-- | Abstraction over bio sequences encoded as one-ascii character as one
-- symbol. We phantom-type the exact bio-sequence type and provide type classes
-- that act on known types.
-- Unknown bio sequences should be tagged with @Void@.
-- TODO give (lens) usage examples

module Biobase.Types.BioSequence where

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import           Data.Char (ord,chr,toUpper)
import           Data.Data (Data)
import           Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import           Data.Void
import           GHC.Exts (IsString(..))
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as SP
import qualified Streaming as S
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as TQ
import           Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..))

import           Biobase.Types.Location
import           Biobase.Types.Strand
import qualified Biobase.Types.Index as BTI

-- * Sequence identifiers

newtype SequenceIdentifier (which  k) = SequenceIdentifier { _sequenceIdentifier  ByteString }
  deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
makeWrapped ''SequenceIdentifier
makePrisms ''SequenceIdentifier

instance NFData (SequenceIdentifier w)

instance IsString (SequenceIdentifier w) where
  fromString = SequenceIdentifier . BSU.fromString

-- * Bio-Sequences

data RNA

data DNA

data XNA

data AA

newtype BioSequence (which  k) = BioSequence {_bioSequence  ByteString}
  deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Semigroup)
makeWrapped ''BioSequence
makePrisms ''BioSequence

instance NFData (BioSequence w)

type instance Index (BioSequence w) = Int

type instance IxValue (BioSequence w) = Char

instance Ixed (BioSequence w) where
  ix k = _BioSequence . ix k . iso (chr . fromIntegral) (fromIntegral . ord)
  {-# Inline ix #-}

deriving instance Reversing (BioSequence w)

instance IsString (BioSequence Void) where
  fromString = BioSequence . BS.pack

-- * RNA

-- |
-- TODO write that converts explicitly

mkRNAseq  ByteString  BioSequence RNA
mkRNAseq = BioSequence . BS.map go . BS.map toUpper
  where go x | x `elem` acgu = x
             | otherwise     = 'N'
        acgu  String
        acgu = "ACGU"

instance IsString (BioSequence RNA) where
  fromString = mkRNAseq . BS.pack

instance Arbitrary (BioSequence RNA) where
  arbitrary = do
    k  TQ.choose (0,100)
    xs  TQ.vectorOf k $ TQ.elements "ACGU"
    return . BioSequence $ BS.pack xs
  shrink = view (to shrink)

-- * DNA

mkDNAseq  ByteString  (BioSequence DNA)
mkDNAseq = BioSequence . BS.map go . BS.map toUpper
  where go x | x `elem` acgt = x
             | otherwise     = 'N'
        acgt  String
        acgt = "ACGT"

instance IsString (BioSequence DNA) where
  fromString = mkDNAseq . BS.pack

instance Arbitrary (BioSequence DNA) where
  arbitrary = do
    k  TQ.choose (0,100)
    xs  TQ.vectorOf k $ TQ.elements "ACGT"
    return . BioSequence $ BS.pack xs
  shrink = view (to shrink)

-- * XNA

mkXNAseq  ByteString  (BioSequence XNA)
mkXNAseq = BioSequence . BS.map go . BS.map toUpper
  where go x | x `elem` acgtu = x
             | otherwise      = 'N'
        acgtu  String
        acgtu = "ACGTU"

instance IsString (BioSequence XNA) where
  fromString = mkXNAseq . BS.pack

instance Arbitrary (BioSequence XNA) where
  arbitrary = do
    k  TQ.choose (0,100)
    xs  TQ.vectorOf k $ TQ.elements "ACGTU"
    return . BioSequence $ BS.pack xs
  shrink = view (to shrink)

-- * Amino acid sequences

mkAAseq  ByteString  (BioSequence AA)
mkAAseq = BioSequence . BS.map go . BS.map toUpper
  where go x | x `elem` aas = x
             | otherwise    = 'X'
        aas  String

instance IsString (BioSequence AA) where
  fromString = mkAAseq . BS.pack

instance Arbitrary (BioSequence AA) where
  arbitrary = do
    k  TQ.choose (0,100)
    xs  TQ.vectorOf k $ TQ.elements "ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYVUO"
    return . BioSequence $ BS.pack xs
  shrink = view (to shrink)

-- * A window into a longer sequence with prefix/suffix information.

-- | Phantom-typed over two types, the type @w@ of the identifier, which can be
-- descriptive ("FirstInput") and the second type, identifying what kind of
-- sequence types we are dealing with. Finally, the third type provides
-- location information and should be location or streamed location.

data BioSequenceWindow w ty loc = BioSequenceWindow
  { _bswIdentifier  !(SequenceIdentifier w)
    -- ^ Identifier for this window. Typically some fasta identifier
  , _bswPrefix      !(BioSequence ty)
    -- ^ Any prefix for this sequence
  , _bswSequence    !(BioSequence ty)
    -- ^ The actual sequence, the infix
  , _bswSuffix      !(BioSequence ty)
    -- ^ any suffix
  , _bswLocation    !loc
  deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
makeLenses ''BioSequenceWindow

instance (Reversing loc)  Reversing (BioSequenceWindow w ty loc) where
  {-# Inlinable reversing #-}
  reversing bsw = bsw
                & bswPrefix .~ (bsw^.bswSuffix.reversed)
                & bswSuffix .~ (bsw^.bswPrefix.reversed)
                & bswSequence .~ (bsw^.bswSequence.reversed)
                & bswLocation .~ (bsw^.bswLocation.reversed)

-- | A lens into the full sequence information of a sequence window. One should
-- *NOT* modify the length of the individual sequences.

bswFullSequence  Lens' (BioSequenceWindow w ty k) (BioSequence ty)
{-# Inlinable bswFullSequence #-}
bswFullSequence = lens f t
  where f bsw = bsw^.bswPrefix <> bsw^.bswSequence <> bsw^.bswSuffix
        t bsw (BioSequence s) =
          let (pfx,ifxsfx) = BS.splitAt (bsw^.bswPrefix._BioSequence.to BS.length) s
              (ifx,sfx) = BS.splitAt (bsw^.bswSequence._BioSequence.to BS.length) ifxsfx
          in  bsw & bswPrefix._BioSequence .~ pfx
                  & bswSequence._BioSequence .~ ifx
                  & bswSuffix._BioSequence .~ sfx

-- | For each element, attach the prefix as well.
-- @1 2 3 4@ -> @01 12 23 34@

attachPrefixes  (Monad m)  SP.Stream (SP.Of (BioSequenceWindow w ty k)) m r  SP.Stream (SP.Of (BioSequenceWindow w ty k)) m r
{-# Inlinable attachPrefixes #-}
attachPrefixes  =
  let go (Left pfx) w = Right (set bswPrefix pfx w)
      go (Right p)  w = Right (set bswPrefix (view bswSequence p) w)
  in  SP.map (\(Right w)  w) . SP.drop 1 . SP.scan go (Left $ BioSequence "") id

-- | For each element, attach the suffix as well.
-- @1 2 3 4@ -> @12 23 34 40@

attachSuffixes  (Monad m)  SP.Stream (SP.Of (BioSequenceWindow w ty k)) m r  SP.Stream (SP.Of (BioSequenceWindow w ty k)) m r
{-# Inlinable attachSuffixes #-}
attachSuffixes xs = undefined

-- * DNA/RNA

-- | Simple case translation from @U@ to @T@. with upper and lower-case
-- awareness.

rna2dna  Char  Char
rna2dna = \case
  'U'  'T'
  'u'  't'
  x    x
{-# Inline rna2dna #-}

-- | Single character RNA complement.

rnaComplement  Char  Char
rnaComplement = \case
  'A'  'U'
  'a'  'u'
  'C'  'G'
  'c'  'g'
  'G'  'C'
  'g'  'c'
  'U'  'A'
  'u'  'a'
  x    x
{-# Inline rnaComplement #-}

-- | Simple case translation from @T@ to @U@ with upper- and lower-case
-- awareness.

dna2rna  Char  Char
dna2rna = \case
  'T'  'U'
  't'  'u'
  x    x
{-# Inline dna2rna #-}

-- | Single character DNA complement.

dnaComplement  Char  Char
dnaComplement = \case
  'A'  'T'
  'a'  't'
  'C'  'G'
  'c'  'g'
  'G'  'C'
  'g'  'c'
  'T'  'A'
  't'  'a'
  x    x
{-# Inline dnaComplement #-}

-- | Transcribes a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence. Note that 'transcribe' is
-- actually very generic. We just define its semantics to be that of
-- biomolecular transcription.
-- 'transcribe' makes the assumption that, given @DNA -> RNA@, we transcribe
-- the coding strand.
-- <http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Organic/transcription.html>
-- @@ DNAseq "ACGT" ^. transcribe == RNAseq "ACGU" RNAseq "ACGU" ^. transcribe
-- == DNAseq "ACGT" RNAseq "ACGU" ^. from transcribe :: DNAseq == DNAseq "ACGT"
-- @@

class Transcribe f where
  type TranscribeTo f  *
  transcribe  Iso' f (TranscribeTo f)

-- | Transcribe a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence. This does not @reverse@
-- the sequence!

instance Transcribe (BioSequence DNA) where
  type TranscribeTo (BioSequence DNA) = (BioSequence RNA)
  transcribe = iso (over _BioSequence (BS.map dna2rna)) (over _BioSequence (BS.map rna2dna))
  {-# Inline transcribe #-}

-- | Transcribe a RNA sequence into an DNA sequence. This does not @reverse@
-- the sequence!

instance Transcribe (BioSequence RNA) where
  type TranscribeTo (BioSequence RNA) = (BioSequence DNA)
  transcribe = from transcribe
  {-# Inline transcribe #-}

-- | The complement of a biosequence.

class Complement f where
  complement  Iso' f f

instance Complement (BioSequence DNA) where
  {-# Inline complement #-}
  complement = let f = (over _BioSequence (BS.map dnaComplement))
                   {-# Inline f #-}
               in  iso f f

instance Complement (BioSequence RNA) where
  {-# Inline complement #-}
  complement = let f = (over _BioSequence (BS.map rnaComplement))
                   {-# Inline f #-}
               in  iso f f

instance (Complement (BioSequence ty))  Complement (BioSequenceWindow w ty k) where
  {-# Inline complement #-}
  complement = let g = view complement
                   f = (\w  over bswSuffix g . over bswPrefix g . over bswSequence g $ w)
                   {-# Inline g #-}
                   {-# Inline f #-}
               in  iso f f

reverseComplement  (Complement f, Reversing f)  Iso' f f
{-# Inline reverseComplement #-}
reverseComplement = reversed . complement