{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}

{-| As a concrete name, a notation is a non-empty list of alternating 'IdPart's and holes.
    In contrast to concrete names, holes can be binders.

       syntax fmap (λ x → e) xs = for x ∈ xs return e

    The declared notation for @fmap@ is @for_∈_return_@ where the first hole is a binder.

module Agda.Syntax.Notation where

import Prelude hiding (null)

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad

import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Data.Data (Data)

import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name
import Agda.Syntax.Position

import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(throwError) )
import Agda.Utils.Functor ((<&>))
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Null

import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Data type constructed in the Happy parser; converted to 'GenPart'
--   before it leaves the Happy code.
data HoleName
  = LambdaHole { _bindHoleName :: RString
               , holeName      :: RString }
    -- ^ @\ x -> y@; 1st argument is the bound name (unused for now).
  | ExprHole   { holeName      :: RString }
    -- ^ Simple named hole with hiding.

-- | Is the hole a binder?
isLambdaHole :: HoleName -> Bool
isLambdaHole (LambdaHole _ _) = True
isLambdaHole _ = False

-- | Get a flat list of identifier parts of a notation.
stringParts :: Notation -> [String]
stringParts gs = [ rangedThing x | IdPart x <- gs ]

-- | Target argument position of a part (Nothing if it is not a hole).
holeTarget :: GenPart -> Maybe Int
holeTarget (BindHole _   n) = Just $ rangedThing n
holeTarget (WildHole     n) = Just $ rangedThing n
holeTarget (NormalHole _ n) = Just $ rangedThing $ namedArg n
holeTarget IdPart{}         = Nothing

-- | Is the part a hole? WildHoles don't count since they don't correspond to
--   anything the user writes.
isAHole :: GenPart -> Bool
isAHole BindHole{}   = True
isAHole NormalHole{} = True
isAHole WildHole{}   = False
isAHole IdPart{}     = False

-- | Is the part a normal hole?
isNormalHole :: GenPart -> Bool
isNormalHole NormalHole{} = True
isNormalHole BindHole{}   = False
isNormalHole WildHole{}   = False
isNormalHole IdPart{}     = False

-- | Is the part a binder?
isBindingHole :: GenPart -> Bool
isBindingHole BindHole{} = True
isBindingHole WildHole{} = True
isBindingHole _          = False

-- | Classification of notations.

data NotationKind
  = InfixNotation   -- ^ Ex: @_bla_blub_@.
  | PrefixNotation  -- ^ Ex: @_bla_blub@.
  | PostfixNotation -- ^ Ex: @bla_blub_@.
  | NonfixNotation  -- ^ Ex: @bla_blub@.
  | NoNotation
   deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Classify a notation by presence of leading and/or trailing
-- /normal/ holes.
notationKind :: Notation -> NotationKind
notationKind []  = NoNotation
notationKind syn =
  case (isNormalHole $ head syn, isNormalHole $ last syn) of
    (True , True ) -> InfixNotation
    (True , False) -> PostfixNotation
    (False, True ) -> PrefixNotation
    (False, False) -> NonfixNotation

-- | From notation with names to notation with indices.
--   Example:
--   @
--      ids   = ["for", "x", "∈", "xs", "return", "e"]
--      holes = [ LambdaHole "x" "e",  ExprHole "xs" ]
--   @
--   creates the notation
--   @
--      [ IdPart "for"    , BindHole 0
--      , IdPart "∈"      , NormalHole 1
--      , IdPart "return" , NormalHole 0
--      ]
--   @
mkNotation :: [NamedArg HoleName] -> [RString] -> Either String Notation
mkNotation _ [] = throwError "empty notation is disallowed"
mkNotation holes ids = do
  unless uniqueHoleNames     $ throwError "syntax must use unique argument names"
  let xs :: Notation = map mkPart ids
  unless (isAlternating xs)  $ throwError $ concat
     [ "syntax must alternate holes ("
     , prettyHoles
     , ") and non-holes ("
     , prettyNonHoles xs
     , ")"
  unless (isExprLinear xs)   $ throwError "syntax must use holes exactly once"
  unless (isLambdaLinear xs) $ throwError "syntax must use binding holes exactly once"
  -- Andreas, 2018-10-18, issue #3285:
  -- syntax that is just a single hole is ill-formed and crashes the operator parser
  when   (isSingleHole xs)   $ throwError "syntax cannot be a single hole"
  return $ insertWildHoles xs
      holeNames :: [RString]
      holeNames = map namedArg holes >>= \case
        LambdaHole x y -> [x, y]
        ExprHole y     -> [y]

      prettyHoles :: String
      prettyHoles = List.unwords $ map (rawNameToString . rangedThing) holeNames

      nonHoleNames :: Notation -> [RString]
      nonHoleNames xs = flip mapMaybe xs $ \case
        WildHole{}   -> Just $ unranged "_"
        IdPart x     -> Just x
        BindHole{}   -> Nothing
        NormalHole{} -> Nothing

      prettyNonHoles :: Notation -> String
      prettyNonHoles = List.unwords . map (rawNameToString . rangedThing) . nonHoleNames

      mkPart ident = maybe (IdPart ident) (`withRangeOf` ident) $ lookup ident holeMap

      holeNumbers   = [0 .. length holes - 1]

      numberedHoles :: [(Int, NamedArg HoleName)]
      numberedHoles = zip holeNumbers holes

      -- The WildHoles don't correspond to anything in the right-hand side so
      -- we add them next to their corresponding body. Slightly subtle: due to
      -- the way the operator parsing works they can't be added first or last.
      insertWildHoles :: [GenPart] -> [GenPart]
      insertWildHoles xs = foldr ins xs wilds
          wilds = [ i | (_, WildHole i) <- holeMap ]
          ins w (NormalHole r h : hs)
            | namedArg h == w = NormalHole r h : WildHole w : hs
          ins w (h : hs) = h : insBefore w hs
          ins _ [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__

          insBefore w (NormalHole r h : hs)
            | namedArg h == w = WildHole w : NormalHole r h : hs
          insBefore w (h : hs) = h : insBefore w hs
          insBefore _ [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__

      -- Create a map (association list) from hole names to holes.
      -- A @LambdaHole@ contributes two entries:
      -- both names are mapped to the same number,
      -- but distinguished by BindHole vs. NormalHole.
      holeMap :: [(RString, GenPart)]
      holeMap = do
        (i, h) <- numberedHoles    -- v This range is filled in by mkPart
        let ri x = Ranged (getRange x) i
            normalHole y = NormalHole noRange $ fmap (ri y <$) h
        case namedArg h of
          ExprHole y       -> [(y, normalHole y)]
          LambdaHole x y
            | "_" <- rangedThing x -> [(x, WildHole (ri x)),         (y, normalHole y)]
            | otherwise            -> [(x, BindHole noRange (ri x)), (y, normalHole y)]
                                                 -- Filled in by mkPart

      -- Check whether all hole names are distinct.
      -- The hole names are the keys of the @holeMap@.
      uniqueHoleNames = distinct [ x | (x, _) <- holeMap, rangedThing x /= "_" ]

      isExprLinear   xs = List.sort [ i | x <- xs, isNormalHole x, let Just i = holeTarget x ] == holeNumbers
      isLambdaLinear xs = List.sort [ rangedThing x | BindHole _ x <- xs ] ==
                          [ i | (i, h) <- numberedHoles,
                                LambdaHole x _ <- [namedArg h], rangedThing x /= "_" ]

      isAlternating :: [GenPart] -> Bool
      isAlternating []       = __IMPOSSIBLE__
      isAlternating [x]      = True
      isAlternating (x:y:xs) = isAHole x /= isAHole y && isAlternating (y:xs)

      isSingleHole :: [GenPart] -> Bool
      isSingleHole = \case
        [ IdPart{} ] -> False
        [ _hole ]    -> True
        _            -> False

-- | All the notation information related to a name.
data NewNotation = NewNotation
  { notaName  :: QName
  , notaNames :: Set A.Name
    -- ^ The names the syntax and/or fixity belong to.
    -- Invariant: The set is non-empty. Every name in the list matches
    -- 'notaName'.
  , notaFixity :: Fixity
    -- ^ Associativity and precedence (fixity) of the names.
  , notation :: Notation
    -- ^ Syntax associated with the names.
  , notaIsOperator :: Bool
    -- ^ True if the notation comes from an operator (rather than a
    -- syntax declaration).
  } deriving Show

instance LensFixity NewNotation where
  lensFixity f nota = f (notaFixity nota) <&> \ fx -> nota { notaFixity = fx }

-- | If an operator has no specific notation, then it is computed from
-- its name.
namesToNotation :: QName -> A.Name -> NewNotation
namesToNotation q n = NewNotation
  { notaName       = q
  , notaNames      = Set.singleton n
  , notaFixity     = f
  , notation       = if null syn then syntaxOf (unqualify q) else syn
  , notaIsOperator = null syn
  where Fixity' f syn _ = A.nameFixity n

-- | Replace 'noFixity' by 'defaultFixity'.
useDefaultFixity :: NewNotation -> NewNotation
useDefaultFixity n
  | notaFixity n == noFixity = n { notaFixity = defaultFixity }
  | otherwise                = n

-- | Return the 'IdPart's of a notation, the first part qualified,
--   the other parts unqualified.
--   This allows for qualified use of operators, e.g.,
--   @M.for x ∈ xs return e@, or @x ℕ.+ y@.
notationNames :: NewNotation -> [QName]
notationNames (NewNotation q _ _ parts _) =
  zipWith ($) (reQualify : repeat QName) [Name noRange InScope [Id $ rangedThing x] | IdPart x <- parts ]
    -- The qualification of @q@.
    modules     = init (qnameParts q)
    -- Putting the qualification onto @x@.
    reQualify x = List.foldr Qual (QName x) modules

-- | Create a 'Notation' (without binders) from a concrete 'Name'.
--   Does the obvious thing:
--   'Hole's become 'NormalHole's, 'Id's become 'IdParts'.
--   If 'Name' has no 'Hole's, it returns 'noNotation'.
syntaxOf :: Name -> Notation
syntaxOf (NoName _ _)    = noNotation
syntaxOf (Name _ _ [_])  = noNotation
syntaxOf (Name _ _ xs)   = mkSyn 0 xs
    -- Turn a concrete name into a Notation,
    -- numbering the holes from left to right.
    -- Result will have no 'BindingHole's.
    mkSyn :: Int -> [NamePart] -> Notation
    mkSyn n []          = []
    mkSyn n (Hole : xs) = NormalHole noRange (defaultNamedArg $ unranged n) : mkSyn (1 + n) xs
    mkSyn n (Id x : xs) = IdPart (unranged x) : mkSyn n xs

-- | Merges 'NewNotation's that have the same precedence level and
-- notation, with two exceptions:
-- * Operators and notations coming from syntax declarations are kept
--   separate.
-- * If /all/ instances of a given 'NewNotation' have the same
--   precedence level or are \"unrelated\", then they are merged. They
--   get the given precedence level, if any, and otherwise they become
--   unrelated (but related to each other).
-- If 'NewNotation's that are merged have distinct associativities,
-- then they get 'NonAssoc' as their associativity.
-- Precondition: No 'A.Name' may occur in more than one list element.
-- Every 'NewNotation' must have the same 'notaName'.
-- Postcondition: No 'A.Name' occurs in more than one list element.
mergeNotations :: [NewNotation] -> [NewNotation]
mergeNotations =
  map merge .
  concatMap groupIfLevelsMatch .
  groupOn (\n -> ( notation n
                 , notaIsOperator n
  groupIfLevelsMatch :: [NewNotation] -> [[NewNotation]]
  groupIfLevelsMatch []         = __IMPOSSIBLE__
  groupIfLevelsMatch ns@(n : _) =
    if allEqual (map fixityLevel related)
    then [sameAssoc (sameLevel ns)]
    else map (: []) ns
    -- Fixities of operators whose precedence level is not Unrelated.
    related = mapMaybe ((\f -> case fixityLevel f of
                                Unrelated  -> Nothing
                                Related {} -> Just f)
                              . notaFixity) ns

    -- Precondition: All related operators have the same precedence
    -- level.
    -- Gives all unrelated operators the same level.
    sameLevel = map (set (_notaFixity . _fixityLevel) level)
      level = case related of
        f : _ -> fixityLevel f
        []    -> Unrelated

    -- If all related operators have the same associativity, then the
    -- unrelated operators get the same associativity, and otherwise
    -- all operators get the associativity NonAssoc.
    sameAssoc = map (set (_notaFixity . _fixityAssoc) assoc)
      assoc = case related of
        f : _ | allEqual (map fixityAssoc related) -> fixityAssoc f
        _                                          -> NonAssoc

  merge :: [NewNotation] -> NewNotation
  merge []         = __IMPOSSIBLE__
  merge ns@(n : _) = n { notaNames = Set.unions $ map notaNames ns }

-- | Lens for 'Fixity' in 'NewNotation'.

_notaFixity :: Lens' Fixity NewNotation
_notaFixity f r = f (notaFixity r) <&> \x -> r { notaFixity = x }

-- * Sections

-- | Sections, as well as non-sectioned operators.

data NotationSection = NotationSection
  { sectNotation  :: NewNotation
  , sectKind      :: NotationKind
    -- ^ For non-sectioned operators this should match the notation's
    -- 'notationKind'.
  , sectLevel     :: Maybe FixityLevel
    -- ^ Effective precedence level. 'Nothing' for closed notations.
  , sectIsSection :: Bool
    -- ^ 'False' for non-sectioned operators.
  deriving Show

-- | Converts a notation to a (non-)section.

noSection :: NewNotation -> NotationSection
noSection n = NotationSection
  { sectNotation  = n
  , sectKind      = notationKind (notation n)
  , sectLevel     = Just (fixityLevel (notaFixity n))
  , sectIsSection = False