{- |
We provide a type class for tag and attribute names.
Instances can be names that preserve case,
names with lowercase letters as canonical representation.
To do: Qualified names.
module Text.XML.Basic.Name where

-- * types and classes

class C name where
   fromString :: String -> name
   toString :: name -> String

{- |
We need to distinguish between tag names and attribute names,
because DOCTYPE as tag name must be written upper case,
whereas as attribute name it may be written either way.
class Tag ident where
   tagFromString :: String -> ident
   tagToString :: ident -> String

class Attribute ident where
   attributeFromString :: String -> ident
   attributeToString :: ident -> String

-- * convenience functions

match :: (C name, Eq name) => String -> name -> Bool
match proto = (fromString proto ==)

matchAny :: (C name, Eq name) => [String] -> name -> Bool
matchAny proto = flip elem (map fromString proto)