{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}

module Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints where

import Prelude hiding (null)

import Control.Monad

import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Agda.Syntax.Internal

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.InstanceArguments
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.LevelConstraints
import Agda.TypeChecking.SizedTypes
import Agda.TypeChecking.Sort
import Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars.Mention
import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings

import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Application
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Def
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Empty

import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(throwError) )
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow)

import Agda.Utils.Impossible

instance MonadConstraint TCM where
  catchPatternErr           = catchPatternErrTCM
  addConstraint             = addConstraintTCM
  addAwakeConstraint        = addAwakeConstraint'
  solveConstraint           = solveConstraintTCM
  solveSomeAwakeConstraints = solveSomeAwakeConstraintsTCM
  wakeConstraints           = wakeConstraintsTCM
  stealConstraints          = stealConstraintsTCM
  modifyAwakeConstraints    = modifyTC . mapAwakeConstraints
  modifySleepingConstraints = modifyTC . mapSleepingConstraints

catchPatternErrTCM :: TCM a -> TCM a -> TCM a
catchPatternErrTCM handle v =
     catchError_ v $ \err ->
     case err of
          -- Not putting s (which should really be the what's already there) makes things go
          -- a lot slower (+20% total time on standard library). How is that possible??
          -- The problem is most likely that there are internal catchErrors which forgets the
          -- state. catchError should preserve the state on pattern violations.
         PatternErr{} -> handle
         _            -> throwError err

addConstraintTCM :: Constraint -> TCM ()
addConstraintTCM c = do
      pids <- asksTC envActiveProblems
      reportSDoc "tc.constr.add" 20 $ hsep
        [ "adding constraint"
        , text (show $ Set.toList pids)
        , prettyTCM c ]
      -- Need to reduce to reveal possibly blocking metas
      c <- reduce =<< instantiateFull c
      caseMaybeM (simpl c) {-no-} (addConstraint' c) $ {-yes-} \ cs -> do
          reportSDoc "tc.constr.add" 20 $ "  simplified:" <+> prettyList (map prettyTCM cs)
          mapM_ solveConstraint_ cs
      -- The added constraint can cause instance constraints to be solved,
      -- but only the constraints which aren’t blocked on an uninstantiated meta.
      unless (isInstanceConstraint c) $
         wakeConstraints' (isWakeableInstanceConstraint . clValue . theConstraint)
      isWakeableInstanceConstraint :: Constraint -> TCM Bool
      isWakeableInstanceConstraint = \case
        FindInstance _ b _ -> maybe (return True) isInstantiatedMeta b
        _ -> return False

      isLvl LevelCmp{} = True
      isLvl _          = False

      -- Try to simplify a level constraint
      simpl :: Constraint -> TCM (Maybe [Constraint])
      simpl c
        | isLvl c = do
          -- Get all level constraints.
          lvlcs <- instantiateFull =<< do
            List.filter (isLvl . clValue) . map theConstraint <$> getAllConstraints
          unless (null lvlcs) $ do
            reportSDoc "tc.constr.lvl" 40 $ vcat
              [ "simplifying level constraint" <+> prettyTCM c
              , nest 2 $ hang "using" 2 $ prettyTCM lvlcs
          -- Try to simplify @c@ using the other constraints.
          return $ simplifyLevelConstraint c $ map clValue lvlcs
        | otherwise = return Nothing

wakeConstraintsTCM :: (ProblemConstraint-> TCM Bool) -> TCM ()
wakeConstraintsTCM wake = do
  c <- useR stSleepingConstraints
  (wakeup, sleepin) <- partitionM wake c
  reportSLn "tc.constr.wake" 50 $
    "waking up         " ++ show (List.map (Set.toList . constraintProblems) wakeup) ++ "\n" ++
    "  still sleeping: " ++ show (List.map (Set.toList . constraintProblems) sleepin)
  modifySleepingConstraints $ const sleepin
  modifyAwakeConstraints (++ wakeup)

-- | Add all constraints belonging to the given problem to the current problem(s).
stealConstraintsTCM :: ProblemId -> TCM ()
stealConstraintsTCM pid = do
  current <- asksTC envActiveProblems
  reportSLn "tc.constr.steal" 50 $ "problem " ++ show (Set.toList current) ++ " is stealing problem " ++ show pid ++ "'s constraints!"
  -- Add current to any constraint in pid.
  let rename pc@(PConstr pids c) | Set.member pid pids = PConstr (Set.union current pids) c
                                 | otherwise           = pc
  -- We should never steal from an active problem.
  whenM (Set.member pid <$> asksTC envActiveProblems) __IMPOSSIBLE__
  modifyAwakeConstraints    $ List.map rename
  modifySleepingConstraints $ List.map rename

-- | Don't allow the argument to produce any blocking constraints.
  :: (MonadConstraint m, MonadWarning m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadFresh ProblemId m)
  => m a -> m a
noConstraints problem = do
  (pid, x) <- newProblem problem
  cs <- getConstraintsForProblem pid
  unless (null cs) $ do
    w <- warning_ (UnsolvedConstraints cs)
    typeError $ NonFatalErrors [ w ]
  return x

-- | Create a fresh problem for the given action.
  :: (MonadFresh ProblemId m, MonadConstraint m)
  => m a -> m (ProblemId, a)
newProblem action = do
  pid <- fresh
  -- Don't get distracted by other constraints while working on the problem
  x <- nowSolvingConstraints $ solvingProblem pid action
  -- Now we can check any woken constraints
  return (pid, x)

  :: (MonadFresh ProblemId m, MonadConstraint m)
  => m a -> m ProblemId
newProblem_ action = fst <$> newProblem action

ifNoConstraints :: TCM a -> (a -> TCM b) -> (ProblemId -> a -> TCM b) -> TCM b
ifNoConstraints check ifNo ifCs = do
  (pid, x) <- newProblem check
  ifM (isProblemSolved pid) (ifNo x) (ifCs pid x)

ifNoConstraints_ :: TCM () -> TCM a -> (ProblemId -> TCM a) -> TCM a
ifNoConstraints_ check ifNo ifCs = ifNoConstraints check (const ifNo) (\pid _ -> ifCs pid)

-- | @guardConstraint c blocker@ tries to solve @blocker@ first.
--   If successful without constraints, it moves on to solve @c@, otherwise it
--   adds a @Guarded c cs@ constraint
--   to the @blocker@-generated constraints @cs@.
guardConstraint :: Constraint -> TCM () -> TCM ()
guardConstraint c blocker =
  ifNoConstraints_ blocker (solveConstraint c) (addConstraint . Guarded c)

whenConstraints :: TCM () -> TCM () -> TCM ()
whenConstraints action handler =
  ifNoConstraints_ action (return ()) $ \pid -> do
    stealConstraints pid

-- | Wake constraints matching the given predicate (and aren't instance
--   constraints if 'shouldPostponeInstanceSearch').
wakeConstraints' :: (ProblemConstraint -> TCM Bool) -> TCM ()
wakeConstraints' p = do
  skipInstance <- shouldPostponeInstanceSearch
  wakeConstraints (\ c -> (&&) (not $ skipInstance && isInstanceConstraint (clValue $ theConstraint c)) <$> p c)

-- | Wake up the constraints depending on the given meta.
wakeupConstraints :: MetaId -> TCM ()
wakeupConstraints x = do
  wakeConstraints' (return . mentionsMeta x)

-- | Wake up all constraints.
wakeupConstraints_ :: TCM ()
wakeupConstraints_ = do
  wakeConstraints' (return . const True)

solveAwakeConstraints :: (MonadConstraint m) => m ()
solveAwakeConstraints = solveAwakeConstraints' False

solveAwakeConstraints' :: (MonadConstraint m) => Bool -> m ()
solveAwakeConstraints' = solveSomeAwakeConstraints (const True)

-- | Solve awake constraints matching the predicate. If the second argument is
--   True solve constraints even if already 'isSolvingConstraints'.
solveSomeAwakeConstraintsTCM :: (ProblemConstraint -> Bool) -> Bool -> TCM ()
solveSomeAwakeConstraintsTCM solveThis force = do
    verboseS "profile.constraints" 10 $ liftTCM $ tickMax "max-open-constraints" . List.genericLength =<< getAllConstraints
    whenM ((force ||) . not <$> isSolvingConstraints) $ nowSolvingConstraints $ do
     -- solveSizeConstraints -- Andreas, 2012-09-27 attacks size constrs too early
     -- Ulf, 2016-12-06: Don't inherit problems here! Stored constraints
     -- already contain all their dependencies.
     locallyTC eActiveProblems (const Set.empty) solve
    solve = do
      reportSDoc "tc.constr.solve" 10 $ hsep [ "Solving awake constraints."
                                             , text . show . length =<< getAwakeConstraints
                                             , "remaining." ]
      whenJustM (takeAwakeConstraint' solveThis) $ \ c -> do
        withConstraint solveConstraint c

solveConstraintTCM :: Constraint -> TCM ()
solveConstraintTCM c = do
    verboseS "profile.constraints" 10 $ liftTCM $ tick "attempted-constraints"
    verboseBracket "tc.constr.solve" 20 "solving constraint" $ do
      pids <- asksTC envActiveProblems
      reportSDoc "tc.constr.solve.constr" 20 $ text (show $ Set.toList pids) <+> prettyTCM c
      solveConstraint_ c

solveConstraint_ :: Constraint -> TCM ()
solveConstraint_ (ValueCmp cmp a u v)       = compareAs cmp a u v
solveConstraint_ (ValueCmpOnFace cmp p a u v) = compareTermOnFace cmp p a u v
solveConstraint_ (ElimCmp cmp fs a e u v)   = compareElims cmp fs a e u v
solveConstraint_ (TelCmp a b cmp tela telb) = compareTel a b cmp tela telb
solveConstraint_ (SortCmp cmp s1 s2)        = compareSort cmp s1 s2
solveConstraint_ (LevelCmp cmp a b)         = compareLevel cmp a b
solveConstraint_ c0@(Guarded c pid)         = do
  ifM (isProblemSolved pid)
    {-then-} (do
      reportSLn "tc.constr.solve" 50 $ "Guarding problem " ++ show pid ++ " is solved, moving on..."
      solveConstraint_ c)
    {-else-} $ do
      reportSLn "tc.constr.solve" 50 $ "Guarding problem " ++ show pid ++ " is still unsolved."
      addConstraint c0
solveConstraint_ (IsEmpty r t)              = ensureEmptyType r t
solveConstraint_ (CheckSizeLtSat t)         = checkSizeLtSat t
solveConstraint_ (UnquoteTactic _ tac hole goal) = unquoteTactic tac hole goal
solveConstraint_ (UnBlock m)                =
  ifM (isFrozen m `or2M` (not <$> asksTC envAssignMetas)) (addConstraint $ UnBlock m) $ do
    inst <- mvInstantiation <$> lookupMeta m
    reportSDoc "tc.constr.unblock" 15 $ text ("unblocking a metavar yields the constraint: " ++ show inst)
    case inst of
      BlockedConst t -> do
        reportSDoc "tc.constr.blocked" 15 $
          text ("blocked const " ++ prettyShow m ++ " :=") <+> prettyTCM t
        assignTerm m [] t
      PostponedTypeCheckingProblem cl unblock -> enterClosure cl $ \prob -> do
        ifNotM unblock (addConstraint $ UnBlock m) $ do
          tel <- getContextTelescope
          v   <- liftTCM $ checkTypeCheckingProblem prob
          assignTerm m (telToArgs tel) v
      -- Andreas, 2009-02-09, the following were IMPOSSIBLE cases
      -- somehow they pop up in the context of sized types
      -- already solved metavariables: should only happen for size
      -- metas (not sure why it does, Andreas?)
      -- Andreas, 2017-07-11:
      -- I think this is because the size solver instantiates
      -- some metas with infinity but does not clean up the UnBlock constraints.
      -- See also issue #2637.
      -- Ulf, 2018-04-30: The size solver shouldn't touch blocked terms! They have
      -- a twin meta that it's safe to solve.
      InstV{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      -- Open (whatever that means)
      Open -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
      OpenInstance -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
solveConstraint_ (FindInstance m b cands)     = findInstance m cands
solveConstraint_ (CheckFunDef d i q cs)       = withoutCache $
  -- re #3498: checking a fundef would normally be cached, but here it's
  -- happening out of order so it would only corrupt the caching log.
  checkFunDef d i q cs
solveConstraint_ (HasBiggerSort a)            = hasBiggerSort a
solveConstraint_ (HasPTSRule a b)             = hasPTSRule a b
solveConstraint_ (CheckMetaInst m)            = checkMetaInst m

checkTypeCheckingProblem :: TypeCheckingProblem -> TCM Term
checkTypeCheckingProblem p = case p of
  CheckExpr cmp e t              -> checkExpr' cmp e t
  CheckArgs eh r args t0 t1 k    -> checkArguments eh r args t0 t1 k
  CheckProjAppToKnownPrincipalArg cmp e o ds args t k v0 pt ->
    checkProjAppToKnownPrincipalArg cmp e o ds args t k v0 pt
  CheckLambda cmp args body target -> checkPostponedLambda cmp args body target
  DoQuoteTerm cmp et t           -> doQuoteTerm cmp et t

debugConstraints :: TCM ()
debugConstraints = verboseS "tc.constr" 50 $ do
  awake    <- useTC stAwakeConstraints
  sleeping <- useTC stSleepingConstraints
  reportSDoc "tc.constr" 50 $ vcat
    [ "Current constraints"
    , nest 2 $ vcat [ "awake " <+> vcat (map prettyTCM awake)
                    , "asleep" <+> vcat (map prettyTCM sleeping) ] ]