{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

-- | Lenses for 'TCState' and more.

module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State where

import Control.Arrow (first)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import Control.Monad.State (put, get, gets, modify, modify')
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

import Agda.Benchmarking

-- import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Interaction.Response
import Agda.Interaction.Response
  (InteractionOutputCallback, Response)

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract (PatternSynDefn, PatternSynDefns)
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.PatternSynonyms
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
import Agda.Syntax.Internal

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options
import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause

import Agda.Utils.Hash
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.Monad (bracket_)
import Agda.Utils.NonemptyList
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Resets the non-persistent part of the type checking state.

resetState :: TCM ()
resetState = do
    pers <- gets stPersistentState
    put $ initState { stPersistentState = pers }

-- | Resets all of the type checking state.
--   Keep only 'Benchmark' and backend information.

resetAllState :: TCM ()
resetAllState = do
    b <- getBenchmark
    backends <- use stBackends
    put $ updatePersistentState (\ s -> s { stBenchmark = b }) initState
    stBackends .= backends
-- resetAllState = put initState

-- | Restore 'TCState' after performing subcomputation.
--   In contrast to 'Agda.Utils.Monad.localState', the 'Benchmark'
--   info from the subcomputation is saved.
localTCState :: TCM a -> TCM a
localTCState = disableDestructiveUpdate . bracket_ get (\ s -> do
   b <- getBenchmark
   put s
   modifyBenchmark $ const b)

-- | Same as 'localTCState' but also returns the state in which we were just
--   before reverting it.
localTCStateSaving :: TCM a -> TCM (a, TCState)
localTCStateSaving compute = do
  oldState <- get
  result <- compute
  newState <- get
    b <- getBenchmark
    put oldState
    modifyBenchmark $ const b
  return (result, newState)

-- | A fresh TCM instance.
-- The computation is run in a fresh state, with the exception that
-- the persistent state is preserved. If the computation changes the
-- state, then these changes are ignored, except for changes to the
-- persistent state. (Changes to the persistent state are also ignored
-- if errors other than type errors or IO exceptions are encountered.)

freshTCM :: TCM a -> TCM (Either TCErr a)
freshTCM m = do
  ps <- use lensPersistentState
  let s = set lensPersistentState ps initState
  r <- liftIO $ (Right <$> runTCM initEnv s m) `E.catch` (return . Left)
  case r of
    Right (a, s) -> do
      lensPersistentState .= s ^. lensPersistentState
      return $ Right a
    Left err -> do
      case err of
        TypeError { tcErrState = s } ->
          lensPersistentState .= s ^. lensPersistentState
        IOException s _ _ ->
          lensPersistentState .= s ^. lensPersistentState
        _ -> return ()
      return $ Left err

-- * Lens for persistent states and its fields

lensPersistentState :: Lens' PersistentTCState TCState
lensPersistentState f s =
  f (stPersistentState s) <&> \ p -> s { stPersistentState = p }

  :: (PersistentTCState -> PersistentTCState) -> (TCState -> TCState)
updatePersistentState f s = s { stPersistentState = f (stPersistentState s) }

modifyPersistentState :: (PersistentTCState -> PersistentTCState) -> TCM ()
modifyPersistentState = modify . updatePersistentState

-- | Lens for 'stAccumStatistics'.

lensAccumStatisticsP :: Lens' Statistics PersistentTCState
lensAccumStatisticsP f s = f (stAccumStatistics s) <&> \ a ->
  s { stAccumStatistics = a }

lensAccumStatistics :: Lens' Statistics TCState
lensAccumStatistics =  lensPersistentState . lensAccumStatisticsP

-- * Scope

-- | Get the current scope.
getScope :: TCM ScopeInfo
getScope = use stScope

-- | Set the current scope.
setScope :: ScopeInfo -> TCM ()
setScope scope = modifyScope (const scope)

-- | Modify the current scope without updating the inverse maps.
modifyScope_ :: (ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo) -> TCM ()
modifyScope_ f = stScope %= f

-- | Modify the current scope.
modifyScope :: (ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo) -> TCM ()
modifyScope f = modifyScope_ (recomputeInverseScopeMaps . f)

-- | Run a computation in a local scope.
withScope :: ScopeInfo -> TCM a -> TCM (a, ScopeInfo)
withScope s m = do
  s' <- getScope
  setScope s
  x   <- m
  s'' <- getScope
  setScope s'
  return (x, s'')

-- | Same as 'withScope', but discard the scope from the computation.
withScope_ :: ScopeInfo -> TCM a -> TCM a
withScope_ s m = fst <$> withScope s m

-- | Discard any changes to the scope by a computation.
localScope :: TCM a -> TCM a
localScope m = do
  scope <- getScope
  x <- m
  setScope scope
  return x

-- | Scope error.
notInScope :: C.QName -> TCM a
notInScope x = do
  printScope "unbound" 5 ""
  typeError $ NotInScope [x]

-- | Debug print the scope.
printScope :: String -> Int -> String -> TCM ()
printScope tag v s = verboseS ("scope." ++ tag) v $ do
  scope <- getScope
  reportSDoc ("scope." ++ tag) v $ return $ vcat [ text s, pretty scope ]

-- * Signature

-- ** Lens for 'stSignature' and 'stImports'

modifySignature :: (Signature -> Signature) -> TCM ()
modifySignature f = stSignature %= f

modifyImportedSignature :: (Signature -> Signature) -> TCM ()
modifyImportedSignature f = stImports %= f

getSignature :: TCM Signature
getSignature = use stSignature

-- | Update a possibly imported definition. Warning: changes made to imported
--   definitions (during type checking) will not persist outside the current
--   module. This function is currently used to update the compiled
--   representation of a function during compilation.
modifyGlobalDefinition :: QName -> (Definition -> Definition) -> TCM ()
modifyGlobalDefinition q f = do
  modifySignature         $ updateDefinition q f
  modifyImportedSignature $ updateDefinition q f

setSignature :: Signature -> TCM ()
setSignature sig = modifySignature $ const sig

-- | Run some computation in a different signature, restore original signature.
withSignature :: Signature -> TCM a -> TCM a
withSignature sig m = do
  sig0 <- getSignature
  setSignature sig
  r <- m
  setSignature sig0
  return r

-- ** Modifiers for rewrite rules
addRewriteRulesFor :: QName -> RewriteRules -> [QName] -> Signature -> Signature
addRewriteRulesFor f rews matchables =
    (over sigRewriteRules $ HMap.insertWith mappend f rews)
  . (updateDefinition f $ updateTheDef setNotInjective)
  . (foldr (.) id $ map (\g -> updateDefinition g setMatchable) matchables)
      setNotInjective def@Function{} = def { funInv = NotInjective }
      setNotInjective def            = def

      setMatchable def = def { defMatchable = True }

-- ** Modifiers for parts of the signature

lookupDefinition :: QName -> Signature -> Maybe Definition
lookupDefinition q sig = HMap.lookup q $ sig ^. sigDefinitions

updateDefinitions :: (Definitions -> Definitions) -> Signature -> Signature
updateDefinitions = over sigDefinitions

updateDefinition :: QName -> (Definition -> Definition) -> Signature -> Signature
updateDefinition q f = updateDefinitions $ HMap.adjust f q

updateTheDef :: (Defn -> Defn) -> (Definition -> Definition)
updateTheDef f def = def { theDef = f (theDef def) }

updateDefType :: (Type -> Type) -> (Definition -> Definition)
updateDefType f def = def { defType = f (defType def) }

updateDefArgOccurrences :: ([Occurrence] -> [Occurrence]) -> (Definition -> Definition)
updateDefArgOccurrences f def = def { defArgOccurrences = f (defArgOccurrences def) }

updateDefPolarity :: ([Polarity] -> [Polarity]) -> (Definition -> Definition)
updateDefPolarity f def = def { defPolarity = f (defPolarity def) }

updateDefCompiledRep :: (CompiledRepresentation -> CompiledRepresentation) -> (Definition -> Definition)
updateDefCompiledRep f def = def { defCompiledRep = f (defCompiledRep def) }

addCompilerPragma :: BackendName -> CompilerPragma -> Definition -> Definition
addCompilerPragma backend pragma = updateDefCompiledRep $ Map.insertWith (++) backend [pragma]

updateFunClauses :: ([Clause] -> [Clause]) -> (Defn -> Defn)
updateFunClauses f def@Function{ funClauses = cs} = def { funClauses = f cs }
updateFunClauses f _                              = __IMPOSSIBLE__

updateCompiledClauses :: (Maybe CompiledClauses -> Maybe CompiledClauses) -> (Defn -> Defn)
updateCompiledClauses f def@Function{ funCompiled = cc} = def { funCompiled = f cc }
updateCompiledClauses f _                              = __IMPOSSIBLE__

updateFunCopatternLHS :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Defn -> Defn
updateFunCopatternLHS f def@Function{ funCopatternLHS = b } = def { funCopatternLHS = f b }
updateFunCopatternLHS f _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- * Top level module

-- | Set the top-level module. This affects the global module id of freshly
--   generated names.

-- TODO: Is the hash-function collision-free? If not, then the
-- implementation of 'setTopLevelModule' should be changed.

setTopLevelModule :: C.QName -> TCM ()
setTopLevelModule x = stFreshNameId .= NameId 0 (hashString $ prettyShow x)

-- | Use a different top-level module for a computation. Used when generating
--   names for imported modules.
withTopLevelModule :: C.QName -> TCM a -> TCM a
withTopLevelModule x m = do
  next <- use stFreshNameId
  setTopLevelModule x
  y <- m
  stFreshNameId .= next
  return y

-- * Foreign code

addForeignCode :: BackendName -> String -> TCM ()
addForeignCode backend code = do
  r <- asks envRange  -- can't use TypeChecking.Monad.Trace.getCurrentRange without cycle
  stForeignCode . key backend %= Just . (ForeignCode r code :) . fromMaybe []

-- * Temporary: Haskell imports
--   These will go away when we remove the IMPORT and HASKELL pragmas in
--   favour of the FOREIGN pragma.

addDeprecatedForeignCode :: String -> BackendName -> String -> TCM ()
addDeprecatedForeignCode old backend code = do
  warning $ DeprecationWarning (unwords ["The", old, "pragma"])
                               foreignPragma "2.6"
  addForeignCode backend code
    spc | length (lines code) > 1 = "\n"
        | otherwise               = " "
    foreignPragma =
      "{-# FOREIGN " ++ backend ++ spc ++ code ++ spc ++ "#-}"

-- | Tell the compiler to import the given Haskell module.
addHaskellImport :: String -> TCM ()
addHaskellImport i = addDeprecatedForeignCode "IMPORT" ghcBackendName $ "import qualified " ++ i

-- | Tell the compiler to import the given Haskell module.
addHaskellImportUHC :: String -> TCM ()
addHaskellImportUHC i = addDeprecatedForeignCode "IMPORT_UHC" ghcBackendName $ "__IMPORT__ " ++ i

addInlineHaskell :: String -> TCM ()
addInlineHaskell s = addDeprecatedForeignCode "HASKELL" ghcBackendName s

-- * Interaction output callback

getInteractionOutputCallback :: TCM InteractionOutputCallback
  = gets $ stInteractionOutputCallback . stPersistentState

appInteractionOutputCallback :: Response -> TCM ()
appInteractionOutputCallback r
  = getInteractionOutputCallback >>= \ cb -> liftIO $ cb r

setInteractionOutputCallback :: InteractionOutputCallback -> TCM ()
setInteractionOutputCallback cb
  = modifyPersistentState $ \ s -> s { stInteractionOutputCallback = cb }

-- * Pattern synonyms

getPatternSyns :: TCM PatternSynDefns
getPatternSyns = use stPatternSyns

setPatternSyns :: PatternSynDefns -> TCM ()
setPatternSyns m = modifyPatternSyns (const m)

-- | Lens for 'stPatternSyns'.
modifyPatternSyns :: (PatternSynDefns -> PatternSynDefns) -> TCM ()
modifyPatternSyns f = stPatternSyns %= f

getPatternSynImports :: TCM PatternSynDefns
getPatternSynImports = use stPatternSynImports

-- | Get both local and imported pattern synonyms
getAllPatternSyns :: TCM PatternSynDefns
getAllPatternSyns = Map.union <$> getPatternSyns <*> getPatternSynImports

lookupPatternSyn :: AmbiguousQName -> TCM PatternSynDefn
lookupPatternSyn (AmbQ xs) = do
  defs <- traverse lookupSinglePatternSyn xs
  case mergePatternSynDefs defs of
    Just def   -> return def
    Nothing    -> typeError $ CannotResolveAmbiguousPatternSynonym (zipNe xs defs)

lookupSinglePatternSyn :: QName -> TCM PatternSynDefn
lookupSinglePatternSyn x = do
    s <- getPatternSyns
    case Map.lookup x s of
        Just d  -> return d
        Nothing -> do
            si <- getPatternSynImports
            case Map.lookup x si of
                Just d  -> return d
                Nothing -> notInScope $ qnameToConcrete x

-- * Benchmark

-- | Lens getter for 'Benchmark' from 'TCState'.
theBenchmark :: TCState -> Benchmark
theBenchmark = stBenchmark . stPersistentState

-- | Lens map for 'Benchmark'.
updateBenchmark :: (Benchmark -> Benchmark) -> TCState -> TCState
updateBenchmark f = updatePersistentState $ \ s -> s { stBenchmark = f (stBenchmark s) }

-- | Lens getter for 'Benchmark' from 'TCM'.
getBenchmark :: TCM Benchmark
getBenchmark = gets $ theBenchmark

-- | Lens modify for 'Benchmark'.
modifyBenchmark :: (Benchmark -> Benchmark) -> TCM ()
modifyBenchmark = modify' . updateBenchmark

-- * Instance definitions

-- | Look through the signature and reconstruct the instance table.
addImportedInstances :: Signature -> TCM ()
addImportedInstances sig = do
  let itable = Map.fromListWith Set.union
               [ (c, Set.singleton i)
               | (i, Defn{ defInstance = Just c }) <- HMap.toList $ sig ^. sigDefinitions ]
  stImportedInstanceDefs %= Map.unionWith Set.union itable

-- | Lens for 'stInstanceDefs'.
updateInstanceDefs :: (TempInstanceTable -> TempInstanceTable) -> (TCState -> TCState)
updateInstanceDefs = over stInstanceDefs

modifyInstanceDefs :: (TempInstanceTable -> TempInstanceTable) -> TCM ()
modifyInstanceDefs = modify . updateInstanceDefs

getAllInstanceDefs :: TCM TempInstanceTable
getAllInstanceDefs = do
  (table,xs) <- use stInstanceDefs
  itable <- use stImportedInstanceDefs
  let !table' = Map.unionWith Set.union itable table
  return (table', xs)

getAnonInstanceDefs :: TCM (Set QName)
getAnonInstanceDefs = snd <$> getAllInstanceDefs

-- | Remove all instances whose type is still unresolved.
clearAnonInstanceDefs :: TCM ()
clearAnonInstanceDefs = modifyInstanceDefs $ mapSnd $ const Set.empty

-- | Add an instance whose type is still unresolved.
addUnknownInstance :: QName -> TCM ()
addUnknownInstance x = do
  reportSLn "tc.decl.instance" 10 $
    "adding definition " ++ prettyShow x ++
    " to the instance table (the type is not yet known)"
  modifyInstanceDefs $ mapSnd $ Set.insert x

-- | Add instance to some ``class''.
  :: QName  -- ^ Name of the instance.
  -> QName  -- ^ Name of the class.
  -> TCM ()
addNamedInstance x n = do
  reportSLn "tc.decl.instance" 10 $
    "adding definition " ++ prettyShow x ++ " to instance table for " ++ prettyShow n
  -- Mark x as instance for n.
  modifySignature $ updateDefinition x $ \ d -> d { defInstance = Just n }
  -- Add x to n's instances.
  modifyInstanceDefs $ mapFst $ Map.insertWith Set.union n $ Set.singleton x