-- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}

module Agda.Interaction.EmacsTop
    ( mimicGHCi
    ) where
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe

import System.IO

import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.String

import Agda.Syntax.Common

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark as Bench

import Agda.Interaction.Response as R
import Agda.Interaction.InteractionTop
import Agda.Interaction.EmacsCommand hiding (putResponse)
import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Emacs
import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise (TokenBased(..))
import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.VersionCommit


-- | 'mimicGHCi' is a fake ghci interpreter for the Emacs frontend
--   and for interaction tests.
--   'mimicGHCi' reads the Emacs frontend commands from stdin,
--   interprets them and print the result into stdout.

mimicGHCi :: TCM () -> TCM ()
mimicGHCi setup = do
    liftIO $ do
      hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
      hSetBuffering stdin  LineBuffering
      hSetEncoding  stdout utf8
      hSetEncoding  stdin  utf8

    setInteractionOutputCallback $
        mapM_ print <=< lispifyResponse

    commands <- liftIO $ initialiseCommandQueue readCommand

    handleCommand_ (lift setup) `evalStateT` initCommandState commands

    opts <- commandLineOptions
    _ <- interact' `runStateT`
           (initCommandState commands)
             { optionsOnReload = opts{ optAbsoluteIncludePaths = [] } }
    return ()
  interact' :: CommandM ()
  interact' = do
    done <- Bench.billTo [] $ do

      liftIO $ do
        putStr "Agda2> "
        hFlush stdout
      c <- nextCommand
      case c of
        Done      -> return True -- Done.
        Error s   -> liftIO (putStrLn s) >> return False
        Command c -> do
          maybeAbort (runInteraction c)
          return False

    lift Bench.print
    unless done interact'

  -- Reads the next command from stdin.

  readCommand :: IO Command
  readCommand = do
    done <- isEOF
    if done then
      return Done
    else do
      r <- getLine
      _ <- return $! length r     -- force to read the full input line
      case dropWhile isSpace r of
        ""          -> readCommand
        ('-':'-':_) -> readCommand
        _           -> case listToMaybe $ reads r of
          Just (x, "")  -> return $ Command x
          Just (_, rem) -> return $ Error $ "not consumed: " ++ rem
          _             -> return $ Error $ "cannot read: " ++ r

-- | Given strings of goals, warnings and errors, return a pair of the
--   body and the title for the info buffer
formatWarningsAndErrors :: String -> String -> String -> (String, String)
formatWarningsAndErrors g w e = (body, title)
    isG = not $ null g
    isW = not $ null w
    isE = not $ null e
    title = List.intercalate "," $ catMaybes
              [ " Goals"    <$ guard isG
              , " Warnings" <$ guard isW
              , " Errors"   <$ guard isE
              , " Done"     <$ guard (not (isG || isW || isE))

    body = List.intercalate "\n" $ catMaybes
             [ g                    <$ guard isG
             , delimiter "Warnings" <$ guard (isW && (isG || isE))
             , w                    <$ guard isW
             , delimiter "Errors"   <$ guard (isE && (isG || isW))
             , e                    <$ guard isE

-- | Convert Response to an elisp value for the interactive emacs frontend.

lispifyResponse :: Response -> IO [Lisp String]
lispifyResponse (Resp_HighlightingInfo info remove method modFile) =
  (:[]) <$> lispifyHighlightingInfo info remove method modFile
lispifyResponse (Resp_DisplayInfo info) = return $ case info of
    Info_CompilationOk w e -> f body "*Compilation result*"
      where (body, _) = formatWarningsAndErrors "The module was successfully compiled.\n" w e -- abusing the goals field since we ignore the title
    Info_Constraints s -> f s "*Constraints*"
    Info_AllGoalsWarnings g w e -> f body ("*All" ++ title ++ "*")
      where (body, title) = formatWarningsAndErrors g w e
    Info_Auto s -> f s "*Auto*"
    Info_Error s -> f s "*Error*"
    -- FNF: if Info_Warning comes back into use, the above should be
    -- clearWarning : f s "*Error*"
    --Info_Warning s -> [ display_warning "*Errors*" s ] -- FNF: currently unused
    Info_Time s -> f (render s) "*Time*"
    Info_NormalForm s -> f (render s) "*Normal Form*"   -- show?
    Info_InferredType s -> f (render s) "*Inferred Type*"
    Info_CurrentGoal s -> f (render s) "*Current Goal*"
    Info_GoalType s -> f (render s) "*Goal type etc.*"
    Info_ModuleContents s -> f (render s) "*Module contents*"
    Info_SearchAbout s -> f (render s) "*Search About*"
    Info_WhyInScope s -> f (render s) "*Scope Info*"
    Info_Context s -> f (render s) "*Context*"
    Info_HelperFunction s -> [ L [ A "agda2-info-action-and-copy"
                                 , A $ quote "*Helper function*"
                                 , A $ quote (render s ++ "\n")
                                 , A "nil"
    Info_Intro s -> f (render s) "*Intro*"
    Info_Version -> f ("Agda version " ++ versionWithCommitInfo) "*Agda Version*"
  where f content bufname = [ display_info' False bufname content ]
lispifyResponse (Resp_ClearHighlighting tokenBased) =
  return [ L $ A "agda2-highlight-clear" :
               case tokenBased of
                 NotOnlyTokenBased -> []
                 TokenBased        ->
                   [ Q (lispifyTokenBased tokenBased) ]
lispifyResponse Resp_DoneAborting = return [ L [ A "agda2-abort-done" ] ]
lispifyResponse Resp_ClearRunningInfo = return [ clearRunningInfo ]
-- FNF: if Info_Warning comes back into use, the above should be
-- return [ clearRunningInfo, clearWarning ]
lispifyResponse (Resp_RunningInfo n s)
  | n <= 1    = return [ displayRunningInfo s ]
  | otherwise = return [ L [A "agda2-verbose", A (quote s)] ]
lispifyResponse (Resp_Status s)
    = return [ L [ A "agda2-status-action"
                 , A (quote $ List.intercalate "," $ catMaybes [checked, showImpl])
    checked  = boolToMaybe (sChecked               s) "Checked"
    showImpl = boolToMaybe (sShowImplicitArguments s) "ShowImplicit"

lispifyResponse (Resp_JumpToError f p) = return
  [ lastTag 3 $
      L [ A "agda2-maybe-goto", Q $ L [A (quote f), A ".", A (show p)] ]
lispifyResponse (Resp_InteractionPoints is) = return
  [ lastTag 1 $
      L [A "agda2-goals-action", Q $ L $ map showNumIId is]
lispifyResponse (Resp_GiveAction ii s)
    = return [ L [ A "agda2-give-action", showNumIId ii, A s' ] ]
    s' = case s of
        Give_String str -> quote str
        Give_Paren      -> "'paren"
        Give_NoParen    -> "'no-paren"
lispifyResponse (Resp_MakeCase variant pcs) = return
  [ lastTag 2 $ L [ A cmd, Q $ L $ map (A . quote) pcs ] ]
  cmd = case variant of
    R.Function       -> "agda2-make-case-action"
    R.ExtendedLambda -> "agda2-make-case-action-extendlam"
lispifyResponse (Resp_SolveAll ps) = return
  [ lastTag 2 $
      L [ A "agda2-solveAll-action", Q . L $ concatMap prn ps ]
    prn (ii,e)= [showNumIId ii, A $ quote $ show e]

-- | Adds a \"last\" tag to a response.

lastTag :: Integer -> Lisp String -> Lisp String
lastTag n r = Cons (Cons (A "last") (A $ show n)) r

-- | Show an iteraction point identifier as an elisp expression.

showNumIId :: InteractionId -> Lisp String
showNumIId = A . tail . show