-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Domain.Math.CleanUp
   ( cleanUpRelations, cleanUpRelation, cleanUpExpr
   , cleanUpSimple, cleanUpView, cleanUpACView
   , assocExpr, acExpr, smart, assocPlus, assocTimes
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import Domain.Math.Data.OrList
import Domain.Math.Data.Relation
import Domain.Math.Data.SquareRoot (fromSquareRoot)
import Domain.Math.Expr
import Domain.Math.Numeric.Views (rationalView, integerView)
import Domain.Math.Power.OldViews (powerFactorViewWith)
import Domain.Math.SquareRoot.Views (squareRootViewWith)
import Ideas.Common.Classes
import Ideas.Utils.Prelude (fixpoint)
import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate
import Ideas.Common.View
import Prelude hiding ((^), recip)
import qualified Prelude

-- Root simplification

simplerRoot :: Rational -> Integer -> Expr
simplerRoot a b
   | b < 0          = 1 ./. simplerRoot a (abs b)
   | a < 0 && odd b = neg (simplerRoot (abs a) b)
   | otherwise      = f (numerator a) b ./. f (denominator a) b
   f x y
      | x == 0              = 0
      | y == 0 || x <= 0    = root (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
      | e Prelude.^ y == x  = fromIntegral e
      | otherwise           = root (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
      e = round ((fromIntegral x :: Double) ** (1 / fromIntegral y))

-- Cleaning up

cleanUpSimple :: Expr -> Expr
cleanUpSimple = fixpoint (transform (smart . f))
   f = simplifyWith (assocPlus rationalView) sumView

cleanUpRelations :: OrList (Relation Expr) -> OrList (Relation Expr)
cleanUpRelations = noDuplicates . foldMap cleanUpRelation

cleanUpRelation :: Relation Expr -> OrList (Relation Expr)
cleanUpRelation = f . fmap cleanUpBU
   f rel
      | any falsity (universe a ++ universe b) = false
      | a == b    = fromBool (relationType rel `elem` equals)
      | otherwise =
           case (match rationalView a, match rationalView b) of
              (Just r, Just s) -> fromBool (eval (relationType rel) r s)
              _                -> singleton rel
      (a, b) = (leftHandSide rel, rightHandSide rel)

   equals =
      [EqualTo, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, Approximately]

   falsity :: Expr -> Bool
   falsity (Sqrt e)  = maybe False (<0)  (match rationalView e)
   falsity (_ :/: e) = maybe False (==0) (match rationalView e)
   falsity _         = False

-- also simplify square roots
cleanUpExpr :: Expr -> Expr
cleanUpExpr = fixpoint $
   cleanUpBU . transform (simplify (squareRootViewWith rationalView))

cleanUpView, cleanUpACView :: View Expr Expr
cleanUpView   = makeView (return . cleanUpExpr) id
cleanUpACView = makeView (return . acExpr . cleanUpExpr) id

-- normalize expr with associativity and commutative rules for + and *
assocExpr, acExpr :: Expr -> Expr
assocExpr = normExpr id
acExpr    = normExpr sort

normExpr :: ([Expr] -> [Expr]) -> Expr -> Expr
normExpr f = rec
   rec expr =
      case (from sumView expr, from productView expr) of
         (xs, _) | length xs > 1 ->
            to sumView $ f $ map rec xs
         (_, (b, xs)) | length xs > 1 ->
            to productView (b, f $ map rec xs)
         _ ->
            descend rec expr

-- Associativity

assocPlus, assocTimes :: View Expr a -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
assocPlus  = assocOp (+)
assocTimes = assocOp (*)

assocOp :: (Expr -> Expr -> Expr) -> View Expr a -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
assocOp op v = rec . map (simplify v)
   rec (x:y:zs) =
      case canonical v (op x y) of
         Just a  -> rec (a:zs)
         Nothing -> x:rec (y:zs)
   rec xs = xs

-- Fixpoint of a bottom-up traversal

cleanUpBU :: Expr -> Expr
cleanUpBU = {- fixpoint $ -} transform $ \e ->
   simplify myView $
   fromMaybe (smart e) $
      canonical rationalView e
      fmap (transform smart) (canonical specialSqrtOrder e)
      -- Just simplify order of terms with square roots for now
    `mplus` do
      let f xs | length xs > 1 = return (assocPlus rationalView xs)
          f _ = Nothing
      canonicalWithM f sumView e
      canonical myView e
    `mplus` do
      let f (b, xs) | length xs > 1 = return (b, assocTimes rationalView xs)
          f _ = Nothing
      canonicalWithM f simpleProductView e
   myView = powerFactorViewWith rationalView

specialSqrtOrder :: View Expr [Expr]
specialSqrtOrder = toView sumView >>> makeView f id
   make = match (squareRootViewWith rationalView)
   g    = isNothing . fromSquareRoot . snd
   f xs = do
      ys <- mapM make xs
      return $ map fst $ sortBy (comparing g) $ zip xs ys

smart :: Expr -> Expr
smart (a :*: b) = a .*. b
smart (a :/: b) = a ./. b
smart expr@(Sym s [x, y])
   | isPowerSymbol s = x .^. y
   | isRootSymbol  s = fromMaybe expr $
        simplerRoot <$> match rationalView x <*> match integerView y
smart (Negate a) = neg a
smart (a :+: b) = a .+. b
smart (a :-: b) = a .-. b
smart (Sqrt (Nat n)) = simplerRoot (fromIntegral n) 2
smart e = e