-- | Affine Transformations of Arbitrary Geometric Objects
module RSAGL.Math.Affine

import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL hiding (R)
import RSAGL.Math.Vector
import RSAGL.Math.Matrix
import RSAGL.Math.Angle
import RSAGL.Math.Types
import Data.Maybe

-- | 'AffineTransformable' objects are subject to affine transformations using matrix multiplication.
class AffineTransformable a where
    -- | Apply an affine transformation, defined by a 4x4 matrix.  (This is the only required method.)
    transform :: RSAGL.Math.Matrix.Matrix -> a -> a
    -- | Scale an entity along the @x@ @y@ and @z@ axes.  For example, @scale (Vector3D 2 3 4)@ will make an object twice as wide, three times as tall,
    -- and four times as deep.  It may be helpful to think of the vector as a control point on the vertex of a unit cube.
    scale :: Vector3D -> a -> a
    scale vector = transform $ scaleMatrix vector
    -- | Translate an entity along the specified vector.
    translate :: Vector3D -> a -> a
    translate vector = transform $ translationMatrix vector
    -- | Rotate an entity about the origin, using the specified vector as the axis of rotation.
    -- See also 'transformAbout' to rotate around an arbitrary point.
    rotate :: Vector3D -> Angle -> a -> a
    rotate vector angle = transform $ rotationMatrix vector angle
    -- | Specific rotation around the x-axis.
    rotateX :: Angle -> a -> a
    rotateX = RSAGL.Math.Affine.rotate (Vector3D 1 0 0)
    -- | Specific rotation around the y-axis.
    rotateY :: Angle -> a -> a
    rotateY = RSAGL.Math.Affine.rotate (Vector3D 0 1 0)
    -- | Specific rotation around the z-axis.
    rotateZ :: Angle -> a -> a
    rotateZ = RSAGL.Math.Affine.rotate (Vector3D 0 0 1)

-- | Apply the inverse of an affine transformation, defined by a 4x4 matrix.
{-# INLINE inverseTransform #-}
inverseTransform :: (AffineTransformable a) => RSAGL.Math.Matrix.Matrix -> a -> a
inverseTransform m = transform (matrixInverse m)

-- | Specific scale preserving proportions.
{-# INLINE scale' #-}
scale' :: (AffineTransformable a) => RSdouble -> a -> a
scale' x = RSAGL.Math.Affine.scale (Vector3D x x x)

-- | Apply a function under an affine transformation.  @withTransformation m id@ is an identity if @m@ is invertable.
{-# INLINE withTransformation #-}
withTransformation :: (AffineTransformable a) => RSAGL.Math.Matrix.Matrix -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
withTransformation m f = inverseTransform m . f . transform m

-- | Apply a function treating a particular point as the origin.  For example, combining 'transformAbout' with 'RSAGL.Math.Affine.rotate'
-- performs a rotation about an arbitrary point rather than the origin.
{-# INLINE transformAbout #-}
transformAbout :: (AffineTransformable a) => Point3D -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
transformAbout center f = withTransformation (translateToFrom origin_point_3d center identity_matrix) f

-- | Specific translation along the vector between two points.
-- This ordinary use is to set the second point as the center of a model (typically origin_point_3d)
-- and the first point as the desired position of the model.
{-# INLINE translateToFrom #-}
translateToFrom :: (AffineTransformable a) => Point3D -> Point3D -> a -> a
translateToFrom a b = RSAGL.Math.Affine.translate (vectorToFrom a b)

-- | Specific rotation along the shortest path that brings the second vector in line with the first.
{-# INLINE rotateToFrom #-}
rotateToFrom :: (AffineTransformable a) => Vector3D -> Vector3D -> a -> a
rotateToFrom u v = RSAGL.Math.Affine.rotate c a
    where c = vectorNormalize $ vectorScale (-1) $ fromMaybe (fst $ orthos u) $ aNonZeroVector $ crossProduct u v
          a = angleBetween u v

-- | Specific scale along an arbitary axis.
{-# INLINE scaleAlong #-}
scaleAlong :: (AffineTransformable a) => Vector3D -> RSdouble -> a -> a
scaleAlong v u = withTransformation (rotateToFrom (Vector3D 0 1 0) v identity_matrix) (RSAGL.Math.Affine.scale (Vector3D 1 u 1))

instance AffineTransformable a => AffineTransformable (Maybe a) where
    transform m = fmap (transform m)

instance AffineTransformable a => AffineTransformable [a] where
    transform m = map (transform m)

instance (AffineTransformable a,AffineTransformable b) => AffineTransformable (a,b) where
    transform m (a,b) = (transform m a,transform m b)

instance (AffineTransformable a,AffineTransformable b,AffineTransformable c) => AffineTransformable (a,b,c) where
    transform m (a,b,c) = (transform m a,transform m b,transform m c)

instance AffineTransformable RSAGL.Math.Matrix.Matrix where
    transform mat = matrixMultiply mat

instance AffineTransformable Vector3D where
    transform m (Vector3D x y z) = transformHomogenous x y z 0 Vector3D m
    scale (Vector3D x1 y1 z1) (Vector3D x2 y2 z2) = Vector3D (x1*x2) (y1*y2) (z1*z2)
    translate _ = id
    rotateX a (Vector3D x y z) = Vector3D x (c*y-s*z) (c*z+s*y)
        where s = sine a
              c = cosine a
    rotateY a (Vector3D x y z) = Vector3D (c*x+s*z) y (c*z-s*x)
        where s = sine a
              c = cosine a
    rotateZ a (Vector3D x y z) = Vector3D (c*x-s*y) (c*y+s*x) z
        where s = sine a
              c = cosine a

instance AffineTransformable Point3D where
    transform m (Point3D x y z) = transformHomogenous x y z 1 Point3D m
    scale (Vector3D x1 y1 z1) (Point3D x2 y2 z2) = Point3D (x1*x2) (y1*y2) (z1*z2)
    translate (Vector3D x1 y1 z1) (Point3D x2 y2 z2) = Point3D (x1+x2) (y1+y2) (z1+z2)
    rotateX a (Point3D x y z) = Point3D x (c*y-s*z) (c*z+s*y)
        where s = sine a
              c = cosine a
    rotateY a (Point3D x y z) = Point3D (c*x+s*z) y (c*z-s*x)
        where s = sine a
              c = cosine a
    rotateZ a (Point3D x y z) = Point3D (c*x-s*y) (c*y+s*x) z
        where s = sine a
              c = cosine a

instance AffineTransformable SurfaceVertex3D where
    transform m (SurfaceVertex3D p v) = SurfaceVertex3D (RSAGL.Math.Affine.transform m p) (RSAGL.Math.Affine.transform (matrixTranspose $ matrixInverse m) v)
    translate vector (SurfaceVertex3D p v) = SurfaceVertex3D (RSAGL.Math.Affine.translate vector p) v

-- | The IO monad itself is AffineTransformable.  This is done by wrapping the IO action in an OpenGL transformation.
instance AffineTransformable (IO a) where
    transform mat iofn = preservingMatrix $ do mat' <- newMatrix RowMajor $ map f2f $ concat $ rowMajorForm mat
                                               multMatrix (mat' :: GLmatrix GLdouble)
    translate (Vector3D x y z) iofn = preservingMatrix $ 
        do GL.translate $ Vector3 (f2f x) (f2f y) (f2f z :: GLdouble)
    scale (Vector3D x y z) iofn = preservingMatrix $ 
        do GL.scale (f2f x) (f2f y) (f2f z :: GLdouble)
    rotate (Vector3D x y z) angle iofn = preservingMatrix $ 
        do GL.rotate (f2f $ toDegrees_ angle) (Vector3 (f2f x) (f2f y) (f2f z :: GLdouble))