-- | Create clusters of non-overlapping things.

module Agda.Utils.Cluster
  ( C
  , cluster
  , cluster'
  ) where

import Control.Monad

-- An imperative union-find library:
import Data.Equivalence.Monad (runEquivT, equateAll, classDesc)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
import Data.Semigroup

import Agda.Utils.Functor
import Agda.Utils.Singleton
import Agda.Utils.Fail

-- | Characteristic identifiers.
type C = Int

-- | Given a function @f :: a -> NonEmpty C@ which returns a non-empty list of
--   characteristics @C@ of @a@, partition a list of @a@s into groups
--   such that each element in a group shares at least one characteristic
--   with at least one other element of the group.
cluster :: (a -> NonEmpty C) -> [a] -> [NonEmpty a]
cluster f as = cluster' $ map (\ a -> (a, f a)) as

-- | Partition a list of @a@s paired with a non-empty list of
--   characteristics @C@ into groups
--   such that each element in a group shares at least one characteristic
--   with at least one other element of the group.
cluster' :: [(a, NonEmpty C)] -> [NonEmpty a]
cluster' acs = runFail_ $ runEquivT id const $ do
  -- Construct the equivalence classes of characteristics.
  forM_ acs $ \ (_, c :| cs) -> equateAll $ c:cs
  -- Pair each element with its class.
  cas <- forM acs $ \ (a, c :| _) -> classDesc c <&> \ k -> IntMap.singleton k (singleton a)
  -- Create a map from class to elements.
  let m = IntMap.unionsWith (<>) cas
  -- Return the values of the map
  return $ IntMap.elems m