{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- Copyright (C) 2009-2012 John Millikin <john@john-millikin.com>
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

-- | Support for defining custom transport mechanisms. Most users will not
-- need to care about the types defined in this module.
module DBus.Transport
    -- * Transports
    , TransportOpen(..)
    , TransportListen(..)

    -- * Transport errors
    , TransportError
    , transportError
    , transportErrorMessage
    , transportErrorAddress

    -- * Socket transport
    , SocketTransport
    , socketTransportOptionBacklog
    , socketTransportCredentials
    ) where

import           Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import           Foreign.C (CUInt)
import           Network.Socket hiding (recv)
import           Network.Socket.ByteString (sendAll, recv)
import qualified System.Info
import           Prelude

import           DBus

-- | Thrown from transport methods when an error occurs.
data TransportError = TransportError
    { transportErrorMessage :: String
    , transportErrorAddress :: Maybe Address
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

instance Exception TransportError

transportError :: String -> TransportError
transportError msg = TransportError msg Nothing

-- | A 'Transport' can exchange bytes with a remote peer.
class Transport t where
    -- | Additional options that this transport type may use when establishing
    -- a connection.
    data TransportOptions t :: *

    -- | Default values for this transport's options.
    transportDefaultOptions :: TransportOptions t

    -- | Send a 'ByteString' over the transport.
    -- Throws a 'TransportError' if an error occurs.
    transportPut :: t -> ByteString -> IO ()

    -- | Receive a 'ByteString' of the given size from the transport. The
    -- transport should block until sufficient bytes are available, and
    -- only return fewer than the requested amount if there will not be
    -- any more data.
    -- Throws a 'TransportError' if an error occurs.
    transportGet :: t -> Int -> IO ByteString

    -- | Close an open transport, and release any associated resources
    -- or handles.
    transportClose :: t -> IO ()

-- | A 'Transport' which can open a connection to a remote peer.
class Transport t => TransportOpen t where
    -- | Open a connection to the given address, using the given options.
    -- Throws a 'TransportError' if the connection could not be
    -- established.
    transportOpen :: TransportOptions t -> Address -> IO t

-- | A 'Transport' which can listen for and accept connections from remote
-- peers.
class Transport t => TransportListen t where
    -- | Used for transports that listen on a port or address.
    data TransportListener t :: *

    -- | Begin listening for connections on the given address, using the
    -- given options.
    -- Throws a 'TransportError' if it's not possible to listen at that
    -- address (for example, if the port is already in use).
    transportListen :: TransportOptions t -> Address -> IO (TransportListener t)

    -- | Accept a new connection.
    -- Throws a 'TransportError' if some error happens before the
    -- transport is ready to exchange bytes.
    transportAccept :: TransportListener t -> IO t

    -- | Close an open listener.
    transportListenerClose :: TransportListener t -> IO ()

    -- | Get the address to use to connect to a listener.
    transportListenerAddress :: TransportListener t -> Address

    -- | Get the UUID allocated to this transport listener.
    -- See 'randomUUID'.
    transportListenerUUID :: TransportListener t -> UUID

-- | Supports connecting over Unix or TCP sockets.
-- Unix sockets are similar to pipes, but exist as special files in the
-- filesystem. On Linux, /abstract sockets/ have a path-like address, but do
-- not actually have entries in the filesystem.
-- TCP sockets may use either IPv4 or IPv6.
data SocketTransport = SocketTransport (Maybe Address) Socket

instance Transport SocketTransport where
    data TransportOptions SocketTransport = SocketTransportOptions
        -- | The maximum size of the connection queue for a listening
        -- socket.
          socketTransportOptionBacklog :: Int
    transportDefaultOptions = SocketTransportOptions 30
    transportPut (SocketTransport addr s) bytes = catchIOException addr (sendAll s bytes)
    transportGet (SocketTransport addr s) n = catchIOException addr (recvLoop s n)
    transportClose (SocketTransport addr s) = catchIOException addr (close s)

recvLoop :: Socket -> Int -> IO ByteString
recvLoop s = \n -> Lazy.toStrict `fmap` loop mempty n where
    chunkSize = 4096
    loop acc n = if n > chunkSize
        then do
            chunk <- recv s chunkSize
            let builder = mappend acc (Builder.byteString chunk)
            loop builder (n - Data.ByteString.length chunk)
        else do
            chunk <- recv s n
            case Data.ByteString.length chunk of
                -- Unexpected end of connection; maybe the remote end went away.
                -- Return what we've got so far.
                0 -> return (Builder.toLazyByteString acc)

                len -> do
                    let builder = mappend acc (Builder.byteString chunk)
                    if len == n
                        then return (Builder.toLazyByteString builder)
                        else loop builder (n - Data.ByteString.length chunk)

instance TransportOpen SocketTransport where
    transportOpen _ a = case addressMethod a of
        "unix" -> openUnix a
        "tcp" -> openTcp a
        method -> throwIO (transportError ("Unknown address method: " ++ show method))
            { transportErrorAddress = Just a

instance TransportListen SocketTransport where
    data TransportListener SocketTransport = SocketTransportListener Address UUID Socket
    transportListen opts a = do
        uuid <- randomUUID
        (a', sock) <- case addressMethod a of
            "unix" -> listenUnix uuid a opts
            "tcp" -> listenTcp uuid a opts
            method -> throwIO (transportError ("Unknown address method: " ++ show method))
                { transportErrorAddress = Just a
        return (SocketTransportListener a' uuid sock)
    transportAccept (SocketTransportListener a _ s) = catchIOException (Just a) $ do
        (s', _) <- accept s
        return (SocketTransport Nothing s')
    transportListenerClose (SocketTransportListener a _ s) = catchIOException (Just a) (close s)
    transportListenerAddress (SocketTransportListener a _ _) = a
    transportListenerUUID (SocketTransportListener _ uuid _) = uuid

-- | Returns the processID, userID, and groupID of the socket's peer.
-- See 'getPeerCredential'.
socketTransportCredentials :: SocketTransport -> IO (Maybe CUInt, Maybe CUInt, Maybe CUInt)
socketTransportCredentials (SocketTransport a s) = catchIOException a (getPeerCredential s)

openUnix :: Address -> IO SocketTransport
openUnix transportAddr = go where
    params = addressParameters transportAddr
    param key = Map.lookup key params

    tooMany = "Only one of 'path' or 'abstract' may be specified for the\
              \ 'unix' transport."
    tooFew = "One of 'path' or 'abstract' must be specified for the\
             \ 'unix' transport."

    path = case (param "path", param "abstract") of
        (Just x, Nothing) -> Right x
        (Nothing, Just x) -> Right ('\x00' : x)
        (Nothing, Nothing) -> Left tooFew
        _ -> Left tooMany

    go = case path of
        Left err -> throwIO (transportError err)
            { transportErrorAddress = Just transportAddr
        Right p -> catchIOException (Just transportAddr) $ bracketOnError
            (socket AF_UNIX Stream defaultProtocol)
            (\sock -> do
                connect sock (SockAddrUnix p)
                return (SocketTransport (Just transportAddr) sock))

tcpHostname :: Maybe String -> Either a Network.Socket.Family -> String
tcpHostname (Just host) _ = host
tcpHostname Nothing (Right AF_INET) = ""
tcpHostname Nothing (Right AF_INET6) = "::1"
tcpHostname _ _ = "localhost"

openTcp :: Address -> IO SocketTransport
openTcp transportAddr = go where
    params = addressParameters transportAddr
    param key = Map.lookup key params

    hostname = tcpHostname (param "host") getFamily
    unknownFamily x = "Unknown socket family for TCP transport: " ++ show x
    getFamily = case param "family" of
        Just "ipv4" -> Right AF_INET
        Just "ipv6" -> Right AF_INET6
        Nothing     -> Right AF_UNSPEC
        Just x      -> Left (unknownFamily x)
    missingPort = "TCP transport requires the `port' parameter."
    badPort x = "Invalid socket port for TCP transport: " ++ show x
    getPort = case param "port" of
        Nothing -> Left missingPort
        Just x -> case readPortNumber x of
            Just port -> Right port
            Nothing -> Left (badPort x)

    getAddresses family_ = getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints
        { addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG]
        , addrFamily = family_
        , addrSocketType = Stream
        })) (Just hostname) Nothing

    openSocket [] = throwIO (transportError "openTcp: no addresses")
        { transportErrorAddress = Just transportAddr
    openSocket (addr:addrs) = do
        tried <- Control.Exception.try $ bracketOnError
            (socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr))
            (\sock -> do
                connect sock (addrAddress addr)
                return sock)
        case tried of
            Left err -> case addrs of
                [] -> throwIO (transportError (show (err :: IOException)))
                    { transportErrorAddress = Just transportAddr
                _ -> openSocket addrs
            Right sock -> return sock

    go = case getPort of
        Left err -> throwIO (transportError err)
            { transportErrorAddress = Just transportAddr
        Right port -> case getFamily of
            Left err -> throwIO (transportError err)
                { transportErrorAddress = Just transportAddr
            Right family_ -> catchIOException (Just transportAddr) $ do
                addrs <- getAddresses family_
                sock <- openSocket (map (setPort port) addrs)
                return (SocketTransport (Just transportAddr) sock)

listenUnix :: UUID -> Address -> TransportOptions SocketTransport -> IO (Address, Socket)
listenUnix uuid origAddr opts = getPath >>= go where
    params = addressParameters origAddr
    param key = Map.lookup key params

    tooMany = "Only one of 'abstract', 'path', or 'tmpdir' may be\
              \ specified for the 'unix' transport."
    tooFew = "One of 'abstract', 'path', or 'tmpdir' must be specified\
             \ for the 'unix' transport."

    getPath = case (param "abstract", param "path", param "tmpdir") of
        (Just path, Nothing, Nothing) -> let
            addr = address_ "unix"
                [ ("abstract", path)
                , ("guid", formatUUID uuid)
            in return (Right (addr, '\x00' : path))
        (Nothing, Just path, Nothing) -> let
            addr = address_ "unix"
                [ ("path", path)
                , ("guid", formatUUID uuid)
            in return (Right (addr, path))
        (Nothing, Nothing, Just x) -> do
            let fileName = x ++ "/haskell-dbus-" ++ formatUUID uuid

            -- Abstract paths are supported on Linux, but not on
            -- other Unix-like systems.
            let (addrParams, path) = if System.Info.os == "linux"
                    then ([("abstract", fileName)], '\x00' : fileName)
                    else ([("path", fileName)], fileName)

            let addr = address_ "unix" (addrParams ++ [("guid", formatUUID uuid)])
            return (Right (addr, path))
        (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> return (Left tooFew)
        _ -> return (Left tooMany)

    go path = case path of
        Left err -> throwIO (transportError err)
            { transportErrorAddress = Just origAddr
        Right (addr, p) -> catchIOException (Just origAddr) $ bracketOnError
            (socket AF_UNIX Stream defaultProtocol)
            (\sock -> do
                bind sock (SockAddrUnix p)
                Network.Socket.listen sock (socketTransportOptionBacklog opts)
                return (addr, sock))

listenTcp :: UUID -> Address -> TransportOptions SocketTransport -> IO (Address, Socket)
listenTcp uuid origAddr opts = go where
    params = addressParameters origAddr
    param key = Map.lookup key params

    unknownFamily x = "Unknown socket family for TCP transport: " ++ show x
    getFamily = case param "family" of
        Just "ipv4" -> Right AF_INET
        Just "ipv6" -> Right AF_INET6
        Nothing     -> Right AF_UNSPEC
        Just x      -> Left (unknownFamily x)

    badPort x = "Invalid socket port for TCP transport: " ++ show x
    getPort = case param "port" of
        Nothing -> Right 0
        Just x -> case readPortNumber x of
            Just port -> Right port
            Nothing -> Left (badPort x)

    paramBind = case param "bind" of
        Just "*" -> Nothing
        Just x -> Just x
        Nothing -> Just (tcpHostname (param "host") getFamily)

    getAddresses family_ = getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints
        { addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG, AI_PASSIVE]
        , addrFamily = family_
        , addrSocketType = Stream
        })) paramBind Nothing

    bindAddrs _ [] = throwIO (transportError "listenTcp: no addresses")
        { transportErrorAddress = Just origAddr
    bindAddrs sock (addr:addrs) = do
        tried <- Control.Exception.try (bind sock (addrAddress addr))
        case tried of
            Left err -> case addrs of
                [] -> throwIO (transportError (show (err :: IOException)))
                    { transportErrorAddress = Just origAddr
                _ -> bindAddrs sock addrs
            Right _ -> return ()

    sockAddr port = address_ "tcp" p where
        p = baseParams ++ hostParam ++ familyParam
        baseParams =
            [ ("port", show port)
            , ("guid", formatUUID uuid)
        hostParam = case param "host" of
            Just x -> [("host", x)]
            Nothing -> []
        familyParam = case param "family" of
            Just x -> [("family", x)]
            Nothing -> []

    go = case getPort of
        Left err -> throwIO (transportError err)
            { transportErrorAddress = Just origAddr
        Right port -> case getFamily of
            Left err -> throwIO (transportError err)
                { transportErrorAddress = Just origAddr
            Right family_ -> catchIOException (Just origAddr) $ do
                sockAddrs <- getAddresses family_
                    (socket family_ Stream defaultProtocol)
                    (\sock -> do
                        setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
                        bindAddrs sock (map (setPort port) sockAddrs)

                        Network.Socket.listen sock (socketTransportOptionBacklog opts)
                        sockPort <- socketPort sock
                        return (sockAddr sockPort, sock))

catchIOException :: Maybe Address -> IO a -> IO a
catchIOException addr io = do
    tried <- try io
    case tried of
        Right a -> return a
        Left err -> throwIO (transportError (show (err :: IOException)))
            { transportErrorAddress = addr

address_ :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Address
address_ method params = addr where
    Just addr = address method (Map.fromList params)

setPort :: PortNumber -> AddrInfo -> AddrInfo
setPort port info = case addrAddress info of
    (SockAddrInet  _ x) -> info { addrAddress = SockAddrInet port x }
    (SockAddrInet6 _ x y z) -> info { addrAddress = SockAddrInet6 port x y z }
    _ -> info

readPortNumber :: String -> Maybe PortNumber
readPortNumber s = do
    case dropWhile (\c -> c >= '0' && c <= '9') s of
        [] -> return ()
        _ -> Nothing
    let word = read s :: Integer
    if word > 0 && word <= 65535
        then Just (fromInteger word)
        else Nothing