{-| This module contains the building blocks used to construct the lexer.
module Agda.Syntax.Parser.LexActions
    ( -- * Main function
      -- * Lex actions
      -- ** General actions
    , token
    , withInterval, withInterval', withInterval_
    , withLayout
    , begin, end, beginWith, endWith
    , begin_, end_
    , lexError
      -- ** Specialized actions
    , keyword, symbol, identifier, literal
      -- * Lex predicates
    , followedBy, eof, inState
    ) where

import Data.Char

import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Lexer
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Alex
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Monad
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Tokens
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Literal

import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

    Scan functions

-- | Called at the end of a file. Returns 'TokEOF'.
returnEOF :: AlexInput -> Parser Token
returnEOF AlexInput{ lexSrcFile, lexPos } = do
  -- Andreas, 2018-12-30, issue #3480
  -- The following setLastPos leads to parse error reporting
  -- far away from the interesting position, in particular
  -- if there is a long comment before the EOF.
  -- (Such a long comment is frequent in interactive programming, as
  -- commenting out until the end of the file is a common habit.)
  -- -- setLastPos lexPos
  -- Without it, we get much more useful error locations.
  setPrevToken "<EOF>"
  return TokEOF

-- | Set the current input and lex a new token (calls 'lexToken').
skipTo :: AlexInput -> Parser Token
skipTo inp = do
  setLexInput inp

{-| Scan the input to find the next token. Calls
'Agda.Syntax.Parser.Lexer.alexScanUser'. This is the main lexing function
where all the work happens. The function 'Agda.Syntax.Parser.Lexer.lexer',
used by the parser is the continuation version of this function.
lexToken :: Parser Token
lexToken =
    do  inp <- getLexInput
        lss <- getLexState
        flags <- getParseFlags
        case alexScanUser (lss, flags) (foolAlex inp) (headWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ lss) of
            AlexEOF                     -> returnEOF inp
            AlexSkip inp' len           -> skipTo (newInput inp inp' len)
            AlexToken inp' len action   -> fmap postToken $ action inp (newInput inp inp' len) len
            AlexError i                 -> parseError $ concat
              [ "Lexical error"
              , case headMaybe $ lexInput i of
                  Just '\t'                -> " (you may want to replace tabs with spaces)"
                  Just c | not (isPrint c) -> " (unprintable character)"
                  _ -> ""
              , ":"

postToken :: Token -> Token
postToken (TokId (r, "\x03bb")) = TokSymbol SymLambda r
postToken (TokId (r, "\x2026")) = TokSymbol SymEllipsis r
postToken (TokId (r, "\x2192")) = TokSymbol SymArrow r
postToken (TokId (r, "\x2983")) = TokSymbol SymDoubleOpenBrace r
postToken (TokId (r, "\x2984")) = TokSymbol SymDoubleCloseBrace r
postToken (TokId (r, "\x2987")) = TokSymbol SymOpenIdiomBracket r
postToken (TokId (r, "\x2988")) = TokSymbol SymCloseIdiomBracket r
postToken (TokId (r, "\x2200")) = TokKeyword KwForall r
postToken (TokId (r, s))
  | set == "Set" && all isSub n = TokSetN (r, readSubscript n)
    (set, n)      = splitAt 3 s
    isSub c       = '\x2080' <= c && c <= '\x2089'
    readSubscript = read . map (\c -> toEnum (fromEnum c - 0x2080 + fromEnum '0'))
postToken t = t

-- | Use the input string from the previous input (with the appropriate
--   number of characters dropped) instead of the fake input string that
--   was given to Alex (with unicode characters removed).
newInput :: PreviousInput -> CurrentInput -> TokenLength -> CurrentInput
newInput inp inp' len =
    case drop (len - 1) (lexInput inp) of
        c:s'    -> inp' { lexInput    = s'
                        , lexPrevChar = c
        []      -> inp' { lexInput = [] }   -- we do get empty tokens moving between states

-- | Alex 2 can't handle unicode characters. To solve this we
--   translate all Unicode (non-ASCII) identifiers to @z@, all Unicode
--   operator characters to @+@, and all whitespace characters (except
--   for @\t@ and @\n@) to ' '.
--   Further, non-printable Unicode characters are translated to an
--   arbitrary, harmless ASCII non-printable character, @'\1'@.
--   It is important that there aren't any keywords containing @z@, @+@ or @ @.

foolAlex :: AlexInput -> AlexInput
foolAlex = over lensLexInput $ map $ \ c ->
  case c of
    _ | isSpace c && not (c `elem` "\t\n") -> ' '
    _ | isAscii c                          -> c
    _ | isPrint c                          -> if isAlpha c then 'z' else '+'
    _ | otherwise                          -> '\1'

    Lex actions

-- | The most general way of parsing a token.
token :: (String -> Parser tok) -> LexAction tok
token action inp inp' len =
    do  setLexInput inp'
        setPrevToken t
        setLastPos $ lexPos inp
        action t
        t = take len $ lexInput inp

-- | Parse a token from an 'Interval' and the lexed string.
withInterval :: ((Interval, String) -> tok) -> LexAction tok
withInterval f = token $ \s -> do
                   r <- getParseInterval
                   return $ f (r,s)

-- | Like 'withInterval', but applies a function to the string.
withInterval' :: (String -> a) -> ((Interval, a) -> tok) -> LexAction tok
withInterval' f t = withInterval (t . (id -*- f))

-- | Return a token without looking at the lexed string.
withInterval_ :: (Interval -> r) -> LexAction r
withInterval_ f = withInterval (f . fst)

-- | Executed for layout keywords. Enters the 'Agda.Syntax.Parser.Lexer.layout'
--   state and performs the given action.
withLayout :: LexAction r -> LexAction r
withLayout a i1 i2 n =
    do  pushLexState layout
        a i1 i2 n

-- | Enter a new state without consuming any input.
begin :: LexState -> LexAction Token
begin code _ _ _ =
    do  pushLexState code

-- | Enter a new state throwing away the current lexeme.
begin_ :: LexState -> LexAction Token
begin_ code _ inp' _ =
    do  pushLexState code
        skipTo inp'

-- | Exit the current state throwing away the current lexeme.
end_ :: LexAction Token
end_ _ inp' _ =
    do  popLexState
        skipTo inp'

-- | Enter a new state and perform the given action.
beginWith :: LexState -> LexAction a -> LexAction a
beginWith code a inp inp' n =
    do  pushLexState code
        a inp inp' n

-- | Exit the current state and perform the given action.
endWith :: LexAction a -> LexAction a
endWith a inp inp' n =
    do  popLexState
        a inp inp' n

-- | Exit the current state without consuming any input
end :: LexAction Token
end _ _ _ =
    do  popLexState

-- | Parse a 'Keyword' token, triggers layout for 'layoutKeywords'.
keyword :: Keyword -> LexAction Token
keyword k = layout $ withInterval_ (TokKeyword k)
        layout | elem k layoutKeywords  = withLayout
               | otherwise              = id

-- | Parse a 'Symbol' token.
symbol :: Symbol -> LexAction Token
symbol s = withInterval_ (TokSymbol s)

-- | Parse a literal.
literal :: Read a => (Range -> a -> Literal) -> LexAction Token
literal lit =
  withInterval' read (TokLiteral . uncurry lit . mapFst getRange)

-- | Parse an identifier. Identifiers can be qualified (see 'Name').
--   Example: @Foo.Bar.f@
identifier :: LexAction Token
identifier = qualified (either TokId TokQId)

-- | Parse a possibly qualified name.
qualified :: (Either (Interval, String) [(Interval, String)] -> a) -> LexAction a
qualified tok =
    token $ \s ->
    do  i <- getParseInterval
        case mkName i $ wordsBy (=='.') s of
            []  -> lexError "lex error on .."
            [x] -> return $ tok $ Left  x
            xs  -> return $ tok $ Right xs
        -- Compute the ranges for the substrings (separated by '.') of
        -- a name. Dots are included: the intervals generated for
        -- "A.B.x" correspond to "A.", "B." and "x".
        mkName :: Interval -> [String] -> [(Interval, String)]
        mkName _ []     = []
        mkName i [x]    = [(i, x)]
        mkName i (x:xs) = (i0, x) : mkName i1 xs
                p0 = iStart i
                p1 = iEnd i
                p' = movePos (movePosByString p0 x) '.'
                i0 = Interval p0 p'
                i1 = Interval p' p1


-- | True when the given character is the next character of the input string.
followedBy :: Char -> LexPredicate
followedBy c' _ _ _ inp =
    case lexInput inp of
        []  -> False
        c:_ -> c == c'

-- | True if we are at the end of the file.
eof :: LexPredicate
eof _ _ _ inp = null $ lexInput inp

-- | True if the given state appears somewhere on the state stack
inState :: LexState -> LexPredicate
inState s (ls, _) _ _ _ = s `elem` ls