AERN-RnToRm- polynomial function enclosures (PFEs) approximating exact real functionsSource codeContentsIndex

Arbitrary precision piece-wise something (eg linear, polynomial, rational) enclosures of functions R^n->R^m.

The type of approximation within segments is specified by an instance of ERFnDomApprox.

The piece-wise construction defines another instance of ERFnDomApprox.

data ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa = ERFnPiecewise (BisectionTree box varid domra fa)
data ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa Source

Arbitrary precision piece-wise something (eg linear, polynomial, rational) enclosures of functions R^n->R^m.

The type of approximation within segments is specified by an instance of ERFnDomApprox.

The piece-wise construction defines another instance of ERFnDomApprox.

ERFnPiecewise (BisectionTree box varid domra fa)
show/hide Instances
Typeable4 ERFnPiecewise
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, ERIntApprox fa, Show box, DomainBoxMappable box box varid domra domra) => ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, ERIntApprox fa, DomainBoxMappable box box varid domra domra, Show box) => ERFnApprox box varid domra ranra (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa => Eq (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, VariableID varid) => Fractional (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(Data box, Data varid, Data domra, Data fa) => Data (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, VariableID varid) => Num (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa => Ord (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, VariableID varid) => Show (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, ERApproxElementary fa, VariableID varid) => ERApproxElementary (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, VariableID varid) => ERApprox (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, ERIntApprox fa, VariableID varid) => ERIntApprox (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
(Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d) => Binary (ERFnPiecewise a b c d)
(ERFnDomApprox box varid domra ranra fa, ERIntApprox fa, HTML fa) => HTML (ERFnPiecewise box varid domra fa)
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