{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- Copyright (C) 2009-2012 John Millikin <john@john-millikin.com>
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

module DBus.Introspection
    -- * XML conversion
    , formatXML
    , Object(..)
    , Interface(..)
    , Method(..)
    , MethodArg(..)
    , Direction(..)
    , Signal(..)
    , SignalArg(..)
    , Property(..)
    ) where

import           Conduit
import qualified Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8
import           Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.XML.Types
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Parse as X

import qualified DBus as T

data Object = Object
    { objectPath :: T.ObjectPath
    , objectInterfaces :: [Interface]
    , objectChildren :: [Object]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Interface = Interface
    { interfaceName :: T.InterfaceName
    , interfaceMethods :: [Method]
    , interfaceSignals :: [Signal]
    , interfaceProperties :: [Property]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Method = Method
    { methodName :: T.MemberName
    , methodArgs :: [MethodArg]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data MethodArg = MethodArg
    { methodArgName :: String
    , methodArgType :: T.Type
    , methodArgDirection :: Direction
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Direction = In | Out
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Signal = Signal
    { signalName :: T.MemberName
    , signalArgs :: [SignalArg]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data SignalArg = SignalArg
    { signalArgName :: String
    , signalArgType :: T.Type
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Property = Property
    { propertyName :: String
    , propertyType :: T.Type
    , propertyRead :: Bool
    , propertyWrite :: Bool
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data ObjectChildren
    = InterfaceDefinition Interface
    | SubNode Object

data InterfaceChildren
    = MethodDefinition Method
    | SignalDefinition Signal
    | PropertyDefinition Property

parseXML :: T.ObjectPath -> String -> Maybe Object
parseXML path xml =
    runConduit $ X.parseLBS X.def (BL8.pack xml) .| X.force "parse error" (parseObject $ getRootName path)

getRootName :: T.ObjectPath -> X.AttrParser T.ObjectPath
getRootName defaultPath = do
    nodeName <- X.attr "name"
    pure $ maybe defaultPath (T.objectPath_ . Text.unpack) nodeName

getChildName :: T.ObjectPath -> X.AttrParser T.ObjectPath
getChildName parentPath = do
    nodeName <- X.requireAttr "name"
    let parentPath' = case T.formatObjectPath parentPath of
            "/" -> "/"
            x   -> x ++ "/"
    pure $ T.objectPath_ (parentPath' ++ Text.unpack nodeName)

    :: X.AttrParser T.ObjectPath
    -> ConduitT Event o Maybe (Maybe Object)
parseObject getPath = X.tag' "node" getPath parseContent
    parseContent objPath = do
        elems <- X.many $ X.choose
            [ fmap SubNode <$> parseObject (getChildName objPath)
            , fmap InterfaceDefinition <$> parseInterface
        let base = Object objPath [] []
            addElem e (Object p is cs) = case e of
                InterfaceDefinition i -> Object p (i:is) cs
                SubNode c -> Object p is (c:cs)
        pure $ foldr addElem base elems

    :: ConduitT Event o Maybe (Maybe Interface)
parseInterface = X.tag' "interface" getName parseContent
    getName = do
        ifName <- X.requireAttr "name"
        pure $ T.interfaceName_ (Text.unpack ifName)
    parseContent ifName = do
        elems <- X.many $ X.choose
            [ parseMethod
            , parseSignal
            , parseProperty
        let base = Interface ifName [] [] []
            addElem e (Interface n ms ss ps) = case e of
                MethodDefinition m -> Interface n (m:ms) ss ps
                SignalDefinition s -> Interface n ms (s:ss) ps
                PropertyDefinition p -> Interface n ms ss (p:ps)
        pure $ foldr addElem base elems

parseMethod :: ConduitT Event o Maybe (Maybe InterfaceChildren)
parseMethod = X.tag' "method" getName parseArgs
    getName = do
        ifName <- X.requireAttr "name"
        T.parseMemberName (Text.unpack ifName)
    parseArgs name = do
        args <- X.many $
            X.tag' "arg" getArg pure
        pure $ MethodDefinition $ Method name args
    getArg = do
        name <- fromMaybe "" <$> X.attr "name"
        typeStr <- X.requireAttr "type"
        dirStr <- fromMaybe "in" <$> X.attr "direction"
        typ <- parseType typeStr
        let dir = if dirStr == "in" then In else Out
        pure $ MethodArg (Text.unpack name) typ dir

parseSignal :: ConduitT Event o Maybe (Maybe InterfaceChildren)
parseSignal = X.tag' "signal" getName parseArgs
    getName = do
        ifName <- X.requireAttr "name"
        T.parseMemberName (Text.unpack ifName)
    parseArgs name = do
        args <- X.many $
            X.tag' "arg" getArg pure
        pure $ SignalDefinition $ Signal name args
    getArg = do
        name <- fromMaybe "" <$> X.attr "name"
        typeStr <- X.requireAttr "type"
        typ <- parseType typeStr
        pure $ SignalArg (Text.unpack name) typ

parseProperty :: ConduitT Event o Maybe (Maybe InterfaceChildren)
parseProperty = X.tag' "property" getProp $ \p -> do
    X.many_ X.ignoreAnyTreeContent
    pure p
    getProp = do
        name <- Text.unpack <$> X.requireAttr "name"
        typeStr <- X.requireAttr "type"
        accessStr <- fromMaybe "" <$> X.attr "access"
        typ <- parseType typeStr
        (canRead, canWrite) <- case accessStr of
            ""          -> pure (False, False)
            "read"      -> pure (True, False)
            "write"     -> pure (False, True)
            "readwrite" -> pure (True, True)
            _           -> throwM $ userError "invalid access value"

        pure $ PropertyDefinition $ Property name typ canRead canWrite

parseType :: MonadThrow m => Text.Text -> m T.Type
parseType typeStr = do
    typ <- T.parseSignature (Text.unpack typeStr)
    case T.signatureTypes typ of
        [t] -> pure t
        _ -> throwM $ userError "invalid type sig"

newtype XmlWriter a = XmlWriter { runXmlWriter :: Maybe (a, String) }

instance Functor XmlWriter where
    fmap = liftM

instance Control.Applicative.Applicative XmlWriter where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad XmlWriter where
    return a = XmlWriter $ Just (a, "")
    m >>= f = XmlWriter $ do
        (a, w) <- runXmlWriter m
        (b, w') <- runXmlWriter (f a)
        return (b, w ++ w')

tell :: String -> XmlWriter ()
tell s = XmlWriter (Just ((), s))

formatXML :: Object -> Maybe String
formatXML obj = do
    (_, xml) <- runXmlWriter (writeRoot obj)
    return xml

writeRoot :: Object -> XmlWriter ()
writeRoot obj@(Object path _ _) = do
    tell "<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC '-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN'"
    tell " 'http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd'>\n"
    writeObject (T.formatObjectPath path) obj

writeChild :: T.ObjectPath -> Object -> XmlWriter ()
writeChild parentPath obj@(Object path _ _) = write where
    path' = T.formatObjectPath path
    parent' = T.formatObjectPath  parentPath
    relpathM = if parent' `isPrefixOf` path'
        then Just $ if parent' == "/"
            then drop 1 path'
            else drop (length parent' + 1) path'
        else Nothing

    write = case relpathM of
        Just relpath -> writeObject relpath obj
        Nothing -> XmlWriter Nothing

writeObject :: String -> Object -> XmlWriter ()
writeObject path (Object fullPath interfaces children') = writeElement "node"
    [("name", path)] $ do
        mapM_ writeInterface interfaces
        mapM_ (writeChild fullPath) children'

writeInterface :: Interface -> XmlWriter ()
writeInterface (Interface name methods signals properties) = writeElement "interface"
    [("name", T.formatInterfaceName name)] $ do
        mapM_ writeMethod methods
        mapM_ writeSignal signals
        mapM_ writeProperty properties

writeMethod :: Method -> XmlWriter ()
writeMethod (Method name args) = writeElement "method"
    [("name", T.formatMemberName name)] $
        mapM_ writeMethodArg args

writeSignal :: Signal -> XmlWriter ()
writeSignal (Signal name args) = writeElement "signal"
    [("name", T.formatMemberName name)] $
        mapM_ writeSignalArg args

formatType :: T.Type -> XmlWriter String
formatType t = do
    sig <- case T.signature [t] of
        Just x -> return x
        Nothing -> XmlWriter Nothing
    return (T.formatSignature sig)

writeMethodArg :: MethodArg -> XmlWriter ()
writeMethodArg (MethodArg name t dir) = do
    typeStr <- formatType t
    let dirAttr = case dir of
            In -> "in"
            Out -> "out"
    writeEmptyElement "arg"
        [ ("name", name)
        , ("type", typeStr)
        , ("direction", dirAttr)

writeSignalArg :: SignalArg -> XmlWriter ()
writeSignalArg (SignalArg name t) = do
    typeStr <- formatType t
    writeEmptyElement "arg"
        [ ("name", name)
        , ("type", typeStr)

writeProperty :: Property -> XmlWriter ()
writeProperty (Property name t canRead canWrite) = do
    typeStr <- formatType t
    let readS = if canRead then "read" else ""
    let writeS = if canWrite then "write" else ""
    writeEmptyElement "property"
        [ ("name", name)
        , ("type", typeStr)
        , ("access", readS ++ writeS)

--attributeString :: X.Name -> X.Element -> Maybe String
--attributeString name e = fmap Data.Text.unpack (X.attributeText name e)

writeElement :: String -> [(String, String)] -> XmlWriter () -> XmlWriter ()
writeElement name attrs content = do
    tell "<"
    tell name
    mapM_ writeAttribute attrs
    tell ">"
    tell "</"
    tell name
    tell ">"

writeEmptyElement :: String -> [(String, String)] -> XmlWriter ()
writeEmptyElement name attrs = do
    tell "<"
    tell name
    mapM_ writeAttribute attrs
    tell "/>"

writeAttribute :: (String, String) -> XmlWriter ()
writeAttribute (name, content) = do
    tell " "
    tell name
    tell "='"
    tell (escape content)
    tell "'"

escape :: String -> String
escape = concatMap $ \c -> case c of
    '&' -> "&amp;"
    '<' -> "&lt;"
    '>' -> "&gt;"
    '"' -> "&quot;"
    '\'' -> "&apos;"
    _ -> [c]