-- | Streaming Fasta handling via the @streaming@ library.
-- The functions in here should be streaming in constant memory.
-- TODO Check if this is actually true with some unit tests.

module Biobase.Fasta.Streaming
  ( module Biobase.Fasta.Streaming
  ) where

import           Control.Lens hiding (Index,Empty, mapped)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT, ResourceT(..), MonadResource)
import           Data.ByteString.Streaming as BSS
import           Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as S8
import           Data.ByteString.Streaming.Internal (ByteString(..))
import           Data.Semigroup as SG
import           Debug.Trace
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits
import           Prelude as P
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Streaming.Internal as SI
import           Streaming as S
import           Streaming.Prelude as SP

import           Biobase.Types.BioSequence
import           Biobase.Types.Index.Type
import           Biobase.Types.Strand

newtype HeaderSize = HeaderSize Int
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

newtype OverlapSize = OverlapSize Int
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

newtype CurrentSize = CurrentSize Int
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | lens into the unique id / first word of the header.

fastaUid  Lens' (SequenceIdentifier w) BS.ByteString
fastaUid = lens getWord updateWord
  where getWord ((BS.words . _sequenceIdentifier)  ws) = case ws of (x:_)  BS.drop 1 x; []  BS.empty
        updateWord (SequenceIdentifier hdr) w = SequenceIdentifier . BS.unwords $ BS.cons '>' w : tail (BS.words hdr)
{-# Inlinable fastaUid #-}

-- | Fully stream a fasta file, making sure to never exceed a constant amount
-- of memory. The @go@ function yields values of type @a@ down the line for
-- continued streaming.
-- @
-- r4 = toList . streamingFasta (HeaderSize 2) (OverlapSize 1) (CurrentSize 2) go . S8.fromStrict $ BS.pack t0
--  where go (Header h) (Overlap o) (Current c) = yield (h,o,c)
-- @

   forall m w ty k r a
  . ( Monad m )
  -- ^ Maximal length of the header. Ok to set to @20 000@, only guards against
  -- an extremely long header line.
  -- ^ How much of the current size to carry over to the next step. Even if set
  -- larger than current size, it will only be at most current size. (But see
  -- todo at 'overlappedFasta')
  -- ^ The size of each window to be processed.
   ByteString m r
  -- ^ A streaming bytestring of Fasta files.
   Stream (Of (BioSequenceWindow w ty k)) m r
  -- ^ The outgoing stream of @Current@ windows being processed.
{-# Inlinable streamingFasta #-}
streamingFasta (HeaderSize hSz) (OverlapSize oSz) (CurrentSize cSz) = go (FindHeader [] 0) where
  -- Find the next FASTA header
  go (FindHeader hdr cnt) = \case
    -- No more data to be had. If There is some part of a header, we will run
    -- the handling function @f@ with empty input. @f@ can decide on how to
    -- handle empty FASTA entries.
    Empty retVal  do
      -- handle case of last empty fasta
      unless (P.null hdr) $ do
        let thisHeader = BS.take hSz . BS.drop 1 . BS.concat $ P.reverse hdr
        yield $ seqWindow thisHeader BS.empty BS.empty 0
      SI.Return retVal
    -- Effects are wrapped up into a 'Stream' effect.
    Go m  SI.Effect $ liftM (go (FindHeader hdr cnt)) m
    -- We have a chunk of bytestring @rawBS@ with more data in the bytestream
    -- @bs@. We work on @b@, not the @rawBS@. In case we have no header parts
    -- yet, all characters preceeding a fasta header symbol ('>' or ';') are
    -- dropped.
    Chunk rawBS bytestream
      -- No newline in the @b@, hence we add the bytestring to the partial
      -- header, and continue scanning. Note that we add only if we are below
      -- the maximal header size @hSz@ to prevent malicious fasta files from
      -- blowing up memory usage.
      | Nothing  mk  if cnt > hSz
                        then go (FindHeader hdr cnt) bytestream
                        else go (FindHeader (b:hdr) (BS.length b + cnt)) bytestream
      -- We have found a newline at @k@. Prepare the full header (up to @hSz@
      -- size) and hand over to @HasHeader@ which processes actual fasta
      -- payload.
      | Just k   mk  let thisHeader = BS.take hSz . BS.drop 1 . BS.concat . P.reverse $ BS.take k b:hdr
                       in  go (HasHeader thisHeader BS.empty [] 0 0)
                              (Chunk (BS.drop (k+1) b) bytestream)
      where b = if P.null hdr then BS.dropWhile (\c  c/='>' && c/=';') rawBS else rawBS
            mk = BS.elemIndex '\n' b
  -- We actually do have a valid header now and process fasta in parts.
  go hasHeader@(HasHeader hdr overlap cs cnt entries) = \case
    -- No more data, process final input and return.
    Empty retVal  do
      when (cnt>0 || entries==0) . yield $ seqWindow hdr BS.empty (BS.concat $ reverse cs) 0
      SI.Return retVal
    -- Effects to be dealt with.
    Go m  SI.Effect $ liftM (go hasHeader) m
    -- We have incoming data ...
    Chunk b bytestream  case newFastaIndex b of
      -- there is no new fasta starting, meaning that we need to process @b@ as
      -- payload. We split at the maximal size we are allowed according to
      -- @cSz@. If we have hit the limit, we run @f@ on this part of the data
      -- and include the overlap as prefix. Otherwise we continue gathering.
      -- Any newlines are removed from the data.
      Nothing  let (this,next) = BS.splitAt (cSz-cnt) $ BS.filter (/= '\n') b
                in  if BS.length this + cnt >= cSz
                    then do let thisFasta = BS.concat $ reverse $ this:cs
                            yield $ seqWindow hdr overlap thisFasta entries
                            go (HasHeader hdr (BS.drop (BS.length thisFasta - oSz) thisFasta) [] 0 (entries+1))
                               (if BS.null next then bytestream else Chunk next bytestream)
                    else go (HasHeader hdr overlap (this:cs) (BS.length this + cnt) entries)
                            (if BS.null next then bytestream else Chunk next bytestream)
      -- We have a new fasta symbol in @b@. We split at the symbol and re-run
      -- the first part (which will end up being the @Nothing@ case) and put
      -- into @Chunk next bytestream@ the beginning of the next fasta entry.
      -- This part will then be handled by the @otherwise@ case here.
      Just new
        | new > 0  let (this,next) = BS.splitAt new b
                    in  go (HasHeader hdr overlap cs cnt entries) $ Chunk this (Chunk next bytestream)
        | otherwise  do let thisFasta = BS.concat $ reverse cs
                         -- we only emit on empty @thisFasta@, if there is
                         -- data, or it is the only (then empty) entry.
                         when (cnt>0 || entries==0) . yield $ seqWindow hdr overlap thisFasta entries
                         go (FindHeader [] 0) $ Chunk b bytestream
  -- Returns the first index (if any) of a new fasta entry symbol.
  newFastaIndex b = getMin <$> (Min <$> BS.elemIndex '>' b) SG.<> (Min <$> BS.elemIndex ';' b)
  -- build up a seq-window
  seqWindow hdr pfx seq entries = BioSequenceWindow
    { _bswIdentifier = SequenceIdentifier hdr
    , _bswPrefix = BioSequence pfx
    , _bswSequence = BioSequence seq
    , _bswSuffix = BioSequence BS.empty
    , _bswStrand = PlusStrand
    , _bswIndex = Index $ entries * cSz

-- | Control structure for 'streamingFasta'.

data FindHeader
  = FindHeader
      { headerParts  [BS.ByteString]
      -- ^ the collected header parts (in reverse order)
      , headerLength  !Int
      -- ^ accumulated header length
  | HasHeader
      { fhHeader  !BS.ByteString
      -- ^ the (size-truncated) header for this fasta file
      , dataOverlap  !BS.ByteString
      -- ^ overlap (if any) from earlier parts of the fasta file
      , dataParts  [BS.ByteString]
      -- ^ collection of dataParts, in reverse order!
      , dataLength  !Int
      -- ^ total length of data parts, simplifies checking if enough data was collected
      , entries  !Int
      -- ^ count how many entries we have seen

t0 = P.unlines
  [ ">Aaaa"
  , "123"
  , ">Bbbb"
  , "4567"
  , ">Cccc"
  , "890"

r4 = toList . streamingFasta (HeaderSize 2) (OverlapSize 1) (CurrentSize 2) . S8.fromStrict $ BS.pack t0

--eachFasta (Header h) (Overlap o) (Current c p) = SP.yield (h,o,c)
eachFasta (Header h) (Overlap o) (Current c p) = SP.yield (BS.length h, BS.length o, BS.length c)

--readFastaFile ∷ FilePath → IO [(BS.ByteString,BS.ByteString,BS.ByteString)]
readFastaFile f = do
  let s = 1000000000000
  r ← runResourceT
          $ SP.mapM_ (liftIO . P.print)
          $ streamingFasta (HeaderSize s) (OverlapSize 0) (CurrentSize s) eachFasta
          $ S8.readFile f
  return r

readFastaFile f = do
  let s = 1000000000000
  r ← runResourceT
          $ SP.mapM_ (liftIO . P.print)
          $ SP.mapped S8.toStrict
          $ S8.split '>'
          $ S8.readFile f
  return r