-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Domain.LinearAlgebra.Matrix
   ( Matrix, Row, Column, isRectangular, makeMatrix, identity, mapWithPos
   , changeEntries, changeEntry, setEntries, setEntry
   , rows, row, columns, column, dimensions, entry, isEmpty
   , add, scale, multiply
   , reduce, forward, backward, inverse, invertible, rank, nullity, eqMatrix
   , switchRows, scaleRow, addRow
   , inRowEchelonForm, inRowReducedEchelonForm
   , nonZero, pivot, isPivotColumn
   , isSquare, identityMatrix, isLowerTriangular, isUpperTriangular
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List hiding (transpose)
import Data.Maybe
import Domain.Math.Simplification
import Ideas.Common.Rewriting
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (scale, function)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Dictionary.Linalg2 as OM

-- Invariant: a matrix is always rectangular
newtype Matrix a = M [[a]]
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type Row    a = [a]
type Column a = [a]

instance Functor Matrix where
   fmap f (M rs) = M (map (map f) rs)

instance Foldable Matrix where
   foldMap f (M xss) = foldMap (mconcat . map f) xss

instance Traversable Matrix where
   sequenceA (M xss) = M <$> sequenceA (map sequenceA xss)

instance IsTerm a => IsTerm (Matrix a) where
   toTerm =
      let f = function matrixrowSymbol . map toTerm
      in function matrixSymbol . map f . rows
   fromTerm a = do
      rs  <- isFunction matrixSymbol a
      xss <- mapM (isFunction matrixrowSymbol) rs
      yss <- mapM (mapM fromTerm) xss
      guard (isRectangular yss)
      return (makeMatrix yss)

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Matrix a) where
   arbitrary = do
      (i, j) <- arbitrary
      arbSizedMatrix (i `mod` 5, j `mod` 5)

instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (Matrix a) where
   coarbitrary = coarbitrary . rows

arbSizedMatrix :: Arbitrary a => (Int, Int) -> Gen (Matrix a)
arbSizedMatrix (i, j) =
   do rs <- replicateM i (vector j)
      return (makeMatrix rs)

matrixSymbol, matrixrowSymbol :: Symbol
matrixSymbol    = newSymbol OM.matrixSymbol
matrixrowSymbol = newSymbol OM.matrixrowSymbol

instance Simplify a => Simplify (Matrix a) where
   simplifyWith opt = fmap (simplifyWith opt)

-- Check whether the table is rectangular
isRectangular :: [[a]] -> Bool
isRectangular xss =
   case map length xss of
      []   -> True
      n:ns -> all (==n) ns

-- Constructor function that checks whether the table is rectangular
makeMatrix :: [Row a] -> Matrix a
makeMatrix rs
   | null (concat rs) = M []
   | isRectangular rs = M rs
   | otherwise        = error "makeMatrix: not rectangular"

identity :: Num a => Int -> Matrix a
identity n = M $ map f [0..n-1]
 where f i = replicate i 0 ++ [1] ++ replicate (n-i-1) 0

isEmpty :: Matrix a -> Bool
isEmpty (M xs) = null xs

rows :: Matrix a -> [Row a]
rows (M rs) = rs

row :: Int -> Matrix a -> Row a
row n = (!!n) . rows

columns :: Matrix a -> [Column a]
columns = rows . transpose

column :: Int -> Matrix a -> Column a
column n = (!!n) . columns

dimensions :: Matrix a -> (Int, Int)
dimensions m = (length $ rows m, length $ columns m)

entry :: (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> a
entry (i, j) m = row i m !! j

mapWithPos :: ((Int, Int) -> a -> b) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b
mapWithPos f (M rs) = M $ zipWith g [0..] rs
 where g y = zipWith (\x -> f (y, x)) [0..]

changeEntries :: M.Map (Int, Int) (a -> a) -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
changeEntries mp = mapWithPos (\pos -> M.findWithDefault id pos mp)

changeEntry :: (Int, Int) -> (a -> a) -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
changeEntry pos = changeEntries . M.singleton pos

setEntries :: M.Map (Int, Int) a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
setEntries mp = mapWithPos (\pos a -> M.findWithDefault a pos mp)

setEntry :: (Int, Int) -> a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
setEntry pos = setEntries . M.singleton pos


add :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
add a b
   | dimensions a == dimensions b =
        M $ zipWith (zipWith (+)) (rows a) (rows b)
   | otherwise =
        error "add: dimensions differ"

scale :: Num a => a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
scale a = fmap (*a)

multiply :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
multiply a b
   | snd (dimensions a) == fst (dimensions b) =
        M $ map (\r -> map (sum . zipWith (*) r) (columns b)) (rows a)
   | otherwise =
        error "multiply: incorrect dimensions"

-- Gaussian Elimination

reduce :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a
reduce = backward . forward

forward :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a
forward m
   | h==0 || w==0 = m
   | all (==0) col = M $ zipWith (:) (repeat 0) $ rows $ forward $ M $ map tail $ rows m
   | x == 0 = forward (switchRows 0 (fromJust $ findIndex (/= 0) col) m)
   | x == 1 = let M (r:rs) = foldr (\k -> addRow k 0 (negate $ entry (k,0) m)) m [1..h-1]
                  M ts = forward (M rs)
              in M (r:ts)
   | otherwise = forward (scaleRow 0 (1/x) m)
   (h, w) = dimensions m
   x      = entry (0,0) m
   col    = column 0 m

backward :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a
backward m = foldr f m [1..h-1]
   (h, _) = dimensions m
   f i    = let g j = case findIndex (/=0) (row i m) of
                         Just k  -> addRow j i (negate (entry (j, k) m))
                         Nothing -> id
            in flip (foldr g) [0..i-1]

rank :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Int
rank = length . filter (isJust . pivot) . rows . reduce

nullity :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Int
nullity m = snd (dimensions m) - rank m

inverse :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a)
inverse m
   | h /= w     = Nothing
   | rank m < w = Nothing
   | otherwise  = Just $ M $ map (drop h) $ rows $ reduce $ M $ zipWith (++) (rows m) $ rows $ identity h
   (h, w) = dimensions m

invertible :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Bool
invertible = isJust . inverse

eqMatrix :: (Eq a,Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Bool
eqMatrix m1 m2 = reduce m1 == reduce m2

-- test = rank $ makeMatrix $ [[0 :: Rational ,1,1,1], [1,2,3,2], [3,1,1,3]]

-- t = inverse $ M [[1,0],[0,3]]


transpose :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
transpose (M rs) = M (L.transpose rs)


isSquare :: Matrix a -> Bool
isSquare m = i==j
 where (i, j) = dimensions m

identityMatrix :: Num a => Int -> Matrix a
identityMatrix n = M $ map (\y -> map (\x -> if x==y then 1 else 0) list) list
 where list = [0..n-1]

-- Elementary row operations (preserve matrix equivalence)

checkRow :: Int -> Matrix a -> Bool
checkRow i m = i >= 0 && i < fst (dimensions m)

switchRows :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
switchRows i j m@(M rs)
   | i == j = m
   | i >  j = switchRows j i m
   | checkRow i m && checkRow j m =
        let (before, r1:rest)  = splitAt i       rs
            (middle, r2:after) = splitAt (j-i-1) rest
        in M $ before ++ [r2] ++ middle ++ [r1] ++ after
   | otherwise =
        error "switchRows: invalid rows"

scaleRow :: Num a => Int -> a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
scaleRow i a m@(M rs)
   | checkRow i m =
        let f y = if y==i then map (*a) else id
        in M $ zipWith f [0..] rs
   | otherwise =
        error "scaleRow: invalid row"

addRow :: Num a => Int -> Int -> a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
addRow i j a m@(M rs)
   | checkRow i m && checkRow j m =
        let rj  = map (*a) (row j m)
            f y = if y==i then zipWith (+) rj else id
        in M $ zipWith f [0..] rs
   | otherwise =
        error "addRow: invalid row"


isLowerTriangular :: (Eq a,Num a) => Matrix a -> Bool
isLowerTriangular = and . zipWith check [1..] . rows
 where check n = all (==0) . drop n

isUpperTriangular :: (Eq a,Num a) => Matrix a -> Bool
isUpperTriangular = and . zipWith check [0..] . rows
 where check n = all (==0) . take n

inRowEchelonForm :: (Eq a,Num a) => Matrix a -> Bool
inRowEchelonForm (M rs) =
   not (any nonZero (dropWhile nonZero rs)) &&
   increasing (map (length . takeWhile (==0)) (filter nonZero rs))
   increasing (x:ys@(y:_)) = x < y && increasing ys
   increasing _ = True

nonZero :: (Eq a,Num a) => [a] -> Bool
nonZero = any (/=0)

-- or row canonical form
inRowReducedEchelonForm :: (Eq a,Num a) => Matrix a -> Bool
inRowReducedEchelonForm m@(M rs) =
   inRowEchelonForm m &&
   all (==1) (mapMaybe pivot rs) &&
   all (isPivotColumn . flip column m . length . takeWhile (==0)) (filter nonZero rs)

pivot :: (Eq a,Num a) => Row a -> Maybe a
pivot r = case dropWhile (==0) r of
             hd:_ -> Just hd
             _    -> Nothing

isPivotColumn :: (Eq a,Num a) => Column a -> Bool
isPivotColumn c =
   case filter (/=0) c of
      [1] -> True
      _   -> False