MSBs in case the number is bigger than k and add 00s if it
-- |is smaller
encodeB :: (Ord a,Num a) => a -> Integer -> B.ByteString
encodeB k n = B.pack $ if lr > k then takel (lr - k) r else pad (k - lr) r
       go 0 xs = xs 
       go n xs = go (shift n (-8)) (fromInteger (n .&. 255) : xs)
       pad 0 xs = xs
       pad n xs = 0 : pad (n-1) xs
       takel 0 xs = xs
       takel n (_:xs) = takel (n-1) xs
       r = go n []
       lr = genericLength r

-- |Cast a bigEndian ByteString into an Integer
decodeL :: L.ByteString -> Integer
decodeL = L.foldl' (\acc w -> (shift acc 8) + toInteger(w)) 0

-- |Cast an Integer into a bigEndian ByteString of size k
-- |It will drop the MSBs in case the number is bigger than k and add 00s if it
-- |is smaller
encodeL :: (Ord a,Num a) => a -> Integer -> L.ByteString
encodeL k n = L.pack $ if lr > k then takel (lr - k) r else pad (k - lr) r
  where go 0 xs = xs 
        go n xs = go (shift n (-8)) (fromInteger (n .&. 255) : xs)
        pad 0 xs = xs
        pad n xs = 0 : pad (n-1) xs
        takel 0 xs = xs
        takel n (_:xs) = takel (n-1) xs
        r = go n []
        lr = genericLength r

-- |Obtain an `IV` made only of zeroes
zeroIV :: (BlockCipher k) => IV k
zeroIV = iv
  where bytes = ivBlockSizeBytes iv
        iv  = IV $ B.replicate  bytes 0

ecb :: BlockCipher k => k -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
ecb k msg =
	let chunks = chunkFor k msg
	in L.fromChunks $ map (encryptBlock k) chunks
{-# INLINEABLE ecb #-}

unEcb :: BlockCipher k => k -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
unEcb k msg =
	let chunks = chunkFor k msg
	in L.fromChunks $ map (decryptBlock k) chunks
{-# INLINEABLE unEcb #-}

ecb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
ecb' k msg =
	let chunks = chunkFor' k msg
	in B.concat $ map (encryptBlock k) chunks
{-# INLINEABLE ecb' #-}

unEcb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
unEcb' k ct =
	let chunks = chunkFor' k ct
	in B.concat $ map (decryptBlock k) chunks
{-# INLINEABLE unEcb' #-}

-- |Ciphertext feed-back encryption mode for lazy bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
cfb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
cfb k (IV v) msg =
	let blks = chunkFor k msg
	    (cs,ivF) = go v blks
	in (L.fromChunks cs, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([],iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let c = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (cs,ivFinal) = go c bs
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)
{-# INLINEABLE cfb #-}

-- |Ciphertext feed-back decryption mode for lazy bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
unCfb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
unCfb k (IV v) msg = 
	let blks = chunkFor k msg
	    (ps, ivF) = go v blks
	in (L.fromChunks ps, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([], iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let p = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (ps, ivF) = go b bs
	in (p:ps, ivF)
{-# INLINEABLE unCfb #-}

-- |Ciphertext feed-back encryption mode for strict bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
cfb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
cfb' k (IV v) msg =
	let blks = chunkFor' k msg
	    (cs,ivF) = go v blks
	in (B.concat cs, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([],iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let c = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (cs,ivFinal) = go c bs
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)
{-# INLINEABLE cfb' #-}

-- |Ciphertext feed-back decryption mode for strict bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
unCfb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
unCfb' k (IV v) msg =
	let blks = chunkFor' k msg
	    (ps, ivF) = go v blks
	in (B.concat ps, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([], iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let p = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (ps, ivF) = go b bs
	in (p:ps, ivF)
{-# INLINEABLE unCfb' #-}

-- |Output feedback mode for lazy bytestrings
ofb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
ofb = unOfb
{-# INLINEABLE ofb #-}

-- |Output feedback mode for lazy bytestrings
unOfb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
unOfb k (IV iv) msg =
	let ivStr = drop 1 (iterate (encryptBlock k) iv)
	    ivLen = fromIntegral (B.length iv)
	    newIV = IV . B.concat . L.toChunks . L.take ivLen . L.drop (L.length msg) . L.fromChunks $ ivStr
	in (zwp (L.fromChunks ivStr) msg, newIV)
{-# INLINEABLE unOfb #-}

-- |Output feedback mode for strict bytestrings
ofb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
ofb' = unOfb'
{-# INLINEABLE ofb' #-}

-- |Output feedback mode for strict bytestrings
unOfb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
unOfb' k (IV iv) msg =
	let ivStr = collect (B.length msg + ivLen) (drop 1 (iterate (encryptBlock k) iv))
	    ivLen = B.length iv
	    mLen = fromIntegral (B.length msg)
	    newIV = IV . B.concat . L.toChunks . L.take (fromIntegral ivLen) . L.drop mLen . L.fromChunks $ ivStr
	in (zwp' (B.concat ivStr) msg, newIV)
{-# INLINEABLE unOfb' #-}

-- |Obtain an `IV` using the provided CryptoRandomGenerator.
getIV :: (BlockCipher k, CryptoRandomGen g) => g -> Either GenError (IV k, g)
getIV g =
	let bytes = ivBlockSizeBytes iv
	    gen = genBytes bytes g
	    fromRight (Right x) = x
	    iv  = IV (fst  . fromRight $ gen)
	in case gen of
		Left err -> Left err
		Right (bs,g')
			| B.length bs == bytes	-> Right (iv, g')
			| otherwise		-> Left (GenErrorOther "Generator failed to provide requested number of bytes")
{-# INLINEABLE getIV #-}

-- | Obtain an `IV` using the system entropy (see "System.Crypto.Random")
getIVIO :: (BlockCipher k) => IO (IV k)
getIVIO = do
	let p = Proxy
	    getTypedIV :: BlockCipher k => Proxy k -> IO (IV k)
	    getTypedIV pr = liftM IV (getEntropy (proxy blockSize pr `div` 8))
	iv <- getTypedIV p
	return (iv `asProxyTypeOf` ivProxy p)

ivProxy :: Proxy k -> Proxy (IV k)
ivProxy = reproxy

deIVProxy :: Proxy (IV k) -> Proxy k
deIVProxy = reproxy

proxyOf :: a -> Proxy a
proxyOf = const Proxy

ivBlockSizeBytes :: BlockCipher k => IV k -> Int
ivBlockSizeBytes iv =
	let p = deIVProxy (proxyOf iv)
	in proxy blockSize p `div` 8
{-# INLINEABLE ivBlockSizeBytes #-}

instance (BlockCipher k) => Serialize (IV k) where
	get = do
		let p = Proxy
		    doGet :: BlockCipher k => Proxy k -> Get (IV k)
	            doGet pr = liftM IV (SG.getByteString (proxy blockSizeBytes pr))
		iv <- doGet p
		return (iv `asProxyTypeOf` ivProxy p)
	put (IV iv) = SP.putByteString iv

-- Consider the AES-only modes of XTS, CCM