{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{-| Irrelevant function types.
module Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance where

import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad.Reader

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.Class

import Agda.Utils.Monad

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | data 'Relevance'
--   see "Agda.Syntax.Common".

-- * Operations on 'Dom'.

-- | Prepare parts of a parameter telescope for abstraction in constructors
--   and projections.
hideAndRelParams :: Dom a -> Dom a
hideAndRelParams = hideOrKeepInstance . mapRelevance nonStrictToIrr

-- | Used to modify context when going into a @rel@ argument.
inverseApplyRelevance :: Relevance -> Dom a -> Dom a
inverseApplyRelevance rel = mapRelevance (rel `inverseComposeRelevance`)

-- | Compose two relevance flags.
--   This function is used to update the relevance information
--   on pattern variables @a@ after a match against something @rel@.
applyRelevance :: Relevance -> Dom a -> Dom a
applyRelevance rel = mapRelevance (rel `composeRelevance`)

-- * Operations on 'Context'.

-- | Modify the context whenever going from the l.h.s. (term side)
--   of the typing judgement to the r.h.s. (type side).
workOnTypes :: TCM a -> TCM a
workOnTypes cont = do
  allowed <- optExperimentalIrrelevance <$> pragmaOptions
  verboseBracket "tc.irr" 20 "workOnTypes" $ workOnTypes' allowed cont

-- | Internal workhorse, expects value of --experimental-irrelevance flag
--   as argument.
workOnTypes' :: Bool -> TCM a -> TCM a
workOnTypes' experimental =
  modifyContext (map $ mapRelevance f) .
  local (\ e -> e { envWorkingOnTypes = True })
    f | experimental = irrToNonStrict . nonStrictToRel
      | otherwise    = nonStrictToRel

-- | (Conditionally) wake up irrelevant variables and make them relevant.
--   For instance,
--   in an irrelevant function argument otherwise irrelevant variables
--   may be used, so they are awoken before type checking the argument.
applyRelevanceToContext :: (MonadTCM tcm) => Relevance -> tcm a -> tcm a
applyRelevanceToContext rel =
  case rel of
    Relevant -> id
    _        -> local $ \ e -> e
      { envContext     = map                       (inverseApplyRelevance rel) (envContext e)
      , envLetBindings = (Map.map . fmap . second) (inverseApplyRelevance rel) (envLetBindings e)
                                                  -- enable local  irr. defs
      , envRelevance   = composeRelevance rel (envRelevance e)
                                                  -- enable global irr. defs

-- | Wake up irrelevant variables and make them relevant. This is used
--   when type checking terms in a hole, in which case you want to be able to
--   (for instance) infer the type of an irrelevant variable. In the course
--   of type checking an irrelevant function argument 'applyRelevanceToContext'
--   is used instead, which also sets the context relevance to 'Irrelevant'.
--   This is not the right thing to do when type checking interactively in a
--   hole since it also marks all metas created during type checking as
--   irrelevant (issue #2568).
wakeIrrelevantVars :: TCM a -> TCM a
wakeIrrelevantVars = local $ \ e -> e
  { envContext     = map                       (inverseApplyRelevance Irrelevant) (envContext e)
  , envLetBindings = (Map.map . fmap . second) (inverseApplyRelevance Irrelevant) (envLetBindings e)

-- | Check whether something can be used in a position of the given relevance.
class UsableRelevance a where
  usableRel :: Relevance -> a -> TCM Bool

instance UsableRelevance Term where
  usableRel rel u = case u of
    Var i vs -> do
      irel <- getRelevance <$> typeOfBV' i
      let ok = irel `moreRelevant` rel
      reportSDoc "tc.irr" 50 $
        text "Variable" <+> prettyTCM (var i) <+>
        text ("has relevance " ++ show irel ++ ", which is " ++
              (if ok then "" else "NOT ") ++ "more relevant than " ++ show rel)
      return ok `and2M` usableRel rel vs
    Def f vs -> do
      frel <- relOfConst f
      return (frel `moreRelevant` rel) `and2M` usableRel rel vs
    Con c _ vs -> usableRel rel vs
    Lit l    -> return True
    Lam _ v  -> usableRel rel v
    Pi a b   -> usableRel rel (a,b)
    Sort s   -> usableRel rel s
    Level l  -> return True
    MetaV m vs -> do
      mrel <- getMetaRelevance <$> lookupMeta m
      return (mrel `moreRelevant` rel) `and2M` usableRel rel vs
    DontCare _ -> return $ isIrrelevant rel

instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Type' a) where
  usableRel rel (El _ t) = usableRel rel t

instance UsableRelevance Sort where
  usableRel rel s = case s of
    Type l -> usableRel rel l
    Prop   -> return True
    Inf    -> return True
    SizeUniv -> return True
    PiSort s1 s2 -> usableRel rel (s1,s2)
    UnivSort s -> usableRel rel s
    MetaS x es -> usableRel rel es

instance UsableRelevance Level where
  usableRel rel (Max ls) = usableRel rel ls

instance UsableRelevance PlusLevel where
  usableRel rel ClosedLevel{} = return True
  usableRel rel (Plus _ l)    = usableRel rel l

instance UsableRelevance LevelAtom where
  usableRel rel l = case l of
    MetaLevel m vs -> do
      mrel <- getMetaRelevance <$> lookupMeta m
      return (mrel `moreRelevant` rel) `and2M` usableRel rel vs
    NeutralLevel _ v -> usableRel rel v
    BlockedLevel _ v -> usableRel rel v
    UnreducedLevel v -> usableRel rel v

instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance [a] where
  usableRel rel = andM . map (usableRel rel)

instance (UsableRelevance a, UsableRelevance b) => UsableRelevance (a,b) where
  usableRel rel (a,b) = usableRel rel a `and2M` usableRel rel b

instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Elim' a) where
  usableRel rel (Apply a) = usableRel rel a
  usableRel rel (Proj _ p) = do
    prel <- relOfConst p
    return $ prel `moreRelevant` rel

instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Arg a) where
  usableRel rel (Arg info u) =
    let rel' = getRelevance info
    in  usableRel (rel `composeRelevance` rel') u

instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Dom a) where
  usableRel rel (Dom _ u) = usableRel rel u

instance (Subst t a, UsableRelevance a) => UsableRelevance (Abs a) where
  usableRel rel abs = underAbstraction_ abs $ \u -> usableRel rel u