{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

{-| Functions for inserting implicit arguments at the right places.
module Agda.TypeChecking.Implicit where

import Control.Monad

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I

import Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term (unquoteTactic)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty

import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

-- | @implicitArgs n expand t@ generates up to @n@ implicit argument
--   metas (unbounded if @n<0@), as long as @t@ is a function type
--   and @expand@ holds on the hiding info of its domain.

  :: (MonadReduce m, MonadMetaSolver m, MonadDebug m, MonadTCM m)
  => Int               -- ^ @n@, the maximum number of implicts to be inserted.
  -> (Hiding -> Bool)  -- ^ @expand@, the predicate to test whether we should keep inserting.
  -> Type              -- ^ The (function) type @t@ we are eliminating.
  -> m (Args, Type)  -- ^ The eliminating arguments and the remaining type.
implicitArgs n expand t = mapFst (map (fmap namedThing)) <$> do
  implicitNamedArgs n (\ h x -> expand h) t

-- | @implicitNamedArgs n expand t@ generates up to @n@ named implicit arguments
--   metas (unbounded if @n<0@), as long as @t@ is a function type
--   and @expand@ holds on the hiding and name info of its domain.

  :: (MonadReduce m, MonadMetaSolver m, MonadDebug m, MonadTCM m)
  => Int                          -- ^ @n@, the maximum number of implicts to be inserted.
  -> (Hiding -> ArgName -> Bool)  -- ^ @expand@, the predicate to test whether we should keep inserting.
  -> Type                         -- ^ The (function) type @t@ we are eliminating.
  -> m (NamedArgs, Type)        -- ^ The eliminating arguments and the remaining type.
implicitNamedArgs 0 expand t0 = return ([], t0)
implicitNamedArgs n expand t0 = do
    t0' <- reduce t0
    reportSDoc "tc.term.args" 30 $ "implicitNamedArgs" <+> prettyTCM t0'
    reportSDoc "tc.term.args" 80 $ "implicitNamedArgs" <+> text (show t0')
    case unEl t0' of
      Pi dom@Dom{domInfo = info, domTactic = tac, unDom = a} b
        | let x = bareNameWithDefault "_" dom, expand (getHiding info) x -> do
          info' <- if hidden info then return info else do
            reportSDoc "tc.term.args.ifs" 15 $
              "inserting instance meta for type" <+> prettyTCM a
            reportSDoc "tc.term.args.ifs" 40 $ nest 2 $ vcat
              [ "x      = " <+> text (show x)
              , "hiding = " <+> text (show $ getHiding info)

            return $ makeInstance info
          (_, v) <- newMetaArg info' x CmpLeq a
          whenJust tac $ \ tac -> liftTCM $ unquoteTactic tac v a
          let narg = Arg info (Named (Just $ WithOrigin Inserted $ unranged x) v)
          mapFst (narg :) <$> implicitNamedArgs (n-1) expand (absApp b v)
      _ -> return ([], t0')

-- | Create a metavariable according to the 'Hiding' info.

  :: MonadMetaSolver m
  => ArgInfo    -- ^ Kind/relevance of meta.
  -> ArgName    -- ^ Name suggestion for meta.
  -> Comparison -- ^ Check (@CmpLeq@) or infer (@CmpEq@) the type.
  -> Type       -- ^ Type of meta.
  -> m (MetaId, Term)  -- ^ The created meta as id and as term.
newMetaArg info x cmp a = do
  prp <- isPropM a
  let irrelevantIfProp = if prp then applyRelevanceToContext Irrelevant else id
  applyModalityToContext info $ irrelevantIfProp $
    newMeta (getHiding info) (argNameToString x) a
    newMeta :: MonadMetaSolver m => Hiding -> String -> Type -> m (MetaId, Term)
    newMeta Instance{} n = newInstanceMeta n
    newMeta Hidden     n = newNamedValueMeta RunMetaOccursCheck n cmp
    newMeta NotHidden  n = newNamedValueMeta RunMetaOccursCheck n cmp

-- | Create a questionmark according to the 'Hiding' info.

  :: ArgInfo    -- ^ Kind/relevance of meta.
  -> ArgName    -- ^ Name suggestion for meta.
  -> Comparison -- ^ Check (@CmpLeq@) or infer (@CmpEq@) the type.
  -> Type       -- ^ Type of meta.
  -> TCM (MetaId, Term)  -- ^ The created meta as id and as term.
newInteractionMetaArg info x cmp a = do
  applyModalityToContext info $
    newMeta (getHiding info) (argNameToString x) a
    newMeta :: Hiding -> String -> Type -> TCM (MetaId, Term)
    newMeta Instance{} n = newInstanceMeta n
    newMeta Hidden     n = newNamedValueMeta' RunMetaOccursCheck n cmp
    newMeta NotHidden  n = newNamedValueMeta' RunMetaOccursCheck n cmp


-- | Possible results of 'insertImplicit'.
data ImplicitInsertion
      = ImpInsert [Dom ()] -- ^ Success: this many implicits have to be inserted (list can be empty).
      | BadImplicits       -- ^ Error: hidden argument where there should have been a non-hidden argument.
      | NoSuchName ArgName -- ^ Error: bad named argument.
  deriving (Show)

pattern NoInsertNeeded :: ImplicitInsertion
pattern NoInsertNeeded = ImpInsert []

-- | If the next given argument is @a@ and the expected arguments are @ts@
--   @insertImplicit' a ts@ returns the prefix of @ts@ that precedes @a@.
--   If @a@ is named but this name does not appear in @ts@, the 'NoSuchName' exception is thrown.
  :: NamedArg e  -- ^ Next given argument @a@.
  -> [Dom a]     -- ^ Expected arguments @ts@.
  -> ImplicitInsertion
insertImplicit a doms = insertImplicit' a $
  for doms $ \ dom ->
    dom $> bareNameWithDefault "_" dom

-- | If the next given argument is @a@ and the expected arguments are @ts@
--   @insertImplicit' a ts@ returns the prefix of @ts@ that precedes @a@.
--   If @a@ is named but this name does not appear in @ts@, the 'NoSuchName' exception is thrown.
  :: NamedArg e     -- ^ Next given argument @a@.
  -> [Dom ArgName]  -- ^ Expected arguments @ts@.
  -> ImplicitInsertion
insertImplicit' _ [] = BadImplicits
insertImplicit' a ts

  -- If @a@ is visible, then take the non-visible prefix of @ts@.
  | visible a = ImpInsert $ takeWhile notVisible $ map void ts

  -- If @a@ is named, take prefix of @ts@ until the name of @a@ (with correct hiding).
  -- If the name is not found, throw exception 'NoSuchName'.
  | Just x <- bareNameOf a = maybe (NoSuchName x) ImpInsert $
      takeHiddenUntil (\ t -> x == unDom t && sameHiding a t) ts

  -- If @a@ is neither visible nor named, take prefix of @ts@ with different hiding than @a@.
  | otherwise = maybe BadImplicits ImpInsert $
      takeHiddenUntil (sameHiding a) ts

    -- | @takeHiddenUntil p ts@ returns the 'getHiding' of the prefix of @ts@
    --   until @p@ holds or a visible argument is encountered.
    --   If @p@ never holds, 'Nothing' is returned.
    --   Precondition: @p@ should imply @not . visible@.
    takeHiddenUntil :: (Dom ArgName -> Bool) -> [Dom ArgName] -> Maybe [Dom ()]
    takeHiddenUntil p ts =
      case ts2 of
        []      -> Nothing  -- Predicate was never true
        (t : _) -> if visible t then Nothing else Just $ map void ts1
      (ts1, ts2) = break (\ t -> p t || visible t) ts