{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Handles variable bindings on the module level and also keeps track of
-- primitive operations that we want to treat specially.

module Language.Fay.ModuleScope

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Monad.Writer
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Language.Haskell.Exts hiding (name, binds)
import           Prelude hiding (mod)

-- | Maps names bound in the module to their real names
-- The keys are unqualified for locals and imports,
-- the values are always fully qualified
-- Example contents:
--   [ (UnQUal     "main"      , Qual "Main"     "main")
--   , (UnQual     "take"      , Qual "Prelude"  "take")
--   , (  Qual "M" "insertWith", Qual "Data.Map" "insertWith") ]
newtype ModuleScope = ModuleScope (Map QName QName)
  deriving Show

instance Monoid ModuleScope where
  mempty                                  = ModuleScope M.empty
  mappend (ModuleScope a) (ModuleScope b) = ModuleScope $ a `M.union` b

instance Default ModuleScope where
  def = mempty

-- | Find the path of a locally bound name
-- Returns special values in the "Fay$" module for primOps
resolveName :: QName -> ModuleScope -> Maybe QName
resolveName q (ModuleScope binds) = case M.lookup q binds of -- lookup in the module environment.

  -- something pointing to prelude, is it a primop?
  Just q'@(Qual (ModuleName "Prelude") n) -> case M.lookup n envPrimOpsMap of
    Just x  -> Just x  -- A primop which looks like it's imported from prelude.
    Nothing -> Just q' -- Regular prelude import, leave it as is.

  -- No matches in the current environment, so it may be a primop if it's unqualified.
  -- If Nothing is returned from either of the branches it means that there is
  -- no primop and nothing in env scope so GHC would have given an error.
  Nothing -> case q of
    UnQual n -> M.lookup n envPrimOpsMap
    _        -> Nothing
  j -> j -- Non-prelude import that was found in the env

-- | Bind a list of names into the local scope
-- Right now all bindings are made unqualified
bindAsLocals :: [QName] -> ModuleScope -> ModuleScope
bindAsLocals qs (ModuleScope binds) =
  -- This needs to be changed to not use unqual to support qualified imports.
  ModuleScope $ M.fromList (map (unqual &&& id) qs) `M.union` binds
    where unqual (Qual _ n) = (UnQual n)
          unqual u@UnQual{} = u
          unqual Special{}  = error "fay: ModuleScope.bindAsLocals: Special"

-- | Find all names that are bound locally in this module, which excludes imports.
moduleLocals :: ModuleName -> ModuleScope -> [QName]
moduleLocals mod (ModuleScope binds) = filter isLocal . M.elems $ binds
    isLocal (Qual m _) = mod == m
    isLocal _ = False

-- Primitive Operations

-- | The built-in operations that aren't actually compiled from
-- anywhere, they come from runtime.js.
-- They're in the names list so that they can be overriden by the user
-- in e.g. let a * b = a - b in 1 * 2.
-- So we resolve them to Fay$, i.e. the prefix used for the runtime
-- support. $ is not allowed in Haskell module names, so there will be
-- no conflicts if a user decicdes to use a module named Fay.
-- So e.g. will compile to (*) Fay$$mult, which is in runtime.js.
envPrimOpsMap :: Map Name QName
envPrimOpsMap = M.fromList
  [ (Symbol ">>",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "then")))
  , (Symbol ">>=",   (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "bind")))
  , (Ident "return", (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "return")))
  , (Ident "force",  (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "force")))
  , (Ident "seq",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "seq")))
  , (Symbol "*",     (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "mult")))
  , (Symbol "+",     (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "add")))
  , (Symbol "-",     (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "sub")))
  , (Symbol "/",     (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "div")))
  , (Symbol "==",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "eq")))
  , (Symbol "/=",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "neq")))
  , (Symbol ">",     (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "gt")))
  , (Symbol "<",     (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "lt")))
  , (Symbol ">=",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "gte")))
  , (Symbol "<=",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "lte")))
  , (Symbol "&&",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "and")))
  , (Symbol "||",    (Qual (ModuleName "Fay$") (Ident "or")))

-- AST

type ModuleScopeSt = ReaderT ModuleName (Writer ModuleScope) ()

-- | Get module level names from a haskell module AST.
findTopLevelNames :: ModuleName -> [Decl] -> ModuleScope
findTopLevelNames mod decls = snd . runWriter $ runReaderT (mapM_ d_decl decls) mod

bindName :: Name -> ModuleScopeSt
bindName k = ask >>= \mod -> tell (ModuleScope $ M.singleton (UnQual k) (Qual mod k))

d_decl :: Decl -> ModuleScopeSt
d_decl d = case d of
  DataDecl _ _ _ _ _ dd _         -> mapM_ d_qualCon dd
  PatBind _ (PVar n) _ _ _        -> bindName n
  FunBind (Match _ n _ _ _ _ : _) -> bindName n
  ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ cds         -> mapM_ d_classDecl cds
  TypeSig _ ns _                  -> mapM_ bindName ns
  _                               -> return ()

d_classDecl :: ClassDecl -> ModuleScopeSt
d_classDecl cd = case cd of
  ClsDecl d -> d_decl d
  _         -> return ()

d_qualCon :: QualConDecl -> ModuleScopeSt
d_qualCon (QualConDecl _ _ _ cd) = case cd of
  ConDecl n _        -> bindName n
  InfixConDecl _ n _ -> bindName n
  RecDecl n ns       -> bindName n >> mapM_ bindName (concatMap fst ns)