-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Domain.Math.Polynomial.BalanceUtils
   ( eqView, minusView, negView
   , matchLin, matchPlusCon
   , cleaner, cleanerExpr
   , linbal, checkForChange
   , termRef, factorRef, factor1Ref, factor2Ref
   , writeTerm, writeWith
   , buggyBalanceRule, buggyBalanceRuleArg
   , buggyBalanceExprRule
   , buggyBalanceRecognizer
   , collectLocal, collectGlobal
   , distributeDiv, distributeTimes
   , isPlusT, diffPlus
   , isTimesT, diffTimes
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Domain.Math.Data.Polynomial
import Domain.Math.Data.Relation
import Domain.Math.Data.WithBool
import Domain.Math.Expr
import Domain.Math.Numeric.Views
import Domain.Math.Polynomial.Views
import Domain.Math.Safe
import Domain.Math.Simplification   (mergeAlikeSum)
import Ideas.Common.Library
import Ideas.Utils.Prelude          (fixpoint)
import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate

eqView :: View (WithBool (Equation Expr)) (WithBool (String, Rational))
eqView = makeView (either (Just . fromBool) f . fromWithBool) (fmap g)
   f (lhs :==: rhs) = do
      (s, p) <- match (polyViewWith rationalApproxView) (lhs-rhs)
      case degree p of
         0 -> Just $ fromBool $ coefficient 0 p == 0
         1 -> Just $ singleton (s, - coefficient 0 p / coefficient 1 p)
         _ -> Nothing
   g (s, r) = Var s :==: fromRational r

minusView :: View Expr (Expr, Expr)
minusView = makeView isMinus (uncurry (:-:))

negView :: View Expr Expr
negView = makeView isNegate Negate

matchLin :: MonadPlus m => Expr -> m (Expr, Rational, Rational)
matchLin expr = do
   (s, p) <- matchM (polyNormalForm rationalView) expr
   guard (degree p == 1)
   return (Var s, coefficient 1 p, coefficient 0 p)

matchPlusCon :: MonadPlus m => Expr -> m (Expr, Rational)
matchPlusCon expr =
   matchM (plusView >>> second rationalView) expr
   matchM (plusView >>> toView swapView >>> second rationalView) expr

-- Strategy

cleaner :: WithBool (Equation Expr) -> WithBool (Equation Expr)
cleaner = fmap (fmap cleanerExpr)

cleanerExpr :: Expr -> Expr
cleanerExpr = transform f -- no fixpoint is needed
   f (a :/: Nat 1) = f a
   f (a :/: Negate (Nat 1)) = f $ Negate a
   f (Negate a :/: Negate b) = f (a/b)
   f (a :/: Negate b) = f $ Negate (a/b)
   f (Negate a :/: b) = f $ Negate (a/b)
   f (Negate (Negate a)) = f a
   f e = cleanSum (cleanProduct (simplify rationalView e))

   cleanSum =
      let g x y = canonical rationalView (x :+: y)
      in simplifyWith (adjacent g) simpleSumView

   cleanProduct =
      let g x y   = canonical rationalView (x :*: y)
          reorder = uncurry (++) . partition (`belongsTo` rationalView)
      in simplifyWith (mapSecond (adjacent g . reorder)) simpleProductView

adjacent :: (a -> a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> [a]
adjacent f = rec
   rec (x:y:rest) =
      case f x y of
         Just xy -> rec (xy:rest)
         Nothing -> x:rec (y:rest)
   rec xs = xs

trivial :: Equation Expr -> WithBool (Equation Expr)
trivial eq@(lhs :==: rhs) =
   case (match rationalView lhs, match rationalView rhs) of
      (Just r1, Just r2)
         | r1 == r2                -> true
         | otherwise               -> false
      _  | any nonsense [lhs, rhs] -> false
         | lhs == rhs              -> true
         | otherwise               -> singleton eq

nonsense :: Expr -> Bool
nonsense = any p . universe
   p (_ :/: a) = maybe False (==0) (match rationalView a)
   p _         = False -}

-- References

termRef, factorRef, factor1Ref, factor2Ref :: Ref Expr
termRef    = makeRef "term"
factorRef  = makeRef "factor"
factor1Ref = makeRef "factor1"
factor2Ref = makeRef "factor2"

writeWith :: Trans c () -> (a -> Maybe (b, c)) -> Trans a b
writeWith wf f = transMaybe f >>> second wf >>> arr fst

writeTerm :: (a -> Maybe (b, Expr)) -> Trans a b
writeTerm = writeWith (writeRef_ termRef)

-- Rules

linbal :: Id
linbal = newId "algebra.equations.linear.balance"

bugbal :: IsId n => n -> Id
bugbal n = newId (linbal, "buggy", n)

checkForChange :: (MonadPlus m, Eq a) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
checkForChange f a = f a >>= \b -> guard (a /= b) >> return b

buggyBalanceRule :: IsId n => n -> (Equation Expr -> Maybe (Equation Expr)) -> Rule (Equation Expr)
buggyBalanceRule n = addTransRecognizer eq . buggyRule (bugbal n)
   eq = viewEquivalent (traverseView (polyViewWith rationalView))

buggyBalanceRuleArg :: IsId n => n -> Trans (Equation Expr) (Equation Expr) -> Rule (Equation Expr)
buggyBalanceRuleArg n = addTransRecognizer eq . buggy . ruleTrans (bugbal n)
   eq = viewEquivalent (traverseView (polyViewWith rationalView))

buggyBalanceExprRule :: IsId n => n -> (Expr -> Maybe Expr) -> Rule Expr
buggyBalanceExprRule = buggyRule . bugbal

buggyBalanceRecognizer :: IsId n => n -> Trans (a, a) () -> Rule a
buggyBalanceRecognizer n t =
   addRecognizer (makeRecognizerTrans t)  $ buggy $ emptyRule (bugbal n)

-- Helpers

collectLocal :: Expr -> Expr
collectLocal = simplifyWith (mapSecond f) simpleProductView
             . simplifyWith mergeAlikeSum simpleSumView
   f xs | length ys > 1 = ys++zs
        | otherwise     = xs
      (ys, zs) = partition hasNoVar xs

collectGlobal :: Expr -> Expr
collectGlobal = fixpoint (transform collectLocal)

distributeDiv :: Expr -> Expr
distributeDiv expr = fromMaybe expr $ do
   (a, r) <- match (divView >>> second rationalView) expr
   return $ simplifyWith (fmap (`divide` r)) simpleSumView a
   divide x r = fromMaybe (x/fromRational r) $ do
      (y, z) <- match (timesView >>> first rationalView) x
      new    <- y `safeDiv` r
      return (fromRational new * z)
    `mplus` do
      (y, z) <- match (timesView >>> second rationalView) x
      new    <- z `safeDiv` r
      return (y * fromRational new)

distributeTimes :: Expr -> Expr
distributeTimes expr = fromMaybe expr $ do
   (r, a) <- match (timesView >>> first rationalView) expr
             match (timesView >>> second rationalView >>> toView swapView) expr
   return $ simplifyWith (fmap (times r)) simpleSumView a
   times r x = fromMaybe (fromRational r*x) $ do
      (a, b) <- match (divView >>> second rationalView) x
      guard (b /= 0)
      return (fromRational (r/b) * a)

isPlusT :: Equation Expr -> Equation Expr -> Bool
isPlusT old new = isJust (diffPlusEq old new)

diffPlusEq :: Equation Expr -> Equation Expr -> Maybe Expr
diffPlusEq (a1 :==: a2) (b1 :==: b2) = do
   d1 <- diffPlus a1 b1
   d2 <- diffPlus a2 b2
   guard (d1 == d2)
   return d1

diffPlus :: Expr -> Expr -> Maybe Expr
diffPlus a b = do
   let myView = polyViewWith rationalView
   (x, pa) <- matchM myView a
   (y, pb) <- matchM myView b
   guard (x==y)
   let d = pb - pa
   return $ build myView (x, d)

isTimesT :: Equation Expr -> Equation Expr -> Bool
isTimesT old new = isJust (diffTimesEq old new)

diffTimesEq :: Equation Expr -> Equation Expr -> Maybe Expr
diffTimesEq (a1 :==: a2) (b1 :==: b2) = do
   d1 <- diffTimes a1 b1
   d2 <- diffTimes a2 b2
   guard (d1 == d2)
   return d1

diffTimes :: MonadPlus m => Expr -> Expr -> m Expr
diffTimes a b = do
   let myView = polyViewWith rationalView
   (x, pa) <- matchM myView a
   (y, pb) <- matchM myView b
   guard (x==y)
   if pa==0 && pb==0 then return 1 else do
    d <- maybe (fail "diffTimes") return (pb `safeDiv` pa)
    return $ build myView (x, d)