module Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Problem
       ( FlexibleVars , FlexibleVarKind(..) , FlexibleVar(..) , allFlexVars
       , FlexChoice(..) , ChooseFlex(..)
       , ProblemEq(..) , Problem(..) , problemEqs
       , problemRestPats, problemCont, problemInPats
       , AsBinding(..) , DotPattern(..) , AbsurdPattern(..)
       , LHSState(..) , lhsTel , lhsOutPat , lhsProblem , lhsTarget
       , LeftoverPatterns(..), getLeftoverPatterns, getUserVariableNames
       ) where

import Prelude hiding (null)

import Control.Arrow ( (***) )
import Control.Monad.Writer hiding ((<>))

import Data.Foldable ( Foldable )
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.List ( partition )
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid, mempty, mappend, mconcat )
import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup, (<>) )
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract (ProblemEq(..))
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad (TCM, IsForced(..), addContext, lookupSection, currentModule)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty as P
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty

import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.Singleton
import Agda.Utils.Size
import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as PP

type FlexibleVars   = [FlexibleVar Nat]

-- | When we encounter a flexible variable in the unifier, where did it come from?
--   The alternatives are ordered such that we will assign the higher one first,
--   i.e., first we try to assign a @DotFlex@, then...
data FlexibleVarKind
  = RecordFlex [FlexibleVarKind]
      -- ^ From a record pattern ('ConP').
      --   Saves the 'FlexibleVarKind' of its subpatterns.
  | ImplicitFlex -- ^ From a hidden formal argument or underscore ('WildP').
  | DotFlex      -- ^ From a dot pattern ('DotP').
  | OtherFlex    -- ^ From a non-record constructor or literal ('ConP' or 'LitP').
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Flexible variables are equipped with information where they come from,
--   in order to make a choice which one to assign when two flexibles are unified.
data FlexibleVar a = FlexibleVar
  { flexArgInfo :: ArgInfo
  , flexForced  :: IsForced
  , flexKind    :: FlexibleVarKind
  , flexPos     :: Maybe Int
  , flexVar     :: a
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance LensArgInfo (FlexibleVar a) where
  getArgInfo = flexArgInfo
  setArgInfo ai fl = fl { flexArgInfo = ai }
  mapArgInfo f  fl = fl { flexArgInfo = f (flexArgInfo fl) }

instance LensHiding (FlexibleVar a)
instance LensOrigin (FlexibleVar a)
instance LensModality (FlexibleVar a)

-- defaultFlexibleVar :: a -> FlexibleVar a
-- defaultFlexibleVar a = FlexibleVar Hidden Inserted ImplicitFlex Nothing a

-- flexibleVarFromHiding :: Hiding -> a -> FlexibleVar a
-- flexibleVarFromHiding h a = FlexibleVar h ImplicitFlex Nothing a

allFlexVars :: [IsForced] -> Telescope -> FlexibleVars
allFlexVars forced tel = zipWith3 makeFlex (downFrom n) (telToList tel) fs
    n  = size tel
    fs = forced ++ repeat NotForced
    makeFlex i d f = FlexibleVar (getArgInfo d) f ImplicitFlex (Just i) i

data FlexChoice = ChooseLeft | ChooseRight | ChooseEither | ExpandBoth
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Semigroup FlexChoice where
  ExpandBoth   <> _            = ExpandBoth
  _            <> ExpandBoth   = ExpandBoth
  ChooseEither <> y            = y
  x            <> ChooseEither = x
  ChooseLeft   <> ChooseRight  = ExpandBoth -- If there's dot patterns on both sides,
  ChooseRight  <> ChooseLeft   = ExpandBoth -- we need to eta-expand
  ChooseLeft   <> ChooseLeft   = ChooseLeft
  ChooseRight  <> ChooseRight  = ChooseRight

instance Monoid FlexChoice where
  mempty  = ChooseEither
  mappend = (<>)

class ChooseFlex a where
  chooseFlex :: a -> a -> FlexChoice

instance ChooseFlex FlexibleVarKind where
  chooseFlex DotFlex         DotFlex         = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex DotFlex         _               = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex _               DotFlex         = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex (RecordFlex xs) (RecordFlex ys) = chooseFlex xs ys
  chooseFlex (RecordFlex xs) y               = chooseFlex xs (repeat y)
  chooseFlex x               (RecordFlex ys) = chooseFlex (repeat x) ys
  chooseFlex ImplicitFlex    ImplicitFlex    = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex ImplicitFlex    _               = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex _               ImplicitFlex    = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex OtherFlex       OtherFlex       = ChooseEither

instance ChooseFlex a => ChooseFlex [a] where
  chooseFlex xs ys = mconcat $ zipWith chooseFlex xs ys

instance ChooseFlex a => ChooseFlex (Maybe a) where
  chooseFlex Nothing Nothing = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex Nothing (Just y) = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex (Just x) Nothing = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex (Just x) (Just y) = chooseFlex x y

instance ChooseFlex ArgInfo where
  chooseFlex ai1 ai2 = firstChoice [ chooseFlex (getOrigin ai1) (getOrigin ai2)
                                   , chooseFlex (getHiding ai1) (getHiding ai2) ]

instance ChooseFlex IsForced where
  chooseFlex NotForced NotForced = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex NotForced Forced    = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex Forced    NotForced = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex Forced    Forced    = ChooseEither

instance ChooseFlex Hiding where
  chooseFlex Hidden     Hidden     = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex Hidden     _          = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex _          Hidden     = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex Instance{} Instance{} = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex Instance{} _          = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex _          Instance{} = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex _          _          = ChooseEither

instance ChooseFlex Origin where
  chooseFlex Inserted  Inserted  = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex Inserted  _         = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex _         Inserted  = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex Reflected Reflected = ChooseEither
  chooseFlex Reflected _         = ChooseLeft
  chooseFlex _         Reflected = ChooseRight
  chooseFlex _         _         = ChooseEither

instance ChooseFlex Int where
  chooseFlex x y = case compare x y of
    LT -> ChooseLeft
    EQ -> ChooseEither
    GT -> ChooseRight

instance (ChooseFlex a) => ChooseFlex (FlexibleVar a) where
  chooseFlex (FlexibleVar ai1 fc1 f1 p1 i1) (FlexibleVar ai2 fc2 f2 p2 i2) =
    firstChoice [ chooseFlex f1 f2, chooseFlex fc1 fc2, chooseFlex ai1 ai2
                , chooseFlex p1 p2, chooseFlex i1 i2]

firstChoice :: [FlexChoice] -> FlexChoice
firstChoice []                  = ChooseEither
firstChoice (ChooseEither : xs) = firstChoice xs
firstChoice (x            : _ ) = x

-- | The user patterns we still have to split on.
data Problem a = Problem
  { _problemEqs      :: [ProblemEq]
    -- ^ User patterns which are typed
    --   (including the ones generated from implicit arguments).
  , _problemRestPats :: [NamedArg A.Pattern]
    -- ^ List of user patterns which could not yet be typed.
    --   Example:
    --   @
    --      f : (b : Bool) -> if b then Nat else Nat -> Nat
    --      f true          = zero
    --      f false zero    = zero
    --      f false (suc n) = n
    --   @
    --   In this sitation, for clause 2, we construct an initial problem
    --   @
    --      problemEqs      = [false = b]
    --      problemRestPats = [zero]
    --   @
    --   As we instantiate @b@ to @false@, the 'targetType' reduces to
    --   @Nat -> Nat@ and we can move pattern @zero@ over to @problemEqs@.
  , _problemCont     :: LHSState a -> TCM a
    -- ^ The code that checks the RHS.
  deriving Show

problemEqs :: Lens' [ProblemEq] (Problem a)
problemEqs f p = f (_problemEqs p) <&> \x -> p {_problemEqs = x}

problemRestPats :: Lens' [NamedArg A.Pattern] (Problem a)
problemRestPats f p = f (_problemRestPats p) <&> \x -> p {_problemRestPats = x}

problemCont :: Lens' (LHSState a -> TCM a) (Problem a)
problemCont f p = f (_problemCont p) <&> \x -> p {_problemCont = x}

problemInPats :: Problem a -> [A.Pattern]
problemInPats = map problemInPat . (^. problemEqs)

data AsBinding = AsB Name Term Type
data DotPattern = Dot A.Expr Term (Dom Type)
data AbsurdPattern = Absurd Range Type

-- | State worked on during the main loop of checking a lhs.
--   [Ulf Norell's PhD, page. 35]
data LHSState a = LHSState
  { _lhsTel     :: Telescope
    -- ^ The types of the pattern variables.
  , _lhsOutPat  :: [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
    -- ^ Patterns after splitting.
    --   The de Bruijn indices refer to positions in the list of abstract syntax
    --   patterns in the problem, counted from the back (right-to-left).
  , _lhsProblem :: Problem a
    -- ^ User patterns of supposed type @delta@.
  , _lhsTarget  :: Arg Type
    -- ^ Type eliminated by 'problemRestPats' in the problem.
    --   Can be 'Irrelevant' to indicate that we came by
    --   an irrelevant projection and, hence, the rhs must
    --   be type-checked in irrelevant mode.
  , _lhsPartialSplit :: ![Maybe Int]
    -- ^ have we splitted with a PartialFocus?

lhsTel :: Lens' Telescope (LHSState a)
lhsTel f p = f (_lhsTel p) <&> \x -> p {_lhsTel = x}

lhsOutPat :: Lens' [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] (LHSState a)
lhsOutPat f p = f (_lhsOutPat p) <&> \x -> p {_lhsOutPat = x}

lhsProblem :: Lens' (Problem a) (LHSState a)
lhsProblem f p = f (_lhsProblem p) <&> \x -> p {_lhsProblem = x}

lhsTarget :: Lens' (Arg Type) (LHSState a)
lhsTarget f p = f (_lhsTarget p) <&> \x -> p {_lhsTarget = x}

-- UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
--lhsPartialSplit :: Lens' [Maybe Int] (LHSState a)
--lhsPartialSplit f p = f (_lhsPartialSplit p) <&> \x -> p {_lhsPartialSplit = x}

data PatVarPosition = PVLocal | PVParam
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data LeftoverPatterns = LeftoverPatterns
  { patternVariables :: IntMap [(A.Name,PatVarPosition)]
  , asPatterns       :: [AsBinding]
  , dotPatterns      :: [DotPattern]
  , absurdPatterns   :: [AbsurdPattern]
  , otherPatterns    :: [A.Pattern]

instance Semigroup LeftoverPatterns where
  x <> y = LeftoverPatterns
    { patternVariables = IntMap.unionWith (++) (patternVariables x) (patternVariables y)
    , asPatterns       = asPatterns x ++ asPatterns y
    , dotPatterns      = dotPatterns x ++ dotPatterns y
    , absurdPatterns   = absurdPatterns x ++ absurdPatterns y
    , otherPatterns    = otherPatterns x ++ otherPatterns y

instance Monoid LeftoverPatterns where
  mempty  = LeftoverPatterns empty [] [] [] []
  mappend = (<>)

instance PrettyTCM LeftoverPatterns where
  prettyTCM (LeftoverPatterns varp asb dotp absurdp otherp) = vcat
    [ "pattern variables: " <+> text (show varp)
    , "as bindings:       " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM asb)
    , "dot patterns:      " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM dotp)
    , "absurd patterns:   " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM absurdp)
    , "other patterns:    " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyA otherp)

-- | Classify remaining patterns after splitting is complete into pattern
--   variables, as patterns, dot patterns, and absurd patterns.
--   Precondition: there are no more constructor patterns.
getLeftoverPatterns :: [ProblemEq] -> TCM LeftoverPatterns
getLeftoverPatterns eqs = do
  reportSDoc "" 30 $ "classifying leftover patterns"
  params <- Set.fromList . teleNames <$> (lookupSection =<< currentModule)
  let isParamName = (`Set.member` params) . nameToArgName
  mconcat <$> mapM (getLeftoverPattern isParamName) eqs
    patternVariable x i  = LeftoverPatterns (singleton (i,[(x,PVLocal)])) [] [] [] []
    moduleParameter x i  = LeftoverPatterns (singleton (i,[(x,PVParam)])) [] [] [] []
    asPattern x v a      = LeftoverPatterns empty [AsB x v (unDom a)] [] [] []
    dotPattern e v a     = LeftoverPatterns empty [] [Dot e v a] [] []
    absurdPattern info a = LeftoverPatterns empty [] [] [Absurd info a] []
    otherPattern p       = LeftoverPatterns empty [] [] [] [p]

    getLeftoverPattern :: (A.Name -> Bool) -> ProblemEq -> TCM LeftoverPatterns
    getLeftoverPattern isParamName (ProblemEq p v a) = case p of
      (A.VarP A.BindName{unBind = x}) -> isEtaVar v (unDom a) >>= \case
        Just i  | isParamName x -> return $ moduleParameter x i
                | otherwise     -> return $ patternVariable x i
        Nothing -> return $ asPattern x v a
      (A.WildP _)       -> return mempty
      (A.AsP info A.BindName{unBind = x} p)  -> (asPattern x v a `mappend`) <$> do
        getLeftoverPattern isParamName $ ProblemEq p v a
      (A.DotP info e)   -> return $ dotPattern e v a
      (A.AbsurdP info)  -> return $ absurdPattern (getRange info) (unDom a)
      _                 -> return $ otherPattern p

-- | Build a renaming for the internal patterns using variable names from
--   the user patterns. If there are multiple user names for the same internal
--   variable, the unused ones are returned as as-bindings.
--   Names that are not also module parameters are preferred over
--   those that are.
  :: Telescope                         -- ^ The telescope of pattern variables
  -> IntMap [(A.Name,PatVarPosition)]  -- ^ The list of user names for each pattern variable
  -> ([Maybe A.Name], [AsBinding])
getUserVariableNames tel names = runWriter $
  zipWithM makeVar (flattenTel tel) (downFrom $ size tel)

    makeVar :: Dom Type -> Int -> Writer [AsBinding] (Maybe A.Name)
    makeVar a i = case partitionIsParam (IntMap.findWithDefault [] i names) of
      ([]     , [])   -> return Nothing
      ((x:xs) , [])   -> tellAsBindings xs *> return (Just x)
      (xs     , y:ys) -> tellAsBindings (xs ++ ys) *> return (Just y)
        tellAsBindings = tell . map (\y -> AsB y (var i) (unDom a))

    partitionIsParam :: [(A.Name,PatVarPosition)] -> ([A.Name],[A.Name])
    partitionIsParam = (map fst *** map fst) . (partition $ (== PVParam) . snd)

instance Subst Term (Problem a) where
  applySubst rho (Problem eqs rps cont) = Problem (applySubst rho eqs) rps cont

instance Subst Term AsBinding where
  applySubst rho (AsB x v a) = uncurry (AsB x) $ applySubst rho (v, a)

instance Subst Term DotPattern where
  applySubst rho (Dot e v a) = uncurry (Dot e) $ applySubst rho (v, a)

instance Subst Term AbsurdPattern where
  applySubst rho (Absurd r a) = Absurd r $ applySubst rho a

instance PrettyTCM ProblemEq where
  prettyTCM (ProblemEq p v a) = sep
    [ prettyA p <+> "="
    , nest 2 $ prettyTCM v <+> ":"
    , nest 2 $ prettyTCM a

instance PrettyTCM AsBinding where
  prettyTCM (AsB x v a) =
    sep [ prettyTCM x <> "@" <> parens (prettyTCM v)
        , nest 2 $ ":" <+> prettyTCM a

instance PrettyTCM DotPattern where
  prettyTCM (Dot e v a) = sep
    [ prettyA e <+> "="
    , nest 2 $ prettyTCM v <+> ":"
    , nest 2 $ prettyTCM a

instance PrettyTCM AbsurdPattern where
  prettyTCM (Absurd r a) = "() :" <+> prettyTCM a

instance PP.Pretty AsBinding where
  pretty (AsB x v a) =
    PP.pretty x PP.<+> "=" PP.<+>
      PP.hang (PP.pretty v PP.<+> ":") 2 (PP.pretty a)

instance InstantiateFull AsBinding where
  instantiateFull' (AsB x v a) = AsB x <$> instantiateFull' v <*> instantiateFull' a

instance PrettyTCM (LHSState a) where
  prettyTCM (LHSState tel outPat (Problem eqs rps _) target _) = vcat
    [ "tel             = " <+> prettyTCM tel
    , "outPat          = " <+> addContext tel (prettyTCMPatternList outPat)
    , "problemEqs      = " <+> addContext tel (prettyList_ $ map prettyTCM eqs)
    , "problemRestPats = " <+> prettyList_ (return $ prettyA rps)
    , "target          = " <+> addContext tel (prettyTCM target)