{-# LINE 2 "./Graphics/Rendering/Pango/Markup.chs" #-}
-- -*-haskell-*-
-- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) Markup
-- Author : Axel Simon
-- Created: 5 June 2001
-- Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Axel Simon
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- |
-- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable (depends on GHC)
-- This module defines some helper functions for generating texts with
-- embedded attributes. Note that there is no need to use these functions.
-- In particular, if you set markup in labels that are subject to
-- internationalization, it can be of advantage to write out the markup
-- instead of using the functions in this module.
-- In order to display a string that may contain markup characters, use
-- 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Pango.Layout.escapeMarkup'.
-- When you write markup directly, you can make use of the following
-- convenience tags:
-- [@b@] Bold
-- [@big@] Makes font relatively larger
-- [@i@] Italic
-- [@s@] Strikethrough
-- [@sub@] Subscript
-- [@sup@] Superscript
-- [@small@] Makes font relatively smaller
-- [@tt@] Monospace font
-- [@u@] Underline
-- The full markup language can be found at
-- <http:
module Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Markup (
  ) where

import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Enums as Pango
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Attributes ( parseMarkup )

-- | These are all the attributes the 'markSpan' function can express.
data SpanAttribute
  -- | Choose a font by textual description.
  -- * Takes a string to completely describe the font, example:
  -- @FontDescr@ \"Sans Italic 12\"
  = FontDescr String

  -- | Specify the family of font to use.
  -- * Example: @FontFamily@ \"Sans\"
  | FontFamily String

  -- | Change the size of the current font.
  -- * The constuctor takes the size in points (pt) or a predefined
  -- sizes. Setting the absolute size 12.5pt can be achieved by passing
  -- 'FontSize' ('SizePoint' 12.5) to 'markSpan'. Next to predefined
  -- absolute sizes such as 'Pango.SizeSmall' the size can be changed by
  -- asking for the next larger or smaller front with
  -- 'Pango.SizeLarger' and 'Pango.SizeSmaller', respectively.
  | FontSize Pango.Size

  -- | Change the slant of the current font.
  | FontStyle Pango.FontStyle

  -- | Change the thickness of the current font.
  -- * The constructor takes one of the six predefined weights. Most likely to
  -- be supported: 'Pango.WeightBold'.
  | FontWeight Pango.Weight

  -- | Choosing an alternative rendering for lower case letters.
  -- * The argument 'Pango.VariantSmallCaps' will display lower case letters
  -- as smaller upper case letters, if this option is available.
  | FontVariant Pango.Variant

  -- | Choose a different width.
  -- * Takes one of nine font widths, e.g. 'Pango.WidthExpanded'.
  | FontStretch Pango.Stretch

  -- | Foreground color.
  -- * This constructor and 'FontBackground' take both a description
  -- of the color to be used for rendering. The name is either a
  -- hex code of the form \"#RRGGBB\" or an X11 color name like
  -- \"dark olive green\".
  | FontForeground String -- FIXME: should be ColorName from GDK or so

  -- | Background color.
  | FontBackground String

  -- | Specify underlining of text.
  | FontUnderline Pango.Underline

  -- | Specify a vertical displacement.
  -- * Takes the vertical displacement in em (the width of the \'m\' character
  -- in the current font).
  | FontRise Double

  -- | Give a hint about the language to be displayed.
  -- * This hint might help the system rendering a particular piece of text
  -- with different fonts that are more suitable for the given language.
  | FontLang Pango.Language

  -- | Gravity of text, use for ratation.
  | FontGravity Pango.PangoGravity

  -- | Intensity of gravity.
  | FontGravityHint Pango.PangoGravityHint

instance Show SpanAttribute where
  showsPrec _ (FontDescr str) = showString " font_desc=".shows str
  showsPrec _ (FontFamily str) = showString " font_family=".shows str
  showsPrec _ (FontSize size) = showString " size=".shows size
  showsPrec _ (FontStyle style) = showString " style=".shows style
  showsPrec _ (FontWeight w) = showString " weight=".shows w
  showsPrec _ (FontVariant v) = showString " variant=".shows v
  showsPrec _ (FontStretch s) = showString " stretch=".shows s
  showsPrec _ (FontForeground c) = showString " foreground=".shows c
  showsPrec _ (FontBackground c) = showString " background=".shows c
  showsPrec _ (FontUnderline u) = showString " underline=".shows u
  showsPrec _ (FontRise r) = showString " rise=".shows
       (show (round (r*10000)))
  showsPrec _ (FontLang l) = showString " lang=".shows l

  showsPrec _ (FontGravity g) = showString " gravity=".shows g
  showsPrec _ (FontGravityHint h) = showString " gravity_hint".shows h

-- | Create the most generic span attribute.
markSpan :: [SpanAttribute] -> String -> String
markSpan attrs text = showString "<span".
        foldr (.) (showChar '>') (map shows attrs).
        showString text.
        showString "</span>" $ ""