{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Agda.Compiler.Common where

import Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State  hiding (mapM_, forM_, mapM, forM, sequence)

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I

import Agda.Interaction.FindFile
import Agda.Interaction.Imports
import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty hiding ((<>))
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope

import Agda.Utils.FileName
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashMap as HMap
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Pretty hiding ((<>))

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

data IsMain = IsMain | NotMain
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Conjunctive semigroup ('NotMain' is absorbing).
instance Semigroup IsMain where
  NotMain <> _ = NotMain
  _       <> NotMain = NotMain
  IsMain  <> IsMain = IsMain

instance Monoid IsMain where
  mempty = IsMain
  mappend = (<>)

doCompile :: forall r. Monoid r => IsMain -> Interface -> (IsMain -> Interface -> TCM r) -> TCM r
doCompile isMain i f = do
  -- The Agda.Primitive module is implicitly assumed to be always imported,
  -- even though it not necesseraly occurs in iImportedModules.
  -- TODO: there should be a better way to get hold of Agda.Primitive?
  [agdaPrimInter] <- filter (("Agda.Primitive"==) . prettyShow . iModuleName)
    . map miInterface . Map.elems
      <$> getVisitedModules
  flip evalStateT Set.empty $ mappend <$> comp NotMain agdaPrimInter <*> comp isMain i
    comp :: IsMain -> Interface -> StateT (Set ModuleName) TCM r
    comp isMain i = do
      alreadyDone <- Set.member (iModuleName i) <$> get
      if alreadyDone then return mempty else do
        imps <- lift $
          map miInterface . catMaybes <$>
            mapM (getVisitedModule . toTopLevelModuleName . fst) (iImportedModules i)
        ri <- mconcat <$> mapM (comp NotMain) imps
        lift $ setInterface i
        r <- lift $ f isMain i
        modify (Set.insert $ iModuleName i)
        return $ mappend ri r

setInterface :: Interface -> TCM ()
setInterface i = do
  opts <- getsTC (stPersistentOptions . stPersistentState)
  setCommandLineOptions opts
  mapM_ setOptionsFromPragma (iPragmaOptions i)
  stImportedModules `setTCLens` Set.fromList (map fst $ iImportedModules i)
  stCurrentModule   `setTCLens` Just (iModuleName i)

curIF :: TCM Interface
curIF = do
  mName <- useTC stCurrentModule
  case mName of
    Nothing   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Just name -> do
      mm <- getVisitedModule (toTopLevelModuleName name)
      case mm of
        Nothing -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        Just mi -> return $ miInterface mi

curSig :: TCM Signature
curSig = iSignature <$> curIF

curMName :: TCM ModuleName
curMName = sigMName <$> curSig

curDefs :: TCM Definitions
curDefs = fmap (HMap.filter (not . defNoCompilation)) $ (^. sigDefinitions) <$> curSig

sortDefs :: Definitions -> [(QName, Definition)]
sortDefs defs =
  -- The list is sorted to ensure that the order of the generated
  -- definitions does not depend on things like the number of bits
  -- in an Int (see Issue 1900).
  List.sortBy (compare `on` fst) $
  HMap.toList defs

sigMName :: Signature -> ModuleName
sigMName sig = case Map.keys (sig ^. sigSections) of
  []    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
  m : _ -> m

compileDir :: TCM FilePath
compileDir = do
  mdir <- optCompileDir <$> commandLineOptions
  case mdir of
    Just dir -> return dir
    Nothing  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

repl :: [String] -> String -> String
repl subs = go where
  go ('<':'<':c:'>':'>':s) | 0 <= i && i < length subs = subs !! i ++ go s
     where i = ord c - ord '0'
  go (c:s) = c : go s
  go []    = []

-- | Copy pasted from MAlonzo....
--   Move somewhere else!
conArityAndPars :: QName -> TCM (Nat, Nat)
conArityAndPars q = do
  def <- getConstInfo q
  n   <- typeArity (defType def)
  let Constructor{ conPars = np } = theDef def
  return (n - np, np)

-- | Sets up the compilation environment.
inCompilerEnv :: Interface -> TCM a -> TCM a
inCompilerEnv mainI cont = do
  -- Preserve the state (the compiler modifies the state).
  -- Andreas, 2014-03-23 But we might want to collect Benchmark info,
  -- so use localTCState.
  -- FNF, 2017-02-22 we also want to keep the warnings we have encountered,
  -- so use localTCStateSaving and pick them out.
  (a , s) <- localTCStateSaving $ do

    -- Compute the output directory. Note: using commandLineOptions would make
    -- the current pragma options persistent when we setCommandLineOptions
    -- below.
    opts <- getsTC $ stPersistentOptions . stPersistentState
    compileDir <- case optCompileDir opts of
      Just dir -> return dir
      Nothing  -> do
        -- The default output directory is the project root.
        let tm = toTopLevelModuleName $ iModuleName mainI
        f <- findFile tm
        return $ filePath $ C.projectRoot f tm
    setCommandLineOptions $
      opts { optCompileDir = Just compileDir }

    -- Andreas, 2017-08-23, issue #2714 recover pragma option --no-main
    -- Unfortunately, a pragma option is stored in the interface file as
    -- just a list of strings, thus, the solution is a bit of hack:
    -- We match on whether @["--no-main"]@ is one of the stored options.
    when (["--no-main"] `elem` iPragmaOptions mainI) $
      stPragmaOptions `modifyTCLens` \ o -> o { optCompileNoMain = True }

    setScope (iInsideScope mainI) -- so that compiler errors don't use overly qualified names
    ignoreAbstractMode $ do
  -- keep generated warnings
  let newWarnings = stPostTCWarnings $  stPostScopeState $ s
  stTCWarnings `setTCLens` newWarnings
  return a

topLevelModuleName :: ModuleName -> TCM ModuleName
topLevelModuleName m = do
  -- get the names of the visited modules
  visited <- List.map (iModuleName . miInterface) . Map.elems <$>
  -- find the module with the longest matching prefix to m
  let ms = sortBy (compare `on` (length . mnameToList)) $
       List.filter (\ m' -> mnameToList m' `isPrefixOf` mnameToList m) visited
  case ms of
    (m' : _) -> return m'
    -- if we did not get anything, it may be because m is a section
    -- (a module _ ), see e.g. #1866
    []       -> curMName