sbv-10.10: SMT Based Verification: Symbolic Haskell theorem prover using SMT solving.
Copyright(c) Levent Erkok
Safe HaskellNone



Implementation of overflow detection functions. Based on:


Arithmetic overflows

class ArithOverflow a where Source #

Detecting overflow. Each function here will return sTrue if the result will not fit in the target type, i.e., if it overflows or underflows.


bvAddO :: a -> a -> SBool Source #

Bit-vector addition. Unsigned addition can only overflow. Signed addition can underflow and overflow.

A tell tale sign of unsigned addition overflow is when the sum is less than minimum of the arguments.

>>> prove $ \x y -> bvAddO x (y::SWord16) .<=> x + y .< x `smin` y

bvSubO :: a -> a -> SBool Source #

Bit-vector subtraction. Unsigned subtraction can only underflow. Signed subtraction can underflow and overflow.

bvMulO :: a -> a -> SBool Source #

Bit-vector multiplication. Unsigned multiplication can only overflow. Signed multiplication can underflow and overflow.

bvDivO :: a -> a -> SBool Source #

Bit-vector division. Unsigned division neither underflows nor overflows. Signed division can only overflow. In fact, for each signed bitvector type, there's precisely one pair that overflows, when x is minBound and y is -1:

>>> allSat $ \x y -> x `bvDivO` (y::SInt8)
Solution #1:
  s0 = -128 :: Int8
  s1 =   -1 :: Int8
This is the only solution.

bvNegO :: a -> SBool Source #

Bit-vector negation. Unsigned negation neither underflows nor overflows. Signed negation can only overflow, when the argument is minBound:

>>> prove $ \x -> x .== minBound .<=> bvNegO (x::SInt16)


Instances details
ArithOverflow SInt16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SInt32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SInt64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SInt8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SWord16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SWord32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SWord64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SWord8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

ArithOverflow SVal Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

(KnownNat n, BVIsNonZero n) => ArithOverflow (SInt n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow


bvAddO :: SInt n -> SInt n -> SBool Source #

bvSubO :: SInt n -> SInt n -> SBool Source #

bvMulO :: SInt n -> SInt n -> SBool Source #

bvDivO :: SInt n -> SInt n -> SBool Source #

bvNegO :: SInt n -> SBool Source #

(KnownNat n, BVIsNonZero n) => ArithOverflow (SWord n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow


bvAddO :: SWord n -> SWord n -> SBool Source #

bvSubO :: SWord n -> SWord n -> SBool Source #

bvMulO :: SWord n -> SWord n -> SBool Source #

bvDivO :: SWord n -> SWord n -> SBool Source #

bvNegO :: SWord n -> SBool Source #

class (ArithOverflow (SBV a), Num a, SymVal a) => CheckedArithmetic a where Source #

A class of checked-arithmetic operations. These follow the usual arithmetic, except make calls to sAssert to ensure no overflow/underflow can occur. Use them in conjunction with safe to ensure no overflow can happen.


(+!) :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a infixl 6 Source #

(-!) :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a infixl 6 Source #

(*!) :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a infixl 7 Source #

(/!) :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a infixl 7 Source #

negateChecked :: SBV a -> SBV a Source #


Instances details
CheckedArithmetic Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

CheckedArithmetic Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

CheckedArithmetic Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

CheckedArithmetic Int8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

CheckedArithmetic Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

CheckedArithmetic Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

CheckedArithmetic Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

CheckedArithmetic Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow

(KnownNat n, BVIsNonZero n) => CheckedArithmetic (IntN n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow


(+!) :: SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) Source #

(-!) :: SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) Source #

(*!) :: SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) Source #

(/!) :: SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) Source #

negateChecked :: SBV (IntN n) -> SBV (IntN n) Source #

(KnownNat n, BVIsNonZero n) => CheckedArithmetic (WordN n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow


(+!) :: SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) Source #

(-!) :: SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) Source #

(*!) :: SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) Source #

(/!) :: SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) Source #

negateChecked :: SBV (WordN n) -> SBV (WordN n) Source #

Cast overflows

sFromIntegralO :: (Integral a, HasKind a, Num a, SymVal a, HasKind b, Num b, SymVal b) => SBV a -> (SBV b, (SBool, SBool)) Source #

Detecting underflow/overflow conditions for casting between bit-vectors. The first output is the result, the second component itself is a pair with the first boolean indicating underflow and the second indicating overflow.

>>> sFromIntegralO (256 :: SInt16) :: (SWord8, (SBool, SBool))
(0 :: SWord8,(False,True))
>>> sFromIntegralO (-2 :: SInt16) :: (SWord8, (SBool, SBool))
(254 :: SWord8,(True,False))
>>> sFromIntegralO (2 :: SInt16) :: (SWord8, (SBool, SBool))
(2 :: SWord8,(False,False))
>>> prove $ \x -> sFromIntegralO (x::SInt32) .== (sFromIntegral x :: SInteger, (sFalse, sFalse))

As the last example shows, converting to sInteger never underflows or overflows for any value.

sFromIntegralChecked :: (?loc :: CallStack, Integral a, HasKind a, HasKind b, Num a, SymVal a, HasKind b, Num b, SymVal b) => SBV a -> SBV b Source #

Version of sFromIntegral that has calls to sAssert for checking no overflow/underflow can happen. Use it with a safe call.