{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Recognize.Data.MathStoryProblem
   ( Task(..)
   , MathStoryProblem, mathStoryProblem
   , problemId, processInputs
   , inputFile, networkFile, singleNetwork
   , getExercise, diagnose, analyzers
   , Analyzer, analyzer
   , lexer, parser, recognizer, collector
   ) where

import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (recognizer, recognize, parser)
import Ideas.Text.HTML
import Ideas.Text.XML
import Bayes.Evidence
import Bayes.Network ( Network )
import Recognize.Data.DiagnoseResult
import Recognize.Data.Entry
import Recognize.Data.MathParserOutput
import Recognize.Data.Diagnosis
import Recognize.Data.StringLexer
import Recognize.Data.DiagnoseError
import Recognize.Data.Solution
import Recognize.Data.Approach ( Approach(Other) )

getExercise :: MathStoryProblem -> Exercise b
getExercise e = emptyExercise { exerciseId = getId e }

data Task = Task (MathStoryProblem)

instance Show Task where
  show = showId

instance HasId Task where
   getId (Task pr) = getId pr
   changeId f (Task pr) = Task (changeId f pr)

findAnalyzer :: MathStoryProblem -> InputId -> Analyzer
findAnalyzer pr i = fromMaybe analyzer (lookup i (analyzers pr))

data MathStoryProblem = MSP
   { problemId     :: Id
   , processInputs :: [Input] -> [Input]
   , analyzers     :: [(InputId, Analyzer)]
   , inputFile     :: Maybe FilePath
   , networkFile   :: Maybe FilePath
   , singleNetwork :: Network ()

data Analyzer = A
   { lexer      :: Maybe Language -> Input -> LexerOutput
   , parser     :: LexerOutput -> MathParserOutput
   , recognizer :: MathParserOutput -> Either DiagnoseError Diagnosis
   , collector  :: Diagnosis -> Evidence

instance Show MathStoryProblem where
   show = show . problemId

instance HasId MathStoryProblem where
   getId = problemId
   changeId f pr = pr { problemId = f (problemId pr) }

mathStoryProblem :: MathStoryProblem
mathStoryProblem = MSP
   { problemId     = mempty
   , processInputs = id
   , analyzers     = []
   , inputFile     = Nothing
   , networkFile   = Nothing
   , singleNetwork = mempty

analyzer :: Analyzer
analyzer = A
   { lexer      = stringLexer mempty
   , parser     = mathParser mempty . stringLexerOutput
   , recognizer = \_ -> Left Unknown
   , collector  = const mempty


diagnose :: MathStoryProblem -> Solution -> Entry
diagnose e sol = Entry (map f inps)
   inps = processInputs e (inputs sol)
   f    = diagnoseInput e (language sol)

-- | @diagnosePipeline inputId e o i@ specifies how the input from some exercise is handled.
-- The input is lexed, parsed and then recognized. Any information from earlier phases is propagated to later phases.
diagnoseInput :: MathStoryProblem -> Maybe Language -> Input -> DiagnoseResult
diagnoseInput pr lang i = DiagnoseResult
   { originalInput = i
   , lexerOutput   = lex_out
   , parserOutput  = parse_out
   , diagnosis     = diag_out
   , evidence      = col_out
   ana       = findAnalyzer pr (getInputId i)
   lex_out   = lexer ana lang i
   parse_out = parser ana lex_out
   diag_out  = recognizer ana parse_out
   col_out   = either (const . collector ana $ newDiagnosis (Other "dummy diagnosis") []) (collector ana) diag_out