{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PostfixOperators #-}

module Generate.Applications.Diatonic where

  import Generate.Generate
  import Generate.QuickCheck
  import Music
  import Data.List
  import Data.Maybe
  import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
  import Control.Monad
  import Control.Monad.State
  import Grammar.Utilities
  import Test.QuickCheck
  import Generate.Applications.GenConfig

  -- | Sample weights for note durations during a cerain density
  densityToDurations :: Density -> [(Weight, Duration)]
  -- High density phrases
  densityToDurations High =
    [ (0.05, 1%32)
    , (0.15, 1%16)
    , (0.55, 1%8)
    , (0.30, 1%4)
    , (0.05, 1%2)
  -- Medium density phrases
  densityToDurations Medium =
    [ (0.02, 1%16)
    , (0.05, 1%8)
    , (0.55, 1%4)
    , (0.30, 1%2)
    , (0.05, 1%1)
  -- Low density phrases
  densityToDurations Low =
    [ (0.10, 1%8)
    , (0.40, 1%4)
    , (0.40, 1%2)
    , (0.10, 1%1)

  -- | Weights table containing the relative 'importance' of all
  --   possible intervals
  relativeWeights :: [(Weight, Interval)]
  relativeWeights = [ (10.0, P1)
                    , (0.50, Mi2)
                    , (2.50, M2)
                    , (8.00, Mi3)
                    , (8.00, M3)
                    , (5.00, P4)
                    , (1.00, A4)
                    , (9.00, P5)
                    , (1.00, Mi6)
                    , (4.00, M6)
                    , (4.00, Mi7)
                    , (4.00, M7)
                    , (10.0, P8)
                    , (1.00, Mi9)
                    , (2.50, M9)
                    , (8.00, A9)
                    , (8.00, M10)
                    , (5.00, P11)
                    , (1.00, A11)
                    , (9.00, P12)
                    , (1.00, Mi13)
                    , (4.00, M13)
                    , (4.00, Mi14)
                    , (4.00, M14)
                    , (10.0, P15)

  -- | Get the relative note 'importance' from a certain scale using
  --   the global weights table
  intervalWeights :: PitchClass -> [Interval]
                                -> [(Weight, PitchClass)]
  intervalWeights key scale =
    map (\(a, b) -> (a, key =| b)) $
      filter (\(a, b) -> b `elem` scale) relativeWeights

  -- Convert a SemiChord to a list representing the relative
  -- importance of each note in the key the chord is played in.
  semiChordWeights :: PitchClass -> SemiChord
                                 -> [(Weight, PitchClass)]
  semiChordWeights key chord =
      map (
      (\(a, b) -> (a, key =| b)) .
      (\pc ->
          ((12 +
            -- Find relative weights in the given key
            -- for the pitchclasses in the provided chord
            ((fromEnum ([C .. B]!!(fromEnum pc))) -
            (fromEnum ([C .. B]!!(fromEnum key)))))
          `mod` 12)
      )) chord

  -- Merge two weight lists by taking the union, and adding the weights
  -- for all elements that are common to both lists.
  mergeWeights :: (Eq a) => [(Weight, a)] -> [(Weight, a)] -> [(Weight, a)]
  mergeWeights xs ys =
      let xs' = normalize xs
        in let ys' = normalize ys
          in normalize $
             -- xs / ys
               ((not . (flip elem) (stripList ys)) . snd) xs'
             ) ++
             -- ys / xs
               ((not . (flip elem) (stripList xs)) . snd) ys'
             ) ++
             -- ys /\ ys, with weights summed
             zipWith (\(x1, x2) (y1, _) -> ((x1 + y1) / 2, x2))
               (filter ((flip elem) intersection . snd) xs')
               (filter ((flip elem) intersection . snd) ys')
    where -- Normalize a distribution such that all weights sum to 1
          normalize xs =
            let k = (sum . map fst) xs
              in map (\(x, v) -> (x / k, v)) xs
          -- Calculate the set of intersecting elements.
          intersection = intersect (stripList xs) (stripList ys)

  -- | Constraint that requires all generated notes to be in a certain scale
  inScale :: PitchClass -> [Interval]
                        -> Constraint PitchClass
  inScale key scale = (flip elem) (key +| scale :: [PitchClass])

  -- | Note selector that generates a distribution based on the last
  --   note that was generated
  beamSelector :: (Eq a, Enum a) => Double
                                 -> Accessor st s a
                                 -> Selector a a
  beamSelector k _ s xs = do
    (el, _) <- quickCheckSelector s (getDistributions s k xs)
    return (el, el)

  -- Retrieve weights relative to a certain value for all possible
  -- values of a certain aspect
  getDistributions :: (Eq a, Enum a) => a
                                     -> Double
                                     -> [(Weight, a)]
                                     -> [(Weight, a)]
  getDistributions el k xs =
      case idx of
        -- Check if the given element is in fact
        -- an element of the given list
        (Just _)  -> (map (\(w, v) -> (getWeight v w, v)) xs)
        (Nothing) -> xs
    where idx = (elemIndex el (stripList xs))
          -- A the weight for an element is related to the distance
          -- between that element and the previously generated element
          -- by a negative exponential distribution
          getWeight el' ow | el == el' = ow * 0.5
          getWeight el' ow | otherwise =
            ow * k^^(0 - abs((fromJust idx) -
              (fromJust (elemIndex el' (stripList xs )))))
          -- TODO include trends in distribution

  -- Strip a weighted list to it's elements
  stripList :: [(Weight, a)] -> [a]
  stripList = map snd

  -- Generate a sequence of values for a certain aspect using the
  -- 'beamed selector'.
  -- n denotes the number of values to be generated, options denotes the list
  -- of options from which the beamed selector should choose, and k is the width
  -- of the beam, where the probability distribution is roughly denoted by
  -- (k^distance between center of beam and value)
  genAspect :: (Eq a, Enum a) => Accessor GenState a a
                              -> a
                              -> Int
                              -> Double
                              -> [(Weight, a)]
                              -> MusicGenerator () [a]
  genAspect accessor initial n k options = do
    lift $ runGenerator initial $
      do accessor >+ options
         accessor >? (beamSelector k accessor)
         replicateM n (accessor??)

  -- | Generate a diatonic phrase. Strictly speaking, the generated
  --   melodies don't have to be diatonic, as any possible scale can be
  --   given to function as the generator's basis
  diatonicPhrase :: Duration -> Density
                             -> PitchClass
                             -> [Interval]
                             -> SemiChord
                             -> [(Int, Octave)]
                             -> MusicGenerator () MusicCore
  diatonicPhrase dur density key scale chord octD = do
    durations <- boundedRhythm dur density
    octaves <- genAspect octave 4
      (length durations) 2.0
        (map (Arrow.first fromIntegral) octD)

    pitches <- genAspect pitchClass key
      (length durations) 1.3
        (intervalWeights key  scale)
        (semiChordWeights key chord))
    let fullPitches = ((flip (<:) $ []) <$> (zipWith (#) pitches octaves))
    return $ line
      (zipWith (<|) fullPitches durations)

  -- | Generate a diatonic melody over a given chord progression. This is done by
  --   generating separate phrases that are linked together with a rest in
  --   between. The phraseses are aware of the chord they are over, so that they
  --   will use notes from the current chord with a higher probability.
  diatonicMelody :: GenConfig -> MusicGenerator () MusicCore
  diatonicMelody config =
    let timeline = chordalTimeline (chords config)
      in f timeline 0
    where f [] pos = return $  Rest 0
          f tl pos =
            do density <- lift (fromDistribution (phraseDistribution config))
               len     <- lift $ phraseLength density
               pause   <- lift pauseLength
               phrase <- diatonicPhrase
                 len density
                 (key config)
                 (baseScale config)
                 (fst $ head tl)
                 (octaveDistribution config)
               r <- f (remainder tl (pos + len + pause)) (pos + len + pause)
               return $ phrase :+: (Rest pause) :+: r
                   where remainder []       _ = []
                         remainder [x]      _ = []
                         remainder (x:y:xs) p | p < snd y = (y:xs)
                                              | otherwise = remainder (y:xs) p

  melodyInC :: MusicGenerator () MusicCore
  melodyInC = do
    pitchClass >! (inScale C major)
    options <- (pitchClass?+)
    rhythm  <- boundedRhythm (1 * wn) High
    -- set options and generate pitches
    pitchClass >+ map
          (\(w, v) ->
            if v `elem` (G =| d7 :: [PitchClass])
              then (4 * w, v) else (w, v)) options
    pitches <- (length rhythm) .#. (pitchClass??)
    -- put everything together into a piece of music
    let fullPitches = (flip (<:) $ []) <$> (zipWith (#) pitches (repeat 4))
    let gmaj7 = (toMusicCore . chord .
          map (Note (1 * wn) . (flip (#)) 3)) (G =| d7)
    return $ gmaj7 :=: line (zipWith (<|) fullPitches rhythm)

  randomMelody :: MusicGenerator () MusicCore
  randomMelody = do
    pitches   <- 20 .#. (pitchClass??)
    durations <- 20 .#. (duration??)
    octaves   <- 20 .#. (octave??)
    return (line $ zipWith (<|)
      ((flip (<:) $ []) <$> zipWith (#) pitches octaves)

  -- | Generate a (random) length for a phrase. A higher density will result in
  --   phrases with more notes allowed, in order to enforce that the average
  --   high density phrase will take roughly the same amount of time as the
  --   average low density phrase.
  phraseLength :: Density -> IO Duration
  phraseLength density = do
    aux <- generate $ oneof
      (map (elements . (\x -> [x]))
    return $ aux * qn
      where maxLen =
              case density of
                Low    -> 8
                Medium -> 16
                High   -> 32

  -- | Choose a random rest length
  pauseLength :: IO Duration
  pauseLength = do
    aux <- generate $ oneof
      (map (elements . (\x -> [x]))
    return $ aux * en

  -- | Generate an element from a distribution
  fromDistribution :: [(Int, a)] -> IO a
  fromDistribution dist = do
    sample <- generate $ frequency
      (map (\(x, y) -> (x, elements [y])) dist)
    return sample

  -- | Convert a sequential piece of music to a timeline, containing pairs of
  --   all musical elements in the piece with the point in time they occur on
  chordalTimeline :: Music SemiChord -> [(SemiChord, Duration)]
  chordalTimeline chords = getTimeline (toListM chords) 0

  -- | Convert a list of musical elements and durations to a list
  --   of all elements and the absolute point in time they occur on.
  getTimeline :: [(Maybe a, Duration)] -> Duration -> [(a, Duration)]
  getTimeline []     _ = []
  getTimeline ((x, y):xs) p =
    case x of
      Nothing  -> getTimeline xs (p + y)
      (Just v) -> (v, p):getTimeline xs (p + y)

  -- | Trim a generated rhythm sequence to a certain length.
  trimToLength :: Duration -> [Duration] -> [Duration]
  trimToLength d [] = []
  trimToLength d (x:xs) | d - x <= 0 = [d]
  trimToLength d (x:xs) | otherwise  = x:(trimToLength (d - x) xs)

  -- | Generate a rythm piece with a maximum length.
  boundedRhythm :: Duration -> Density -> MusicGenerator () [Duration]
  boundedRhythm bound density = do
    dur <- (duration??)
    rhythm <- genAspect duration
      dur (round (bound / qn)) 2.0 (densityToDurations density)
    return $ trimToLength bound rhythm

  -- | Concatenates the result of a list of monadic computations that
  --   all yield a list themselves
  concatM :: (Monad m) => [m [a]] -> m [a]
  concatM [] = return []
  concatM (x:xs) = do
    v  <- x
    vs <- concatM xs
    return (v ++ vs)
    TODO: Chord generation
    TODO: pitch attributes
    TODO: time-awareness
    be instantiated to a concrete piece of music