{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}  -- for type equality ~
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

    Translating from internal syntax to abstract syntax. Enables nice
    pretty printing of internal syntax.


        - numbers on metas
        - fake dependent functions to independent functions
        - meta parameters
        - shadowing
module Agda.Syntax.Translation.InternalToAbstract
  ( Reify(..)
  , MonadReify
  , NamedClause(..)
  , reifyPatterns
  , reifyUnblocked
  , blankNotInScope
  , reifyDisplayFormP
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (mapM_, mapM, null)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM_, mapM)

import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldMap)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid, mempty, mappend )
import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup, (<>) )
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable (traverse, mapM)

import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete (FieldAssignment'(..))
import Agda.Syntax.Info as Info
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A hiding (Binder)
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Pattern
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern as I
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base (inverseScopeLookupName)

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Records
import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause (CompiledClauses'(Fail))
import Agda.TypeChecking.DisplayForm
import Agda.TypeChecking.Level
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope

import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Utils.Either
import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Pretty
import Agda.Utils.Singleton
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Like @reify@ but instantiates blocking metas, useful for reporting.
reifyUnblocked :: Reify i a => i -> TCM a
reifyUnblocked t = locallyTCState stInstantiateBlocking (const True) $ reify t

-- Composition of reified applications ------------------------------------
--UNUSED Liang-Ting 2019-07-16
---- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
--napps :: Expr -> [NamedArg Expr] -> TCM Expr
--napps e = nelims e . map I.Apply

-- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
apps :: MonadReify m => Expr -> [Arg Expr] -> m Expr
apps e = elims e . map I.Apply

-- Composition of reified eliminations ------------------------------------

-- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
nelims :: MonadReify m => Expr -> [I.Elim' (Named_ Expr)] -> m Expr
nelims e [] = return e
nelims e (I.IApply x y r : es) =
  nelims (A.App defaultAppInfo_ e $ defaultArg r) es
nelims e (I.Apply arg : es) = do
  arg <- reify arg  -- This replaces the arg by _ if irrelevant
  dontShowImp <- not <$> showImplicitArguments
  let hd | notVisible arg && dontShowImp = e
         | otherwise                     = A.App defaultAppInfo_ e arg
  nelims hd es
nelims e (I.Proj ProjPrefix d : es)             = nelimsProjPrefix e d es
nelims e (I.Proj o          d : es) | isSelf e  = nelims (A.Proj ProjPrefix $ unambiguous d) es
                                    | otherwise =
  nelims (A.App defaultAppInfo_ e (defaultNamedArg $ A.Proj o $ unambiguous d)) es

nelimsProjPrefix :: MonadReify m => Expr -> QName -> [I.Elim' (Named_ Expr)] -> m Expr
nelimsProjPrefix e d es =
  nelims (A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Proj ProjPrefix $ unambiguous d) $ defaultNamedArg e) es

-- | If we are referencing the record from inside the record definition, we don't insert an
-- | A.App
isSelf :: Expr -> Bool
isSelf = \case
  A.Var n -> nameIsRecordName n
  _ -> False

-- | Drops hidden arguments unless --show-implicit.
elims :: MonadReify m => Expr -> [I.Elim' Expr] -> m Expr
elims e = nelims e . map (fmap unnamed)

-- Omitting information ---------------------------------------------------

noExprInfo :: ExprInfo
noExprInfo = ExprRange noRange

-- Conditional reification to omit terms that are not shown --------------

reifyWhenE :: (Reify i Expr, MonadReify m) => Bool -> i -> m Expr
reifyWhenE True  i = reify i
reifyWhenE False t = return underscore

-- Reification ------------------------------------------------------------

type MonadReify m =
  ( MonadReduce m
  , MonadAddContext m
  , MonadInteractionPoints m
  , MonadFresh NameId m
  , HasConstInfo m
  , HasOptions m
  , HasBuiltins m
  , MonadDebug m

class Reify i a | i -> a where
    reify     :: MonadReify m => i -> m a

    --   @reifyWhen False@ should produce an 'underscore'.
    --   This function serves to reify hidden/irrelevant things.
    reifyWhen :: MonadReify m => Bool -> i -> m a
    reifyWhen _ = reify

instance Reify Bool Bool where
    reify = return

instance Reify Name Name where
    reify = return

instance Reify Expr Expr where
    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
    reify = return

instance Reify MetaId Expr where
    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
    reify x@(MetaId n) = do
      b <- asksTC envPrintMetasBare
      mi  <- mvInfo <$> lookupMeta x
      let mi' = Info.MetaInfo
                 { metaRange          = getRange $ miClosRange mi
                 , metaScope          = clScope $ miClosRange mi
                 , metaNumber         = if b then Nothing else Just x
                 , metaNameSuggestion = if b then "" else miNameSuggestion mi
          underscore = return $ A.Underscore mi'
      -- If we are printing a term that will be pasted into the user
      -- source, we turn all unsolved (non-interaction) metas into
      -- interaction points
      isInteractionMeta x >>= \case
        Nothing | b -> do
          ii <- registerInteractionPoint False noRange Nothing
          connectInteractionPoint ii x
          return $ A.QuestionMark mi' ii
        Just ii | b -> underscore
        Nothing     -> underscore
        Just ii     -> return $ A.QuestionMark mi' ii

-- Does not print with-applications correctly:
-- instance Reify DisplayTerm Expr where
--   reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
--   reify d = reifyTerm False $ dtermToTerm d

instance Reify DisplayTerm Expr where
  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
  reify d = case d of
    DTerm v -> reifyTerm False v
    DDot  v -> reify v
    DCon c ci vs -> apps (A.Con (unambiguous (conName c))) =<< reify vs
    DDef f es -> elims (A.Def f) =<< reify es
    DWithApp u us es0 -> do
      (e, es) <- reify (u, us)
      elims (if null es then e else A.WithApp noExprInfo e es) =<< reify es0

-- | @reifyDisplayForm f vs fallback@
--   tries to rewrite @f vs@ with a display form for @f@.
--   If successful, reifies the resulting display term,
--   otherwise, does @fallback@.
reifyDisplayForm :: MonadReify m => QName -> I.Elims -> m A.Expr -> m A.Expr
reifyDisplayForm f es fallback =
  ifNotM displayFormsEnabled fallback $ {- else -}
    caseMaybeM (displayForm f es) fallback reify

-- | @reifyDisplayFormP@ tries to recursively
--   rewrite a lhs with a display form.
--   Note: we are not necessarily in the empty context upon entry!
  :: MonadReify m
  => QName         -- ^ LHS head symbol
  -> A.Patterns    -- ^ Patterns to be taken into account to find display form.
  -> A.Patterns    -- ^ Remaining trailing patterns ("with patterns").
  -> m (QName, A.Patterns) -- ^ New head symbol and new patterns.
reifyDisplayFormP f ps wps = do
  let fallback = return (f, ps ++ wps)
  ifNotM displayFormsEnabled fallback $ {- else -} do
    -- Try to rewrite @f 0 1 2 ... |ps|-1@ to a dt.
    -- Andreas, 2014-06-11  Issue 1177:
    -- I thought we need to add the placeholders for ps to the context,
    -- because otherwise displayForm will not raise the display term
    -- and we will have variable clashes.
    -- But apparently, it has no influence...
    -- Ulf, can you add an explanation?
    md <- -- addContext (replicate (length ps) "x") $
      displayForm f $ zipWith (\ p i -> I.Apply $ p $> I.var i) ps [0..]
    reportSLn "reify.display" 60 $
      "display form of " ++ prettyShow f ++ " " ++ show ps ++ " " ++ show wps ++ ":\n  " ++ show md
    case md of
      Just d  | okDisplayForm d -> do
        -- In the display term @d@, @var i@ should be a placeholder
        -- for the @i@th pattern of @ps@.
        -- Andreas, 2014-06-11:
        -- Are we sure that @d@ did not use @var i@ otherwise?
        (f', ps', wps') <- displayLHS ps d
        reportSDoc "reify.display" 70 $ do
          doc <- prettyA $ SpineLHS empty f' (ps' ++ wps' ++ wps)
          return $ vcat
            [ "rewritten lhs to"
            , "  lhs' = " <+> doc
        reifyDisplayFormP f' ps' (wps' ++ wps)
      _ -> do
        reportSLn "reify.display" 70 $ "display form absent or not valid as lhs"
    -- Andreas, 2015-05-03: Ulf, please comment on what
    -- is the idea behind okDisplayForm.
    -- Ulf, 2016-04-15: okDisplayForm should return True if the display form
    -- can serve as a valid left-hand side. That means checking that it is a
    -- defined name applied to valid lhs eliminators (projections or
    -- applications to constructor patterns).
    okDisplayForm :: DisplayTerm -> Bool
    okDisplayForm (DWithApp d ds es) =
      okDisplayForm d && all okDisplayTerm ds  && all okToDropE es
      -- Andreas, 2016-05-03, issue #1950.
      -- We might drop trailing hidden trivial (=variable) patterns.
    okDisplayForm (DTerm (I.Def f vs)) = all okElim vs
    okDisplayForm (DDef f es)          = all okDElim es
    okDisplayForm DDot{}               = False
    okDisplayForm DCon{}               = False
    okDisplayForm DTerm{}              = False

    okDisplayTerm :: DisplayTerm -> Bool
    okDisplayTerm (DTerm v) = okTerm v
    okDisplayTerm DDot{}    = True
    okDisplayTerm DCon{}    = True
    okDisplayTerm DDef{}    = False
    okDisplayTerm _         = False

    okDElim :: Elim' DisplayTerm -> Bool
    okDElim (I.IApply x y r) = okDisplayTerm r
    okDElim (I.Apply v) = okDisplayTerm $ unArg v
    okDElim I.Proj{}    = True

    okToDropE :: Elim' Term -> Bool
    okToDropE (I.Apply v) = okToDrop v
    okToDropE I.Proj{}    = False
    okToDropE (I.IApply x y r) = False

    okToDrop :: Arg I.Term -> Bool
    okToDrop arg = notVisible arg && case unArg arg of
      I.Var _ []   -> True
      I.DontCare{} -> True  -- no matching on irrelevant things.  __IMPOSSIBLE__ anyway?
      I.Level{}    -> True  -- no matching on levels. __IMPOSSIBLE__ anyway?
      _ -> False

    okArg :: Arg I.Term -> Bool
    okArg = okTerm . unArg

    okElim :: Elim' I.Term -> Bool
    okElim (I.IApply x y r) = okTerm r
    okElim (I.Apply a) = okArg a
    okElim I.Proj{}  = True

    okTerm :: I.Term -> Bool
    okTerm (I.Var _ []) = True
    okTerm (I.Con c ci vs) = all okElim vs
    okTerm (I.Def x []) = isNoName $ qnameToConcrete x -- Handling wildcards in display forms
    okTerm _            = False

    -- Flatten a dt into (parentName, parentElims, withArgs).
    flattenWith :: DisplayTerm -> (QName, [I.Elim' DisplayTerm], [I.Elim' DisplayTerm])
    flattenWith (DWithApp d ds1 es2) =
      let (f, es, ds0) = flattenWith d
      in  (f, es, ds0 ++ map (I.Apply . defaultArg) ds1 ++ map (fmap DTerm) es2)
    flattenWith (DDef f es) = (f, es, [])     -- .^ hacky, but we should only hit this when printing debug info
    flattenWith (DTerm (I.Def f es)) = (f, map (fmap DTerm) es, [])
    flattenWith _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

      :: MonadReify m
      => A.Patterns   -- ^ Patterns to substituted into display term.
      -> DisplayTerm  -- ^ Display term.
      -> m (QName, A.Patterns, A.Patterns)  -- ^ New head, patterns, with-patterns.
    displayLHS ps d = do
        let (f, vs, es) = flattenWith d
        ps  <- mapM elimToPat vs
        wps <- mapM (updateNamedArg (A.WithP empty) <.> elimToPat) es
        return (f, ps, wps)
        argToPat :: MonadReify m => Arg DisplayTerm -> m (NamedArg A.Pattern)
        argToPat arg = traverse termToPat arg

        elimToPat :: MonadReify m => I.Elim' DisplayTerm -> m (NamedArg A.Pattern)
        elimToPat (I.IApply _ _ r) = argToPat (Arg defaultArgInfo r)
        elimToPat (I.Apply arg) = argToPat arg
        elimToPat (I.Proj o d)  = return $ defaultNamedArg $ A.ProjP patNoRange o $ unambiguous d

        -- | Substitute variables in display term by patterns.
        termToPat :: MonadReify m => DisplayTerm -> m (Named_ A.Pattern)

        -- Main action HERE:
        termToPat (DTerm (I.Var n [])) = return $ unArg $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ ps !!! n

        termToPat (DCon c ci vs)          = fmap unnamed <$> tryRecPFromConP =<< do
           A.ConP (ConPatInfo ci patNoRange ConPatEager) (unambiguous (conName c)) <$> mapM argToPat vs

        termToPat (DTerm (I.Con c ci vs)) = fmap unnamed <$> tryRecPFromConP =<< do
           A.ConP (ConPatInfo ci patNoRange ConPatEager) (unambiguous (conName c)) <$> mapM (elimToPat . fmap DTerm) vs

        termToPat (DTerm (I.Def _ [])) = return $ unnamed $ A.WildP patNoRange
        termToPat (DDef _ [])          = return $ unnamed $ A.WildP patNoRange

        termToPat (DTerm (I.Lit l))    = return $ unnamed $ A.LitP l

        termToPat (DDot v)             = unnamed . A.DotP patNoRange <$> termToExpr v
        termToPat v                    = unnamed . A.DotP patNoRange <$> reify v

        len = length ps

        argsToExpr :: MonadReify m => I.Args -> m [Arg A.Expr]
        argsToExpr = mapM (traverse termToExpr)

        -- TODO: restructure this to avoid having to repeat the code for reify
        termToExpr :: MonadReify m => Term -> m A.Expr
        termToExpr v = do
          reportSLn "reify.display" 60 $ "termToExpr " ++ show v
          -- After unSpine, a Proj elimination is __IMPOSSIBLE__!
          case unSpine v of
            I.Con c ci es -> do
              let vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ mapM isApplyElim es
              apps (A.Con (unambiguous (conName c))) =<< argsToExpr vs
            I.Def f es -> do
              let vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ mapM isApplyElim es
              apps (A.Def f) =<< argsToExpr vs
            I.Var n es -> do
              let vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ mapM isApplyElim es
              -- Andreas, 2014-06-11  Issue 1177
              -- due to β-normalization in substitution,
              -- even the pattern variables @n < len@ can be
              -- applied to some args @vs@.
              e <- if n < len
                   then return $ A.patternToExpr $ namedArg $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ ps n
                   else reify (I.var (n - len))
              apps e =<< argsToExpr vs
            _ -> return underscore

instance Reify Literal Expr where
  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
  reify l = return (A.Lit l)

instance Reify Term Expr where
  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
  reify v = reifyTerm True v

reifyPathPConstAsPath :: MonadReify m => QName -> Elims -> m (QName, Elims)
reifyPathPConstAsPath x es@[I.Apply l, I.Apply t, I.Apply lhs, I.Apply rhs] = do
   reportSLn "reify.def" 100 $ "reifying def path " ++ show (x,es)
   mpath  <- getBuiltinName' builtinPath
   mpathp <- getBuiltinName' builtinPathP
   let fallback = return (x,es)
   case (,) <$> mpath <*> mpathp of
     Just (path,pathp) | x == pathp -> do
       let a = case unArg t of
                I.Lam _ (NoAbs _ b)    -> Just b
                I.Lam _ (Abs   _ b)
                  | not $ 0 `freeIn` b -> Just (strengthen __IMPOSSIBLE__ b)
                _                      -> Nothing
       case a of
         Just a -> return (path, [I.Apply l, I.Apply (setHiding Hidden $ defaultArg a), I.Apply lhs, I.Apply rhs])
         Nothing -> fallback
     _ -> fallback
reifyPathPConstAsPath x es = return (x,es)

reifyTerm :: MonadReify m => Bool -> Term -> m Expr
reifyTerm expandAnonDefs0 v0 = do
  -- Jesper 2018-11-02: If 'PrintMetasBare', drop all meta eliminations.
  metasBare <- asksTC envPrintMetasBare
  v <- instantiate v0 >>= \case
    I.MetaV x _ | metasBare -> return $ I.MetaV x []
    v -> return v
  -- Ulf 2014-07-10: Don't expand anonymous when display forms are disabled
  -- (i.e. when we don't care about nice printing)
  expandAnonDefs <- return expandAnonDefs0 `and2M` displayFormsEnabled
  -- Andreas, 2016-07-21 if --postfix-projections
  -- then we print system-generated projections as postfix, else prefix.
  havePfp <- optPostfixProjections <$> pragmaOptions
  let pred = if havePfp then (== ProjPrefix) else (/= ProjPostfix)
  case unSpine' pred v of
    -- Hack to print generalized field projections with nicer names. Should
    -- only show up in errors. Check the spined form!
    _ | I.Var n (I.Proj _ p : es) <- v,
        Just name <- getGeneralizedFieldName p -> do
      let fakeName = (qnameName p) { nameConcrete = C.Name noRange C.InScope [C.Id name] } -- TODO: infix names!?
      elims (A.Var fakeName) =<< reify es
    I.Var n es   -> do
        x  <- fromMaybeM (freshName_ $ "@" ++ show n) $ nameOfBV' n
        elims (A.Var x) =<< reify es
    I.Def x es   -> do
      reportSLn "reify.def" 100 $ "reifying def " ++ prettyShow x
      (x,es) <- reifyPathPConstAsPath x es
      reifyDisplayForm x es $ reifyDef expandAnonDefs x es
    I.Con c ci vs -> do
      let x = conName c
      isR <- isGeneratedRecordConstructor x
      case isR || ci == ConORec of
        True -> do
          showImp <- showImplicitArguments
          let keep (a, v) = showImp || visible a
          r  <- getConstructorData x
          xs <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getRecordFieldNames_ r
          vs <- map unArg <$> reify (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims vs)
          return $ A.Rec noExprInfo $ map (Left . uncurry FieldAssignment . mapFst unDom) $ filter keep $ zip xs vs
        False -> reifyDisplayForm x vs $ do
          def <- getConstInfo x
          let Constructor{conPars = np} = theDef def
          -- if we are the the module that defines constructor x
          -- then we have to drop at least the n module parameters
          n  <- getDefFreeVars x
          -- the number of parameters is greater (if the data decl has
          -- extra parameters) or equal (if not) to n
          when (n > np) __IMPOSSIBLE__
          let h = A.Con (unambiguous x)
          if null vs then return h else do
            es <- reify (map (fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ . isApplyElim) vs)
            -- Andreas, 2012-04-20: do not reify parameter arguments of constructor
            -- if the first regular constructor argument is hidden
            -- we turn it into a named argument, in order to avoid confusion
            -- with the parameter arguments which can be supplied in abstract syntax
            -- Andreas, 2012-09-17: this does not remove all sources of confusion,
            -- since parameters could have the same name as regular arguments
            -- (see for example the parameter {i} to Data.Star.Star, which is also
            -- the first argument to the cons).
            -- @data Star {i}{I : Set i} ... where cons : {i :  I} ...@
            if np == 0 then apps h es else do
              -- Get name of first argument from type of constructor.
              -- Here, we need the reducing version of @telView@
              -- because target of constructor could be a definition
              -- expanding into a function type.  See test/succeed/NameFirstIfHidden.agda.
              TelV tel _ <- telView (defType def)
              let (pars, rest) = splitAt np $ telToList tel
              case rest of
                -- Andreas, 2012-09-18
                -- If the first regular constructor argument is hidden,
                -- we keep the parameters to avoid confusion.
                (Dom {domInfo = info} : _) | notVisible info -> do
                  let us = for (drop n pars) $ \ (Dom {domInfo = ai}) ->
                             -- setRelevance Relevant $
                             hideOrKeepInstance $ Arg ai underscore
                  apps h $ us ++ es  -- Note: unless --show-implicit, @apps@ will drop @us@.
                -- otherwise, we drop all parameters
                _ -> apps h es

--    I.Lam info b | isAbsurdBody b -> return $ A. AbsurdLam noExprInfo $ getHiding info
    I.Lam info b    -> do
      (x,e) <- reify b
      return $ A.Lam exprNoRange (mkDomainFree $ unnamedArg info $ mkBinder_ x) e
      -- Andreas, 2011-04-07 we do not need relevance information at internal Lambda
    I.Lit l        -> reify l
    I.Level l      -> reify l
    I.Pi a b       -> case b of
        NoAbs _ b'
          | visible a   -> uncurry (A.Fun $ noExprInfo) <$> reify (a, b')
            -- Andreas, 2013-11-11 Hidden/Instance I.Pi must be A.Pi
            -- since (a) the syntax {A} -> B or {{A}} -> B is not legal
            -- and (b) the name of the binder might matter.
            -- See issue 951 (a) and 952 (b).
          | otherwise   -> mkPi b =<< reify a
        b               -> mkPi b =<< do
          ifM (domainFree a (absBody b))
            {- then -} (pure $ Arg (domInfo a) underscore)
            {- else -} (reify a)
        mkPi b (Arg info a') = do
          tac <- traverse reify $ domTactic a
          (x, b) <- reify b
          return $ A.Pi noExprInfo [TBind noRange tac [Arg info $ Named (domName a) $ mkBinder_ x] a'] b
        -- We can omit the domain type if it doesn't have any free variables
        -- and it's mentioned in the target type.
        domainFree a b = do
          df <- asksTC envPrintDomainFreePi
          return $ and [df, freeIn 0 b, closed a]

    I.Sort s     -> reify s
    I.MetaV x es -> do
          x' <- reify x

          es' <- reify es

          mv <- lookupMeta x
          (msub1,meta_tel,msub2) <- do
            local_chkpt <- viewTC eCurrentCheckpoint
            (chkpt, tel, msub2) <- enterClosure mv $ \ _ ->
                               (,,) <$> viewTC eCurrentCheckpoint
                                    <*> getContextTelescope
                                    <*> viewTC (eCheckpoints . key local_chkpt)
            (,,) <$> viewTC (eCheckpoints . key chkpt) <*> pure tel <*> pure msub2
              addNames []    es = map (fmap unnamed) es
              addNames _     [] = []
              addNames xs     (I.Proj{} : _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__
              addNames xs     (I.IApply x y r : es) =
                -- Needs to be I.Apply so it can have an Origin field.
                addNames xs (I.Apply (defaultArg r) : es)
              addNames (x:xs) (I.Apply arg : es) =
                I.Apply (Named (Just x) <$> (setOrigin Substitution arg)) : addNames xs es

              p = mvPermutation mv
              applyPerm p vs = permute (takeP (size vs) p) vs

              names = map (WithOrigin Inserted . unranged) $ p `applyPerm` teleNames meta_tel
              named_es' = addNames names es'

              dropIdentitySubs sub_local2G sub_tel2G =
                     args_G = applySubst sub_tel2G $ p `applyPerm` (teleArgs meta_tel :: [Arg Term])
                     es_G = sub_local2G `applySubst` es
                     sameVar x (I.Apply y) = isJust xv && xv == deBruijnView (unArg y)
                       xv = deBruijnView $ unArg x
                     sameVar _ _ = False
                     dropArg = take (size names) $ zipWith sameVar args_G es_G
                     doDrop (b : xs)  (e : es) = (if b then id else (e :)) $ doDrop xs es
                     doDrop []        es = es
                     doDrop _         [] = []
                 in doDrop dropArg $ named_es'

              simpl_named_es' | Just sub_mtel2local <- msub1 = dropIdentitySubs IdS           sub_mtel2local
                              | Just sub_local2mtel <- msub2 = dropIdentitySubs sub_local2mtel IdS
                              | otherwise                    = named_es'

          nelims x' simpl_named_es'

    I.DontCare v -> do
      showIrr <- optShowIrrelevant <$> pragmaOptions
      if | showIrr   -> reifyTerm expandAnonDefs v
         | otherwise -> return underscore
    I.Dummy s [] -> return $ A.Lit $ LitString noRange s
    I.Dummy "applyE" es | I.Apply (Arg _ h) : es' <- es -> do
                            h <- reify h
                            es' <- reify es'
                            elims h es'
                        | otherwise -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    I.Dummy s es -> do
      s <- reify (I.Dummy s [])
      es <- reify es
      elims s es
    -- Andreas, 2012-10-20  expand a copy if not in scope
    -- to improve error messages.
    -- Don't do this if we have just expanded into a display form,
    -- otherwise we loop!
    reifyDef :: MonadReify m => Bool -> QName -> I.Elims -> m Expr
    reifyDef True x es =
      ifM (not . null . inverseScopeLookupName x <$> getScope) (reifyDef' x es) $ do
      r <- reduceDefCopy x es
      case r of
        YesReduction _ v -> do
          reportS "reify.anon" 60
            [ "reduction on defined ident. in anonymous module"
            , "x = " ++ prettyShow x
            , "v = " ++ show v
          reify v
        NoReduction () -> do
          reportS "reify.anon" 60
            [ "no reduction on defined ident. in anonymous module"
            , "x  = " ++ prettyShow x
            , "es = " ++ show es
          reifyDef' x es
    reifyDef _ x es = reifyDef' x es

    reifyDef' :: MonadReify m => QName -> I.Elims -> m Expr
    reifyDef' x es = do
      reportSLn "reify.def" 60 $ "reifying call to " ++ prettyShow x
      -- We should drop this many arguments from the local context.
      n <- getDefFreeVars x
      reportSLn "reify.def" 70 $ "freeVars for " ++ prettyShow x ++ " = " ++ show n
      -- If the definition is not (yet) in the signature,
      -- we just do the obvious.
      let fallback _ = elims (A.Def x) =<< reify (drop n es)
      caseEitherM (getConstInfo' x) fallback $ \ defn -> do
      let def = theDef defn

      -- Check if we have an absurd lambda.
      case def of
       Function{ funCompiled = Just Fail, funClauses = [cl] }
                | isAbsurdLambdaName x -> do
                  -- get hiding info from last pattern, which should be ()
                  let h = getHiding $ last $ namedClausePats cl
                      n = length (namedClausePats cl) - 1  -- drop all args before the absurd one
                      absLam = A.AbsurdLam exprNoRange h
                  if | n > length es -> do -- We don't have all arguments before the absurd one!
                        let name (I.VarP _ x) = patVarNameToString $ dbPatVarName x
                            name _            = __IMPOSSIBLE__  -- only variables before absurd pattern
                            vars = map (getArgInfo &&& name . namedArg) $ drop (length es) $ init $ namedClausePats cl
                            lam (i, s) = do
                              x <- freshName_ s
                              return $ A.Lam exprNoRange (A.mkDomainFree $ unnamedArg i $ A.mkBinder_ x)
                        foldr ($) absLam <$> mapM lam vars
                      | otherwise -> elims absLam =<< reify (drop n es)

      -- Otherwise (no absurd lambda):
       _ -> do

        -- Andrea(s), 2016-07-06
        -- Extended lambdas are not considered to be projection like,
        -- as they are mutually recursive with their parent.
        -- Thus we do not have to consider padding them.

        -- Check whether we have an extended lambda and display forms are on.
        df <- displayFormsEnabled

        -- #3004: give up if we have to print a pattern lambda inside its own body!
        alreadyPrinting <- viewTC ePrintingPatternLambdas

        extLam <- case def of
          Function{ funExtLam = Just{}, funProjection = Just{} } -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
          Function{ funExtLam = Just (ExtLamInfo m sys) } -> Just . (,sys) . size <$> lookupSection m
          _ -> return Nothing
        case extLam of
          Just (pars, sys) | df, notElem x alreadyPrinting ->
            locallyTC ePrintingPatternLambdas (x :) $
            reifyExtLam x pars sys (defClauses defn) es

        -- Otherwise (ordinary function call):
          _ -> do
           (pad, nes :: [Elim' (Named_ Term)]) <- case def of

            Function{ funProjection = Just Projection{ projIndex = np } } | np > 0 -> do
              reportSLn "reify.def" 70 $ "  def. is a projection with projIndex = " ++ show np

              -- This is tricky:
              --  * getDefFreeVars x tells us how many arguments
              --    are part of the local context
              --  * some of those arguments might have been dropped
              --    due to projection likeness
              --  * when showImplicits is on we'd like to see the dropped
              --    projection arguments

              TelV tel _ <- telViewUpTo np (defType defn)
              let (as, rest) = splitAt (np - 1) $ telToList tel
                  dom = headWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ rest

              -- These are the dropped projection arguments
              scope <- getScope
              let underscore = A.Underscore $ Info.emptyMetaInfo { metaScope = scope }
              let pad :: [NamedArg Expr]
                  pad = for as $ \ (Dom{domInfo = ai, unDom = (x, _)}) ->
                    Arg ai $ Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ unranged x) underscore
                      -- TODO #3353 Origin from Dom?

              -- Now pad' ++ es' = drop n (pad ++ es)
              let pad' = drop n pad
                  es'  = drop (max 0 (n - size pad)) es
              -- Andreas, 2012-04-21: get rid of hidden underscores {_} and {{_}}
              -- Keep non-hidden arguments of the padding.
              -- Andreas, 2016-12-20, issue #2348:
              -- Let @padTail@ be the list of arguments of the padding
              -- (*) after the last visible argument of the padding, and
              -- (*) with the same visibility as the first regular argument.
              -- If @padTail@ is not empty, we need to
              -- print the first regular argument with name.
              -- We further have to print all elements of @padTail@
              -- which have the same name and visibility of the
              -- first regular argument.
              showImp <- showImplicitArguments

              -- Get the visible arguments of the padding and the rest
              -- after the last visible argument.
              let (padVisNamed, padRest) = filterAndRest visible pad'

              -- Remove the names from the visible arguments.
              let padVis  = map (fmap $ unnamed . namedThing) padVisNamed

              -- Keep only the rest with the same visibility of @dom@...
              let padTail = filter (sameHiding dom) padRest

              -- ... and even the same name.
              let padSame = filter ((Just (fst $ unDom dom) ==) . bareNameOf) padTail

              return $ if null padTail || not showImp
                then (padVis           , map (fmap unnamed) es')
                else (padVis ++ padSame, nameFirstIfHidden dom es')

            -- If it is not a projection(-like) function, we need no padding.
            _ -> return ([], map (fmap unnamed) $ drop n es)

           reportS "reify.def" 70
             [ "  pad = " ++ show pad
             , "  nes = " ++ show nes
           let hd0 | isProperProjection def = A.Proj ProjPrefix $ AmbQ $ singleton x
                   | otherwise = A.Def x
           let hd = List.foldl' (A.App defaultAppInfo_) hd0 pad
           nelims hd =<< reify nes

    -- Andreas, 2016-07-06 Issue #2047

    -- With parameter refinement, the "parameter" patterns of an extended
    -- lambda can now be different from variable patterns.  If we just drop
    -- them (plus the associated arguments to the extended lambda), we produce
    -- something

    -- * that violates internal invariants.  In particular, the permutation
    --   dbPatPerm from the patterns to the telescope can no longer be
    --   computed.  (And in fact, dropping from the start of the telescope is
    --   just plainly unsound then.)

    -- * prints the wrong thing (old fix for #2047)

    -- What we do now, is more sound, although not entirely satisfying:
    -- When the "parameter" patterns of an external lambdas are not variable
    -- patterns, we fall back to printing the internal function created for the
    -- extended lambda, instead trying to construct the nice syntax.

    reifyExtLam :: MonadReify m => QName -> Int -> Maybe System -> [I.Clause] -> I.Elims -> m Expr
    reifyExtLam x npars msys cls es = do
      reportSLn "reify.def" 10 $ "reifying extended lambda " ++ prettyShow x
      reportSLn "reify.def" 50 $ render $ nest 2 $ vcat
        [ "npars =" <+> pretty npars
        , "es    =" <+> fsep (map (prettyPrec 10) es)
        , "def   =" <+> vcat (map pretty cls) ]
      -- As extended lambda clauses live in the top level, we add the whole
      -- section telescope to the number of parameters.
      let (pares, rest) = splitAt npars es
      let pars = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims pares

      -- Since we applying the clauses to the parameters,
      -- we do not need to drop their initial "parameter" patterns
      -- (this is taken care of by @apply@).
      cls <- caseMaybe msys
               (mapM (reify . NamedClause x False . (`apply` pars)) cls)
               (reify . QNamed x . (`apply` pars))
      let cx    = nameConcrete $ qnameName x
          dInfo = mkDefInfo cx noFixity' PublicAccess ConcreteDef (getRange x)
      elims (A.ExtendedLam exprNoRange dInfo x cls) =<< reify rest

-- | @nameFirstIfHidden (x:a) ({e} es) = {x = e} es@
nameFirstIfHidden :: Dom (ArgName, t) -> [Elim' a] -> [Elim' (Named_ a)]
nameFirstIfHidden dom (I.Apply (Arg info e) : es) | notVisible info =
  I.Apply (Arg info (Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ unranged $ fst $ unDom dom) e)) :
  map (fmap unnamed) es
nameFirstIfHidden _ es =
  map (fmap unnamed) es

instance Reify i a => Reify (Named n i) (Named n a) where
  reify = traverse reify
  reifyWhen b = traverse (reifyWhen b)

-- | Skip reification of implicit and irrelevant args if option is off.
instance (Reify i a) => Reify (Arg i) (Arg a) where
  reify (Arg info i) = Arg info <$> (flip reifyWhen i =<< condition)
    where condition = (return (argInfoHiding info /= Hidden) `or2M` showImplicitArguments)
              `and2M` (return (getRelevance info /= Irrelevant) `or2M` showIrrelevantArguments)
  reifyWhen b i = traverse (reifyWhen b) i

-- instance Reify Elim Expr where
--   reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
--   reify e = case e of
--     I.IApply x y r -> appl "iapply" <$> reify (defaultArg r :: Arg Term)
--     I.Apply v -> appl "apply" <$> reify v
--     I.Proj f  -> appl "proj"  <$> reify ((defaultArg $ I.Def f []) :: Arg Term)
--     where
--       appl :: String -> Arg Expr -> Expr
--       appl s v = A.App exprInfo (A.Lit (LitString noRange s)) $ fmap unnamed v

data NamedClause = NamedClause QName Bool I.Clause
  -- ^ Also tracks whether module parameters should be dropped from the patterns.

-- The Monoid instance for Data.Map doesn't require that the values are a
-- monoid.
newtype MonoidMap k v = MonoidMap { _unMonoidMap :: Map.Map k v }

instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Semigroup (MonoidMap k v) where
  MonoidMap m1 <> MonoidMap m2 = MonoidMap (Map.unionWith mappend m1 m2)

instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Monoid (MonoidMap k v) where
  mempty = MonoidMap Map.empty
  mappend = (<>)

-- | Removes argument names.  Preserves names present in the source.
removeNameUnlessUserWritten :: (LensNamed n a, LensOrigin n) => a -> a
removeNameUnlessUserWritten a
  | (getOrigin <$> getNameOf a) == Just UserWritten = a
  | otherwise = setNameOf Nothing a

-- | Removes implicit arguments that are not needed, that is, that don't bind
--   any variables that are actually used and doesn't do pattern matching.
--   Doesn't strip any arguments that were written explicitly by the user.
stripImplicits :: MonadReify m => A.Patterns -> A.Patterns -> m A.Patterns
stripImplicits params ps = do
  -- if --show-implicit we don't need the names
  ifM showImplicitArguments (return $ map (fmap removeNameUnlessUserWritten) ps) $ do
    reportS "reify.implicit" 30
      [ "stripping implicits"
      , "  ps   = " ++ show ps
    let ps' = blankDots $ strip ps
    reportS "reify.implicit" 30
      [ "  ps'  = " ++ show ps'
    return ps'
      -- Replace variables in dot patterns by an underscore _ if they are hidden
      -- in the pattern. This is slightly nicer than making the implicts explicit.
      blankDots ps = blank (varsBoundIn $ params ++ ps) ps

      strip ps = stripArgs True ps
          stripArgs _ [] = []
          stripArgs fixedPos (a : as)
            -- A hidden non-UserWritten variable is removed if not needed for
            -- correct position of the following hidden arguments.
            | canStrip a =
                 if   all canStrip $ takeWhile isUnnamedHidden as
                 then stripArgs False as
                 else goWild
            -- Other arguments are kept.
            | otherwise = stripName fixedPos (stripArg a) : stripArgs True as
              a'     = setNamedArg a $ A.WildP $ Info.PatRange $ getRange a
              goWild = stripName fixedPos a' : stripArgs True as

          stripName True  = fmap removeNameUnlessUserWritten
          stripName False = id

          -- TODO: vars appearing in EqualPs shouldn't be stripped.
          canStrip a = and
            [ notVisible a
            , getOrigin a `notElem` [ UserWritten , CaseSplit ]
            , (getOrigin <$> getNameOf a) /= Just UserWritten
            , varOrDot (namedArg a)

          isUnnamedHidden x = notVisible x && isNothing (getNameOf x) && isNothing (isProjP x)

          stripArg a = fmap (fmap stripPat) a

          stripPat p = case p of
            A.VarP _      -> p
            A.ConP i c ps -> A.ConP i c $ stripArgs True ps
            A.ProjP{}     -> p
            A.DefP _ _ _  -> p
            A.DotP _ e    -> p
            A.WildP _     -> p
            A.AbsurdP _   -> p
            A.LitP _      -> p
            A.AsP i x p   -> A.AsP i x $ stripPat p
            A.PatternSynP _ _ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- p
            A.RecP i fs   -> A.RecP i $ map (fmap stripPat) fs  -- TODO Andreas: is this right?
            A.EqualP{}    -> p -- EqualP cannot be blanked.
            A.WithP i p   -> A.WithP i $ stripPat p -- TODO #2822: right?

          varOrDot A.VarP{}      = True
          varOrDot A.WildP{}     = True
          varOrDot A.DotP{}      = True
          varOrDot (A.ConP cpi _ ps) | conPatOrigin cpi == ConOSystem
                                 = conPatLazy cpi == ConPatLazy || all (varOrDot . namedArg) ps
          varOrDot _             = False

-- | @blankNotInScope e@ replaces variables in expression @e@ with @_@
-- if they are currently not in scope.
blankNotInScope :: (MonadTCEnv m, BlankVars a) => a -> m a
blankNotInScope e = do
  names <- Set.fromList . filter ((== C.InScope) . C.isInScope) <$> getContextNames
  return $ blank names e

-- | @blank bound e@ replaces all variables in expression @e@ that are not in @bound@ by
--   an underscore @_@. It is used for printing dot patterns: we don't want to
--   make implicit variables explicit, so we blank them out in the dot patterns
--   instead (this is fine since dot patterns can be inferred anyway).

class BlankVars a where
  blank :: Set Name -> a -> a

  default blank :: (Functor f, BlankVars b, f b ~ a) => Set Name -> a -> a
  blank = fmap . blank

instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (Arg a)              where
instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (Named s a)          where
instance BlankVars a => BlankVars [a]                  where
-- instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (A.Pattern' a)       where  -- see case EqualP !
instance BlankVars a => BlankVars (FieldAssignment' a) where

instance (BlankVars a, BlankVars b) => BlankVars (a, b) where
  blank bound (x, y) = (blank bound x, blank bound y)

instance (BlankVars a, BlankVars b) => BlankVars (Either a b) where
  blank bound (Left x)  = Left $ blank bound x
  blank bound (Right y) = Right $ blank bound y

instance BlankVars A.ProblemEq where
  blank bound = id

instance BlankVars A.Clause where
  blank bound (A.Clause lhs strippedPats rhs (A.WhereDecls _ []) ca) =
    let bound' = varsBoundIn lhs `Set.union` bound
    in  A.Clause (blank bound' lhs)
                 (blank bound' strippedPats)
                 (blank bound' rhs) noWhereDecls ca
  blank bound (A.Clause lhs strippedPats rhs _ ca) = __IMPOSSIBLE__

instance BlankVars A.LHS where
  blank bound (A.LHS i core) = A.LHS i $ blank bound core

instance BlankVars A.LHSCore where
  blank bound (A.LHSHead f ps) = A.LHSHead f $ blank bound ps
  blank bound (A.LHSProj p b ps) = uncurry (A.LHSProj p) $ blank bound (b, ps)
  blank bound (A.LHSWith h wps ps) = uncurry (uncurry A.LHSWith) $ blank bound ((h, wps), ps)

instance BlankVars A.Pattern where
  blank bound p = case p of
    A.VarP _      -> p   -- do not blank pattern vars
    A.ConP c i ps -> A.ConP c i $ blank bound ps
    A.ProjP{}     -> p
    A.DefP i f ps -> A.DefP i f $ blank bound ps
    A.DotP i e    -> A.DotP i $ blank bound e
    A.WildP _     -> p
    A.AbsurdP _   -> p
    A.LitP _      -> p
    A.AsP i n p   -> A.AsP i n $ blank bound p
    A.PatternSynP _ _ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.RecP i fs   -> A.RecP i $ blank bound fs
    A.EqualP{}    -> p
    A.WithP i p   -> A.WithP i (blank bound p)

instance BlankVars A.Expr where
  blank bound e = case e of
    A.ScopedExpr i e       -> A.ScopedExpr i $ blank bound e
    A.Var x                -> if x `Set.member` bound then e
                              else A.Underscore emptyMetaInfo  -- Here is the action!
    A.Def _                -> e
    A.Proj{}               -> e
    A.Con _                -> e
    A.Lit _                -> e
    A.QuestionMark{}       -> e
    A.Underscore _         -> e
    A.Dot i e              -> A.Dot i $ blank bound e
    A.App i e1 e2          -> uncurry (A.App i) $ blank bound (e1, e2)
    A.WithApp i e es       -> uncurry (A.WithApp i) $ blank bound (e, es)
    A.Lam i b e            -> let bound' = varsBoundIn b `Set.union` bound
                              in  A.Lam i (blank bound b) (blank bound' e)
    A.AbsurdLam _ _        -> e
    A.ExtendedLam i d f cs -> A.ExtendedLam i d f $ blank bound cs
    A.Pi i tel e           -> let bound' = varsBoundIn tel `Set.union` bound
                              in  uncurry (A.Pi i) $ blank bound' (tel, e)
    A.Generalized {}       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.Fun i a b            -> uncurry (A.Fun i) $ blank bound (a, b)
    A.Set _ _              -> e
    A.Prop _ _             -> e
    A.Let _ _ _            -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.Rec i es             -> A.Rec i $ blank bound es
    A.RecUpdate i e es     -> uncurry (A.RecUpdate i) $ blank bound (e, es)
    A.ETel _               -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.Quote {}             -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.QuoteTerm {}         -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.Unquote {}           -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.Tactic {}            -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    A.DontCare v           -> A.DontCare $ blank bound v
    A.PatternSyn {}        -> e
    A.Macro {}             -> e

instance BlankVars A.ModuleName where
  blank bound = id

instance BlankVars RHS where
  blank bound (RHS e mc)             = RHS (blank bound e) mc
  blank bound AbsurdRHS              = AbsurdRHS
  blank bound (WithRHS _ es clauses) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- NZ
  blank bound (RewriteRHS xes spats rhs _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- NZ

instance BlankVars A.LamBinding where
  blank bound b@A.DomainFree{} = b
  blank bound (A.DomainFull bs) = A.DomainFull $ blank bound bs

instance BlankVars TypedBinding where
  blank bound (TBind r t n e) = TBind r t n $ blank bound e
  blank bound (TLet _ _)    = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- Since the internal syntax has no let bindings left

-- | Collect the binders in some abstract syntax lhs.

class Binder a where
  varsBoundIn :: a -> Set Name

  default varsBoundIn :: (Foldable f, Binder b, f b ~ a) => a -> Set Name
  varsBoundIn = foldMap varsBoundIn

instance Binder A.LHS where
  varsBoundIn (A.LHS _ core) = varsBoundIn core

instance Binder A.LHSCore where
  varsBoundIn (A.LHSHead _ ps)     = varsBoundIn ps
  varsBoundIn (A.LHSProj _ b ps)   = varsBoundIn (b, ps)
  varsBoundIn (A.LHSWith h wps ps) = varsBoundIn ((h, wps), ps)

instance Binder A.Pattern where
  varsBoundIn = foldAPattern $ \case
    A.VarP x            -> varsBoundIn x
    A.AsP _ x _         -> empty    -- Not x because of #2414 (?)
    A.ConP _ _ _        -> empty
    A.ProjP{}           -> empty
    A.DefP _ _ _        -> empty
    A.WildP{}           -> empty
    A.DotP{}            -> empty
    A.AbsurdP{}         -> empty
    A.LitP{}            -> empty
    A.PatternSynP _ _ _ -> empty
    A.RecP _ _          -> empty
    A.EqualP{}          -> empty
    A.WithP _ _         -> empty

instance Binder a => Binder (A.Binder' a) where
  varsBoundIn (A.Binder p n) = varsBoundIn (p, n)

instance Binder A.LamBinding where
  varsBoundIn (A.DomainFree _ x) = varsBoundIn x
  varsBoundIn (A.DomainFull b)   = varsBoundIn b

instance Binder TypedBinding where
  varsBoundIn (TBind _ _ xs _) = varsBoundIn xs
  varsBoundIn (TLet _ bs)      = varsBoundIn bs

instance Binder BindName where
  varsBoundIn x = singleton (unBind x)

instance Binder LetBinding where
  varsBoundIn (LetBind _ _ x _ _) = varsBoundIn x
  varsBoundIn (LetPatBind _ p _)  = varsBoundIn p
  varsBoundIn LetApply{}          = empty
  varsBoundIn LetOpen{}           = empty
  varsBoundIn LetDeclaredVariable{} = empty

instance Binder a => Binder (FieldAssignment' a) where
instance Binder a => Binder (Arg a)              where
instance Binder a => Binder (Named x a)          where
instance Binder a => Binder [a]                  where
instance Binder a => Binder (Maybe a)            where

instance (Binder a, Binder b) => Binder (a, b) where
  varsBoundIn (x, y) = varsBoundIn x `Set.union` varsBoundIn y

-- | Assumes that pattern variables have been added to the context already.
--   Picks pattern variable names from context.
reifyPatterns :: MonadReify m => [NamedArg I.DeBruijnPattern] -> m [NamedArg A.Pattern]
reifyPatterns = mapM $ (stripNameFromExplicit . stripHidingFromPostfixProj) <.>
                       traverse (traverse reifyPat)
    stripNameFromExplicit :: NamedArg p -> NamedArg p
    stripNameFromExplicit a
      | visible a = fmap (unnamed . namedThing) a
      | otherwise = a

    stripHidingFromPostfixProj :: IsProjP p => NamedArg p -> NamedArg p
    stripHidingFromPostfixProj a = case isProjP a of
      Just (o, _) | o /= ProjPrefix -> setHiding NotHidden a
      _                             -> a

    reifyPat :: MonadReify m => I.DeBruijnPattern -> m A.Pattern
    reifyPat p = do
     reportSLn "reify.pat" 80 $ "reifying pattern " ++ show p
     keepVars <- optKeepPatternVariables <$> pragmaOptions
     case p of
      -- Possibly expanded literal pattern (see #4215)
      p | Just (PatternInfo PatOLit asB) <- patternInfo p -> do
        reduce (I.patternToTerm p) >>= \case
          I.Lit l -> addAsBindings asB $ return $ A.LitP l
          _       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      I.VarP i x -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
        o@PatODot  -> reifyDotP o $ var $ dbPatVarIndex x
        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
        _          -> reifyVarP x
      I.DotP i v -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
        -- If Agda turned a user variable @x@ into @.x@, print it back as @x@.
        o@(PatOVar x) | I.Var i [] <- v -> do
          x' <- nameOfBV i
          if nameConcrete x == nameConcrete x' then
            return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x'
            reifyDotP o v
        o -> reifyDotP o v
      I.LitP i l  -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ return $ A.LitP l
      I.ProjP o d -> return $ A.ProjP patNoRange o $ unambiguous d
      I.ConP c cpi ps | conPRecord cpi -> addAsBindings (patAsNames $ conPInfo cpi) $
        case patOrigin (conPInfo cpi) of
          PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
          PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
          PatOVar x | keepVars -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x
          _               -> reifyConP c cpi ps
      I.ConP c cpi ps -> addAsBindings (patAsNames $ conPInfo cpi) $ reifyConP c cpi ps
      I.DefP i f ps  -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
        PatOVar x | keepVars -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x
        _ -> A.DefP patNoRange (unambiguous f) <$> reifyPatterns ps
      I.IApplyP i _ _ x -> addAsBindings (patAsNames i) $ case patOrigin i of
        o@PatODot  -> reifyDotP o $ var $ dbPatVarIndex x
        PatOWild   -> return $ A.WildP patNoRange
        PatOAbsurd -> return $ A.AbsurdP patNoRange
        _          -> reifyVarP x

    reifyVarP :: MonadReify m => DBPatVar -> m A.Pattern
    reifyVarP x = do
      n <- nameOfBV $ dbPatVarIndex x
      let y = dbPatVarName x
      if | y == "_" -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName n
           -- Andreas, 2017-09-03: TODO for #2580
           -- Patterns @VarP "()"@ should have been replaced by @AbsurdP@, but the
           -- case splitter still produces them.
         | prettyShow (nameConcrete n) == "()" -> return $ A.VarP (mkBindName n)
           -- Andreas, 2017-09-03, issue #2729
           -- Restore original pattern name.  AbstractToConcrete picks unique names.
         | otherwise -> return $ A.VarP $
             mkBindName n { nameConcrete = C.Name noRange C.InScope [ C.Id y ] }

    reifyDotP :: MonadReify m => PatOrigin -> Term -> m A.Pattern
    reifyDotP o v = do
      keepVars <- optKeepPatternVariables <$> pragmaOptions
      if | PatOVar x <- o
         , keepVars       -> return $ A.VarP $ mkBindName x
         | otherwise      -> A.DotP patNoRange <$> reify v

    reifyConP :: MonadReify m
              => ConHead -> ConPatternInfo -> [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
              -> m A.Pattern
    reifyConP c cpi ps = do
      tryRecPFromConP =<< do A.ConP ci (unambiguous (conName c)) <$> reifyPatterns ps
        ci = ConPatInfo origin patNoRange lazy
        lazy | conPLazy cpi = ConPatLazy
             | otherwise    = ConPatEager
        origin = fromConPatternInfo cpi

    addAsBindings :: Functor m => [A.Name] -> m A.Pattern -> m A.Pattern
    addAsBindings xs p = foldr (fmap . AsP patNoRange . mkBindName) p xs

-- | If the record constructor is generated or the user wrote a record pattern,
--   turn constructor pattern into record pattern.
--   Otherwise, keep constructor pattern.
tryRecPFromConP :: MonadReify m => A.Pattern -> m A.Pattern
tryRecPFromConP p = do
  let fallback = return p
  case p of
    A.ConP ci c ps -> do
        caseMaybeM (isRecordConstructor $ headAmbQ c) fallback $ \ (r, def) -> do
          -- If the record constructor is generated or the user wrote a record pattern,
          -- print record pattern.
          -- Otherwise, print constructor pattern.
          if recNamedCon def && conPatOrigin ci /= ConORec then fallback else do
            fs <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getRecordFieldNames_ r
            unless (length fs == length ps) __IMPOSSIBLE__
            return $ A.RecP patNoRange $ zipWith mkFA fs ps
          mkFA ax nap = FieldAssignment (unDom ax) (namedArg nap)
    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

instance Reify (QNamed I.Clause) A.Clause where
  reify (QNamed f cl) = reify (NamedClause f True cl)

instance Reify NamedClause A.Clause where
  reify (NamedClause f toDrop cl) = addContext (clauseTel cl) $ do
    reportSLn "reify.clause" 60 $ "reifying NamedClause"
      ++ "\n  f      = " ++ prettyShow f
      ++ "\n  toDrop = " ++ show toDrop
      ++ "\n  cl     = " ++ show cl
    let ell = clauseEllipsis cl
    ps  <- reifyPatterns $ namedClausePats cl
    lhs <- uncurry (SpineLHS $ empty { lhsEllipsis = ell }) <$> reifyDisplayFormP f ps []
    -- Unless @toDrop@ we have already dropped the module patterns from the clauses
    -- (e.g. for extended lambdas). We still get here with toDrop = True and
    -- pattern lambdas when doing make-case, so take care to drop the right
    -- number of parameters.
    (params , lhs) <- if not toDrop then return ([] , lhs) else do
      nfv <- getDefModule f >>= \case
        Left _  -> return 0
        Right m -> size <$> lookupSection m
      return $ splitParams nfv lhs
    lhs <- stripImps params lhs
    reportSLn "reify.clause" 60 $ "reifying NamedClause, lhs = " ++ show lhs
    rhs <- caseMaybe (clauseBody cl) (return AbsurdRHS) $ \ e ->
      RHS <$> reify e <*> pure Nothing
    reportSLn "reify.clause" 60 $ "reifying NamedClause, rhs = " ++ show rhs
    let result = A.Clause (spineToLhs lhs) [] rhs A.noWhereDecls (I.clauseCatchall cl)
    reportSLn "reify.clause" 60 $ "reified NamedClause, result = " ++ show result
    return result
      splitParams n (SpineLHS i f ps) =
        let (params , pats) = splitAt n ps
        in  (params , SpineLHS i f pats)
      stripImps :: MonadReify m => [NamedArg A.Pattern] -> SpineLHS -> m SpineLHS
      stripImps params (SpineLHS i f ps) =  SpineLHS i f <$> stripImplicits params ps

instance Reify (QNamed System) [A.Clause] where
  reify (QNamed f (System tel sys)) = addContext tel $ do
    reportS "reify.system" 40 $ show tel : map show sys
    view <- intervalView'
    unview <- intervalUnview'
    sys <- flip filterM sys $ \ (phi,t) -> do
      allM phi $ \ (u,b) -> do
        u <- reduce u
        return $ case (view u, b) of
          (IZero, True) -> False
          (IOne, False) -> False
          _ -> True
    forM sys $ \ (alpha,u) -> do
      rhs <- RHS <$> reify u <*> pure Nothing
      ep <- fmap (A.EqualP patNoRange) . forM alpha $ \ (phi,b) -> do
            d True = unview IOne
            d False = unview IZero
        reify (phi, d b)

      ps <- reifyPatterns $ teleNamedArgs tel
      ps <- stripImplicits [] $ ps ++ [defaultNamedArg ep]
        lhs = SpineLHS empty f ps
        result = A.Clause (spineToLhs lhs) [] rhs A.noWhereDecls False
      return result

instance Reify Type Expr where
    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
    reify (I.El _ t) = reify t

instance Reify Sort Expr where
    reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
    reify s = do
      s <- instantiateFull s
      case s of
        I.Type (I.ClosedLevel n) -> return $ A.Set noExprInfo n
        I.Type a -> do
          a <- reify a
          return $ A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Set noExprInfo 0) (defaultNamedArg a)
        I.Prop (I.ClosedLevel n) -> return $ A.Prop noExprInfo n
        I.Prop a -> do
          a <- reify a
          return $ A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Prop noExprInfo 0) (defaultNamedArg a)
        I.Inf       -> do
          I.Def inf [] <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getBuiltin' builtinSetOmega
          return $ A.Def inf
        I.SizeUniv  -> do
          I.Def sizeU [] <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getBuiltin' builtinSizeUniv
          return $ A.Def sizeU
        I.PiSort a s -> do
          pis <- freshName_ ("piSort" :: String) -- TODO: hack
          (e1,e2) <- reify (getSort a, I.Lam defaultArgInfo $ fmap Sort s)
          let app x y = A.App defaultAppInfo_ x (defaultNamedArg y)
          return $ A.Var pis `app` e1 `app` e2
        I.UnivSort s -> do
          univs <- freshName_ ("univSort" :: String) -- TODO: hack
          e <- reify s
          return $ A.App defaultAppInfo_ (A.Var univs) $ defaultNamedArg e
        I.MetaS x es -> reify $ I.MetaV x es
        I.DefS d es -> reify $ I.Def d es
        I.DummyS s -> return $ A.Lit $ LitString noRange s

instance Reify Level Expr where
  reifyWhen = reifyWhenE
  reify l   = ifM haveLevels (reify =<< reallyUnLevelView l) $ {-else-} do
    -- Andreas, 2017-09-18, issue #2754
    -- While type checking the level builtins, they are not
    -- available for debug printing.  Thus, print some garbage instead.
    name <- freshName_ (".#Lacking_Level_Builtins#" :: String)
    return $ A.Var name

instance (Free i, Reify i a) => Reify (Abs i) (Name, a) where
  reify (NoAbs x v) = freshName_ x >>= \name -> (name,) <$> reify v
  reify (Abs s v) = do

    -- If the bound variable is free in the body, then the name "_" is
    -- replaced by "z".
    s <- return $ if isUnderscore s && 0 `freeIn` v then "z" else s

    x <- C.setNotInScope <$> freshName_ s
    e <- addContext x -- type doesn't matter
         $ reify v
    return (x,e)

instance Reify I.Telescope A.Telescope where
  reify EmptyTel = return []
  reify (ExtendTel arg tel) = do
    Arg info e <- reify arg
    (x, bs)  <- reify tel
    let r    = getRange e
        name = domName arg
    tac <- traverse reify $ domTactic arg
    return $ TBind r tac [Arg info $ Named name $ A.mkBinder_ x] e : bs

instance Reify i a => Reify (Dom i) (Arg a) where
    reify (Dom{domInfo = info, unDom = i}) = Arg info <$> reify i

instance Reify i a => Reify (I.Elim' i) (I.Elim' a) where
  reify = traverse reify
  reifyWhen b = traverse (reifyWhen b)

instance Reify i a => Reify [i] [a] where
  reify = traverse reify
  reifyWhen b = traverse (reifyWhen b)

instance (Reify i1 a1, Reify i2 a2) => Reify (i1,i2) (a1,a2) where
    reify (x,y) = (,) <$> reify x <*> reify y

instance (Reify i1 a1, Reify i2 a2, Reify i3 a3) => Reify (i1,i2,i3) (a1,a2,a3) where
    reify (x,y,z) = (,,) <$> reify x <*> reify y <*> reify z

instance (Reify i1 a1, Reify i2 a2, Reify i3 a3, Reify i4 a4) => Reify (i1,i2,i3,i4) (a1,a2,a3,a4) where
    reify (x,y,z,w) = (,,,) <$> reify x <*> reify y <*> reify z <*> reify w