module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Trace where

import Prelude hiding (null)

import Control.Monad.Reader

import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Agda.Syntax.Position
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Position as P

import Agda.Interaction.Response
import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise
import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Range (rToR, minus)

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
  hiding (ModuleInfo, MetaInfo, Primitive, Constructor, Record, Function, Datatype)
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State

import Agda.Utils.Function

import qualified Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict as Strict
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow)

-- * Trace

interestingCall :: Call -> Bool
interestingCall = \case
    InferVar{}              -> False
    InferDef{}              -> False
    CheckArguments _ [] _ _ -> False
    SetRange{}              -> False
    NoHighlighting{}        -> False
    -- Andreas, 2019-08-07, expanded catch-all pattern.
    -- The previous presence of a catch-all raises the following question:
    -- are all of the following really interesting?
    CheckClause{}             -> True
    CheckLHS{}                -> True
    CheckPattern{}            -> True
    CheckLetBinding{}         -> True
    InferExpr{}               -> True
    CheckExprCall{}           -> True
    CheckDotPattern{}         -> True
    IsTypeCall{}              -> True
    IsType_{}                 -> True
    CheckArguments{}          -> True
    CheckMetaSolution{}       -> True
    CheckTargetType{}         -> True
    CheckDataDef{}            -> True
    CheckRecDef{}             -> True
    CheckConstructor{}        -> True
    CheckConstructorFitsIn{}  -> True
    CheckFunDefCall{}         -> True
    CheckPragma{}             -> True
    CheckPrimitive{}          -> True
    CheckIsEmpty{}            -> True
    CheckConfluence{}         -> True
    CheckWithFunctionType{}   -> True
    CheckSectionApplication{} -> True
    CheckNamedWhere{}         -> True
    ScopeCheckExpr{}          -> True
    ScopeCheckDeclaration{}   -> True
    ScopeCheckLHS{}           -> True
    CheckProjection{}         -> True
    ModuleContents{}          -> True

traceCallM :: (MonadTCM tcm, ReadTCState tcm, MonadDebug tcm) => tcm Call -> tcm a -> tcm a
traceCallM call m = flip traceCall m =<< call

-- | Reset 'envCall' to previous value in the continuation.
-- Caveat: if the last 'traceCall' did not set an 'interestingCall',
-- for example, only set the 'Range' with 'SetRange',
-- we will revert to the last interesting call.

traceCallCPS :: (MonadTCM tcm, ReadTCState tcm, MonadDebug tcm)
  => Call
  -> ((a -> tcm b) -> tcm b)
  -> ((a -> tcm b) -> tcm b)
traceCallCPS call k ret = do
  mcall <- asksTC envCall
  traceCall call $ k $ \ a -> do
    maybe id traceClosureCall mcall $ ret a

-- | Record a function call in the trace.

-- RULE left-hand side too complicated to desugar
-- {-# SPECIALIZE traceCall :: Call -> TCM a -> TCM a #-}
traceCall :: (MonadTCM tcm, ReadTCState tcm, MonadDebug tcm) => Call -> tcm a -> tcm a
traceCall call m = do
  cl <- liftTCM $ buildClosure call
  traceClosureCall cl m

traceClosureCall :: (MonadTCM tcm, ReadTCState tcm, MonadDebug tcm) => Closure Call -> tcm a -> tcm a
traceClosureCall cl m = do

  -- Andreas, 2016-09-13 issue #2177
  -- Since the fix of #2092 we may report an error outside the current file.
  -- (For instance, if we import a module which then happens to have the
  -- wrong name.)
  -- Thus, we no longer crash, but just report the alien range.
  -- -- Andreas, 2015-02-09 Make sure we do not set a range
  -- -- outside the current file
  verboseS "check.ranges" 90 $
    Strict.whenJust (rangeFile callRange) $ \f -> do
      currentFile <- asksTC envCurrentPath
      when (currentFile /= Just f) $ do
        reportSLn "check.ranges" 90 $
          prettyShow call ++
          " is setting the current range to " ++ show callRange ++
          " which is outside of the current file " ++ show currentFile

  -- Compute update to 'Range' and 'Call' components of 'TCEnv'.
  let withCall = localTC $ foldr (.) id $ concat $
        [ [ \e -> e { envCall = Just cl } | interestingCall call ]
        , [ \e -> e { envHighlightingRange = callRange }
          | callHasRange && highlightCall
            || isNoHighlighting
        , [ \e -> e { envRange = callRange } | callHasRange ]

  -- For interactive highlighting, also wrap computation @m@ in 'highlightAsTypeChecked':
  ifNotM (pure highlightCall `and2M` do (Interactive ==) . envHighlightingLevel <$> askTC)
    {-then-} (withCall m)
    {-else-} $ do
      oldRange <- envHighlightingRange <$> askTC
      highlightAsTypeChecked oldRange callRange $
        withCall m
  call = clValue cl
  callRange = getRange call
  callHasRange = not $ null callRange

  -- | Should the given call trigger interactive highlighting?
  highlightCall = case call of
    CheckClause{}             -> True
    CheckLHS{}                -> True
    CheckPattern{}            -> True
    CheckLetBinding{}         -> True
    InferExpr{}               -> True
    CheckExprCall{}           -> True
    CheckDotPattern{}         -> True
    IsTypeCall{}              -> True
    IsType_{}                 -> True
    InferVar{}                -> True
    InferDef{}                -> True
    CheckArguments{}          -> True
    CheckMetaSolution{}       -> False
    CheckTargetType{}         -> False
    CheckDataDef{}            -> True
    CheckRecDef{}             -> True
    CheckConstructor{}        -> True
    CheckConstructorFitsIn{}  -> False
    CheckFunDefCall{}         -> True
    CheckPragma{}             -> True
    CheckPrimitive{}          -> True
    CheckIsEmpty{}            -> True
    CheckConfluence{}         -> False
    CheckWithFunctionType{}   -> True
    CheckSectionApplication{} -> True
    CheckNamedWhere{}         -> False
    ScopeCheckExpr{}          -> False
    ScopeCheckDeclaration{}   -> False
    ScopeCheckLHS{}           -> False
    NoHighlighting{}          -> True
    CheckProjection{}         -> False
    SetRange{}                -> False
    ModuleContents{}          -> False

  isNoHighlighting = case call of
    NoHighlighting{} -> True
    _ -> False

getCurrentRange :: MonadTCEnv m => m Range
getCurrentRange = asksTC envRange

-- | Sets the current range (for error messages etc.) to the range
--   of the given object, if it has a range (i.e., its range is not 'noRange').
setCurrentRange :: (MonadTCM tcm, ReadTCState tcm, MonadDebug tcm, HasRange x)
                => x -> tcm a -> tcm a
setCurrentRange x = applyUnless (null r) $ traceCall $ SetRange r
  where r = getRange x

-- | @highlightAsTypeChecked rPre r m@ runs @m@ and returns its
--   result. Additionally, some code may be highlighted:
-- * If @r@ is non-empty and not a sub-range of @rPre@ (after
--   'P.continuousPerLine' has been applied to both): @r@ is
--   highlighted as being type-checked while @m@ is running (this
--   highlighting is removed if @m@ completes /successfully/).
-- * Otherwise: Highlighting is removed for @rPre - r@ before @m@
--   runs, and if @m@ completes successfully, then @rPre - r@ is
--   highlighted as being type-checked.

  :: (MonadTCM tcm, ReadTCState tcm)
  => Range   -- ^ @rPre@
  -> Range   -- ^ @r@
  -> tcm a
  -> tcm a
highlightAsTypeChecked rPre r m
  | r /= noRange && delta == rPre' = wrap r'    highlight clear
  | otherwise                      = wrap delta clear     highlight
  rPre'     = rToR (P.continuousPerLine rPre)
  r'        = rToR (P.continuousPerLine r)
  delta     = rPre' `minus` r'
  clear     = mempty
  highlight = parserBased { otherAspects = Set.singleton TypeChecks }

  wrap rs x y = do
    p rs x
    v <- m
    p rs y
    return v
    p rs x = printHighlightingInfo KeepHighlighting (singletonC rs x)

-- | Lispify and print the given highlighting information.

printHighlightingInfo ::
  (MonadTCM tcm, ReadTCState tcm) =>
  RemoveTokenBasedHighlighting ->
  HighlightingInfo ->
  tcm ()
printHighlightingInfo remove info = do
  modToSrc <- useTC stModuleToSource
  method   <- viewTC eHighlightingMethod
  liftTCM $ reportS "highlighting" 50
    [ "Printing highlighting info:"
    , show info
    , "  modToSrc = " ++ show modToSrc
  unless (null $ ranges info) $ do
    liftTCM $ appInteractionOutputCallback $
        Resp_HighlightingInfo info remove method modToSrc