amazonka-1.4.2: Comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK.

Copyright(c) 2013-2016 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




Environment and AWS specific configuration for the AWS and AWST monads.


Creating the Environment

newEnv Source #


:: (Applicative m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) 
=> Region

Initial region to operate in.

-> Credentials

Credential discovery mechanism.

-> m Env 

Creates a new environment with a new Manager without debug logging and uses getAuth to expand/discover the supplied Credentials. Lenses from HasEnv can be used to further configure the resulting Env.

Since: 1.3.6 - The default logic for retrying HttpExceptions now uses retryConnectionFailure to retry specific connection failure conditions up to 3 times. Previously only service specific errors were automatically retried. This can be reverted to the old behaviour by resetting the Env using envRetryCheck lens to (\_ _ -> False).

Throws AuthError when environment variables or IAM profiles cannot be read.

See: newEnvWith.

newEnvWith Source #


:: (Applicative m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) 
=> Region

Initial region to operate in.

-> Credentials

Credential discovery mechanism.

-> Maybe Bool

Dictate if the instance is running on EC2. (Preload memoisation.)

-> Manager 
-> m Env 

See: newEnv

Throws AuthError when environment variables or IAM profiles cannot be read.

class HasEnv a where Source #

Minimal complete definition



environment :: Lens' a Env Source #

envRegion :: Lens' a Region Source #

The current region.

envLogger :: Lens' a Logger Source #

The function used to output log messages.

envRetryCheck :: Lens' a (Int -> HttpException -> Bool) Source #

The function used to determine if an HttpException should be retried.

envOverride :: Lens' a (Dual (Endo Service)) Source #

The currently applied overrides to all Service configuration.

envManager :: Lens' a Manager Source #

The Manager used to create and manage open HTTP connections.

envAuth :: Lens' a Auth Source #

The credentials used to sign requests for authentication with AWS.

envEC2 :: Getter a (IORef (Maybe Bool)) Source #

A memoised predicate for whether the underlying host is an EC2 instance.

Overriding Default Configuration

override :: HasEnv a => (Service -> Service) -> a -> a Source #

Provide a function which will be added to the existing stack of overrides applied to all service configuration.

To override a specific service, it's suggested you use either configure or reconfigure with a modified version of the default service, such as Network.AWS.DynamoDB.dynamoDB.

configure :: HasEnv a => Service -> a -> a Source #

Configure a specific service. All requests belonging to the supplied service will use this configuration instead of the default.

It's suggested you use a modified version of the default service, such as Network.AWS.DynamoDB.dynamoDB.

See: reconfigure.

Scoped Actions

reconfigure :: (MonadReader r m, HasEnv r) => Service -> m a -> m a Source #

Scope an action such that all requests belonging to the supplied service will use this configuration instead of the default.

It's suggested you use a modified version of the default service, such as Network.AWS.DynamoDB.dynamoDB.

See: configure.

within :: (MonadReader r m, HasEnv r) => Region -> m a -> m a Source #

Scope an action within the specific Region.

once :: (MonadReader r m, HasEnv r) => m a -> m a Source #

Scope an action such that any retry logic for the Service is ignored and any requests will at most be sent once.

timeout :: (MonadReader r m, HasEnv r) => Seconds -> m a -> m a Source #

Scope an action such that any HTTP response will use this timeout value.

Default timeouts are chosen by considering:

Retry HTTP Exceptions

retryConnectionFailure :: Int -> Int -> HttpException -> Bool Source #

Retry the subset of transport specific errors encompassing connection failure up to the specific number of times.